Tang Dynasty

Chapter 43: Mind (Part 2)



The team that has not had any sense of existence is just getting old, and immediately blows up and roars.

"Just use these scumbags to fool us."

In fact, looking at the rusty weapon racks and bins in front of them that were obviously dusty for a long time, there are other decayed tatters and garbage dumps that are not known for their specific purpose. The accompanying sergeants had already turned into dumbfounded and angry expressions.

It seems that I want to find out the two thousand spear heads and one thousand hook spear tips on the transfer receipt, one thousand hand row or group cards, the same number of swords, four hundred bows, and 24,000. Arrows, two hundred collar inlaid leather cases, forty iron busts, and some miscellaneous tents, Huomeng, Hulu, flint and other supporting objects and scattered gadgets; it is also too difficult for it. .

"It's an abomination... when we are..."

And the old gate that screwed the tube library Jiayuan’s chest is a mad spout channel.

"Xin Lao Tzu won't tear you up..."

"That's the explanation above."

But this Jia Yuan is a helpless, disapproving and aggrieved expression, which is simply the appearance of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"Even if you take me apart, it's useless..."

"Then what are those in front..."

Laoguan is even more reluctant.

"Are we really blind?"

"That's a special armor designated by the military government..."

But Jia Yuan still stuck his neck, and said calmly.

"You have to be able to take away the same and exit this door at will..."

"I took off my head and played as you please"

"Really only these..."

Zhou Huaian waved his hand suddenly and clearly in his heart, stopped Laoguan's next move, and let the other soldiers surrounding him stay calm.

"First let the pipe library go and talk..."

Because, he suddenly felt that someone was spying here not far away, and the defenders outside the door seemed to be summoned, and slowly gathered here. With a confident attitude towards subjugation, it is obvious that they are looking forward to and inducing them to do something.

"I think the treasury also has wives, family members, relatives and friends..."

Then, he solemnly looked at the Guan Ku’s eyes and said word by word.

"What do you mean..."

The face of the other party changed slightly, but a trace of doubt and confusion flashed in his eyes.


Zhou Huaian shook his head pretending to be an understatement.

"After all, my Stormrage Camp has a lot of origins and old times in the various armies in this city,"

"I just want to find out where your house is, so that I can give a gift..."


The other party also didn't expect Zhou Huaian to say this kind of overt and secretly threatening words, and couldn't help being confused and wondering.

"I just want to say that the daily routine of the treasury is so clean and thrifty"

Zhou Huaian continued on his own.

"The people under his staff are also in old clothes with patches..."

"There are some extra fabrics and sundries in the camp. I just borrowed flowers to present the Buddha to your family and subordinates. I just made a few clothes and outfits by myself..."

"Also please don't let Jakutou. This represents the ardent hospitality of thousands of soldiers in my Stormrage Camp..."

Zhou Huaian sneered and aggravated his tone when he said the word "hospitality".

"Then what do you want?"

Jia Yuan gasped and his face was a little calm.

"Shall I knowingly commit the crime with you... Ten thousand..."

"No, of course not..."

Zhou Huaian waved his hand disapprovingly

"Just for the sake of these thousands of soldiers and soldiers looking forward to each other,"

"For a little convenience, just provide some pointers..."

"For example, tell me the corresponding distribution and location in this library, so that my people will save some time and effort."

Because, the expression and reaction of the other party are simply too familiar to him. He always encountered similar situations when he walked in Africa; from the small warlords, guerrillas, and opposition forces in those places, Among the staff at checkpoints and sentry posts temporarily set up under his command, or among the customs and border inspection agencies of most corrupt African countries, there is always such greed and cleverness.

Although in most cases, they dare not do anything excessive against the medical team; but then the opportunity to "seriously" check and "fairly enforce the law" will continue to delay your time and itinerary over and over again, or other things that make people challenging Disgusting people who can't make a big mistake, come to ask for some small gifts and souvenirs, so a set of corresponding countermeasures has been formed.

Immediately, the subsequent negotiations were "planned."

However, Zhou Huaian sighed secretly in his heart, it was also very obvious that these rebels had degenerated and fallen after entering the city, and it was evident from the small bosses of the ordinary vault level. If no one instructs and indulges, how dare he do such words and deeds that are like public threats.

But apparently at least they haven't completely transformed into it, as shameless and sordid as the government they want to overthrow and resist. In other words, there is not enough time to cultivate a huge appetite that is difficult to fill, and it is limited to the few benefits that are at your fingertips.

So after Zhou Huaian asked him to take out more than a dozen fine-colored silks, a few large fragrant smoked geese and half a slice of bacon, and a small altar full of copper coins "aged beer", the other side left the last bit of business and died pigs. Not afraid of boiling water, the expression began to become loose.

Then this Guan Ku Jiayuan began to take the initiative to realize that their brothers, the rebel brothers outside the city, were about to set out for the difficulties, and then he was reluctant to remind him of various precautions.

For example, the Jiazi number warehouse and the B number warehouse near the outermost place are really immovable. They are regularly sent by the general to carry out transportation and inspection; but the C and D warehouses inside, But they can reluctantly open one or two places and let them send people in to pick some out.

Based on the numbers of these arsenal warehouses, it is also possible to infer and judge their ownership and importance;

For example, the five warehouses and one warehouse under the name of A are dedicated to the guards of the Guangzhou Dudu’s Mansion and the reserve of the Jinglue Army and the Tuenmen Town Army; while the two warehouses of the six warehouses under the name of B are for later reconstruction and reconstruction. The newly recruited Lingdong Jiedu used the tooth soldiers to re-raise and prepare, followed by burning.

As for the C-shaped treasury, they were prepared by the defense troops who regularly passed through Guangzhou according to the order of the imperial court and prepared for the frontier Annan and Guizhou; when they arrived at the D-shaped treasury, they were theoretically armed with those places. The state and counties' defense, unity, and regiment training, so the quality of equipment and the degree of maintenance are among the lowest.

Therefore, the most valuable armor storage ratio can be said to be reduced again and again, and the maintenance status is generally poor. Insect-eaten and Zhangmei spots abound; instead, only the cheaper guns, spears, swords and bows are left here. Serve as the main head and presence.

However, it is also quite fun and a sense of accomplishment to use eyesight to pick up the rags and discover value from them. Of course, for the sake of the heavy handwriting of the jar, apart from the armor's own fixed number, you can't take more, other things that are convenient for reporting damage, but you can open one eye and close the other.

In the end, in addition to removing more than double the planned amount of materials, they also harvested a large number of military-standard wooden bows, horn bows, long and short bows, as well as matching wooden arrows and bamboo arrows. They even found more than a dozen. The weapon arrows of the box are the cone-head arrows made of fine iron that are conducive to piercing armor.

"Here, are there military-standard crossbows and hard crossbows."

Then Zhou Huaian, who was consciously still interested, continued to inquire,

"We'll talk about it, if we can get some..."

"You don't want to harm me, the general mansion of the crossbow is quite fancy and important,"

But the other party desperately waved his hands and shook his head.

"It's impossible to think of accountability if it is missing a trace."

"However, there are other things you would like..."

Then, the other party seemed to be a little sorry to suddenly suggest.

"Anyway, it's not an official system..."

"Just think of it as adding more, it's too much for you to move..."

Then they found many tattered rattan boxes from the other corner of the small warehouse that was also filled with ashes. Although the outside had been worm-eaten one after another, but the objects wrapped in linen after opening were still mostly in appearance. intact.

"Well, something is better than nothing..."

Zhou Huaian couldn't hide the ecstasy in his heart, and tried to make a reluctant expression of helplessness on the surface.

"Let me move back some more to see if I can cope with it..."

Really earned, these are exceptionally stubby weapons, they should be the original version of the legendary Lien Crossbow in history.

Although there are many problems with a very short range and limited power, and even use for hunting is criticized by people, as long as it is taken back and remodeled and reassembled, it will still have a considerable killing effect against those unarmored targets.

The most important thing is that after this thing hits the matching arrow box, it can be suppressed by a short rapid fire. The specific transformation process is also very simple. Some DiY enthusiasts in later generations can complete the main wooden components by relying on hand files or something.

Then, this Jia Yuan did not know where to obtain permission and favors, and lent a dozen carts from the arsenal, put on the workhorses and mules that they rode when they came, and then they could continue to load supplies. It's a kind of favor that I bought for them.

Fill up the last truck and make an appointment for the next shipment. Even if today's main itinerary is completed, the rest of the trip can be left to the people who come later. Before all these armors were shipped in batches, Zhou Huaian could also get a short leisure time and space to walk around in Guangzhou.


"Your methods and thoughts are nothing like them,"

When sending it all the way at the end, the Guan Ku Jiayuan suddenly said something with feeling.

"... the compassionate monk..."

"Since this world has been corrupted, all good people cannot survive,"

Zhou Huai'an also meant to respond

"What is the use of a trivial monk who only relies on compassion..."

Without further ado, after walking out of the archway and gate of the arsenal, Zhou Huaian looked back again with a sense of feeling, but saw someone on the upper floors of the arsenal complex looking at and looking at his team; if it hadn't been for him to gain a stronger vision , Basically no one can detect the other party. (End of this chapter)