Tang Dynasty

Chapter 25: Change (in)


After three full days of rituals and carrying the leftover bags, he stepped back to Zhou Huai'an after returning to the city, with two more unfamiliar faces. But it was the monk he abducted and taken away together with his three-footed incorruptible tongue in these three days.

One of them was the underage novice monk. It is said that because he was a little sturdier than his peers, he was sent by a monk who was considered to be a full year to fill the bill. The legal name is Yuanjing; because he was given a house by his parents who could not support him when he was very young. After entering the monastery, the most arduous and cheapest work done by the small or the small, even if he grows up a little bit, he is still the lowest member of the monastery; therefore, after listening to Zhou Huaian’s so-called story about his experience in the world, he intends to return to the vulgar experience. The taste of worldly life;

Of course, in Zhou Huaian’s eyes, he is actually a very good target of exploitation. Because he has done the chores of copying scriptures and serving in the dining hall in the temple, he is still very fluent in writing and can perform simple calculations, which will be used in the future to lay hands. If you want to run, you can make yourself a little easier.

And the other is a complete surprise; the other party is a young monk from the Baoning Temple in the Great Zen Forest in Guangzhou, who has a higher birth than the little novice monk, and the situation is better;

However, according to what he said frankly, the reason why he was sent to participate in this compulsive ritual was entirely the result of the squeeze and intrusion of fellow brothers and sisters in this large monastery; because they were not optimistic that someone could live. The possibility of going back is not optimistic about the prospects for the development of the rebels after occupying Guangzhou. Instead, they are worried about getting involved and suspicion with the anti-thieves and destroying the pure jade practice of the monks, so they simply use the black box operation method to make him unlucky. The egg was temporarily promoted to a classic seat, put on a dark monk's clothing, and stuffed it.

This result made him very frustrated and disappointed. But to make matters worse, before he came out, he learned about another thing through his old friends; it was said that it was the high-level two orders of the monastery in order to get rid of him, a disciple who had served the anti-thief, and destroyed it privately in the future. In addition to his monk disc and directory, many monks are forbidden to talk about his name; therefore, he is no longer a homeless person in an empty home;

So after the mage ended, he offered to follow Zhou Huaian, who seemed to be apostate, and learn from the foreign methods he brought back from Tianzhu. By the way, he assisted Zhou Huai'an to keep that position from nothing far away. The words and deeds of the deceased teacher who had been walking in the outer world for many years and heard about it were gradually organized into a book of aspirations.

Of course, according to his rhetoric, if this work can be written in the future, even if it cannot become Xuanzang Tripitaka's "Story of the Western Regions" at the time of the founding of the country, or the "Book of the Kingdom of Buddhism" by Fa Xian, the world's first Buddhist monk. , The great monk Yijing from the sea, such as "The Biography of the Great Monk in the Western Regions of the Great Tang Dynasty" and "The Biography of the Nanhai Jigui Neifa", such as the grand masterpieces and treasures handed down; it is also enough to become a classic for future generations to stay and sing for a while. .

The greatest ability of this wish is the qualifications he once brought in the Scripture Translation Institute, allowing him to fluently argue and read a variety of foreign languages and simple language dialogues, as well as the experience of hand-made plate printing. This is considered to be the place where Guangzhou is a port of all nations, and it is also a good means and skills for making a living; and for Zhou Huai'an, this is also a kind of natural cover and vest.

Since this carrot is hanging on him, Zhou Huaian can completely use the experience summaries in those knowledge systems, throw them out a little bit as bait, and drive and squeeze his skills and expertise for a long time.

However, when he returned to the location of Stormrage Camp again, he was surprised by the excitement and noise; after only three days of walking, there were already many new faces in the camp. They were almost The chaos is flooding the camp that has been initially transformed, and the originally clean and tidy camp area becomes messy and noisy again.

"Quickly come over to the monk"

In response, Wang Pan, who hurriedly came out to greet the hermit and walked straight to the back door, seemed to have a stomach of bitterness.

"Finally I hope you are back"

"Those miscellaneous things that have accumulated can almost drive me crazy..."

"What is the current situation..."

Zhou Huaian couldn't help asking.

"Such chaos in the camp..."

"That's not something that Old Deng put together..."

Wang Pan looked mixed and sighed.

"He suggested that I offer the house of clean water... for the benefit of more volunteers and soldiers..."

"As a result, it really fell into the eyes of the military mansion."

Speaking of this, Wang Pan couldn't help showing a hint of joy and faint embarrassment.

"Since then I have been granted permission not to re-expand my team..."

"Therefore, these are new pawns picked from the camp in the past two days..."

"I have to bother you to arrange and arrange with your heart..."

"Because Lao Deng pulled back two or three times the head at once."

"As a result, there was not enough manpower to control for a while, and it became like this..."

"No, many people still have to sleep on the white ground and continue to drink raw water and thin porridge to maintain..."

"There are still people who keep losing things in profit..."

"By the way, there is also the military mansion named to reward you..."

Having said that, he clapped his hands and pointed in the direction of the newly expanded corral.

"No, I'll just eat one bite after I heard that, and I will bring a few bites of pig and sheep..."

"There is a stone of rice noodles and a few piles of coarse silk, all in your house..."

"Well, this is a surprise."

Zhou Huaian thought of it this way. He had just brought back two gangsters, but they hadn't been able to arrange them, so they were brought up by steps.

After briefly checking the newly added animals in the corral, he immediately said on the spot that he would take out five of the pigs and hand them over to his father, which was regarded as an extra meal for everyone to celebrate; only a lean lamb and An ewe and lamb can be raised and eat meat, and the ewe is breastfeeding and can be used to provide a limited amount of goat milk every day.

And the stone rice noodles and coarse silk in the room were treated in the same way, leaving only a small part and leaving all the others to the public, which can be regarded as a disguise to block some of the rhetoric and criticisms that may be potentially jealous.

After all, in this era, it is reasonable to take the credit and get rid of it, but obviously the other party did not do it. Regardless of the motive, Zhou Huaian has to bear this affection. If these teaching staff go out, then it will be more convenient to put forward corresponding requirements and suggestions.

For example, the piece of coarse silk left alone can be used to sew several sets of clothes for a full body change, and the ten kilograms of brown rice and coarse noodles left behind can also be processed into portable rations during the journey.

With the return of Zhou Huai'an, the sequelae and side effects brought about by the sudden increase in the number of troops are also in the tumult and chaos that have been disturbed, slowly returning to calm and transforming into a larger-scale labor scene.

Because they didn’t have enough equipment and equipment to train them, Wang Pan simply had the idea to temporarily return most of these new pawns to Zhou Huai’an, the deputy manager, as the basic labor for various daily expansion projects and construction matters, until the corresponding equipment. The equipment and barracks have been prepared and constructed until the completion.

As for Zhou Huai'an, he has two laymen who can carry out basic communication. In fact, his busyness and workload have not increased much; nevertheless, he still takes time out every day to exercise himself with simple equipment and do more. A little bit of his own private work, and then with a look that looks exhausted, to respond to the concerns and inquiries of the top leaders, Wang Pan.

It's just that in life, although there is an unlimited supply of food every day, it can only be regarded as a rather unremarkable crude tea and light rice. The only privilege is to have tea and wine, and there is a little bit of oil in the food;

The tea is a bitter and astringent tea soup for the morning. The blackened leaves taste musty. The wine is a light turbid wine without water in a small half pot in the afternoon. The suspended solids and sediment impurities inside are like sour. As for the daily supply of oily porridge, it is actually mostly black dried preserved preserved dried preserved meat and wax products that have been left for an unknown period of time.

Only the daily miscellaneous rice and biscuits are not limited to as much as you want, and you can also open a small stove to cook some soup;

However, for Zhou Huai'an, this kind of standard food is barely enough in terms of calories, but the nutritional content is really unsatisfactory; therefore, he often has to take advantage of the cheap privileges of living in the fire kitchen to carry out limited two Only one time can be processed. For example, make a duck egg in the sour wine bottle, shred the deadly expired bacon and cook it into soup with Caibangzi.

On the contrary, most people don’t eat aquatic products such as river fresh food. Under the incidental treatment of water and bathing, the daily supply is relatively sufficient. After simple charcoal grilling, water boiling, and white simmering, Barely can be used as a supplementary source of minerals such as protein and calcium.

Even though it was so simple and shabby to eat three meals, it was enough to make most of the rebel soldiers jealous and drooling.

After all, according to Zhou Huai'an's short-term family situation, the overall level of the Stormrage Camp has been beaten to death by this level and the upper limit; as a peasant army, they have had a lot of hardship before; eating only two meals a day or even There is only one meal, and even the examples of eating bark and digging grass roots when you are hungry every three to five times or if you are not receiving enough food, are also commonplace in memory;

Now I still benefit from the relatively abundant period when most of the rebel army has just laid down this prosperous and prosperous Guangzhou city, and just being in this countryside is enough to make Stormrage Camp and the various materials obtained are relatively abundant. Therefore, whether it is the new and old volunteers, or the first pawns recruited from the local poverty, they are generally satisfied and cherish the current situation.

Therefore, when Zhou Huai'an possessed the ability to turn decay into a miraculous culinary art, he was able to turn the originally crude and unbearable diet into "precious and delicious" rumors, which was leaked through the handyman in the fire cooker; he There were many more middle-level leaders who came to spy on the private kitchen where the first few people and Lao Feng were in charge, and then came with a handwritten letter to ask for food.

As the price of the continuous expansion of the food group and the proliferation of simple recipes such as "bamboo rice", "tea porridge", "stone bun" and "brand food", the consumption of firewood and firewood under his management has increased sharply. There are also frequent records of various ironware products in the camp that have been reported missing and damaged;

So much so that there were too many people who ran out at one night, and they alarmed the patrol brigade Deng Cun, thinking that something terrible had happened, and blowing the trumpet to make a noise, almost exploded the camp; After dawn, Wang Pan, who rushed back in a hurry, could not figure it out with tears and laughter. It was possible for these middle-level leaders in the camp to gather together secretly at night without hesitating to waste fire candles, actually just to participate in the vice-manager "monk" and start a small stove in the fire cooker. The collective supper is just an extra meal.

Therefore, many people have been disciplined and punished for violating the camp rules, even Zhou Huaian has no exception; but as his punishment and remedial measures, he has to be responsible for re-establishing soldiers and middle-level leaders dedicated to night duty. Provide a long-lasting night stove system with hot soup and other supplements.

Then, he took the opportunity to collect the iron products scattered in the camp, and with the help of the newly recruited blacksmith, he knocked and polished with a little hand, and finally created several sets of large cast iron pots to meet the needs of the first time. The processing needs of a small number of large batches of ten people for frying and cooking.

In this way, he can finally take the opportunity to use the public utensils for private use, from time to time to eat stir-fries that lack oil and salt, and some basic fried products, and even process the deep-seated ingredients of cooking and stewing in private.

Then, in order to solve the problem of the sudden increase in fuel consumption, in addition to allowing people to go up to the mountains to cut down more firewood, he also began to try to let his masons and brick makers carry out kilns, and burn more portable and durable. Chai carbon comes. The large-tube blast stove was redesigned with bamboo frame and yellow mud to make full use of calorific value and firepower;. . . So, for the first time, he had hot water that he could use to soak in the bath, instead of rinsing it with cold water and rubbing it with hot water. As a result, he almost rubbed a thick layer of mud on the surface of the big pot.

In order to facilitate the transportation of the felled firewood back, a simple path leading to the mountains was opened on the side of the road. The structure of the trolley was modified to be able to load and push more firewood on the mountain road, and then built a firewood shed and Transfer the yard; and even instruct the people who can strike iron in the camp to further improve and strengthen the existing knife and axe tools.

Then when the charcoal was burnt in batches, a small amount of lime and mud bricks were burned by the way; in order to collect more iron materials and build new tools, they began to send people to the nearby villages to "prepare" and buy them. . . . It can be said that the original stagnant development and solidified atmosphere of Stormrage Camp has become active and lively again as a result.

And in this series of passive or actively guided changes, the skills and division of labor of his subordinates have also been refined step by step, and Zhou Huaian, who is the link and leading role, has gradually been promoted to the level of concealment. Optional position.

In this series of movements, the original training sound and Stormrage Camp are also in the midst of the sound of work chants, and gradually have a new nickname of "Mason Camp". (End of this chapter)