Tang Dynasty

Chapter 45: Mind (5)


Has it finally set off? The stopped car again gurgled forward bumps and vibrations amidst the sound of horseshoe pedaling.

Ma Siyun, who was clinging to the small dark space with only a few gaps, also loosened the short blade in his hand again, and then felt that several wounds that had been bandaged on his body were throbbing and slowly soaking.

The stab wound on his shoulder was that he pretended to be a wine delivery person in a wine shop. When he broke into the crowd and stabbed a grass thief to death with his own hands, he was left behind by the dying and struggling opponent. The commemoration of Jian Chuang, located under his ribs, was the result of a volley of volleys shot by the grass thief archers when he covered his other companions and touched the private house that the grass thief high-level thoughts wanted to kill indiscriminately.

Of course, for him, who was once used to being with corpses and dead people, these narrow and limited difficulties and physical torture were actually nothing at all.

He was originally a slave and maid who only knew his mother and didn’t know who was his father in the Li family of Yangzhou. The appearances are very different, and the Li Gong family who is about to become an official will be chosen by him. As a family-born son, he began to practice martial arts and weapons from a young age.

And then, among a group of people of the same age with similar backgrounds, he stood out with his extraordinary performance that was fierce enough for himself and others, and he was trained as an apprentice with the family surnamed Ma; because he was instilled in him since he was a child. There is a difference between respect and inferiority, and the faith of "loyalty" for the safety of the master,

Therefore, since the fifteen-year-old personally killed the first tenant who resisted rent and escaped, they began to use it to strike down the opponents of the Li family and cut out dissidents, and quickly overwhelmed those with a decisive and decisive style. The old man was sent to Li Gong's side.

At least in his eyes, whether it is a trafficker or a high-ranking nobleman, whether it is a genius or a genius, is actually no different from a pig and a sheep being slaughtered; as long as the throat is cut or the hands and feet are cut off, it will be If you bleed, you will scream, cry and beg, sue for mercy, and even become filthy with feces and urine. . .

In the end, after killing a troublesome businessman, he was also appreciated and personally encouraged by the lord Li Gong. He thought that his original name Ma Yun and Ma Ada was not good, so he gave an extra word of thought; it was also a whim. Asking his maid Jiuqiu to complete the enlightenment of a man for him, and for the first time to experience the taste of female sex and the beauty of it, this is also the great kindness that he has never remembered.

Although not long after the incident, he was ordered to personally strangle and dismember this once-satisfied maid for the reason of leaking the secrets of the master’s family, and brought back Jiuqiu’s deadheaded head to return to life, only to realize that there was no leakage of secrets and no running away. This is just a qualified test of whether he is loyal and reliable.

Therefore, their ultimate goal now is to avenge the deadly Li Zhaogong and Li Shijun, and wait for the opportunity to sneak into the city of Guangzhou to assassinate Huang Ni, the leader of the grass thieves; it can also be said that they have already arranged everything and did not hesitate to give up. All the dead.

According to the opinions and evaluations of those adults, in this filthy and unbearable world, the Li Shijun he served was one of the few vassals of the court, and he was also an elegant person with a reputation in the literary world, except for his family members who were more greedy. He is profane and good at gathering, and every year he has to send a few cars away from the Cantonese place of "confidential and official business", it is simply a model of loyalty and patriotism in the country;

In the past, in order to protect the situation in danger outside the ridge, he really tried his best to deal with the grass thief Huang Nixu. However, he only hated the public in the dynasty for not knowing and painstakingly. Instead, he issued a reprimand. The result was dozens of Guangfu. The officers and soldiers who have been under the management have disappeared and become the leader of the thieves. Even the most important wealth place outside the ridge, the hub of land-sea transport and the largest trading port in the South China Sea, were immediately under the control of grass thieves.

Therefore, as those who have been favored by Li Gong, they gathered here to meet the good and righteous people who are still heartfelt to the country, to obtain the assistance and support of people from these places, and learn from the generosity of Jingke Nie Zheng in ancient times. The story of Zhuangzai, let these humble and shameless grass thieves know what is called the blood-splattered wrath of the husband.

Although the grass thieves occupy the places that can be seen on the famous surface of Guangzhou city, they still follow a certain traditional inertia in the dark corners that are not exposed to the sun and the underground world that the government cannot manage. And the rules continue to operate and strive to adapt to the series of changes in this latest situation.

Therefore, just relying on the name of the court and the righteousness of the country, he can easily earn a living and profit in those gray areas, gain collaborators and internal support, and even directly escape the eyes and eyes and investigations of the many grass-thief garrisons. Many equipment and materials are sent in from underground channels.

In addition, among the low-level officials, officials, and white officials who were forced to serve the grass thieves, there were many “tolerant” people who were loyal and willing to inform the court.

Therefore, the action and hiding of these dying righteous men in the city has been greatly facilitated and geographical advantage. In addition to their smaller range of activities, the days of hiding in the city are actually quite comfortable and comfortable; not only there are all kinds of delicious foods and drinks. Waiting, there were even women with good talents and women who brought them to enjoy them in the name of continuing the blood of righteous men.

In the end, under the influence of many factors such as the right time and place, these desperate men were very successful several times, but they were never able to catch the whereabouts of the thief’s head Huang Ni, and instead alarmed the grass thief. It also became difficult and laborious to act; in the end, they had to move several hiding places one after another before they settled down and recuperated in an unexpected place.

Now, it is obvious that they finally have the opportunity to temporarily escape the danger; after experiencing several times of being born into a desperate escape, and enjoying the benefits of those women, his determination as a dead man is no longer so firm and strong; or , He only felt that if he could live longer, he might be able to enjoy and appreciate more benefits. .

Of course, Ma Siyun also basically understands one thing, at least those people behind the scenes are determined not to let them fall into the hands of the grass thieves, otherwise it will involve a lot of things, and it will be difficult for the many "hearted people" who are in the flames of thieves to turn to the court. Good luck.

It's just that the unfavorable things that come and go along the way, there are always all kinds of trivial things and small accidents, so that the transportation team with the purpose of spending the city can never get up quickly.

After the dirt road full of mud gradually turned into a gravel road on the street, and from a gravel road to a slate ground near the city gate, the cart he was in suddenly stopped, and then, he listened to the calls one after another. The voice and the faint smell of wheat and rice, those escorting soldiers and civil servants were all called up to eat; really unlucky, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, how long will these lazy bones have to delay this journey

The grass thief is the grass thief. They can’t even do this thing well, or they are really slack; if they are put under the supervision of the big Li family in Yangzhou, it’s only a small matter to eat a whip, and it will really delay the master’s family. His work and affect the mood of the steward, I am afraid that he will be beaten up and beaten to death by the number.

It's no wonder that no matter how big they are in the whole city, they can only let themselves heal their injuries freely under their noses, and they can also sway out and wait and see from time to time; no, he suddenly felt that something violated and improper;

It's like when they were gang pretending to be river pirates and went to a river boat to kill a gangman who didn't know good or bad, but he was ambushed in the cabin and blocked the siege. Only he was a step late and fell into the water with an arrow. And the blood was almost drained, and the feeling of climbing to the shore to report to the master's house dying was very similar.

There are too many noises from eating outside, it’s too neat, why there is a faint fishy smell and a suspicious muffled noise; if it is someone else’s, it may be so ignored, but as a dog known as a dog’s nose The assassin can still distinguish the difference between the old wounds that have solidified and the fresh blood.

He couldn't help but feel a little bit of self-blame and remorse. He actually ignored it because he was injured. Is it the most basic vigilance and sensitivity of the dead man in the family? Are you still the famous "ghost and worry" of the Li family.

Therefore, when he jumped out of the chassis of the crashed cart, the first thing he saw was the spears and spear points on the sides of the other carts, as well as the underside of the cart. The large group of blood flowing down, apparently some of the other hidden companions, are already hard to escape.

He bent his body to hide some unsharp continuity, and stood on the ground paved with large slabs of stone and gray bricks, only to realize that he was in an old military camp, surrounded by licensed spears. The water surrounded by the grass thief soldiers standing on the wall is impervious, and the clusters of shiny arrows waiting to be launched behind the crowd are so conspicuous.

And those civil servants and guards who were eating are just standing by the rice bowl not far away, holding the bowl and chopsticks; after seeing the appearance, they quickly retreated behind the long wall of shields of various colors. Up.

And in the end, the only ones able to stand with Ma Siyun, who was lonely, were the two companions outside the Lingwai who had escaped by chance in the cart. They leaned against each other like this, holding the spear slowly, pushing and pressing. The grass thieves who came over burst out with a deadly cry and fierceness. (End of this chapter)