Tang Dynasty

Chapter 113: Lightly (on


Zhou Huaian's worries and backup methods, after all, did not have the opportunity to come in handy; because it seemed that the role of these anti-water captives would soon be effective.

It didn't take long for them to enter, and there was a large number of people who rushed out with knives and guns. Although they seemed to be very powerful, their attitude and formation were actually relatively disorganized. It is very; obviously it means a certain kind of armed deterrence, more than the fighting will of direct encounters with swordsmen.

I don't know what those anti-water guys have played in addition to the established rhetoric, so that the other party reacted so quickly. However, the men and horses who stayed next to Huai'an in the mountains last week were still sitting in the bushes to arrange their equipment and outfits. Apart from drinking and eating, there was no movement or repercussions; they were just watching this one in silence. The gradually elongated team goes away;

After looking at the reflection on the solar corona after a long wait, I finally heard fierce screams and fighting, and began to faintly come from behind the mountain; and at this time, Zhou Huaian You don’t even need to be distracted to give specific commands, or to boost morale or something;

After all, under the leadership of Laoguan and Cheng Dajiao, most of the people in charge of the ambush are experienced personnel who have participated in several battles; they are also mentally unintentional, prepared for unprepared and unprepared ambushes that occupy geographical advantages. ; If you can't play well or get the upper hand under your own play, you can only find a tree with a crooked neck and hang yourself.

And Zhou Huaian has more important tasks and needs to lead the team here. It is to guard against reinforcements that may rush out from the port city and fishing village, and to combat and destroy the possibility of confluence and response to each other. Because according to previous prisoners' confession, there are at least thousands of naval officers and soldiers in this port city, and a varying number of subordinate groups exist.

A moment ago, at the other end of the nameless mountain;

Squatting in the grass and enduring the bite of insects and the dew soaking his back, the new pawn in the team, only felt that the palms holding the hammer handles were sweaty, always a little not proper and sure enough; but when he finally saw those followers down the mountain After the running and loose formation of officers and soldiers, it seemed as if a handful of cold water was poured into his heart, and he calmed down suddenly and only one thought was left.

He was a good stonemason, because he was as silent as a stone as powerful as an ox since he was a child, and he got the name from the master who picked him up.

The woman who jumped into the river before was standing near him and went down and fished it with his own hands; although the person who had fished seemed to have some aura, she has become dull and silly, like a walking corpse; because it is said to be because Because of the punishment by the officials and the army, there is no one in her family now. Even if she can go back to such a lonely and helpless woman, most of them will inevitably die.

It reminds him of his elder sister next door, who is a good diligent and strong woman, because she often sews and washes clothes for him, and is also the object of his love since he was a child, but because of him, she has always been silent and clumsy. Don't dare to put it into words; even after marrying someone, he is still enthusiastic and often helps his neighbors.

In a sense, this sister and mother's eldest sister is also the best woman in Shi Niu's eyes; but the unpredictable fate of the world finally fell on this diligent and kind-hearted woman; first it was her. Her husband was arrested and sent for service not long after the marriage. Since then, there has been no news. The rest of the day will depend on her to serve her parents-in-law and the family.

Although I have heard her crying in private, I don’t know how many times, but the strong smile in front of others has never disappeared from her face; in turn, she will drive away and scare away those who gather outside her house to make troubles. After splashing the skin, he sent him a sweat towel with stitches as a gift the next day. ++

Therefore, sometimes Shi Niu will be a little selfish, maybe it’s good to keep it forever, and then fall into a deep sense of guilt and self-confession; the eldest sister is such a good person, she actually paid Cursing people to be separated privately is really an ignorant bad thing.

In the midst of this kind of ups and downs and a little bit of joy, he kept tormenting himself and poured all his strength and sweat on the stone tablets made for the village's high grandfather's house. But just like the unpredictable mind of the heavens, the misfortune flying in is still unwilling to let this poor and self-improving woman go.

The officers and soldiers who came to suppress the thief crossed the border and asked the place to provide money, food and meals. They also needed people to go to the army to lose their jobs. So the public servants who accompanied them not only used a few ropes to pull the young people away from the village, but also women I didn't let it go, saying that I was going to do some sewing and washing chores for the officers and soldiers.

As a result, there is no eldest sister who can apply for a man in the family, and she is among the first names of women who have been selected.

"Maverick... Sister is afraid that she won't be back soon."

This is the last words that the eldest sister left for him before leaving.

"You still find a woman to start a family, don't wait any longer..."

"It's really not worth it..."

But her words didn’t come true and eventually came back soon, just in another horrible form; because what was finally brought back was only the corpse that had been ruined, almost the rebels could not see that they were once a woman. As for the women who have not yet returned, one can imagine what miserable things are still experiencing.

Then, Muramasa also said in a categorical manner that this was all because this woman did not know how to promote, and offended the officers and soldiers who were born and killed for the imperial court. That is why not only did the promised immunity be gone, but also It is necessary to investigate the guilt and involvement of her family; the result is that the two old men are forced to hang up at home after crying with their headaches in the middle of the night.

In the end, the honest man who suddenly broke out in the silence also showed a frightening side; in the end he sold the household items to eat cheaply and replaced it with dry food, and stayed at the intersection outside the village for five days and five nights. After the grandson of the tortoise riding a donkey in Muramasa appeared alone, he violently broke the other's donkey's head with a hammer, and then caught up with him and used a sledgehammer to break his whole body's bones one after another, breaking it into pieces. The eldest sister who was deceived to death avenged her and vented her anger.

After doing this kind of thing, he couldn't stay in the village anymore; he wanted to hide in the mountains to see if he could escape the wind, and then go to the other village to find a living; but he didn't expect to be hungry and faint because of lack of preparation. On the road, the rebels who passed by by accident and beat Zhuangzi to give food brought back a life.

So he also put aside his lifelong mason craftsmanship, and turned the big and small hammers and gouges used to smash and chisel stones into deadly weapons used to knock people’s heads; he single-mindedly said here to seek justice for the poor. , Among the rebels who broke out a way to survive, threw their lives.

Of course, although it is said that Shi Niu is a new pawn in the team, he has actually gone into battle several times; it is just that as one of the first migrants, he rushed through the village several times in the crowd. And the wall

Because of his great strength, not only was there no death or injury under the walls that resembled a ghost gate, but also two or three soldiers or Zhuang Ding’s hands and feet were broken with a hammer; Jia Shi, can't wait to stand out from the displaced people, was selected into the rebel garrison, and since then became an unarmored standby soldier, and can be regarded as avenging the deadly elder sister to the official dogs.

And he also felt the unusualness of this rebel army. Their rules and regulations are also very comprehensive. Most of them can take care of everything from eating, sleeping, daily exercises and training; therefore, they usually do things specifically. The goal is clear and even structured, and it is simply a world apart from the rumored thieves who can only kill and plunder.

Especially in the camp he was in, even the big eateries had special procedures and steps instead of looting people indiscriminately. Watching these high-ranking nobles in the past are concocted to die and alive. , The miserable appearance of having to spit out the last bit of wealth; besides the relief of the heart, it is also breathtaking. It turns out that the rumored anti-thief can also do this.

It was just the sound of the long fire, and once again, from the memories of the past, the officers and rebels at the foot of the mountain were walking very close. And because of the familiar roads they had traveled many times at this time, it seemed that although they had barely maintained the formation and sent out an outpost, they also seemed to have done nothing.

The location they ambush is actually not too good. There are not many grass trees on the edge of the mountain that can be used as shelter, but it is the location guided and provided by the villagers who often go up the mountain to get firewood; it happens to avoid the bottom of the mountain. From the perspective of looking up, there are gravel nearby that can be collected and piled up for spare use. As long as it is covered with newly cut branches and branches, there will be no clues in the vicinity for a short time.

Moreover, these official dogs are really negligent. Except for the majestic knives and guns in their hands, they don’t carry anything else; even the armor and gowns on their bodies are worn crookedly and hurriedly, even showing A bright woman's skirt comes.

Therefore, the first thing to do is the archers concealed in the rocks and bushes on both sides of the hillside; thousands of arrows are radiated out, like swarms of locusts that have been raised from the grass in the summer. The group was general, and the crowd flew into the middle of the most dense group, and suddenly there was a splash of blood and a figure that fell to the ground.

Then came the rocks that rolled down along the hillside. Although most of them deviated from the route and direction involuntarily during the tumbling, some of them happened to smash into the soldiers who could not dodge, and immediately smashed a piece of bone and flesh. Bloody mess. (End of this chapter)