Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1198: end


However, when Zhou Huai'an slowly toured the states in the northeastern part of the Hebei province, crossed the Taiyue Mountains and came to the Shangdang Highland/former Zhaoyi Army (zhen) basin where the Luzhou (now Changzhi) basin is located; Chang'an’s urgent report of Babaili is certainly not bad news but good news with icing on the cake.

That is, Qu Chengyu, Min Xuan, Deng Chuna and others in the southwestern Nanzhao State gave a big gift package-style victory for the establishment of the new dynasty. Because not long ago, the civil wars of the former Daqing Ping officials Zheng (Mai Si), Yang (Deng), and Zhao (Shenzheng) finally defeated the Zheng Mai Si clan, who was regent by occupying the royal city, successfully defeated at the foot of Cangshan Mountain. The two coalition forces of Yang (Deng) and Zhao (Shenzheng) come to an end for the time being.

Zheng Maisi also killed the last royal family who was regarded as a puppet, Shun Huazhen, and immediately established himself as the new king, with the national name of Dachang and the founding name of Yuan'an, and he concealed the tendency to unify the Erhai Plain in the hinterland of Nanzhao's essence; then While dispatching envoys and envoys, appointing the two capital governors in Nanzhao, the city lords of the six jiedu districts, the officials, and the chief chiefs, they sent troops to pursue and destroy the remnants and territories of the Yang and Zhao families that had been defeated.

However, unprepared, the Duan family headed by the official Duan Baolong in Dali City suddenly broke up; with the assistance of the Taiping Army in the Nongdong Mansion in the eastern part of Nanzhao, the former Daqing Ping official who had conquered the territory of Yang and Zhao was defeated in one fell swoop. The army of Zheng (buy heir)'s family; then the battle broke through Longwei Pass, and the 50,000 army that Zheng had urgently conquered from the royal city was defeated, and he was able to enter the king's capital Yangqiba City (near Dali, Yunnan).

Ever since the remnants of the Zheng clan fled to the west of the King’s Yongchang Jiedu, the Yongchang Mansion in the territory of Yongchang Jiedu still has the title of Dachanghe, and Zheng Renmin, the son of Zheng Maisi, is the head of the country; there is also the remnant of the Yang family, the former Daqing official In the northern part of Jianchuan Jiedu's territory, Ningbei City supported Yang Ganzhen, the son of Yang Deng, as the ruler of Dayining; another former Daqing official, Zhao Shanzheng, fled to the southeast of Yinsheng Jiedu's territory, and went to the local area. Supported by the 21st tribe of Heiman and built the Datianxingguo.

Therefore, in today's Nanzhao country, there are four independent regimes at the same time, and a large number of fragmented small and medium separatist forces are used as a buffer. This is undoubtedly an extraordinary achievement for Qu Chengyu and others who have only been in Nanzhao for two or three years. Therefore, during the truce and confrontation between the countries, Duan Baolong, the chief of the Duan clan in the royal city, has also sent envoys requesting the canonization of the new dynasty, and he has already arrived in Shanxi.

On the other hand, it is still the news that came back from the land of Tianzhu in the southeast overseas. The son of Baltic King Rajaye who fled to Annan for help has now restored Emperor Patmo III, who was in most of the power period; During the banquet after marrying the princess of Zhu Luo Kingdom (Note Nian Kingdom), the great kingdom of Southern Tianzhu, he suddenly suffered from excessive drinking and stroke; then, the subjects and princes in the country that had been united by the exchange of interests and force were also split up.

Among them, the princes and city lord who later submitted and surrendered in the north, as well as the ministerial families of the old faction in the capital, almost all stood by the new queen (Princess Zhuluo) who backed by the mother country, supporting the new queen regent and acting for state affairs; However, the upstarts and officials promoted by the central region, which was purged and destroyed by the war, and the city owners with a maritime background in the south, did not hesitate to elect a young man known as the firstborn son of Emperor Patmore III as the crown prince.

Then, with the northern side, a meeting of imperial ministers was formed in front of the Great Buddha of Chaojie Temple outside the old capital Fahrenheit. Therefore, in the fierce opposition between the north and south camps inside and outside the city of Deva, Xindu, the envoys who went to Dongtu for canonization also crossed the sea. Almost after the arrival of the tribute envoys of a country, they arrived in Guangzhou with their front and back feet.

After defeating Yang Ji’s party feathers in Xiongju in the north, Choi Chi-won of Silla also decided to accept the invitation of the remnant party to abdicate the Queen of True Saint. His father-in-law, Nayisha (Servant in the middle), and Jin Youqian, had a party; he supported the nominal ambassador of Zhengnan Xingying, Jin Haekyo's Shida and other concubine prince Jin Yi; then the envoy who also asked for the title was also on the way.

In addition, among the teams returning with Anxidong, there are also Yuchi Ram, the new king of Yutian who has just requested the canonization of China, and the Xizhou in Yanqi, Gaochang, Yizhou and other places that have been surrendered in Beiting. The Uighurs, including the oasis city-states and tribal monarchs who went to Chang'an to meet and be sealed.

However, this involves another rather embarrassing issue. So far, Zhou Huaian is only giving orders in the name of the Metropolitan Government and the King of Chu. If this is put in normal times, everyone can afford it. Anyway, the power of the Lord of the World is already in place, and it is not bad sooner or later. But when it comes to foreign ministers and canonization matters, this is not enough.

The so-called basic truth is that the name is not right. How could the supreme supreme of the heavenly kingdom as the suzerain not have a decent emperor name and reign name to complete the basic process of the corresponding side canonization and tribute rituals. This is undoubtedly the civil and military subordinates who stayed behind in Chang'an and are full of resentment. They are some sort of anti-general for Zhou Huaian's delay in refusing to take the throne.

Of course, there is another reason Zhou Huaian had to pinch his nose to accept it. Under their secret persuasion and encouragement, a group of female relatives, including the little lady Cao Hongyao, also came north with their three children. Up.

Therefore, after more than two months of preparations, on August 8th of that year (Thirteenth Year of Taiping/Era of the Republic), the "Star Wars" and "New World Symphony" were resonated with classical chime music. For a while, music played in the background, as well as the crowded Zhuque Street inside and outside the Daming Palace and Chang'an City, followed by waves of praise from the mountains and the tsunami;

Zhou Huaian, who completed his ascent to the heavens under the public’s attention, also wore the golden twelve-chapter gown representing the new dynasty with a solemn face, and a heavy crown of twelve embarrassments on his head, with large and small clothes all over his body. The clinking bead and jade ornaments, led by countless axes, flags, fans, and thatchs of ceremonies, slowly stepped into the solemn and solemn front hall of the crape myrtle (Mingtang).

Then, Fan Chuo with gray beard and Wang Pan with gray hair, the two civil and military squads headed by them, entered in file, and began to wear robes or armour or helmets in batches, sitting up and down in front of the pilgrimage. The superior Zhou Huai'an performed the ritual of three worships and nine kowtows, and he was regarded as a righteous minister and was the fundamental model of the new dynasty and the beginning of rituals.

Later, Zhou Huai'an appeared on the high platform in front of the temple again, accepting the gathering in the large square that can accommodate tens of thousands of people under Longwei Road in front of Mingtang, civil and military officials, soldiers and scholars, representatives of the elders, the princes of the countries, and tributary envoys , According to the ranks of different identities and other ranks, the pilgrimages are arranged in a clear, hierarchical, and large, and large, and square-shaped pilgrimages.

At the same time on Zhuquemen and Danfeng Tower, facing the gathering of common people, soldiers and civilians, they issued a letter of amnesty: the name of the country was Taiping, and the name of the republic was changed to the era of the republic. Pardon prisoners other than the ten evils in the world and reduce their sentence by two; exempt from taxation on the Tenth Road in the North for three years, and tax on the Sixteenth Road in the South for two years; An additional month will be rationed everywhere in the stables.

To tell the world that Li Cao (Red Medicine) is the queen, Da Li (Qing Luo) is Hui concubine; Shen (Yuniang) is Shu Fei, Xiao Li (Changpu) is the third of the four ladies; Cui ( Wanrong) is Zhaorong (the second of the nine men), Zhang (Yunqing) is the Xiuyuan (four of the nine men), and the Yu (Luozhen) is the Chongyi (the seventh of the nine men); the other two primary schools, The four servants also have their own names and titles.

Officially appointed Prime Minister Fan Chuo, Deputy Ministers Lu Guimeng, Qiu Huan, and others in order to preside over the 13 provinces and the 21st Ministry of Foreign Affairs governing joint meetings; among them, Luo Yin was the Shangshu of the Ministry of Education and Liu Xun was the workman Provincial Shangshu and Yang Shigu are part-time ministers of Jingzhaofu Yin and Provincial Shangshu, Liu Tang is the transfer of Provincial Zuo Shilang, and Pi Rixiu is the general director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the lecturer of the University of Supervision.

Wang Pan was also appointed as the director of the Supervisory Council, Yang Shigu was the director of the Sanshenfu, Chai Ping and Zhang Juyan were the left and right princes of the military government, Zhu Cun was the minister of military affairs, Cao Shixiong was the governor of the Kwannei Dao and the deputy envoy of the prince; Wang Chongyin was the defense envoy of the Eastern Capital , Wang Chongba is the governor of the military mansion and the navy army, Zhao Yingong is the governor of the Ma Jun, Ge Congzhou is the governor of the Infantry, and so on.

Among them, they also promulgated the title of nobleman (heritor, nobleman) of the five occupants, seven uncles, 19 sons and thirty-one men; the twelfth rank of 163 people in various industries including agriculture, industry, commerce, medicine, etc. As for the princes in the middle, they will not be granted until the expansion outside the territory has achieved results, or when the important ministers in the country are ready to retreat outside the territory for the sake of their children and grandchildren.

Then, there was the ceremony of offering prisoners and confessing to the temple in the city tour, to chase after the three generations of ancestors of Xuan, Zeng, and father that Zhou Huaian didn't know about himself, and named them emperors; a group of monarchs who captured the previous dynasty came out to stand and accept The monarchs and foreign envoys met and presented one by one, asked about the national conditions and customs, and announced the arrangements for the banquet; watched the people's performance in front of the palace. . .

When the rather tedious canonization ceremony finally ended, he returned to the inner hall of the Later Dynasty and once again accepted the worship of the newly released concubines, Zhou Huaian, but suddenly ordered the closing of all doors and windows in the hall, and the women compiled by the inner house Wei sealed it all around and blocked all possible gaps with a screen fan to form an atmosphere of isolation from the inside and the outside.

Then, Zhou Huaian, who stood up from the tuanlong seat with black gold and lacquered color, also released all the appendages in the air along with the freed gown, and couldn’t wait to face the crowds of costumes. And the big and small women with different expressions said:

"Next, it's time to really celebrate the sideshow..."

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