Tang Dynasty

Chapter 37: return


Outside the shattered town of Shixiang, many poles have been temporarily erected, as well as headless corpses that have been pulled out and hung on them.

On the side of the small river outside the town, a number of distinct men and horses were temporarily camped, forming a kind of semi-encircled confrontation with the Duanzhou Tutuo banner that first settled in the town.

With the figures running between these camps, some rumors and rumors are also flowing and brewing.

"What do those savages and water rats say"

"It is said that among the grass thieves, there are strange people who call the wind and call the rain."

"I invited Zhu Rongshen to show off his power and ruin the whole street."

"You can still fight and breathe fire while fighting, and the pre-ambush manpower can't stop it, so I can only rush out to the other party..."

"Fuck your mother, what kind of stuff are these..."

"Is it the soft stuff that put gold on my face..."

The origins and colors of these men and horses are different. Some of them are pirates who beg for life on the waters of the Xiaojiang River, some are smugglers who travel near the sea, some are chieftains of the natives in the mountains, and some of them are Hushang's subordinates from outside. .

These people who had few chances to meet in the past were gathered here because a certain elder in the local government destroyed the house and sent people to make contact;

Although the elder’s courtesy department retired, he gave a posthumous gift to a rank 5 official, but after all, he was a former official of the capital. In the poor culture and education, the poor Lingnan Waizhou area, he still Quite a person who looks up to extravagantly; even in daily life, even if it is the governor of the Xiazhou governor, he must put down his body and posture when he comes to send someone to ask for advice and come to greet him.

Therefore, when the situation in Lingdong collapsed and the grass thief took possession of the Cantonese government, the officials under the prefecture Zhengyin and Zuo II successively feared the thief and abandoned the guard to flee. The main state city began to preside over the situation;

Just saying hello to the powerful households in their respective places, there was a whisper to the wind, pulling out a lot of soil groups and village soldiers everywhere, temporarily maintaining the state of affairs in most parts of Duanzhou.

And just under the command of this old Lang official, he mobilized and gathered thousands of people, and they were all armed with the armor in the official treasury; then, he took the general trend and sent his children around to caress the people. The fringe forces of mountain barbarians, river pirates, and peddlers use the children of Qiancheng Caibo as a lure to gather and drive them under the banner of pacifying the thieves, and at the same time instigate and wipe out those who are unsatisfactory;

And the change of hands of Ten Fragrant Town was just one of the corners after it was fully launched, but at this moment, the faces of the leaders of these forces were a bit bad.

Although their respective reasons and motives are not the same, they are at least temporarily the same in purpose; it is through this grass thief from the north who steals the opportunity of Lingdong to hand in a certificate of name to the court to obtain security. Or be whitewashed to become a beloved.

Therefore, compared with the leaders of the native soldiers organized by the powerful background, they are obviously more hardworking and desperate, and the price paid is much greater, but in the end, they can actually get a team of grass thieves to pay. Broke through

Therefore, those Tu Tuan generals who have always been close to the government obviously began to take advantage of this matter to buckle their profit sharing and realize the promised reward. He even grasped the defenses first step, and refused to let them follow-up manpower to enter the town.

And the leader who joined forces to ask for an explanation, also just surrounded a Tuan Tuan general who was in charge of liaison and negotiation, and blocked Tuan Tuan outside the town.

"It was your people who said that there are a lot of salt and iron..."

A head man with a copper-colored skin and a feather crown on his head has a bad complexion.

"As a result, there are more than two hundred Ding Zhuangs in Oumen Village, and I went to see the ancestor god... nothing was found."

"Is this being a puppet can be deceived..."

"They all say that there are a lot of valuable fragrant medicines and cloths hoarded here,"

Then the head of the shirtless, thick-haired man, Xiong Jiangpi, followed the question.

"Brothers tried desperately to get in, but only a mouthful of dust and ashes"

"Are they all dead in vain?"

"Since there are no prior benefits handed over,"

Another representative of the Tibetan merchant who looks different from the East but has a deep eye and nose also speaks loudly.

"Don't blame us for taking it ourselves..."

"The most difficult side of the city was taken down by my people and methods..."

"Could it be that you can't wait to break the agreement..."

"You have already accounted for the benefits of Sihui City..."

The vicious-looking but powerful private trafficker leader is even more unabashedly threatening.

"Could it be that this little bit of benefit in Shixiang Town, I can't bear it"

"Then don't blame everyone, it's just a matter of shooting and dispersing."

"I have a son Lang but cut off more than 300 heads of grass thief."

"Only with your earthballs, you still want to go to heaven..."

"It's this reason..."

Others were even more passionate, drawing the handle of the knife and loudly agreeing.

"It's a big deal, let's go back and ask people to fight for a match..."

"Look at the hard bones of your earthball dogs, whether my brother's knife is more profitable..."

Under these robbings and threats, seeing that the Tuan official who represented the government, no longer spoke and persisted, but gave up the acquiescence attitude of retreating the road; The callers whizzed towards the dilapidated town.

"Lieutenant Wen, how does this make it?"

The people around this Tuan official couldn't help but eagerly got up and called

"The rest of the town is the righteous people and the good people who are committed to the court..."

"In order to co-operate inside and outside to assist the officers and the army, taking down those grass thieves has done a lot..."

"This is also no way..."

Lieutenant Wen, who looked a bit old, couldn't help but sighed deeply.

"Now the grass thieves are still strong, and the government still needs to gather strength..."

"Various volunteers also have their own thoughts and desires... The old man must also take care of one or two things,"

Having said this, his expression and eyes became firm again.

"At the moment, I will use these miscellaneous currents to delay and consume one or two grass thieves..."

"Even though there are some righteous people in the town, they can only choose for the sake of the overall situation."

"When the imperial court recovers in the future, it is enough to double back from these miscellaneous currents."

However, he slowly breathed.

"Before they do it, remove all the people you know well..."

"Other people who can't take care of it for the time being, just treat them as a small sacrifice for the sake of the country."

"But when I come back, let the people who withdrew talk more about it,"

"These vulgar grass thieves' brutal actions are horizontal and perverse, and they will harm the tragic crimes in the village."

"But that's it for the captain's orders."

The representative from the town saw that the matter was irretrievable, and he accepted the reality with a sigh, but started to calculate his own gains and losses as soon as his thoughts turned.

After all, Xiaowei Wen just gave him a temporary benefit so that he can decide to withdraw the candidate to avoid the disaster, which is also a disguised buying and comforting. After all, he is not the most influential among the townspeople, but he also has his own interests and positions, as well as the corresponding closeness and closeness.

. . . . . . . . . .

After continuing to walk for two days and re-entering the boundaries of the outskirts of Guangzhou, this team stopped in an abandoned post station to rest in private, and another episode occurred in private.

"Brother monk, my life is yours."

Lieutenant Lu, who was lying on a stretcher to describe his bones, didn't have to look at his way seriously.

"So, I owe you my life..."

"If you have any dispatch in the future, just say it..."

With this beginning and aura, in the process of patrolling the dozens of injuries and illnesses, almost most people expressed similar gratitude or corresponding gratitude;

It was simply because Zhou Huai'an never lost their cumbersome illness during the tossing and fleeing along the road, but severely reprimanded and deterred those who proposed similar ideas or were inclined to take action. Because of these critical moments between life and death, the feelings and thoughts generated by every word and deed bit by bit have been amplified and strengthened to some extent.

Of course, he laughed at this wave of unexpected joy, but on the surface he still had to show some inadvertent humility and calmness; then he told and comforted the other party in a serious manner, which was just a matter of convenience. I really dare not pass it. Too much greed, and the more important thing is that they themselves must have the will to survive, or the firm belief that they have persisted along the way.

By the way, I learned from my soulmates the short stories and jokes of the bad street, and infused a bunch of specious cheap soul chicken soup, so that the other party was trapped in some kind of very reasonable ignorance, which can be regarded as further development in the future. It laid a more profound foreshadowing.

In the process of leading the escape this time, under the pressure of danger and survival, Zhou Huaian can be regarded as completely squeezed out of his biological scanning and detection capabilities, plus the night vision and long-sighted capabilities brought by this unidentified auxiliary system. , And provided this team with a mode of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and obtained supplements and assistance from the wild in a few critical junctures in time.

But as a corresponding price, he had to swallow a lot of high-calorie things; such as hundreds of catties of stone honey and dried meat, more than a dozen cured geese, and most of the beef hind legs, so as to ensure that he would not be too much. Weak and tired on the way.

Although they tried their best to cover up and decorate, they still surprised the rebel soldiers who came along with them, and came to the rumors and comments that the deputy monk was suspected of being "a gluttonous alive".

But the greater gains are first in people's hearts. For example, he turned his follower Xiaoqi into a certain kind of admirer, and the dozen or so subordinates led by Lao Guan became a certain sense of the same team. ; Even with this number one hundred and ten who fled back, during this time of subtle daily obedience and identification, most of them faintly became their most direct or indirect and even potential supporters and supporters in Stormrage Camp. (End of this chapter)