Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2: Alive (in)


In a semi-collapsed side house in an abandoned courtyard,

Zhou Huaian listened to the clamors, shouts and roars in the distance. He couldn't help feeling fortunate and fearful. Fortunately, he escaped and stayed away from the area in time; otherwise, the subsequent large-scale raids and killings would be feared. It was hard to escape and escaped.

Although the miserable experience of the armed men who attacked him is still a little unclear and so suspicious, it is obviously dangerous to stay there; whether it is the unknown force that shredded half a street, or the unidentified armed forces. Companions of personnel, for me, there will be no good results.

Despite this, Zhou Huaian still understood that he had not been able to escape the danger; because as long as he was trapped in this huge city for one day, there would be a risk of being searched and caught one day.

Compared with the noise of the coastal areas, the more you walk in, the more deadly silence, as well as various signs of dilapidation and desolation, which also represents a temporary relative safety and concealment.

For this reason, he cautiously avoided those houses and houses that looked too gorgeous or a little decent, {who knows if there are any armed personnel who are searching or resting inside}, and chose those with relatively shabby facades. It seems that the shantytowns that lack value are located, and come as their own hiding place and collect the biological resources they want.

And those houses that are suspected to have movement and human voices, or the existence of buildings with obvious signs of activity, should be avoided as far as possible.

Therefore, Zhou Huaian spent almost a lot of time hurriedly searching a dozen houses and yards; only to find a small piece of bacon that was almost the same color as the mud under the eaves and dried salted fish that had been left for a long time. Fans who were drying in the air picked one large and one small two crooked loofahs, which is the whole harvest.

Although they are stained with a lot of black ash, this kind of activated carbon-like ingredients that floated out after the fire is temporarily harmless to the human body.

In the end, he even found a tofu shop nearby, but it was a pity that he threw away the messy courtyard and pavement that had been smashed outside. The various soy products that could survive in the house were almost hairy and moldy. The sour smell was unbearable; although he was still hungry, he gave up the trial method after repeated considerations, and used his own stomach to test these semi-finished fermented fermented fermented fermented bean curd without artificial processing.

But then a small jar of salted tempeh buried under the wall made him a little surprised; although this thing smells dead, it can be used as a seasoning to dry and melt in water, and it can replenish what the body needs in time. Salt and minerals, and can be stored for a long time in a high temperature and humid environment.

You know, when walking on the African continent, the fermented black bean paste, dried chili sauce, and mustard buns brought by the country are known as the three artifacts for the medical team to regulate their diet and appetite, whether it is difficult to eat cassava paste or sour noodles, or It is a wonderfully delicious toasted breadfruit and lettuce mix. With these flavors, you can pass it.

Pour out all the tempeh sauce, spread it on a stone slab until it is almost dried by the sun, and then scrape off the whole piece and wrap it in paper.

And before there were no suitable stoves and pots, Zhou Huaian didn't even dare to use the fire to cook further, and could only wash it with the well water he found, and chopped it with a knife, chewing a little bit and the tea was hard. Swallow it first, and then barely relieved the burning hunger.

After a good rest, he took off his soaked sweatshirt and shorts, put them on a stone trough heated by the sun outside, and slowly dried them, and then wrapped his body in a dry cloth and began to count the bits and pieces found on his body. .

Paper certification documents that have been blistered and a pass issued by the East African peacekeeping force, two private seal rings, a domestic three-proof multifunctional watch {solar energy with positioning function}, insect-proof ointment and hemostatic paste in the emergency kit, and water purification Tablets, a small bottle of special pills for treating dysentery, a tube of artesunate to prevent malaria; a few small denominations of African currency, a key to a storage box, and a UnionPay card. . . . . .

By the way, there is a stack of small five-star red flags in the back belt. In some cases in this black continent, these things are even more useful than passports. It is also Zhou Huaian’s greatest restraint from that era. The lives of relatives and families who have gone away are faintly worrying and nostalgic.

It’s just the original mobile phone and a shared maritime satellite phone that fell on the car. Together with the personal belongings and consignments in the compartment and the car, if they will pass through with them, they can only be sunk underwater. Temporarily unable to land.

He was suddenly excited when he touched the hard object on the side of his thigh, and he had forgotten this important thing, which was a pistol in a leg sleeve;

As a need to walk on the edge of war-torn areas in Africa, in fact, many people in the medical team have received the need to simply use firearms; and as a military house and weapon fan in a sense, they have subscribed to light weapons and weapon knowledge since childhood. Zhou Huaian of many military weapons magazines also used the loose environment abroad to get over the addiction of a real gun.

Although he can only get cheap second-hand goods in war-torn areas, he still uses all his free time, from familiar modern film and television classics such as aK47/56half/Remington/m4, to early Gardland, and the anal in the heart. Old antiques such as Li Enfei, Grease Guns, Grandpa Sideng, and even foreign markets with a wide range of all kinds of large-scale goods, all kinds of long and short cannons have a good time.

And although this pistol for self-defense is far inferior to the popular series such as Glock, Sigsauer, and Beretta, it has also fought in World War I and World War II, and is still in the vast third world. The legendary and famous gun widely used by the country—1911 Reinforced Demon Revision;

That’s right, it’s the magic revision, with a shortened alloy high-hardness barrel and an extended twelve-round magazine, as well as parts that have been greatly reduced in weight with lightweight titanium. It is said that the previous owner was a South American smuggler who came to Africa to develop business. The metal skeleton on the grip is the mark left by him, and then I don’t know what happened, but it fell into the hands of a tribal chief, and was given as a gift to witness the goodwill and personal friendship between China and Africa. Came out

Because everyone in the medical team has their own self-defense weapons, this extra souvenir will be temporarily kept and maintained under my name before returning to the country and handing it in.

Although the appearance has been worn and scratched very badly, it did not affect the internal structure. The directivity and accuracy in actual use are still quite satisfactory; therefore, under a certain squirrel-controlled complex, I stayed in my body for a while. Take it with you and take it out as soon as you have time to adjust and test it.

Today, such a short firearm full of magazines, plus a bag of 20 bullets in a waterproof bag, can at least be used for emergency and life-saving purposes at critical times. Compared with the unknown ghost thing on his body that died in a flash in the pan, it also gave him a little more confidence and confidence in the next situation.

Of course, Zhou Huaian is not arrogant enough to think that he can rely on this thing to be unparalleled, and face the siege of cold weapons from the brigade and be unharmed, that is, when facing sudden epidemics, such as short-eyed rats or coveting. What kind of person, the degree of surprise.

Later, when checking the surrounding environment, he found the information he wanted in a nearby alleyway facing the street. It was a piece of scorched wooden board with a piece of burlap paper posted on it. It was vaguely okay. I saw a few words in the inscription:

"Lingnan xxx classics...Guangzhou capital x mansion...The six years of Qianfu, Jihai"

This is Guangzhou in this era? The legendary city of thousands of sails, the most brilliant pearl in the South China Sea, China's oldest foreign port and sea route, and the most prosperous and prosperous place in Lingnan.

But this magnificent and prosperous city has fallen into the color of blood and fire, and there is smoke that shook the sky and the omnipresent cries and noises everywhere.

As for the Guangzhou of that era, he was a bit blinded by the year of Qian Fu's reign. Although as a military history fan with a wide range of interests, he did not dispute the details of various historical events on the forum. And the possibility, but it is really difficult to distinguish a specific year and era in the vast history of dynasties.

After all, the history of Guangzhou as an ancient city and port can even be traced back to the Qin and Han dynasties. From the perspective of architectural style and development level, it has been far away from the Qin, Han, Southern and Northern Dynasties and overlapped the buckets. It is in a certain sense of the peak of the feudal era. Except for the obvious pigtails on the ground, I don’t know that I was in the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming That era.

After all, relative to the long years that have run through the entire Chinese history, this is a fairly international city and one of the earliest cities that opened up to the outside world; however, the massacre that can happen in a large city like Guangzhou in history is obviously There are only a handful of them.

After comparing them one by one, Zhou Huaian had several candidate conjectures in his mind, but the best way is to obtain more evidence such as official announcements, or find a local resident to obtain information for his next step. Provide some kind of reference and comparison.

Well, this inexplicable crossing at least didn't throw oneself into a foreign country where birds don't shit and language barriers; it's just that the ancient Cantonese or Nanyin is not more comprehensible than bird language. (End of this chapter)