Tang Dynasty

Chapter 34: Sudden chaos (middle)


In the heart of Shixiang Town, large tracts of residential buildings, shops, and shops have become a chaotic battlefield.

In the midst of the fireworks lingering and smashing the sky, a staggered figure flees in the narrow and winding streets, knocking down and overturning objects on the road from time to time.

He escaped so hurriedly and in panic that the rubbish residue on his body, the rotten vegetable gang and kelp slivers that hung on his shoulders exuding a foul smell, did not have time to clean up and shake off.

The team officer Cheng Da Bite, who just emerged from the fighting melee in the streets and lanes, just felt that all of this came too quickly and too ridiculously, or it was obvious that everyone was too slack; he must be aware that he had brought a group of people a moment ago. Routine patrols in the streets, while discussing what kind of food can be raised in the local area; in the end, I suddenly fell into an ambush and siege by thieves who appeared on the streets.

The soldiers who were still talking and laughing at each other were overwhelmed by the robbers rushing out of the walls, alleyways, and houses in a flash. He didn't have time to see the two attackers, and then he could only watch a few of them. Leaning far away, a moment ago, he was still with his subordinates and soldiers, who were chopped down by the crowd and tossed and rolled on the ground, chopped to death or dismembered.

As a veteran from Henan, the birthplace of the Israeli army, it is not that he has not experienced worse and worse things; in fact, in the process of the rebels moving to the world and becoming famous, he used countless desperations to survive. The flesh and tears of the people of ants spread out.

In front of the officers and soldiers armed to their teeth, they had only bare hands and wooden sticks at first, but they were beaten more than once by landslides and collapsed all over the ground; they also had conflicts between various people and horses because of their complex composition. After a single disagreement, it becomes a full-scale martial arts of drawing swords and facing each other, and even killing blood can be willing to stop.

Several times, it was simply because someone yelled unruly at night, which triggered mutual trampling and random merging after the battalion scream, causing a whole rebel army to disperse.

But he managed to survive, but this time he couldn't help but despair; although he tried to slash and rush out of the corner, these thieves continued to kill more and more, and the rebels who could stand by his side were The less, he was left alone in the end;

The helmet was gone and the bun was chopped apart, and the weapon in his hand was broken and discarded early, but the wound on his thigh was still bleeding slowly, making his lower body sensation gradually numb and dull.

It seemed that he was about to lose his life here, but it was a pity that the grudges he carried on his body had not yet been reported. He also wants to go back to his hometown, so those people of all kinds who have done the majesty and blessing on the qualifications will personally give the retribution that they deserve.

I really want to have another bite of the roasted bun from my hometown and take a bite of the spicy soup. He was thinking about leaning slowly at the end of the alley, in the shadow of a broken basket and chicken coop, holding the half of the sharp blade pulled off from his body, quietly waiting for the closer and closer shouts.

At least before he lost his life, he could bring a few more people to accompany him; at this moment, he seemed to see the scenery of his hometown, with the swaying locust and elm trees swaying in the wind, beside the sparkling golden pond, The ragged cowherd boy blew the bamboo whistle.

He suddenly heard the familiar whistling ocarina and whistle sounds, which were used as signals to get up and eat in Stormrage Camp according to the advice of a certain monk; he was used to hearing the bland sounds, but here But I feel extra cordial and caring.

Then those approaching footsteps and screams also turned into panic exclamations and turned to flee, and then burst out short fights and screams, and then returned to calm again; in the end it was a few Talk in a low voice.

"There are only a few, nothing else"

"Then go back to the brigade on the street,"

"Don't stay alone for too long..."

It seemed that it was the voice of the brothers of the rebels, Cheng Dazhe couldn't help but feel happy, and wanted to probe out to check and greet him.

However, I found that because of the bleeding too much, my lower body was numb and I had no strength to stand up, and I couldn't even make a hello. Is it destined to be here today, under some kind of heavier and heavier sleepiness? , He still lost consciousness.

"In a team..."

"Head of the team..."

I don't know how long it took. When Cheng Da bite woke up again amidst the turbulence and eager sound, he was already on a swaying frame. Two wooden sticks tied with a few pieces of cloth were the entire frame.

"It's good if you can wake up..."

The soldier who was responsible for carrying him also continued with a lucky expression.

"When we found you, there was a lot of blood, and the cold breath on my body was gone."


Cheng Da Bite couldn't help but grumble in his throat, but he still couldn't make a sound normally. In the peripheral vision of his lying on his back, there was a spearhead held high in the sky above the street, and the blue flag of anger.

Then he noticed that the wound on his leg had been properly bandaged, so that he couldn't feel the pain of being involved in the constant bumps he was running and advancing.

"Thanks to Deputy Guan, who brought people out of the team to search the streets and respond..."

"Otherwise we are all dead and come back..."

Is all this related to the monk? At this moment, he only felt a little strange and unexpected; but he couldn't help but think of his private mission and tasks, and intuitively seemed to be able to see some clues.

At this moment, Zhou Huaian didn't have much mood to pay attention to the complicated thoughts and attitude of a wounded who had just been rescued.

The effect of deciding to kill out by surprise was pretty good. After crossing a few streets, they soon ran into a large group of enemies who were rushing out of the street. Before the soldiers from the sentry squadron rushed out, they It was even divided into several confronting parts, and there was no time for him to take care of him for the time being;

Then, he was confronted and rushed in with a grievance veteran who had nowhere to vent his grievances. He hurriedly killed the chickens, flying dogs and fleeing, and seized more than a dozen carts of swords and weapons prepared to be distributed on the spot. There are also part of the money and the soup and cakes cooked first.

So they were able to move forward in turns while letting the replaced hands hurry up and get up quickly. After walking through this section of at least a few streets and distances, they never let the team disperse, but gathered some scattered. The rebel soldiers who were in the street or in hiding gained momentum.

Moreover, this time Zhou Huai'an also specially brought out a special temporary unit-the fireman. Thanks to the inspiration from the previous use of dumped charcoal fire to repel the enemy, they also installed a few large vehicles this time. The charcoal fire with this kind of urn is thrown out with a special long-handled iron spoon, which can be used to set fire all the way or as a means to block the enemy;

Especially for most of the mobs in the town who are not armored, but dared to rush into battle with their weapons, they have a special killing and deterrent effect; basically, the thief who encounters a small encounter does not need to fight or contact at all. As long as you use a special iron tool to scoop up and throw at them, you can easily disperse and scare them away.

It's just that the street you are going to has been blocked by all kinds of debris, and there are faint heads and the reflection of weapons behind, which are strictly guarding the offensive team he brought.

At this time, under his temporary leadership, fierce disputes broke out again among a dozen existing bosses;

Several team officers from the resident area, headed by Laoguan, advocated not to rush into a head-to-head collision and avoid the reality to find another way, and wait until more people are gathered and gathered to make the next step;

The bosses who were converged and rescued from the street had a tough and anxious request to directly break through the past, because the sound of fighting in the direction of the city gate has been reduced a lot, and the flames as the background are getting more and more intense. , They just want to rescue the leaders and colleagues who have fallen into the trap as soon as possible.

However, after a brief negotiation to no avail, Zhou Huaian, who had not waited to come back, took the initiative to coordinate and persuade; amidst a burst of roars and shouts, someone took the initiative to take the lead and charged up, trying to get over. Those temporary barriers and lines of defense came, and then they fought together amid screams and screams.

Therefore, under their infection and instigation, more people followed and rushed to join the battle, but the space that can be deployed side by side on the street is always limited, and a large group of people piled up in front of those obstacles, although there were people climbing. When he went up, he was stabbed and turned down by a knife and gun. In just a dozen breaths, the casualty exchange ratio was suddenly pulled away.

Damn, these peasant army's overall view and collective concept, as expected, still can't be counted on. Zhou Huaian cursed secretly in his heart and shook his head helplessly, and directly ordered the archery team gathered around to provide remote support, and then explained to Lao Guan that he would bring a knife and axe and manpower to find {break out} a path from the side. Go around behind the obstacle to make a flanking and responding momentum.

After all, every piece of power is quite precious now, it is really impossible to watch them, take it to death and waste it. At this time, a loud and violent sound came from far out again,


"It's a barbarian..."

"Xi Shan is here..."

There were so many people far away that they couldn’t help screaming loudly

"They colluded with the culprits..."

Afterwards, Zhou Huaian, who was standing high and looking in the distance, changed his face, and saw that there were many naked barbarians outside the town, waving various weapons like a tide, and rushing up over the low wooden walls and fences. .

Was this an intrusion by a third-party force? He couldn't help but feel a little headache and anxious. (End of this chapter)