Tang Dynasty

Chapter 114: Lightly (in


The fierce whistle and the sharp flute sound, and the arrows flying like rain, the roars and clamours, the flags waving all over the mountain; suddenly the officers and soldiers who had been hit hard fell into a short period of time. In the confusion and confusion;

It wasn't until I saw the crowds rushing down on the hillside that they rushed toward the dozens of flags standing on their own, as if waking up from a dream, one after another moved closer and gathered.

Then the arrows that were shot again on the hillside re-adjusted their direction and fell into the crowd represented by these flags; but what is surprising is that the casualties caused by this are not even as good as before; because of these The gathered officers and soldiers have spontaneously used various objects or hiding places that can be found around them, and even the injured and dying bodies of their companions, and most of the arrows have been blocked.

Just at this moment, the stone cow, who ran in front of the crowd with two round-headed bamboo-handled sledgehammers, also ran into a few lone officers and soldiers head-on; the opponent’s fiercely distorted expression prevented him from sending off his feet. There was a soft pause, but the five heads around him rushed to the front, and threw down one of the fiercest officers and soldiers on his back, pressing the opponent with swords and guns and scrambling to the ground.

This was like waking up from a dream and hurriedly waved the sledgehammer in his hand, and stopped another officer who rushed to slash; in the dull sound of the hammer and the opponent's horizontal knife, the opponent's blade also slashed. He involuntarily missed his hand and moved to the other side, and was struck hard by Shi Niu with his shoulder, hitting the chest and abdomen with the middle door wide open, Gulu spit out a mouthful of blood and fell on his back to the ground, but he couldn't struggle for a while. .

Then he exhaled again and picked up the sledgehammer, turned and knocked on the upper body of the brave officer who had turned over and suppressed the five heads. Although the opponent tried to dodge, he was still dragged by the five heads under him; and the left half was incurred. The sledgehammer that edged the stone cow on his shoulder fell into the depression;

The opponent suddenly screamed and lost all strength and resistance, and the five heads held down by the body used a short knife, stabbed several times to overthrow it; and then bent forward and chopped at the other person who came next to him. The officers and soldiers stepped on the boots, and immediately dragged him to the ground; but after saving the stone cow who was too late to turn back, he shouted at him with a rough breath.

"What the hell... I want to kill you..."

Shi Niu showed a simple smile at this time, and quickly swung his head forward with the hammer. Another officer and soldier smashed the spear that had crossed over. He immediately smashed it into two pieces, and knocked it unabated. The opponent crouched forward on his knees, and saw the red and white splashing under the hammer and wailing and fell to the ground since then.

At this moment, he thought of the lame veteran who had trained them at the beginning. He used heavier guys like mallets and hammers. In fact, don't deliberately knock on the head and other important points. Just choose the most obvious position of the target. ; As long as you can hit the opponent and rarely get blocked, it is the result of either death or injury.

Therefore, usually as long as the hand is stable enough and accurate enough; and if a blow is not correct, you should stagger a certain distance in time to serve as a buffer for breathing back and re-adjust the momentum; otherwise, the force is too strong and the empty door is opened. Staying in place will only let yourself be killed by the opponent's counterattack.

Therefore, in the eyes of this courageous stone bull, they are regarded as one by one, slow and running stone statues. If they break their hands and feet, they can only fall to the ground and all kinds of powerless resistance. And struggling with pain.

It’s just that their offensive was finally blocked by a small group of back-to-back officers and soldiers; they leaned against each other and got knives and guns like a hedgehog, and the volunteer soldiers around the surroundings rushed past. The opponent's alternate cover with the long hands was poked to the ground, and a pool of blood came out.

"Quickly get out of the way and let the pole team come..."

At this moment, a sound suddenly exploded, and the bewildered stone cow turned his head and saw it. A group of jerk and jerk soldiers with long and short spears and fork handles in linen armor rushed forward with a trot; this time they The horizontal formation was forced to come forward, and the officers and soldiers who gathered together seemed to have encountered the nemesis;

With the sound of the flute blasting from behind, and the uniforms were so neat that their soldiers spurred forward, the officers and soldiers who were desperately wielding weapons of different lengths, there will always be a few people who failed to guard against the spears. The pointed head was suddenly poked into a bloody hole in his body, and he fell to the ground with a loud scream.

Then, someone couldn’t bear to rush and rushed out, trying to chop and disperse these side-by-side pole teams, but they were dragged to the ground laterally by the hooks on the side, and the other rebels swung their swords and axes. Suddenly the account was made on the spot.

After several rounds of jabs and stabs by these pole-hands, there were few officers and soldiers in the group that could stand up, and the rest of them rushed away and fled.

Then, those crossbowmen who had been resting for a long time began to join the battlefield with the sound of whistle. Under the cover of the pole team, they began to approach the groups of officers and soldiers who were stubbornly resisting. Then they used a series of concentrated shots to fill the entire body of the officers who were in charge of holding the flag or the leader. Placed on the ground point by point in pieces.

But in the distance, there was again a sound of fighting and noise. However, in the divided battlefield, a small army of officers actually marched in due to its unpreparedness. Those who are in charge of the formation and cover and the soldiers in front of the charge have some weak points of disconnection. It is about to protrude from the other end of the encirclement and ambush.

. . . Separator. . .

"It looks like the battle is over;"

After listening to the snail horns of different lengths from the other side of the mountain, Zhou Huaian muttered silently in his heart, so that there would be more energy to spare.

Although the last trick was inadequate, there was still a small group of enemies who took advantage of the weakness and slack of the soldiers who were in charge of blocking the road, and broke through the encirclement and ran back. At this time, Zhou Huaian stayed with him. As the reserve team and mobile force, the half-colonies and the directly-affiliated teams can come in handy, and become the last insurance measure to intercept the escaped enemy.

They were ready to take off with their flaws. They rushed down the hill like a tiger coming out of the gorge, and like a tiger entering a flock, they cut off the fleeing enemies, rushed, kicked, and flew up. The culling was everywhere.

In this way, the officers and soldiers in the port cities and fishing villages will probably have about 300 or 400 remaining, and they are completely within the defense of the strong attack that his men and horses can easily bear.

However, looking back at the crowd who were happily cleaning the battlefield, and scraping all the things that can be used on the corpse in every detail, Zhou Huaian couldn't help but sigh. Fortunately, as a specially selected battle team, even after the battle, it can still be assembled on one side in accordance with the constraints of the rules and responsible for guarding and taking turns to rest.

The performance of these garrisons was a bit uneven. After the war, they were lying on the sidelines, sitting and lying like corpses everywhere, and they were always reluctant to stand up no matter how they called them. They were obviously in the most basic body. In terms of quality, they still can't afford greater intensity and longer battles.

It was not so obvious when I was fighting those Tuzhai and Weizi, facing the same lack of equipment and training such as Zhuangding, Tu Tuan, etc.; but in the field without cover, I encountered a little tougher. Or a well-trained officer and army, it is unavoidable to show timidity.

For example, when they were hiding in the mountains and shooting arrows, they probably persisted for more than a dozen rounds unevenly. They did not wait for the order to stop and rest and ate a lot of lashes; then, their performance in the battlefield was also problematic. .

At the beginning of the rush, the basic formation and order were scattered, and there was no sense of mutual cover; basically, if it continued to be unable to take it, it would start to fall into the wind with a guilty conscience and shortness of breath, and rely on the nearby battle team to save the field. And support

After all, he had managed to raise the criteria for the selection of the garrison team at the beginning to barely raise the level of physical disability, severe malnutrition and various diseases, not too many parasites in the body, etc.; in short, it was based on this miserable age. The standard can be called the degree of a strong man. As for other needs, we can only wait for the follow-up time to slowly make up.

I just came down, before the fishing village and the port city had any reaction, I made persistent efforts and continued to wave him on;

"There is nothing left..."

Then he faced the direct team led by Xu Si next to him.

"Looking back, I've just gotten alive now..."

Team leader Xu Si grinned quite relaxedly.

"Those remaining official dogs can't kill at all..."

"That's good... Change clothes quickly"

Zhou Huaian nodded and said.

"When the brigade pulls over, we have to catch up with the next game..."

. . . Separator. . .

After a short period of time, I was guarding the officer's post in front of the gate of Dayu Village, and I saw smoke and dust rushing from a distance; then I saw the smoke and dust that looked like abandoned helmets and armor were dragging flags, covered with gray heads and faces. And the unidentified officers and army colleagues;

They almost exhausted all their energy and ran away, as if something terrible was chasing behind them; so that their helmets, hats, turbans were all scattered and lost, and there were boots and shoes. It's gone, only a barefoot limping on the ground.

This hurried and anxious atmosphere even infected and affected the officers and guards who remained at the entrance of the village, causing them to run out of their garrison positions, leaning out of the mud wall and wooden guard tower in a mess. Come; those who are busy must stop these colleagues who are running back.

However, the officer-junior small school who led the way to respond was pushed away by the person dressed as an officer in front of him, and rushed in without stopping, and then he gave the officer and army who was pushing by the door, one person. With a loud slap, he shouted to the left and right:

"Dogs who don't know how to count are so shocked..."

"Hurry up and let us in..."

"The thief at the back is really fighting..."

"Hurry up and ask someone to put on the wall for defense..."

Then, I saw that the officer who had fled back had led people to rush to the wall between the moments of hesitation and confusion, and brutally pushed and drove the soldiers on the outposts, cursing and chasing them away;

At this time, someone finally remembered something wrong; why this general officer shouted a mouthful of Central Plains Mandarin, and those who had been killed before weren't the water camps of the Zhangzhou Army under the Fuzhou Economic Commissioner? Yelled immediately

"No, the impersonator who came back..."

Then with this abrupt yell, it was like a prelude to the opening and a signal; most of the officers and soldiers inside and outside the Zhaimen were in a daze, and suddenly there was blood and screams blooming on the wall. , And many corpses and dying struggling people fell. (End of this chapter)