Tang Dynasty

Chapter 15: Continue to live (below)


"Ask the general well..."

Zhou Huaian greeted others after learning from other people's titles.

"Monk, the sober soup you gave Lao Feng is really good..."

The other party patted him on the shoulder again.

"After I drank it, I vomited up happily, and I got a good night's sleep until dawn"

"I'm overwhelmed, it's just a matter of effort..."

Zhou Huaian could only make a grinning expression of pain, and barely touched the corners of his mouth with a smile on his face.

"It's good if it can come in handy..."

In my heart, he said that this is just a recipe for clearing abdomen and inducing vomiting made of tea stems and old ginger. There are other better things, but there is no suitable opportunity to use it.

"Since they are all brothers in the camp..."

The leader who claimed to be Wang Pan waved his hand quite boldly as if he heard his voice.

"From now on, you will call me the king, or the leader."

"If you have any good things, just take it out, and just tell me if you have any thoughts..."

At this moment, Zhou Huaian seemed to see the top of the opponent's head, invisible numbers like +1, +1, +1 flashed by;

Well, at least for the mountain Jiuren to rise from Qibu, the most preliminary purpose has already had a beginning; although it is likely to be just a big talk and a short expectation in general, it also means to publicly obtain an upper level that is just like this , Permission to communicate and negotiate in the future.

Not everyone can get a good impression. For example, the team official who is behind the crowd bites, and this is the appearance of a thick eyebrow that can't be denied. Therefore, even if they gradually moved away, Zhou Huaian could still hear some of their whispers.

"Jiantou, I still can't believe in this monk from unknown origin."

Obviously, it was Cheng Da who couldn't wait to start questioning.

"How can such a person willingly serve for the rebels casually..."

"I'm afraid it's something you've planned and asked for..."

"Bite bite, I know you have suffered from officials and soldiers... it is natural to be wary of your heart."

But it's another voice interface

"But this monk was recommended by Xiao Chai..."

"What kind of person is Xiao Chai, who has been in love with Jiang Touzu many times..."

"Why do you have to worry about it..."

"What's the use of saying this, you have to know if you bite..."

Then he was interrupted by the head of the king.

"Today, if the Stormrage Camp wants to continue to grow, it is necessary for all kinds of people to make up for it."

"All kinds of conspiracies and requests are even more... It's really not bad for him, a wild monk."

"But besides filling in the trenches, there are not many people who can use it in the end. Especially in this camp, the number of people who can count on it is even rarer."

"It's easy to kill or drive away as a spy for no reason, but where are you going to find a replacement?"

Having said this, Wang Jiang lowered his voice again, and looked at Zhou Huaian's side quite concealedly before pacifying him.

"The scholars who had been recruited all the way before, but failed to keep one."

"This monk is of course stronger, and his behavior and conversation don't seem to be waiting for a free time..."

"But is there any hindrance to us at the moment... how can it be used and used to see the after-effects?"

"Of course, just to prevent this person from being unhappy,"

"In daily life, I have to bother you and keep an eye on it... to see if there are any spying and harmful actions..."

Zhou Huai'an couldn't help sighing when he heard this. It is not so simple to easily gain the trust of strangers, especially those who have a certain power and status, almost all of them are not fuel-efficient lamps. But this is just the beginning.

After cleaning his teeth and face with a cloth soaked in water, Zhou Huaian, who had simply used a very simple early meal, found that he had to face a hill-like pile of debris first. Was it my first task to sort out garbage

Most of the trophies obtained by the Stormrage Camp during the battle along the way, as well as the mess of large and small objects of unknown purpose from the places along the way. It's just that the ready-made products or valuable objects that seem to be relatively intact and can be used directly have been picked away, and the rest are junk things that others don't want.

From the old and new damaged swords, swords, arms and flags, to bloody or filthy clothes, trousers, crotches, blouses, shoes, boots, and bedding, to all kinds of pots, pans, bottles and jars, from picks, shovels, hoes, forks and other agricultural tools to Saws, hammers, axes, chisels and other tools like hardware, woodworking and masonry, and even women’s clothes and skirts, shoes and makeup boxes;

In the end, there are many things that even him, a well-informed modern person, are really indescribable, just piled together in such a mess.

Fortunately, he did not rely on himself to do it, but he could request a few rough handymen in the camp as temporary tribes and orders. Most of the time, he only needs to move his mouth and use pen and paper, which will be useful or useless. It’s fine to dispose of them separately.

It's just that, maybe among these miscellaneous servants, there are people who are responsible for monitoring and observing their actions nearby, and this sorting task is also a disguised examination school? , Zhou Huaian also guessed it secretly.

In the eyes of a former wasteland survival party and wild DiY enthusiast who is active on the Internet, even if it is rags, it can also detect enough patterns and combination changes. This time, he played first in this dislocation era.

After spending a whole day simple and rough classification and determination of belonging, and requesting a sufficient number of temporary helpers to serve as coolies, Zhou Huaian quickly entered this short-lived role and was very busy.

The first to be cleared out were the weapons and armors with different damages. This is also the equipment that can be used quickly, and it is also the place where the effect is best reflected.

For example, a broken sword can be made into short blades and daggers after a little grinding and modification; even smaller metal fragments can be polished and fixed on the head of a wooden club to make something A severely irregular spear weapon, or a thicker club inlaid as a spear.

Then there are those damaged armor suits and helmets, which are basically splicing and stitching work; iron needles and anvils will be used to patch holes and perforations, or the damaged edges will be cut and replaced, and several large pieces will be different. Position the stitched together.

Due to the extreme losses on the south road, Stormrage Camp was almost blank in the logistics support staff. In the end, only two soldiers who had been blacksmiths were found, a tailor who was an apprentice as a tailor, and a man with simple carpentry skills. . These sorted things were thrown to them to slowly concoct them.

The second is the classification and cleaning of various fabrics and leather goods for clothing, quilts, footwear, tents, and blankets. After further sewing and cooking, they are redistributed as public items to improve the personal outfits of the soldiers. At the very least, let all the newcomers have something to wrap around.

Next is the repair, classification and sorting of various farm tools and tools, and then distribute them to personnel with their own expertise, as an auxiliary means to enhance the efficiency of daily construction and labor.

Those containers of different sizes, after being cleaned and emptied, are large enough to store food and objects such as rice, pickles, wine, salt and sand, or as cooking pots and water containers; The small ones can be given to individuals as tableware and jugs.

And the tattered furniture and furnishings that are obviously useless were not used for simple and rude direct chopping and burning of wood. Instead, they used the poor number of carpentry skills in the camp to transform them into racks, bed boards, desks, and carts. , Even the simplest wooden block hand. . .

In the end, even women’s clothing can be cut and cut apart, and made into smaller flags and bandages according to the original color, and even other fabric products such as sweat towels;

After all these assignments and arrangements were made, it only took a few days before the piles of variegated objects, like hills, had disappeared and turned into various ready-made items that were distributed.

Of course, as the only person who handles statistics and registration, he first used the items selected from these miscellaneous items for private purposes, equipped his own, and by the way, gave him further details that were obviously out of date and different from this era. Treat and cover up.

After all, if you want to leave the peasant army in the future, two or more pairs of intact boots and awning shoes are the effective guarantee for basic mobility; then, the sunscreen and coveralls that have a certain function of blocking rain, which are necessary in low-latitude subtropical areas. ; Next are some inconspicuous but indispensable personal items and gadgets, most of which require Zhou Huaian to spend some time collecting, re-making, and adjusting before they can come in handy.

After initially manifesting his value and role, the next step is to collect various information and consultations with the convenience of work and free opportunities. (End of this chapter)