Tang Dynasty

Chapter 115: Lightly (below


Standing inside the gate, which is especially bloody.

"It's worthy of a courageous old man..."

Zhou Huaian faced the fraudulent officer in front of the successful deception.

"It's also quite good to deal with the occasion..."

Although in the process, there were some deficiencies in the end because of the accent, the other party found out the clues, but the final goal and result were achieved.

"Thank you Guantou for the compliment..."

The man smiled honestly

"It's just that I have been in official service before..."

"I was driven to wait in front of the horse, and I also learned a bit of the master's style."


Zhou Huaian couldn't help being surprised

"But I don't know what to call, so what can I say"

"Returning to the head, the subordinate's surname is Lin, with a single inscription..."

The man still introduced himself respectfully.

"The ancestors were from Lijizhou in Liaodong, but they were coerced by the Ping Lu army in the family in the early years..."

"Migrating across the sea to the Qingzhou boundary was used as military service, and there have been two more generations..."

"It's just that the daily livelihood is very difficult, and there are also starvation deaths at home..."

"So in the middle of the transfer to Yizhou, after being broken by the Yellow King's soldiers, he switched to the rebels to seek a living."

According to him, the reason for these old officers and soldiers to surrender is also very simple; although the generals of the officers and soldiers are extremely extravagant and want to indulge in indulgence, and the generals can be the majestic people, but they are the most powerful people. The soldiers at the bottom may not be able to live better; it is commonplace to bully, beat, and scold at the high levels, and the daily clothing and consumption are also deducted and delayed. It is normal to lose money from the bottom up. Nevertheless

It often takes hard work to improve their lives; even if they follow the officer to rob and ravage the people, they are often nothing more than a little leftover left by others; and even among the court officials, there are three or sixty-nine. Different treatment

It seems that the best treatment is undoubtedly the eight towns in the Guannei represented by the Shence Army, as well as the members of the tooth soldiers and pro-military soldiers in the various feudal towns. They even have fields and properties under their own names. , Like a private slave under the name of an officer and army, driven by military commanders at all levels, they are doing the hardest and most cheapest work; or simply catching Ding Lav halfway through to make up the existence, yes Those who have been fugitives are very dramatic; even if they are defeated and captured, it is easier to accept a change in identity than those who are genuine officials or guards.

Especially since the feudal domination and the imperial authority declined, after various changes in the coaches, political struggles, and forces invaded, the problem of dissatisfaction and rewards of specific military treatments has been extended. It is also common to cause one after another infighting and disturbances, and even become from time to time. Organized purge-style massacres, or collective mutiny that killed the coach in order to force the court to accept the status quo, have always been seen in history.

For example, a few months ago, the remnants of the Yindao Party in Hedong, the Xingzhou soldiers were slaughtered for their wages a few months ago, and the changes in eastern Zhejiang where Wang Ying broke several states in Langshan Township the year before; all were detained by local officers and soldiers. A series of incidents caused by the intensification of conflicts between clothing and food and chief officials. Some of them were lucky enough to get out or, after the incident, they were angry and joined the rioting peasant army nearby to fight against the former government;

Therefore, it is true that many of the former officers and soldiers who surrendered or defeated the reorganization of the Rebel Army. However, in this newly-built Stormrage Camp, and even the rear camp under Zhou Huai'an, it seems relatively rare and rare. And the deputy Lin Ming of this team was actually among the group of people assigned to the Stormrage Camp by the military government, and because of the priority order of recovering and returning to the team after being injured, the tribe was transferred to Zhou Huai'an by mistake.

As for the previous tactics and methods used to lure the enemy, they are nothing new to these rebel veterans. According to the memories and statements of Lao Guan who came to reunite with the brigade, in fact, the rebels were not so powerful in their early years, and there is no shortage of tactics. And fraudulent means, and the local officials and soldiers played round and round, this is gradually growing. The Qingzhou Unity Soldier, where Lin Ming, the deputy of the team, originally belonged, was also mobilized and defeated halfway because of the original plan of bluffing and besieging the city.

However, as the army of the rebels grew stronger and weaker, there were many deficiencies, and the success of the strategy was also weakened by the officers and soldiers who became shrewd and vigilant; so this method of planning and using strategies It uses less, and becomes a frontal battle where the crowds of ants join forces to attack and kill the past decisive victory.

Of course, for Zhou Huaian, this kind of result is actually not difficult to understand and accept; no matter how good and thorough the plan and calculation, it also needs enough staff to execute it; otherwise the more the plan, the more complicated it is. It means that the more variables and vulnerabilities, we can only rely on man-made factors to make up for and respond to them.

And this time, the serial fraud tactics, including ambushes and stealing doors, are the best proof; if there is not a team of hands that are powerful enough and prohibited to execute it, it is really impossible to play with just mouth and gun. In this way, although most of the fishing villages have been defeated, and fighting and resistance are still taking place in the port city, the result of one-sidedness is basically no surprise. According to him

As a result of successfully seizing the entrance and exit, there was the help and guidance of the previous internal response; many officers and soldiers or soil groups that were alarmed were killed or captured before they could gather; and some were obviously water. The officers and soldiers of the military order did not have time to get on the boat to raise the sails and release the mooring. Most of them were blocked by the trestle bridge on the shore, and were besieged and killed in turn.

In ancient times, sailing boats wanted to sail offshore, which required a considerable amount of manpower to work together. Therefore, even if some slippery fish escaped to the ship, it was impossible to start these ships independently for a while. They got up, but they could only hide in various cabins in despair, and were searched and killed one by one by the rebels who subsequently boarded the ship.

In the end, only a very small number of people who saw the opportunity quickly grabbed smaller fishing boats and sampans, and were able to get out of the range of bows and arrows on the shore before the rebels arrived. (End of this chapter)