Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1196: Chapter of Spoiling the Sky Algae Rotten Clouds (Continued)


Just when Zhou Huai’an routinely stopped at Jinci for a fasting and sacrificial rites, as well as a tour, this place has not been inherited from the ancient times by the sorghum river chariot god, one of the brothers of Zhou Wu Wang (Feudal Land) Uncle (generation) Yu, who is also recognized as the ancestral temple where the founding ancestor and justice of Li Tang was located, was directly converted into the original appearance of the historic site dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

Compared with the ancestral temple but the second only to the Taimiao, under the layout of five in seven horizontally, three-span and four-fold in the vertical direction, among the shrines and temples with successive green ridges and temples, there are many green cypresses such as caps and ancient trees; A large pool of lotus during the traverse period covers the sky and shades the sun. In the red and green dots of wind moving leaves and buds nodding, there is a kind of comfort and comfort that makes people calm and cool.

After passing through several gates and archways along the road by Chibo, the "Jinci Inscription" written by Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty stands in the tower-style stele pavilion at the end of the pond (also known as Zhenguan Baohan Pavilion). ). The stele is inscribed on the martial arts of the Tang Dynasty after Liguo and praises the strategy of governing the country at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty. The names of the seven heroes such as Changsun Wuji are also inscribed. It is known as a masterpiece of running script, second only to Wang Xizhi's "Lanting Preface".

After passing the stele pavilion and the drum pavilion on the left and right, there is another large pond of "fish marsh flying beam" (cross-shaped bridge built on the square pond), which connects the Tang Shuyu Temple and Haotian (God) Temple in the east and west. Connect. It was just because of the war that the pond, whether it was the long pond outside or the fish swimming in the square pond, had long been caught, and only the green water was left.

In addition to these main buildings, there are reading tables, Liubei Pavilion, Yongxue Pavilion, and Renzhixuan built by prominent eunuchs and relatives of the past dynasties. On the Xuanwu Mountain to the north of Jinci, there are two spring pavilions that are difficult for old age and good for benefit, which are the source of water flow for Jinci’s pools. There is even an abrupt stupa behind Jinci. It was the fifth year (569) of Gaowei Tiantong, the postmaster of the Northern Qi Dynasty, and Jinci was changed to the relic of Dachonghuang Temple.

Therefore, today’s Jinci inside and outside is actually a local temple with elements of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism; it’s just that after Zhou Huai’an visited Tang Shuyu’s Temple, he couldn’t help but hold back; and then left among the other women in the same group. The small pendant of, closed the door on the excuse of a separate worship, and brewed a lot of emotions;

After he came out again, he saw the attendant Yu Chang Mibao who was on duty, and reported with joy and excitement:

"Congratulations to the Lord, congratulations to the Lord..."

"What's so gratifying?"

Zhou Huaian could not help asking:

"It's an expedited victory sent back from Yumen Pass. The Revival Army of the Western Expedition defeated the Lingxi Black Khan Army by fifty thousand before 12 days ago, and slashed Prince Satuq; fought again to defeat the old place of Shattered Yecheng and captured the Black Khan. Ke Dun (Queen) has thousands of people with noble surnames, and tens of thousands of people;

Mi Bao did not hesitate to:

"After that, I built a view of Beijing on the banks of Atami (Lake Issyk-Kul) in the north, and held the Great Prayer Ceremony for Wealing Souls and Souls; I was taken advantage of by the nine surnames Wuhu (Ugus) and Ge Lulu, about 20 in size. Three men and horses. Since then, east of Congling, there has been no more fishy mutton; the four towns of Anxi have returned to China's embrace."

"According to reports. There are even tens of thousands of survivors of the local Han family, former pro-fans, who were encouraged by the tears and sent their children to join the army to help the war; now, the first batch of teams who offered prisoners to the temple and returned to the business trip have already Departed and passed the Yumen Gate..."

"This is indeed good news..."

Zhou Huaian couldn't help but nodded with a smile:

Seeing that the Black Khanate that had just formed in Anxi, all ethnic groups were torn apart due to the allied forces headed by the return of the rebel army, and even the roots of the foundation were lost. Seeing that it was still dead, it was indeed one thing. A great thing. After all, in order to defeat the old enemy Saman dynasty in another time and space line, he converted to the Green Sect and became the vanguard of the Eastern Transmission. The chief culprit that caused the Western Regions to change color was this black sweat regime.

We must know that in the past, the Thousand Miles of Buddhism in the Western Regions has long ceased. Today, Congling is a hodgepodge of various religions inside and outside; the Shamanism who believes in the eternal life, the Zoroastrianism who was driven out of the Iranian plateau, and the Manichaeism who was exiled from the East, follow Nestorianism from the Silk Road is flooded with the old countries of the past. But in the face of the Green Sect, there was almost no one who could fight it. In the end, he had to rely on Yutian to initiate a battle to protect the law before he pushed back several times.

And the result of this battle is not only in the establishment of a buffer zone with Congling (Pamirs) as a barrier before the Taiping Army’s large corps’ ability to launch in Anxi; it also lies in the restoration of the Taiping Army’s efforts. The policy of opening the door to sex and encouraging the people to actively participate in extraterritorial solicitation is undoubtedly a great start to good news.

Although the current wealth of the Taiping Army is not that it cannot afford the continuous setbacks and losses of these foreign wars; however, if the unfavorable situation at the beginning of the game starts, it is easy to dampen and hit the mobilization of civilian manpower and material resources and participate in it. Enthusiasm and enthusiasm; then you will have to pay more with half the effort and setbacks before it can continue.

You must know that as the Taiping Governor's internal governance system, it is not that no one has been particularly aggressive and aggressive at the beginning of the new dynasty. They have expressed varying degrees of worries about the military and military style, and even the warlikeness of the two Hans and the three kingdoms will be destroyed. Such criticism. However, due to the prestige that he is too lofty and has been lacking in general, it has not become a real voice and wave of opposition.

Nevertheless, Zhou Huai'an had to adopt relatively roundabout means to do something to prepare for the rainy day, such as supporting and encouraging private wealth and human resources, and firstly soliciting and developing in the form of guarding religious beliefs, and then logically equipped and listed them. Corresponding to the form of the guard force, step by step to cover people's eyes or ears and steal the bells to achieve corresponding planning and deployment.

However, it is a fruitful start now, and the next thing is okay; but Zhou Huaian couldn't help but sighed; but Chang Pu'er, who was so provoked by the side, had already cleaned up, could not help but care about his words and asked with his blushing face. :

"Langjun, what's the matter..."

"Don't worry, I just thought of some things in the past and sent it out. We should go to Taiyuan City and talk about it. There is still a lot of fun to be found next..."

Zhou Huaian smiled and took her little hand and gently stroked her palm and said:

After he really visited Taiyuan City, the northern capital of which stood on the confluence of Jinshui and Fenshui, and was flowed through by a large river, Zhou Huaian realized that the descriptions and descriptions of the previous dynasties were relatively pale and weak; I also suddenly understood how Alexander and MMP were full of shadows in the heart of the sorghum river chariot god who sent tens of thousands of troops to attack such a huge city;

Because, compared to Xijing and Dongdu, which are based on the open plains of Guanzhong or Heluo, this giant city is not so much a metropolis as it is more like a giant fortress composed of a chain of defense system of a city suite; In other words, when Li Tang built this city, he was not just operating it as a simple city, but as a way to surrender the insurance.

Therefore, under the conditions of traditional cold weapons, I don’t know how many casualties and other costs will be paid to break this city with natural victories and man-made dangers; however, this is only the beginning, breaking the outer walls and the inner quality points. Three Liancheng of the Ministry of the Ministry of the People's Republic of China captured the East City, Zhongcheng and Xicheng, and captured many inner cities, but still Miyagi and Taicheng. . . .

In addition, the Jinshui Valley in the north and the adjacent Daibei prefectures under the protection of the Taiyuan City itself, which straddles the upper reaches of the two rivers, are really good places and natural victories to segregate one side; therefore, Zhou Huai’an can also be used. Understand that the sorghum river chariot god of the later generations, after relying on the army to persuade the Northern Han regime in Taiyuan to surrender for many days, he did not hesitate to demolish it in other places.

Of course, it seems that after taking away this city of Taiyuan, which is the most dangerous place in the mountains and rivers, the kaolianghe chasing god has a certain illusion that I can continue to do my own way, regardless of the tiredness and fatigue of many days. The unrewarded army complained, and then they went to attack the sixteen states of Yanyun, which had been occupied by Khitan for a long time. As a result, they encountered a large-scale car rollover under another giant northern city—Youzhou City.

It also staged the story of the emperor's life and death speed after he had an arrow in his ass, and left himself as an established army. It also created the fastest and most decisive generation of the legend of the Kaoliang River Chariot among the monarchs of all dynasties. Of course, having said that, the facts have proved that the steepness and sturdiness of this traditional giant city is only a little longer than that of other places in the face of the Taiping Army’s artillery and explosive firearms offensive.

But when Zhou Huaian entered Taiyuan City, and then came to Daming City to sit in the uprising hall, accepting interviews from military officials and local representatives of the civilian population, he still opened his eyes and said nonsense. "" This is a trivial rhetoric; by the way, it is derived from the experience and lessons of Li Tang's failure to subdue the country, which is only to pay attention to benevolence and preferential treatment to the rich and powerful families and family members, but in vain the life and death of thousands of people.

Therefore, after unifying the caliber and thinking of an official, then Zhou Huai'an can logically control those in this northern capital city after previous wars and wars, as well as the subsequent liquidation and trial of the Taiping Army; those still left behind include Jinyang, Qixian two kings, the homes of five surnames and seven hopes; as well as first-class prefectures such as Wenxi Pei family, Hedong Liu family, Taiyuan Bai family, Pingyang Jing family, Gaoping Li family, Shangdang Miao family, etc. Go to Gyeonggi to receive new life and reform.

Of course, there will also be ethical considerations of humanitarian sentiment, and the governor's house will also leave a few children from side branches. For example, during the Taiping army’s attack on Hedong Road, Wang Ruyi and others, who hadn't been contaminated with the blood debts of the people, were allowed to stay and watch the ancestral temple and ancestral temple. They continued their family names in the form of ordinary small and medium-sized portals. Go down. (End of this chapter)