Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1197: Chapter of Spoiling the Sky Algae Rotten Clouds (Continued 2)


But in any case, since the Siyi and Nine Frontiers inherited from the Tang Dynasty have basically been preliminarily determined in the traditional sense, whether there are any remaining ones (such as Nanzhao and Qingtang) is not enough for the time being. Therefore, according to the final agreement with the ministers who kept advancing, Zhou Huaian entered a countdown in the true sense of the distance to that position.

However, Zhou Huaian still wanted to make a final struggle. For example, he continued to parade and hover for more time on the last part of the return journey, and to witness more personally and supervise some people and customs; therefore, he simply ordered gradually by inspecting the conditions of the people. Slow down, take a little more distance on the road, and stay for more time in the cities along the way.

And along the way, Zhou Huaian also took advantage of the trend to throw out a series of new regulations and decrees. For example, the "Taiping New Calendar" was promulgated, and Zhou Zhao Gonghe (841 BC), ruled by the three ancient dynasties, was taken as the first year of the first year. The year of the Chinese Republic in 1937 to date; then, the period of the emperor's accession to the throne of the Taiping New Dynasty was longer or shorter. The year number constitutes a dual system of contrasting calendar system.

Then, on this basis, further unify standards and refine various measurement and time units to lay the corresponding foundation for the future development of astronomy, water conservancy, geographic surveying and mapping and the main scientific and technological development direction.

The "Division Order" was promulgated to reintegrate and unify the administrative divisions that have become chaotic and complicated since the late Tang Dynasty because of the separatism of the vassal and townships into a three-level system of Dao (road)-state (prefecture)-county. It is based on the original fifteen roads in the world (Guinei Road, Henan Road, Hedong Road, Hebei Road, Shannan East-West Road, Longyou Road, Huainan Road, Jiangnan East-West Road, Jiannan Road, Lingnan Road, Qianzhong Road.) , Divided into twenty-six roads.

Both Annan, Lingdong, Lingxi; Hunan, Jingnan, Xiajiang; Xichuan, Dongchuan, Shan (South) West; Shan (South) East; Jiangxi; Zhejiang East, Zhejiang West, Xuanshe; Huaidong, Huaixi ; Huaibei and Henan; Hebei and Yanshan; Hedong and Hezhong; Guanzhong and Shuofang; Longyou and Hexi; permanent governing bodies at the provincial level after the World Bank.

The "Professional System Order" was promulgated, stipulating that the new dynasty used civil affairs, propaganda and education, agriculture, industrial construction, censorship, ministry, military affairs, transshipment, financial accounting, dochat and other 13 provinces and Taiwan (Shangshu, Left and Right Servant), and Twenty has always been subordinate to ministries (general directors and deputy directors); the ruling joint meeting (political hall) and the inner court meeting (small inner court) convened from time to time are formed to discuss and decide on the daily affairs of the country's operation.

It is proposed that the first minister of the Prime Minister’s Affairs shall be Fan Chuo, the first (left) deputy minister shall be Lu Guimeng, and the second (right) deputy minister shall be Qiu Huan; the others shall be the existing thirteen branch divisions and Zhu Cao, Ting and Yuan in order. , Bureau, Department, Division, Division, and Housing, directly transferred to the present. However, the relatively independent one (suppression) committee, two (communications, enemy workers) and one (internal security) are still in their original state.

On Tianxia 26th Road, set up (Mainland) Chief Executive/(Yanbian) Appease, (Fatency Center) Transit/(Ordinary Branch), and (Want to Area) Press Chasit/(Ordinary Place) The three major divisions of the criminals; directly grasp and maintain the operation requirements of most of the administrative systems gathered from more than ten states to more than twenty states under the jurisdiction of the road.

There are also (hopefully important) inspectors/(outlying areas) interviewers, (populated) academic political envoys/(sparsely populated) promotion envoys, (inland) Yingtian envoys/(frontier) reclamation envoys, construction envoys, Four second-ranking envoys; responsible for supervising key affairs such as wind-collection, publicity, education, cultural selection, military and civilian reclamation/agriculture, fishery, forestry and animal husbandry, industry (factory), mine (mountain) operations, etc.

Then, based on the original 15 Dao foundations, the Yushiyuan Supervision Area was set up by the central government. In addition, there are 15 economic centers in Guangzhou, Jiangling, Chengdu, Yangzhou, Yuezhou, Liangzhou, Xuzhou, Youzhou, Jizhou, and so on. Yin), the administrative divisions are compared with the counties of Equatorial Guinea in the same two capitals.

Between the road and the state, there are also strategic agents (combat readiness), defense agents (guards), town peace agents (to quell rebellion and rebellion), or attack agents (partial strategy) to be set up according to actual needs; Even because of the needs of the situation, the chief executive officer of Yanbian was temporarily added to the rank of governor in order to coordinate the overall military and political situation of the war zone between the roads.

As for the many Chengfa Halls and Confidential Sections that served as Zhou Huaian’s personal name, compared with the previous dynasties Zongzheng Temple, Secretary Supervisor, Palace Supervisor and other functions of the internal department; there are also a number of (capital) guards, ( Imperial City) internal guards and teaching camps (officer regiments), (grenadier) model battalions, minor corps (non-commissioned officer seeds), strike forces (artillery), combat industrial battalions, etc., are no longer within the scope of the law that can be disclosed. Up.

The "Military Order" was promulgated, and the main governor’s office was changed to a military office, with permanent left and right privy envoys (principal officials), (daily rotating duty) deputy envoys, and governors of (Ma Bu Shui She Zi Gong). In addition to the guards and internal guards, the Twenty-Six (Field/Mobile) Military Order and 15 defense zones, combat readiness and defense of the major Jiansheng Corps, and personnel selection, assessment, discipline, and service;

The establishment, battalion training, military service, equipment, and logistics of daily army construction belong to the Military Ministry (administrative management), one of the thirteen provinces; the management of military academies and staff planning, intelligence judgment, research, and plan deduction are attributed to the Upgraded to one of the three ginseng government's staff. In addition, there are secret supervision of the army and the personnel committees and other organizations that belong to the internal value room.

In wartime, several battalions of the various armies, as well as the strike force (artillery), combat engineering battalions and other technical arms directly under the center, are combined with the corresponding defense zones to form a special expedition force, and the generals are appointed as generals/commanders or generals. It is a part-time envoy, assuming the responsibility of directing on the spot; even when it involves national-level battles, it includes representatives of other departments to set up a base camp that specializes in coordinating the overall situation.

The "Currency Order" was promulgated to gradually abolish all kinds of wealth in circulation in the world in order from the south to the north, and unify the gold, silver and copper treasures of the Taiping New Money as the basic settlement unit and the benchmark reference for market prices; at the same time; Accept the exchange (recycling) of old folk coins of past dynasties, issue large denominations of anonymous anti-counterfeit money tickets and telex remittance business.

Promulgated the "Order for Promoting Cultivation", announcing that all non-governmental newly reclaimed land in the world will be exempted from taxation for three years, five years to ten years in accordance with the administrative divisions of Ji, Chi, Wang, Yao, Upper, Middle, and Lower; If it is a designated Yanbian or extraterritorial area, it can be extended from three to ten years on the original basis.

Promulgated the "Industry Order" to encourage the private sector to set up mines, workshops and workshops on their own as a supplement to the existing government-run system; and give specific support industries the qualifications for targeted procurement and bidding. Encourage non-governmental export trade and Yanbian reciprocal activities, and provide tax exemptions for designated categories and directories.

Promulgated the "Cultivation Order" to encourage domestic arrogant rangers, Liangjiazi, etc., to bring their own equipment, vehicles and boats and other objects to explore new homes (merchants, farms) outside the territory; if they occupy a city, they will become the lord of the city. The prefectures and counties are chased after the governor and the prefect, and the party who breaks the soil will be paid the ceremony of the princes, which is compared with the story of the Jiubiansiyi.

The "Relocation Order" was promulgated to encourage and encourage veterans who have ended their service years to participate in the border reclamation on preferential terms in addition to the original granting technology; or to transfer to the locality as the deacons at the bottom of the grassroots villages and towns. The corresponding supporting regulations and the selection process of public officials, and the system of supervision and control are standardized.

The Promulgation of the "Regulations on the System of Tributes" stipulates the rank and treatment of many domestic and foreign ministers, such as three, six and nine, as well as the types, scale and fineness requirements of the tribute according to local conditions, and the corresponding specifications; of course, more important It is the result of the bulk import and export of designated raw material items, and the corresponding limited and regulated industrial products can be exchanged in China.

In addition, the "Privacy Order" was issued, specifying that the loan would be up to 30% profit, and the company would be abolished if it failed; the loan sharks were reclassified and rewards were encouraged; the "Deed Tax Order" was promulgated to regulate disputes and litigation matters from commercial transactions to Feiqian Piao. ; Promulgated the "Technology Dedication Order" to encourage non-governmental publication of new discoveries in the category of materials and industry-improved technology, and awards ranging from birthplaces, bonuses and titles.

Some of the content of this is already a fait accompli, and it is justified; some are already ripe and just wait for a light push; others are already in the initial stage of operation and mature, even if you don’t ask. Go on orbit; there are others, although they are just beginning to show signs, but relying on Zhou Huaian's authority and consistent confidence, they can continue to be maintained. .

Of course, there are also some things that can not be achieved in a short time now, or are not so easy to achieve; but with the foundation of the founding of the country and the foundation of the country, it will be regarded as the basic political correctness. The tone is set; it is much easier to open a breakthrough in the tradition of the generations, and then slowly concoct and infiltrate it in the future.

It's like the capitalists of the later dynasties, no matter how they jump up and down, they can only play with the well-known routine of "sinking for 30 years" and "happy education" of saving the country, but they dare not regard the people as their own masters and socialism. The fig leaf is thrown away, and openly claiming that the capital chaebol will enjoy wealth forever through the generations, otherwise it will naturally be attacked by the enlightened public sentiment and the iron fist of the regime.

In this way, even the descendants after a few generations are really shameful, discarding and distorting all the legacy and good governance left by Zhou Huai'an; then these things that have been implemented and promulgated are not so easy to remember in history. To be erased and forgotten; or even to become a goal pursued and reproduced in a new round of dynasty change.

In another sense, this is also the potential condition for Zhou Huai'an to play secretly and negotiate with those subordinates; since you can't wait for me to sit in that position, then you have to show the corresponding sincerity and attitude. ; For example, accepting most of the evils of the package decision, and wondering how to implement and implement these rules and laws as the cornerstone of the new dynasty. (End of this chapter)