Tang Dynasty

Chapter 3: To be alive (below)


Zhou Huaian was awakened again by the unexpected sound of the collapse of a large mass of heavy objects;

Under the gloomy yellow sky, he looked at his watch, it was between five and six o'clock in the evening. He had probably slept for two or three hours, his body was still astringent and his stomach was still hungry. However, the obscurity and heaviness of the original limb movement has been relieved a lot in the short rest, and the varicose veins and swelling on the legs and feet have basically disappeared.

The noisy and hissing noises that had stayed in the distance have also become fragmentary shouts nearby. Obviously, the small traps he set up on the streets and lanes, or the early warning agencies were triggered one after another.

These small organs themselves are materials that can be seen everywhere on the street. The one-off and rudimentary products made temporarily are indistinguishable from the rubble and waste that can be seen everywhere on the street, and there is no specific lethality or hindrance effect. ; The only function is that after being touched by someone, it will make a relatively harsh noise and movement during the collapse to remind Zhou Huaian who is hiding nearby.

And this kind of auxiliary skills or craftsmanship is based on the field survival skills and skills that veterans used to mutually benefit when he was in the African medical team, and in the guards of other Chinese aid units and resource development companies. One of the experience; after all, there are too many surprises and possibilities in this magical and wild enough land in Africa.

Therefore, for a while, he was in the medical team, playing the role of a panacea that can do everything and many places can temporarily make do with it.

And he learned that these small traps are not about the specific killing effect, but are providing timely warnings for the endless emergence of wild animals or armed personnel running around, the corresponding peripheral early warning, obstacles and delays in action.

It's a pity that this time the preparation time is too short and the materials are limited, and he only had time to build some detailed and simple sound mechanisms with bricks, stones and wood chips.

Nevertheless, he quickly cleaned up the extra traces in the outside room, re-arranged a few small organs, and with the weapons around him, he climbed up the roof truss three times and five times along the stacked objects, using short The tip of the spear gently opened a gap in the white and black thatch that covered the top, which was regarded as a high view of the street.

Then, he observed indistinctly haunting the walls in the distance to the west, a number of figures stumbling and running, and the faint smoke trailing behind and yelling and chasing.

Fortunately, although those fugitives touched the peripheral street warning, they did not run directly to the broken house where Zhou Huai'an was located; and there didn't seem to be many people who were chasing after them. They just observed it for a while, and continued one after another. Only a dozen people appeared, scattered in the streets one after another, clamoring and chasing them in a roundabout way.

Later, Zhou Huaian noticed that these chasing armed men were equipped with miscellaneous equipment, including knives, axes, nail-headed clubs, bows and arrows, and even lassos and fishing forks. They were also dressed in messy short clothes and brown hips, the best protection. It was nothing more than a tattered holster vest.

But it seemed full of momentum and fierce energy, and it seemed to be very cooperative, yelling, and driving the escaped people here directly along the street.

In this moment, two people in succession, amidst screams and pleadings, suddenly stumbled and fell on the chasing street, and then these armed men who came up with knives spattered fiercely with blood. On the spot.

Then, one of the armed men stopped and drew an arrow from the back to shoot with a bow, but unfortunately, the strength and accuracy of the head were very poor, and it fell on the wall and the ground behind and beside the only remaining fugitive. It was delayed at this point, and the remaining three fugitives who had lost their lives drew a distance from them again.

However, in Zhou Huaian’s view, their performance and mental state are those of the black uncles who dared to go on the road with a machete and robbed part-time during the African wars, even some local tribal armed forces that Zhou Huaian had seen. It's incomparable.

He is generally malnourished and lacks training. There are no rules and tactics in the use of weapons. It is only a slight threat in terms of numbers. With the short-term combat and self-defense training he has received, he will face about three to four at the same time if he encounters them. , But more than that, we must find ways to retreat and turn in; Zhou Huaian quickly made a preliminary judgment, which is also the necessary insight and detailed experience when walking in Africa.

After all, in the face of the moral and ethical lower limits that are constantly being refreshed in the West under the banner of humanitarian assistance but are selling dog meat, even the medical team of a pure public welfare nature is also likely to receive indiscriminate attacks; among them, The most troublesome thing is not those organized rebels or tribal guerrillas, or robbers for the purpose of robbery, but these stragglers who are difficult to negotiate and only know how to smash and kill. Only proper violence can make them aware of their difficulties. And retreat.

This was just a matter of a few breaths, and then some fugitives crossed the ruined courtyard where Zhou Huaian was hiding, and ran straight to the distance; before Zhou Huaian could breathe a sigh of relief, someone crashed into it. Zhou Huaian shot at the sound trap outside the door, and the rubble that was piled up suddenly fell over and was half buried.

Then he screamed and was caught by the armed men who came after him and dragged it back to the street. It was actually a woman's voice, and then the invisible corner behind the wall changed the tone and became a kind of suppressed pleading and hoarseness. Howling.

Then with the quite fierce beatings and curses, the women's struggling and pleading movement slowly disappeared, and finally there was only a lifeless single-sided whip.


"It's boring if you die..."

There was a whispering voice outside the wall, crossing the outer courtyard and directly towards the room, Zhou Huaian couldn't help but squat in his heart.

"Son Nicogua, are you afraid that people will look twice when doing this?"

"I'm just like this, how can I get you..."

"I don't want to let you see it in vain..."

"Don't hurry up... catch up..."

"There is not much time to allow us to come out..."

"Just muddy noise... Hurry up and let me go..."

In the unconcealed mumble, dragging the hair of a woman who is not awake, and can not wait to walk in a figure with an open chest and back. After looking forward to the left and right, he yelled and retired his crotch pants under the eaves.

Zhou Huaian, who had already taken the ambush position by the door, slowly pushed the short spear resting on the edge of the window wall, but thrust forward with force, as if he had punctured a water bag. The resistance came across the neck who was struggling to find a suitable position. The person who was looking for the goal and path almost didn't make much sound. He clutched the blood spring that couldn't be blocked, and fell weakly. Go aside.

Amidst the faint bloody air that quickly diffused, Zhou Huaian re-righted the corpse and pressed it on the unconscious woman, continuing to disguise himself, and then flew a few times and leaned against the door, posing with a knife and slanting upwards. Taking advantage of the situation, he slowly crouched down holding his breath.

"Is it over?"

After a while, I saw the half of the body that couldn't wait for the probe to come in and asked, and then he lowered his nose to complain

"Why is it bleeding again..."

As soon as the cold light flickered, the visitor suddenly turned his head and turned sideways as if he was surprised, but Zhou Huai's safety force was cut to the back of the neck with a stab, and he pressed his body and smashed straight to the ground, humming and holding his breath. The blood spurting gap was rolling and struggling in the rapidly expanding pool of blood, and couldn't get up anymore. Then Zhou Huai'an was dragged to the side by his strong handle, feeling a little lighter than expected.

As the bloody smell faded, the people outside finally noticed something was wrong, and they heard the noise of footsteps and someone rushed in again.

"There is buried... Vol."

Immediately someone started from outside the door, waving a sharp knife-point and daring forward. However, before the last word was uttered, he was interrupted again by the short spear that pierced through the door gap. With the figure and movement that suddenly fell down with a half-ended spear and the door panel, he suddenly started the sound outside the door and screamed.

"Be careful.."

"The thief gets his hands..."

"The third",

Zhou Huaian thought silently in his heart of pushing down the bricks and stones stacked on the door, and submerged and buried the enemies who had hit the door; he flew quickly and retreated to the wall with his eyesight and hands. He quickly stepped on the remaining padded bricks and jumped over. The end of the wall reached the hole in the house on the side, and then began to follow the reserved gaps and passages, and walked tightly behind the people who blocked the front door of the courtyard.

However, the first thing he saw outside the door was the empty front door, and then he turned his head and bumped into the lookout figure not far away from the corner of the street, with his back facing him and holding a bow and arrow; Qiang Zi restrained his heart and jumped. After judging the opponent’s range and the distance that he can escape before he can react;

He took a deep breath and touched the holster that he could pull out at any time by the side of his leg. He exhausted his whole body weight and stepped on the ground to make a dull fracture sound, while one hand was squeezed into a conical fist and then he slammed under his ribs, and the other hand held the opponent's head according to the learned grappling techniques, using the crooked clamp. The horns tightened the mouth and nose that were about to make a scream, while using the body as the central axis of rotation, squeezed backwards and reciprocatingly, twisted left and right for a few twists;

After the other party was chucking his breath and was released again, soft and slumped like mud, the threat from long-range killing seemed to be temporarily resolved; and the people who swarmed into the yard next door were still yelling. There was a huge noise from beating everywhere, to give myself courage and momentum, but actually there were no more people left outside.

In this case, Zhou Huaian could not help but suddenly came up with a more adventurous idea; he casually tried the bows and arrows captured by trial; well, as a former amateur hunting enthusiast, he has also practiced this thing in African tribes, although it seems It's rough and the strings aren't very tight, but with the few untidy feather-tailed arrows left, it can be lethal within a certain distance.

Afterwards, he slowly retreated to a street corner a dozen steps away and squatted down, revealing only a bowed palm and half of his observing face; between a few breaths, there was a figure, yelling for something to look around in the yard. Zhou Huaian ran out, and Zhou Huaian, who was too late to test his shot, let go of an arrow, but fluttered to the left slightly with the wind and shot it on the opponent's shoulder, and the shallow nail on the door wall made him scream on the spot. .

At this time, another person showed half of their body from the wall and looked on, apparently avoiding the main entrance and intending to climb out on the wall; at this time, Zhou Huaian, who had re-adjusted his head and strength, did not hurriedly set it up. The target snorted and threw an arrow through the chest of the opponent who had just crossed the wall with his front legs, and then screamed in pain and fell back into the wall again.

Then he re-winded a feather arrow and hummed at the toothache, trying to pull himself out of the door a little bit by bit. After the soft sound of the string and the scream of piercing the chest, everything was calm; so, The yard seemed to be quiet again, and then someone spoke loudly in a trembling voice, but it sounded unclear.

"Mumbling the thief is crooked..."

"Puff you burp..."

After a while, when the strongest figure in the ragged leather case also had the last two arrow feathers inserted obliquely under his ribs, he picked up a knife and chopped the weapon and cut off the sword holding the wrist, and went wrong. He stabbed his body into his stomach, dragged and threw it to the ground, twisted, kicked and rolled, touching a large group of blood stains, and cursing bitterly after losing his breath.

In Zhou Huaian’s field of vision, there was only the last cringe who sneaked out of the yard, but was horrified by this scene and involuntarily fell back and sat in the corner, but turned around and ran away against the wall. Of survivors.

Then, in the midst of a muffled ping sound while holding his breath and aiming, the feather arrow ran out of the opponent's back twenty or thirty steps away, and fell to the ground with a thin blood arrow; then, Driven by the residual adrenaline, Zhou Huaian moved forward and used a blood-stained long knife to poke the corpse a few times before he was truly relieved.

In this way, excluding a small number of people who had chased far away, a total of seven people were placed and left here by him. What was captured was a hunting bow tied with cloth and four arrows, one long and one short. Two nicked knives, a mace, a harpoon, a rusty hatchet, and a tattered wooden shield.

Afterwards, the corpses were all dragged into the yard by Zhou Huaian, and only after the large pool of blood was sprinkled with dust to cover up, Zhou Huaian felt the weakness and body aches and silted fatigue after the adrenaline burst effect passed. It took a long time to come down and slowly recover some strength. .

It was the first time to kill someone personally and it was the feeling of killing several people in a row. It was not so shocking and psychologically shocking. Perhaps it was because the opponent was too weak and was easily knocked off the weapon in the face. ; In other words, after seeing the scenes of massacres along the coast and the bloody streets afterwards, he has become a little numb.

You know, when he was in Africa with the medical team, he not only shot and killed ferocious beasts such as bison, hyena, and crocodiles, but also used guns to deter and live in suspicious people who were unruly.

On the contrary, the feeling of hunger became stronger after exhaustion; but he still thought about it and wanted to pick up the thickest broken tile and squeeze it hard, only to hear the sound of a loud bang. It became a few pieces, which was an inch thick and hard. Tao Yanjiao; it seems that those people are not too poor and weak, but their strength and reaction after crossing have increased to varying degrees.



A heavy accent sounded around him, once again awakening him from the sharply spinning thoughts and memories.

But it was a fugitive who was out of breath before, turned back from an unknown hiding place nearby, and was tearing the clothes torn apart, the woman who died on the ground covered with blood, trying to wake up and support her. He slowly got up from the ground; and then carefully pulled the woman who looked like a zombie and pulled out the arrows one by one to sort out and seize Zhou Huaian, kneeling on the ground respectfully and putting on a humble expression of flattery.

But Zhou Huaian was a little bit surprised and surprised. He actually saved a fan who was hunted down? Looking at the other party's appearance, although it was an ancient dress with a long gown right gusset and a knotted bun, it looked up close, on the curly brown hair and light gray eyeballs. Obviously more like a bloodline imported from Outland.

It’s just a belly tightly tightened by cloth and shiny fat after soaking in sweat. Obviously, the family and living conditions in this era are pretty good, so that the other party should be able to get enough information. Zhou Huaian can’t help but do this. think.

It was just because the accent was too heavy, at least the other party said a few words in a hurry, and Zhou Huaian couldn't understand it. In the end, it was so easy to speak with gestures before completing the preliminary communication and understanding the other party's general meaning.

Then, as the more dialogues and gestures between each other, it was like opening a certain opportunity and switch, and his understanding and mastery of the other's accent and language became gradually transparent as a matter of course. stand up.

"Shannuo, the villain, dare to ask the strong man well..."

"Thank you for your help.."

"Great kindness, don't dare to forget each other..."

It’s just that Zhou Huaian can’t help but see the various blessings when he was in the public image area of a forum in the public image area of a forum, and Zhou Huaian couldn’t help but see the various blessings when he posted the image in the public image area. Up.

"The strong man walks well..."

"The strong man has a safe journey"

"Send a strong man on the road..."

"A good person lives in peace..."


"Pull out all the valuable things..."

Zhou Huaian, who came back to his senses immediately, yelled at the other party without any pretentiousness.

"Also, tell me everything you know"

"Yes Yes.."

The other party hurriedly got up from the ground and responded.

In the end, he only took out a few small silver cakes that had been deformed and curled but could be used as circulating objects, a handful of copper coins of different textures, a gold band ring, and a handful A small knife, a pouch packed with needles and threads, flint sticks and knife stones, and on the inscriptions of multiple copper coins, he saw words such as "Kaiyuan Tongbao" and "Qianyuan Tongbao".


"Hunt and kill your grass thieves?..."

Zhou Huaian couldn't help frowning when he heard the name.

"No, no, now he should be the righteous teacher of King Huang"

The other side trembles with Ji Ling.

"The Yellow King?..."

Zhou Huaian's heart moved involuntarily.

"It's the Huang who has been commanded by the rebels of all roads and soars to the sky..."

The other party said with a lingering fear.

"It must be known that the imperial court's restraint of Lingdong's Li Shijun has all been shown in public."

"When the subordinates entered the city, they closed the door and opened the door to murder..."

"The officials, soldiers, and civilians in the city are all dead and injured."

"My generation really has nowhere to hide, nowhere to avoid, only to find Gou Zang in the ruined workshop area here for a while"

"Unexpectedly, when I came out to fetch water, I was still discovered by the robbers..."

"That's the disaster and suffering..."

At this point, this guy's complexion grew worse.

"Everyone escaped in all directions, but I didn't expect that only me and Sister Gou would survive..." (End of this chapter)