Tang Dynasty

Chapter 118: Chou Kou II


In the rocky beach, the sound of violent fighting recurred.

Officially worshipping Huainan Town, Qin Chou, the general of the Qingning Army, also wielded a pair of long and short swords standing full of plasma, exhaled heavily and let out a roar, and once again forced back the grass thief wearing Li in front of him, taking the opportunity to gasp fiercely. It took a few breaths; although he has been known for his goodness and courage since he became an adult and has been fighting for a long time, but after several fierce battles here, it is not small;

In particular, although most of the previous sneak attacks by crossbow arrows were blocked, it was still hit in the knee. Although it was not deep, it also injured his hamstring. So the old left foot was getting worse. Yu was ready, so he had to temporarily give up the heavy and laborious long-handled silver-backed broadsword, and picked up a pair of standard long and short swords that were not very good at hand.

Before, I saw more and more grass thieves besieging outside, and their aura became more arrogant and fierce; they continue to be stranded here, obviously it is already more ill-advised, those guards who have followed them for many years are inevitable. Some mood is depressed and low;

It can be said that Qin Chou's life is quite rich. Because he has such courage since he was a child, and following his more flexible-minded brother, he has gone through thieves, robbing the aisles, selling forbidden goods, killing officials and even breaking the county town; but his fate makes him go around. Turned around and came back, and finally became a member of the official army again due to circumstances;

As a result, there are not half a hundred heads but dozens of them; therefore, although the rank in the army is not very high, it is also one of the leaders of the Lord’s close squad, the son of the eldest son of Heaven. The brothers are worshipped as the lord of the Hezhou governor who holds the right hand of the Lord;

That's why this time he was able to hold his body dignified, and the deeds he had received from this mission were to make a good face in the envoy Gao Ling, but didn't want to be trapped here. Seeing that the grass thieves from the Weilong came to gather more and more, even the leading banner had already come in person;

Therefore, he must break the game in a short time from the inside, or find a way out for himself. For example, the two small boats hiding on the beach are the last moment to protect himself as a last resort.

Just thinking of the things on the big ship, he was a little bit reconciled at once. He was obviously short of the last one or two days, but because of the people who came to ask for help broke things; should he just make the grass thieves for nothing? ; For this reason, he specifically confessed to the manpower to go down, and if something is difficult, he would think about it and further destroy or burn the ship.

However, he still underestimates that the leader of the opponent is also a very sharp master. Before he can completely arrange the correspondence, he can't wait to use the rocket to shoot the buildings he occupies, and just hit it. It was at the crux of what he had to deal with.

These wooden buildings built hastily in the rocky beach, although they are half dry and half wet due to moisture, they will not be able to burn for a while after the arrow is dropped, but the smoke from this is another one. A bigger threat; moreover, he doesn't have that many people to split up to fight the fire.

Therefore, before being scorched by the smoke that gradually dissipated, and further weakened morale and combat power, he could only lead the team to attack first, and seek a slow cheek for a moment. However, after these few rushes and confrontations, he I found that all of my troops were rushing from the left to the right, faintly trapped in the surrounding of the other side.

However, Qin Chou couldn't help showing a cruel and resolute look. Isn't this the result of his wanting to put another death to the next life; he glanced at the flags that were clustered not far away and measured the last distance. After that, there was a sudden cry.

Suddenly, the officers and soldiers who were fighting around with the grass bandits to avoid the bows and arrows gathered together like a conditioned reflex, and once again gathered around him into a dense pointed battle. Array.

After another moment, after paying the price of more than 20 people falling, Qin Chou couldn't help but smile contemptuously after killing off the queue of grass thieves in front of him. These mud-legs are still as good and bad as ever. If you are dull, you don’t even have the courage and courage to shoot arrows indiscriminately on your own head, so you can easily rush forward;

After seeing a dozen more people fall, behind those worried and frightened faces desperately blocking them, the grass thief's angry green flag was less than ten steps away; Qin Chou felt a little strange in his heart. The warning sign came as if he encountered a dangerous situation in the face of a trapped beast when he was out hunting, but the whole body hair that made him accumulate rather exhausted was suddenly treed.

Because the other party didn't panic or retreat, nor did it shake or be put away to save, but it still stood firmly there, completely different from the grass thieves' style and behavior that they had only used before.

However, they have already rushed here, they are already on the string and have to send them, and once again erupted with sky-shaking roars and shouts, and under the leadership of Qin Chou, they did not hesitate to fight for their lives with injuries. I knocked down all the obstacles in front of me, and slammed straight into it.

At this time, under the banner of the Grass Thief, which was covered by the multi-faceted shield, finally had new movements and changes. Suddenly, these big shields were thrown out head-on, and suddenly they knocked down and overturned many of the officers and soldiers rushing forward, exposing a row of dense crossbowmen crouching behind.

"Good thief, just waiting for you..."

I saw a grass thief with a full-body top helmet and daggers, who looked extremely well-protected and shouted at him. In that moment, arrows flew like a rain to cover their entire field of vision.

And when all the time rewinded back to the moment before he suddenly approached, under the banner of Houying.

In the face of the general counterattack of the remaining officers and soldiers, Zhou Huaian also habitually activated the scanning ability again, but discovered a strange thing during the induction; the strong vital signs that he originally marked were again prominent. Appeared among the officers and soldiers, but in the normal field of vision, there was no image that matched it.

Could it be that my scanning ability is the same, but such a marked target that is exuding strong biological signs like a torch does not seem to be the result of a fake at all.

"Just waiting for you,"

With the roar of Xu Si standing under the banner,

Not far away, under the close cover and cover of a group of players, watching the apprentices holding a hard crossbow from the back row, they are constantly radiating and harvesting the lives of the officers and soldiers who rushed over, but the heart is extremely calm and forest cold.

This is a Tiedan crossbow specially modified by him. Within a distance of ten or twenty steps, most armor suits can't withstand it at all. Only a scream, anger, and yelling, the whole body is filled with arrows. The officers and soldiers of, like onions being peeled apart by the petals of the petals, collapsed one after another in the battle formation, and disappeared and sunken in the front part, and finally turned into an uproar and collapsed.

But in Zhou Huaian’s marked vision, that strong life sign did not disappear, but became weak and dim, and he hurriedly ordered.

"Hurry up and make up the knife..."

Following his instructions, the rebel soldiers who rushed forward, just raised the piercing spear, were suddenly overturned and knocked to the ground by an explosive force amid the screams of blood splashing;

But among the dead officers and soldiers that fell into a pile like a porcupine, suddenly collapsed and leapt out of a tower-like black shadow, but it was a man who looked extraordinarily strong and almost had to support his robe. Broken "officers and soldiers", with double knives in their hands and wrongly dancing like a falcon pounced,

At this moment, Zhou Huai'an suddenly felt icy and clear in his heart. The other party actually changed into the ochre robes of ordinary officers and soldiers, and was mixed in the crowd, constantly approaching here, with a surgical decapitation of what he wanted to do.

At this time, most of the powerful crossbows that had just been fired were still loading, and the danger of life and death seemed to be in front of Zhou Huaian again. (End of this chapter)