Tang Dynasty

Chapter 39: Preferential treatment (medium)


In the following time, in the same congratulations with different moods, Zhou Huai'an was not allowed to become the manager of Stormrage Camp, and he could barely be regarded as the newly expanded number of two to three thousand troops, ranked within the top ten. "High-level".

Well, this kind of direct heart-to-heart attitude, even Zhou Huaian could not help but feel a little moved and helpless. Is this a kind of cocoon in a certain sense? Although the resources and conveniences that can be obtained have further increased, the deeper the bond here, the more difficult and convenient he wants to get out of in the future.

But in any case, since being able to lead the team back safely instead of disappearing or leaving here, it can be regarded as showing a certain attitude and position; even with a certain kind of limited trust and respect that arises spontaneously, and these middle-level people The apparently friendly attitude of the chiefs has also evolved from the fairly neutral "monk" in daily spoken language to the title of "deputy manager" and "operating manager", quietly appearing next to Zhou Huaian. .

On the other hand, it was an unexpected bonus by Zhou Huaian. The appearance and image of the returned team was almost completely new. Because of the leaks of the friendly army, everyone was fully dressed from head to toe, and the card players and spearmen all put on it. After the half-length holster, it’s not like escaping back, but just returned by the class teacher after victory {Huo Chu’s boss Lao Feng said}

Moreover, according to the vaguely disclosed news by Lao Feng, in fact, in the northwestern area of Guangzhou where the war broke out, they are the only squad who can now escape back in an organized way; therefore, not only Wang Pan, who is a general, has a pleasant surprise. Field, saying that they should be recuperated to make them more useful;

Even at the military palace in Guangzhou, someone came to ask about it. After publicly announcing the decision of the new ministry, and everyone dispersed and returned to their respective positions, Zhou Huaian was not unexpectedly left by Wang Pan.

"The idea that you sent back earlier is not bad."

Wang Pan couldn't help sighing.

"I already have some clues in my heart... It's just..."

"But it's not time to catch up"

Since he had just been promoted to the "high-level" in the army and his own people, something happened during this period of time, and Wang Pan no longer had any reservations and concealment from him.

First of all, there were several assassinations against the soaring generals in Guangzhou. It was only because of the failure to grasp the exact whereabouts of the generals, it was caused by the successive accidents of the deputy car, including Huang Rui, the brother of the Huang King. Including serious injuries, there were many deaths and injuries among high-level military personnel. At present, at least hundreds of suspects have been arrested and killed in the whole city.

Secondly, the General’s Mansion ordered the cleaning of household registers, fields and appointment of officials in the two prefectures and thirteen counties of Guangzhou. It was quite unsuccessful or even impossible. Not only did many scholars and students refuse to go into official positions, but even those The officials who were appointed also had a lot of fleeing or other evils.

Furthermore, the General Mansion’s process of dispatching and enlisting the rebels in the city was not satisfactory. Many rebel generals greeted the prosperity and comfort of the city in Guangzhou, and the preparations for the battle and the use of troops were delayed, and some even began to delay. Connect in private, find out all kinds of reasons and excuses to violate the yin and the yang.

This led to the anger of the soaring general. In the expanded military meeting that was temporarily convened, dozens of generals and officials were punished and dealt with on the spot, imprisoned and tortured with sticks, deported and demoted, several of them Wang Pan’s old knowledge; this also opened the prelude to the rectification of the army in the city.

However, this pair of Stormrage Camp, which had stayed outside the city and remained relatively in good condition, has become a good thing that indirectly benefited by mistake. Not only was it able to replenish a group of veterans, but also gave them a batch of armor and weapons, waiting to take people into the city to collect them.

"Monk, please count the heads and things in the camp..."

Speaking of this, Wang Pan is serious about it.

"All the people who have been rectified these days have begun to start pulling out one after another..."

"I'm afraid that our department will also be ready for battle in the near future..."

"A lot of preparations require you to pay more attention..."

"Everything during the period should be needed, even if you speak..."

"Whether I want people or things, will I try my best to think about it..."

Zhou Huaian was shocked, as if the long-awaited opportunity had just arrived. War, war, also means getting out of this corner of Guangzhou, or even leaving the sphere of influence controlled by the rebel army, and then getting out of the way to a wider world.

At this time, a security guard came in and told him that his face moved slightly before he continued.

"By the way, Xiao Chai is here again just now,"

"I want to take you over and ask about some things on the road."

"Maybe it's about the enemy's situation and military reports..."

"Or it's time for you to do a good job..."

"Maybe there will be rewards and encouragement..."

. . . . .

When meeting the Red Horse Captain Chai again, Zhou Huaian only felt that the other party seemed to have some subtle changes that could not be said, and he seemed to become more and more thoughtful.

Later, in the Baoshan Temple outside the South Gate, which was temporarily used as the office, he took his experience and thoughts during this period of time to a bookkeeper who was in charge of recording, and said it carefully.


He was surprised that the other party actually made such a presumptuous suggestion.

"Well, I am interested in coming to the military office to do something..."

Xiaowei Chai said suddenly.

"Your knowledge and talents shouldn't be put in a more useful place."

"The King Huang has ordered the people of insight to requisition the place"

"Regardless of origin and origin, as long as you are willing to contribute to the foreign army, you can use it out of style..."

At this moment, Zhou Huaian suddenly felt a little heart-stirring. When he went to work at the General's Mansion, didn't it mean that he was close to and observing a ready opportunity for the top anti-thief leader in the world.

Maybe there is still a chance to impress and influence the other side, and let this rebel army follow a completely different historical trajectory from then on; the opportunities and hurdles to change history seem to be right in front of us, and people can’t help but think about it.

Immediately, the anger of King Kong in his field of vision awakened him from the dreamy YY; he would eventually be separated from the peasant army, the big ship destined to overturn. These promised opportunities and promotion are nothing. It. No matter how much you seek and obtain, it is nothing more than a dreamlike bubble.

What's more, the resources and contacts he accumulated in a short period of time are all in Stormrage Camp. Once he leaves, it means that most of his previous efforts have been abandoned; he does not have enough guarantees and grasps to continue the more critical and sensitive upper eyelids. Bottom, keep your own small actions and private life.

"It's hard to follow fate,"

Thinking of this joint allowed him to be generous and sincere.

"In the camp, I have the grace to save from hunger..."

"Thanks to Chai Xiaowei's origins, I haven't been able to pay much for it yet..."

"So I can only thank you for your kind intentions..."

"It's kind of interesting..."

From behind the altar turned out an older man, with a thick beard and a broad face, and there was a bit of awe-inspiring lion's footsteps between his actions.

"The words are well-founded and the writing is clear, but I only know a lot of allusions, and I have seen and heard a lot..."

"There seems to be some loyal character."

"This refusal should not seem to be false..."

"Xiao Chai, why did you let people out of Wang Zimian's hands..."

"Why did Uncle Cun have branches out of the season... Most of them are things that are already known,"

Xiaowei Chai frowned slightly.

"This call is just another routine confirmation."

"Why make me say this..."

"Since, Xiao Chai, you care about this guy so much..."

The older army general named Uncle Cun smiled.

"The Stormrage Camp is in the eyes of King Huang again, and it will be used immediately."

"I just assumed it was the king's purple noodles and checked and screened one or two..."

"What if he agrees"

Xiaowei Chai couldn't help but ask.

"Is it impossible to fulfill the promise in the military house..."

"It's okay, based on the hope of a certain family and Huang Liu's friendship"

Uncle Cun, the elder general, did not take it seriously.

"It's nothing to arrange a few more bookkeepers..."

"It's just not necessarily useful anymore..."

He said here after a while.

"But then again"

"Since, this monk is not the kind of person who has ulterior motives to plot Huang Wang's side..."

"Then you can continue to make friends and goodwill..."

Here he also became more emphatic again.

"His talents and strengths will eventually come in handy among the rebels in the future..."

"You will eventually lead one out. The friendship and connections you left behind..."

"It might be just a lining and a boost..." (End of this chapter)