Tang Dynasty

Chapter 18: Still alive (below)


Fortunately, he didn't have to make a decision next, because the chief officer of Stormrage Camp, Wang Pan, came over in person, and resolutely and politely took over the negotiation of this matter.

At this point, Zhou Huaian breathed a sigh of relief, and made a certain expression of approval and gratitude to Xiao Qi, who was a little prostrated when he ran again. It is true that the usual kindness from time to time can be used at critical moments. It comes in handy.

Next, the continued interrogation and screening of the spies finally have nothing to do with him, but the price is that he must continue to screen and select various people among the hungry people waiting for relief for the nearby rebels in the next few days; it is not limited to craftsmanship. The number of people has increased, and the scope has also been expanded to several other relief porridge farms.

Regarding this result, Zhou Huaian could only use a not so bad development to replace the worst change to comfort him; and on the way back to the camp, which was faint, Wang Pan couldn't help but speak.

"I don't see the monk, you still have the ability to identify people and spies."

"This is a big misunderstanding."

Zhou Huaian could only pretend to be helpless and slightly complaining called Qudao.

"In the early years, I traveled to many places with the teacher's long trip, and I also saw many people of all kinds."

"It's just a bit of experience and wink to get in touch with all walks of life in the persuasion of the fundraising,"

"Those tricks for distinguishing characters are nothing more than analogy to the methods of'seeing, hearing, and asking' by doctors and divination..."

"As for spies, there is something that I can't see..."

"That obviously caused the rebels to run into it by mistake... What's wrong with me..."

"I understand..."

Wang Pan nodded slightly, accepting his explanation for the time being.

"However, if you think you have any thoughts and actions in the future..."

"Don't hide things like taboos, let me be caught off guard..."


Zhou Huaian could only continue to lower his posture.

"Thank you for your thoughtfulness..."

"Tomorrow there are still many things to take advantage of..."

Wang Pan waved his hand somewhat satisfied.

"Hurry back to camp and rest..."

Then, Zhou Huai'an got a replacement donkey and walked back, led by his attendant Xiaoqi.

"Biaozi, you are not doing this thing well..."

Looking back, Wang Pan, who had stopped halfway, called the team officer Cheng Da bite with a cold face.

"No matter how wrong this monk is, he is the one who works under the name of Camp Stormrage..."

"How come it's an outsider's turn to investigate and arrogantly judge..."

"Is it because I don't have the ability to recognize people, or I don't think there are enough troubles in the camp."

"Obviously it is good for us, but now I have to share it with others..."

"At this moment, I don't want to say anything more, I just hope you can look back and think about how to bridge it..."

"The bite is still not strong, but fortunately, I caught up..."

After arriving at the camp of Stormrage, he confronted the brigade commander Deng Cundao who was approaching him.

"I really can't see that Zhou One-Eyed's dog is so bad that he actually wants to abduct our hands..."

"I use any questioning spy as a starting point... Do you think I don't understand his mind?"

"I really want to be put in by him, even if there is some suspicion or something to intimidate and lure,"

"The monk won't be able to hold it securely, and it will still be a member of my Stormrage Camp..."

"But it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise, I have picked up some benefits"

"Since the monk has this ability, he will treat it more cautiously and win over in the future..."

"Since he can see the spies coming from the government, he has somehow cleared away some connections and suspicions..."

"Know that the bald donkeys in the Zen forest, few have these capabilities..."

"Even if there is something behind him, I am not afraid to use it..."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Backed by the Yushan Inner City of Guangzhou, the government offices are at the core of the architectural community. The former Guangzhou Governor’s Yamen, Guangzhou Metropolitan Government, and Lingnan East Road Jiedu Envoys are located on Yuhua Street, which has been woven with flags. Pai Fanzhu and Diao Dou stern patrol team were flooded.

And under the most majestic archway on the central axis of Changjie, there are various flag bearers and card officials who are busy passing in and out; as the place where they always come and go, the Great Festival Hall of the Lingdong Jiedu Envoy also soars to the sky. In the general's military mansion, a figure also sighed with emotion against the large mountains and rivers on the wall with his back hand.

He is seven feet tall but strong and shaped like an iron stone, and his sallow face that has been weathered and vicissitudes of life is hard to say how outstanding, even some tired old state after long-term exhaustion, but in the spirit of sturdy eyes and thick as a pen. Horizontal eyebrows, between unintentionally looking forward to lingering, there is a crowd of people who must be convinced and heartbroken, and even admire and admire;

And this half-old plain yellow silk cotton Confucian robe is his favorite everyday wear style when he doesn't use a helmet or piercing armor. Therefore, when he stood at the top of this big festival hall, it almost formed a kind of incompatible contrast with the gorgeous, solemn and solemn atmosphere of the surrounding buildings with carved beams.

He is the leader of the largest peasant uprising army today, and after the death of Wang Xianzhi from the eyes of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, he shocked the No. 1 anti-thief leader of Tianzi in the world; he also came from a family of salt owls who was good at riding and shooting and had a rough brushwork. The generation of northern heroes; there are few talents in poetry and can write poems at the age of five, but after adulthood, he went to Beijing and tried repeatedly. However, the long-lasting natural disasters and man-made disasters finally embarked on the road of killing officials and rebelling, known as "Huang Daxiao." "The Yellow Nest of the "Yellow King",

"This land of Lingnan, the five ridges are congested and pass through the South China Sea."

He was using the Caozhou accent of the Northland without any rush, Xu Ran muttered to himself.

"Since it is based on the land of the South China Sea, it will always belong to the foundation..."

"In this way, the sea trade is prospered to take advantage of fish and salt, recuperate and live, and gather troops to accumulate..."

"With Wuling as the screen feudal clan, there is only the risk of the North rejecting the Tang court in Minzhong and Jiangxi..."

"You can stick to the situation in the mountains for a while, and then wait for a few years to gather..."

"Multiple boat ships rely on the sea route to build troops in the north to cover Fujian and Liangzhe, and to the west to Annan and central Guizhou..."

The many generals gathered under the tents also wear different clothes, some wear helmets, some wear uniforms and hats, some are dressed up in official uniforms, and there are regular dresses of uncut long gowns, and rich-style brocade robe sets. On the body, there are more styles that mix and match randomly, and they just stand loosely and leisurely.

However, under the influence of his invisible aura and power, as many of his subordinates and generals, whether they are born and handsome, or look mighty and majestic, or they are heroic and vigorous, or eagle-eyed. Lang Gu, or he is aging, steady and heavy; as long as he stands with him, it will inevitably become the best foil in a certain sense or the background of flowers and green leaves.

"The Yellow King..."

In the end, it was a newly promoted general who broke this long and unbearable silence.

"How many times have you said it, don't call it the Yellow King..."

Huang Chao, who hadn't spoken all the time, turned around to interrupt him.

"A certain family who raises soldiers is not the honor of the princes, but for the countless desperate Li Shu to be pleased in time..."

"It means that a certain {Chongtian} general or {Millions of Volunteers} can be unified..."

"Yes, General"

The young general said with shame.


Huang Chao continued to inquire.

"Under the rankings of the three insiders and outsiders, are there still few scholars and students to vote?"

"There are only a dozen or so chats at the moment,"

The young general responded cautiously.

"And the only one who passed the township examination is still a half-old school teacher..."

"It's really a bit unbearable, let alone divided into various ministries."

This apparently unexpected result made the leader of the rebel army sigh heavily; it felt even better than being surrounded by the army in Da Yuling, defeated repeatedly, and all his subordinates were defeated one after another. Leaving or surrendering to the enemy will make him even more worried.

Because among the rebels, there is no shortage of warriors who have committed suicide and dared to work hard, and there are also heroes who have gone to death and sacrificed their lives for righteousness, and they are not even the young and latecomers who stand out from the battlefield; but they are unique in affairs and culture. There is a shortage of all kinds of timely talents for writing articles, managing money and food, and organizing general affairs, so that his general mansion has a large number of assistants and officials, but few are well-deserved existences. ;

Even now, his secretary in charge is actually his nephew Lin Yan, who has only read his nephew, and he temporarily took up the post; and other master books, book dictionaries, counsellors, military service and other titles are also taken from all walks of life. , Pull people over, and make up the right to deal with temporary goods.

"Then step up the rectification of military discipline..."

He suddenly turned to him.

"Don't you think I don't know anything...what I do in private"

Speaking of this, he almost squeezed from his mouth word by word.

"I let people be kind to those who have no official status..."

"As a result, these killing talents were just bringing knives to the door and tying their necks, or tying up the whole family... Are they so kind to these scholars

"Do you still want to ruin the reputation of the rebel army to what extent..."

Speaking of this, Huang Chao suddenly remembered something and asked tightly.

"Regarding Chao Guan's subordinates, what happened to the follow-up of the raid in Zhen Yifang..."

"During this period, more than a hundred people died and hundreds were injured. We have already done comfort and compensation..."

Another general, who was slightly older, took the opportunity to report.

"All the officers and men have received punishments and punishments..."

"Only the leader Chao Lang will deal with others, and the military government has yet to decide..."

Then, the generals underneath have already spoken.

"A military order is a military order. If there is no rule, how to make a circle"

"Since the military government has ordered the banning of the sword, he has resorted to indiscriminate killing..."

"It has to be redone, otherwise the hearts of the people in the city that are easily pressed will float again."

"All of them killed Hu'er, but he killed all the Han family in Xiaobanfang..."

"There are also many crimes of torture and coercion on the spot... Only the nearby people have helped the rebels to kill Hu..."

Of course, there are also different things and people who plead for it.

"Let's listen to my last sentence..."

"General Chao Lang and his brother, but an old man from Yuanju County"

"I have been fighting for hundreds of battles under the tent, can you give me a little more forgiveness..."

"Perhaps the first opportunity to redeem the merits..."

"Then abolish his job title, and his department is in charge of the current formation, so he can use the dare team to redeem it in a vain form..."

"Will it be too heavy, the township party and brother who came out of the wrong sentence, but the one who died is one less..."

"Then Huang... Wang... No... What about the great cause of the general..."

"Is it possible to make a negotiation and discount..."

"Well, my plan has been decided, so there is no need to say more..."

"Sell the whole army to be a policeman..."

Then, Huang Chao sighed secretly, and then he took down the city of Guangzhou. Inside the rebel army that was squeezed into a ball, all kinds of hilltops and township factions began to emerge from this, and the realities that can’t wait for their respective existence and influence This time, the great cause of changing the world to make up for the average of the world has not gone far.

Therefore, what really made him make up his mind to rectify the army was actually another state of affairs and development that he had noticed.

The people and horses have been staying in this prosperous city of Guangzhou for a long time, and it's time to start and move; otherwise, they will easily start to devote themselves to peace and gradually become unbearable to attack and conquer, just like before Wang Xianzhi's defeat in Ezhou. Signs of the recurrence of the old things; On the other hand, it also gave the remnants of the officials and army scattered in the five provinces and counties of Lingnan Road more breathing opportunities, and even the external threats and potential possibilities of a comeback. (End of this chapter)