Tang Dynasty

Chapter 13: Keep on living (in)


Amidst the noise brought by eating meat and soup,

Soon several seemingly crude documents were handed over to Zhou Huaian. To say it is a document, it is actually a few old books with yellowed and stained curled edges, from the back to the reverse for writing and recording purposes.

Among them, the thickest and claimed to be the most important one is the hand-copied "Rabbit Garden Book", which is said to be the enlightenment textbook for rural school teachers written in simple parallel style in this era; the paper is stained with oily flowers and stains There are small crooked and twisted writing brushes like earthworms crawling around, and there are also unidentified patterns like ghost symbols and chaotic lines. There are even depictions of human and animal forms similar to ancient hieroglyphs.

Is this all the belongings and past records of Stormrage Camp? Zhou Huaian only felt that he was getting bigger for a while. This is simply the Red Cliff Book of Heaven in a certain sense. It takes a lot of time to decrypt and analyze before it can be used and used. Sure enough, there are no shortcuts and tricks in the world.

As the sky darkened and gradually entered the night, the fire cage placed between the torch responsible for patrolling the night and the intersection of the passage became the only light source that could illuminate.

Most of the rebel soldiers lived in temporary shelters, like the shape of a later generation of corral stables. They were covered with bundled bamboo and branches on all sides, leaving only a cloth cover for the entrance and exit; It is better than the previous tents that were wet and stained with moisture and smell;

The shed is directly spread on the dry and wet soil, with bundles of straw and straw, which can be filled with a large number of people; this kind of bundled hay straw is used as fodder for livestock during the day. , At night, it is a temporary bed, but in a critical moment, it can also be used to ignite or set fire, which can be described as killing three birds with one stone;

As the exclusive treatment for the veterans and the little bosses of the sheds, it is an extra piece of dirty rough felt or cloak cloth as a cushion and a wrapper. Therefore, as soon as it gets dark today, I have already lay inside the mouth, trying to recall the taste of broth and blood clots, and waiting for the human body to enter the dreamland.

However, those with higher status and higher status are concentrated in the few towns outside the city. In the remaining warehouses, shops and other ready-made buildings, they usually sleep on door panels and stoves obtained from local materials. Almost everyone has a set of new or old cloth and linen coverings, as well as troughs, and even various car boards and shelves, and piles of objects.

The few chiefs with few medians were accompanied by guards and lived in slightly repaired and furnished houses as daily living and giving orders.

And Zhou Huaian, a clerical worker who was the only seedling, was also slightly touched, and was able to get a small corner separated by a broken screen as a temporary shelter on the edge of the stables in the large warehouse full of debris. Land

Although the outside is full of thunderous snoring, there is always the remnants of horse dung and the smell of sweat, because there are the most important belongings-more than 20 mules and horses that ride in carts, and they routinely squeeze inside to sleep. The foot force, the servants and other miscellaneous personnel or something;

But in this small, squeaky, limited space that people can touch as soon as they turn around, there is at least a three-legged table that doubles as a table and a bed, as well as half of pitted raw candles, balls of thread, and bamboo chips. Fragments such as, brushes and ink sticks were used as his exclusive items, which happened to be filled with a small bamboo back basket.

Fortunately, the background of the calligraphy interest class in the early years has not been completely lost. I dipped in water to rub away the unpleasant rubbish, and began to copy it stroke by stroke on a relatively large piece of paper that was torn off the wall. Then glue the edges with rice grains, and it will be an irregular notepad.

In the boring night and the continuous snoring, his mind was quickly immersed in these numbers and words.

Until the barn where he was, the loud noise of opening the door and the complaining of drunken food were heard again, but he took a group of generals to the general's quarters in the city, and the chief officer of Stormrage Camp participated in the banquet. People are all coming back.

"Hey, monk, are you still doing things..."

The purple-faced leader who smelled of alcohol and vomit suddenly came over and looked at the pen and paper in front of Zhou Huaian.

"This is for you, monk"

Then, a small bottle of **dangling** was stuffed into Zhou Huaian's hand without any explanation.


"Thank you General for your hard work..."

Zhou Huaian could only take it in a little embarrassedly, and then watched the other party ascend the stairs with heavy footsteps. ;

Then he shook it and unscrewed the stopper and smelled it. Most of the liquor smells sour and astringent. Obviously it is a low-grade turbid liquor that has not been properly precipitated and filtered; but relying on his past experience, after adding some drugs, it can barely be used. It is used as a medicinal wine for removing blood stasis; even if you don't drink it, you can still use it to exchange materials for other people.

Then, after thinking about it, he took a sip from the bottle mouth. If the water has been soaked in the past two days, it may need to sweat a little; when the cold and somewhat acidic wine swallows his stomach, it slowly turns into a warm hot stream. After opening, his full stomach and disorganized thoughts seemed to have been condensed, and the only thing left was "try everything possible to live, and then escape from the environment here."

This night, Zhou Huaian had the first dream of coming to this era. He also dreamed of the vast expanse of savanna, the endless herds of wildebeests and antelopes, the lazy lions and cheetahs chasing and rushing in the field of vision from time to time, as well as groups of active and loud voices between the rivers. And the huge hippos and elephants,

To be honest, from volunteer teachers in mountainous areas to volunteers in overseas medical rescue teams, many things actually happened around Zhou Huaian during this period;

For example, he initially had the idea and touch to join the foreign aid medical team only because of a popular domestic military action film "Wolf Warrior" series; of course he never admits it, and finally made him make up his mind. In fact, I am also envious of the rich second generation in the movie who can play guns and legally hunt wild animals outside the country.

As a result, he actually had both gains and losses during his journey to Africa. He had both gains and disappointments as well as disappointments; for example, he had never encountered the arrogant beauty in movies. In fact, the women in the medical team Li can see are not mostly middle-aged dragoons with clinical experience from foreign backgrounds, but those local African aunts who are three or five thick or simply like a tank waist;

As for the enthusiasm and unrestrained local girl in Africa, in the worst-hit areas of various epidemics and diseases, he does not have the mind and courage to provoke one or two.

In the end, in these years, the only person who can feel good about him and actively show the willingness to get along is the daughter of a local Taiwanese-funded enterprise boss. It is said that she graduated from WW Women’s University with a round face and a traditional aesthetic. The petite and exquisite figure, the eyes are so big that they resemble that of Xu Ruoxuan's photo album, but the breasts are a little bit more mutilated, which makes Zhou Huaian, a member of the "chest slaves", somewhat disappointed;

And the past when they got along and collided, it was because of the environment that they were born in, they were fortunate to have a natural yearning for and a good impression of neon, and gradually from the island by telling facts, reasoning, and speaking out. Xiaomin's deep-rooted narrow prejudices such as "powerful tea eggs" and "Qizhen instant noodles" have been transformed into the process of three views.

It's a pity that he didn't make up his mind to settle down. So after eating a lot of tofu but didn't go further, he soon lost contact with the usual routine activities and conflicts. As for the motivation to continue the communication, the last time he received news was that the other party's family took a quite reassuring selfie in front of an evacuation warship.

It's the old squad leader-like character played by the "Secretary of Dakang" in the film, but he has encountered many during his trip in Africa; out of the mentality and consolation plot of Chinese people in a relatively dangerous and unfamiliar foreign land. From this, he also learned some furry skills and common sense under these former veterans from different military groups and designations;

Therefore, Zhou Huaian can be said to have learned a lot of things, even including short-term military training before entering Africa and the excessive environment of collective life, but basically it is a basic level of entry with a wide range of knowledge and a little understanding and superficial skills. .

"Step up...turn around...stab..."

When Zhou Huai'an finally fell asleep peacefully in some kind of uneasy and unfamiliar environment, and was awakened by the messy loud shouts, curses and noises,

I saw that the stables and stables outside had been emptied, and only forage and fertilizer were left on the ground; and not far away was a large muddy ground full of deep and shallow footprints and pits.

Those new pawns with blue noses and swollen faces and unclothed bodies are awkwardly holding long bamboo poles, walking unevenly and making clean and jerk and forward movements under the sound command. Those undulating bamboo poles just It's like a messy weed in the wind; from time to time, someone misses or knocks the bamboo slightly off the shoulders and tops of others' heads, and amidst the screams and exclamations, the supervised veteran lashes with his whip. Screaming and screaming.

Well, who said that after practicing the long spear array, you can beat the world. It is obvious that even these peasant rebels will train and use the street goods of the bad street, or the cheapest option of panacea.

On the obviously more solid outer field, some other vacant pawns are using knives, guns, axes and sticks to practice catching pairs. There are both one-on-one staggered fights and multiple pairs of small groups of long and short soldiers. Alternate screens and battles; it seems to be much more proficient and fierce and sharp;

Because they used real knives and guns, they didn’t show any signs of hesitation or hesitation at all when they moved their hands; just like this, they clashed together with the sound of clashing, and then they turned their heads up and slammed their heads into the flesh. , One party fell or did not support before being re-divided and flew away. Therefore, from time to time, someone with a swollen nose and swollen nose was taken to the side to rest, and some people covered the bleeding wound and backed up and bandaged.

Others, holding wooden shields of various sizes and shoddy hand-platforms, were swinging and blocking the stones that were thrown at the head, while bending and stretching, undulating and advancing along the dodge curve. . This is more like another original version of anti-arrow and assault training.

It also slightly improved Zhou Huaian's impression and evaluation of these mobs.

You must know that among the black African uncles he has seen, some are far inferior to the gray-backed gorillas who can use simple tools. The sound comes to scare the opponent in order to win the strange existence.

It just didn't take long for him to look at it. Amidst the clanging and rubbing of the tiger's windy armor, the chief officer of the Stormrage Camp, who had just come downstairs, had already rushed to him. (End of this chapter)