Tang Dynasty

Chapter 44: Mind (4)


Before he walked a few steps away from the gate of the arsenal, Zhou Huaian stopped again and turned his head and shouted.

"Little Qi, I'm a little hungry..."


Xiaoqi quickly removed a bag from the tuo, and went to a few pieces of salty fried rice cakes and a piece of green onion scones with many chopped sausages; then, he took out the fine earthenware bottle with sweet pulp water from the bamboo joint and handed it together. Come here so that Zhou Huai'an can sit by the car directly and enjoy it; obviously they are used to Zhou Huai'an, and they are ready to eat something everyday anytime, anywhere;

Regarding this, Zhou Huaian’s explanation was that he had gastrointestinal problems and needed to eat more frequently. This was also accepted by most people known to Storm Camp, so he often took a bag of food and food with him. Other small things like ointments and pills are already a bit strange. This also invisibly opened more convenient doors for his next escape plan.

As a lesson left in Shixiang Town, even if you encounter sudden dangers and accidents, relying on these things, you can stay on the way for a little longer, in exchange for some buffer time and room for help or emergency countermeasures. .

Then sitting on the side of the carriage that was deliberately slowing down, Zhou Huaian launched a routine scan again, which was considered to be an exercise in the daily range limit and processing ability of the auxiliary bio-radar; only this time it was launched, but he couldn't help it. I was shocked and my heart was overwhelmed.

Because within the scope of his own perception, he discovered a number of vital signs that are different from ordinary people and are particularly strong. There are even a few vital signs that are no less than the unforgettable special that I encountered in Shixiang Town. exist.

However, what surprised him even more was that some strong biological signals were in the arsenal. In such an important place, there might be the rebels. It is not surprising that the so-called strong and good players in this era are in charge; but There are several signals actually appearing in the existing transportation team, which is somewhat inexplicable.

He couldn't resist the opportunity to continue drinking water, reconfirmed and looked at the team with him, 25 guards including Laoguan, and 41 miscellaneous envoys including Xiaoqi and Liao Yuan. ; Their physical signs and signals Zhou Huai'an can be said to be relatively familiar, so how come these few strangers come out.

Immediately, after labeling and identifying one by one by consuming energy storage, he finally confirmed that these signals were concentrated at the end of his own transportation fleet, and almost overlapped with the large vehicles at the end of the team; but in normal In terms of vision, except for the piles of armor and supplies, there are no people in sight on the car;

I can’t see where there is no place for people to hide, because every box of every piece of equipment is almost the result of someone watching and opening it with their own eyes, and they have tested it point by point; could it be my own perception and induction except for the problem? Well, he couldn't help but suspect for the first time this unknown incomplete version of the "assistance system" in his body.

However, after he activated the scanning ability again, those extraordinarily distinct biological characteristics still appeared tenaciously at the end of the team. Although it seemed to have become a little bleak, they were still significantly stronger than most of what he could scan in the vicinity. Biological signs

This result reminded Zhou Huaian of the previous incident. In order to debug and check the attached Lianbow machine, I left for a short time. Is it something to do? Zhou Huai'an shuddered when he thought of this place. I only felt that this magnificent arsenal complex had become a little dangerous. Unpredictable, and can't wait to step up and leave here.

In this moment of eating as a cover, Zhou Huaian flashed a few thoughts in his mind, and he hesitated and struggled between various trade-offs between the pros and cons. . . . . Then, he seemed to undoubtedly catch a glimpse of a familiar figure in the distance, riding a red horse with a colored polyester lacquer knife on his back, with gray hair flying, and a small group of soldiers riding horses is coming here.

Actually met the Shao Bai-headed Captain Chai here, Zhou Huaian quickly made a preliminary decision in his heart, and greeted him loudly:

"School Lieutenant Chai hasn't seen him for a long time..."

"I have a newly recorded transcript here, which happens to be handed over to you."

"Can I borrow aside to talk..."

Then Zhou Huaian suddenly lowered his voice and said hurriedly among the other's slightly unexpected subtle expressions.

"Are you willing to believe me for the time being..."


Xiaowei Chai couldn't help but stunned, but deliberately lowered his voice.

"What do you mean..."

"It really matters a lot to protect the entire camp's wealth and lives..."

Zhou Huaian maintained a relaxed expression of polite conversation

"So you can't express or react to what I say next."

"Never mind,"

Xiaowei Chai did not get angry or questioned, but lowered his voice again.

"Let's listen to what you say..."

Zhou Huaian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this. In fact, what he worries most is that under the slight words of people who are unfamiliar in life, no one in the nearby Rebel army knows and is willing to believe in him, and he is regarded as crazy talk or something, which delays and delays the opportunity and the key, but gives The trouble of leaving a butt myself.

He has personally seen the strength and threat of this kind of existence. This generation may not be able to help the rebels in the city, but it is much less difficult to trouble him; in the end, he can only squat down. It is undoubtedly the worst choice and the worst strategy to get the basic security guarantee without coming out of Stormrage Camp.

Of course, in exchange for the other party's assistance and cooperation, the corresponding big pie still has to be painted, such as using the latest developments or something, it is possible to touch the other party to take advantage of the big one or two.

"Actually, I have a short-lived successful job here, and I want to give it to the school lieutenant."

Therefore, Zhou Huaian continued to face the Taoist

"But I don't know if the captain is interested in receiving it?"

"If so, please lend me a closed place nearby..."

"And at least one group of armored soldiers, maybe it won't be useful if they are missing."

"What is the reason..."

However, this Captain Chai didn't seem to be someone who could be easily moved by alarmism. Instead, he spoke more and more solemnly.

"Don't make mistakes, I don't use these people without authorization..."

"If I say that my team actually hides the spies of the officers and soldiers"

As Zhou Huaian rushed to say this sentence, the other party suddenly closed his mouth and his eyes became moving and intense; in the end, after taking a deep breath, it only became a few thousand words. word.

"Are you sure?"

"I would like to use the Buddha as a testimony... the guarantee of the practice of past and present lives."

When he said this sentence, Zhou Huaian couldn't help but feel relieved;

Anyway, even if he made a mistake afterwards, he needed to be held accountable, but it was just wrong vigilance and overreaction; some people in Stormrage Camp gave himself the answer, anyway, he didn't care about the so-called future among the rebels. (End of this chapter)