Tang Dynasty

Chapter 47: Follow-up 2


The place for the guests was in the outer city, but it didn't take long for the Fuhai Gate in the inner city. This Cao Bie was the border zone of the station and the defense zone, and he hurried over as soon as he greeted something.

Although the city of Guangzhou looks depressed and dilapidated, there are still some people who are willing to serve these large numbers of volunteers in the streets and lanes that are needed for their daily livelihoods, and continue to open and survive.

The small wine shop named Dongmingju is one of them. There are only two-story old facades, greasy black signs and yellowed wine flags, and large wine tanks half-buried under the eaves with mottled moss. It shows that this place has existed for some years.

The missing lobby was left to the guards who brought large buckets of soup and wheat rice, and served as a place for entertaining and guarding; and the relatively small compartments on the second floor were also torn down, and they were deliberately removed. Specially cleaned out a few countertops for people to sit on the floor;

Even though the supporting tables and mats are not a class, they are all smeared shiny and shiny. They are also matted with grass, and they are soft and comfortable when they fall. Whether they are cross-legged or leaning on their sides, or sitting on their knees, Will not feel blunt.

Only Zhou Huai'an was unaware that it was the ancient times in the last years of the Tang Dynasty. People with a little bit of qualifications and style all played the custom of sharing meals according to the case, and only the poorest people at the bottom did not have it. These are poor and exquisite, but simply put together because of the ugliness is a meal;

Only before, he was used to squatting and eating in Stormrage Camp. Today is the first time he has experienced this kind of ancient wind sitting on the ground. He thought for a while. Anyway, he couldn't learn or do this kind of "styled" demeanor. He simply leaned against the pillar behind him in a smashing style, posing a relatively relaxed "Ge You Lie".

However, where he hadn't noticed, Xiaowei Chai and Cao Biejiang had their own thoughts or thoughts, and looked at each other.

"The monk brothers are really bold people..."

Cao Shixiong said with a sweet smile, and sat down in a casual group.

"The monks are not supposed to be restrained by the world's rites..."

"We can't help being pretentious and ignorant anymore..."

"Come on, quickly serve the food, don't neglect the gluttons in my belly..."

Then, in the voice of his call, the big pots and pots were brought up steamingly, and then they were divided into plates and bowls by the chef himself, and then they were brought to their respective cases by the cousin.

The large plate was presented with freshly roasted lamb necks cut into sections, large pieces of rotten beef hoofs and half-foot-long grilled fish with tempeh. The umami taste comes from steamed scallops and boiled oysters, the only vegetable The types are Zizania sibiricum and Artemisia sylvestris; there are also mixed bean curd, moss and stings as shredded side dishes. . .

The staple food that was finally served was a blend of north and south flavors, chestnut rice soup with couscous with fillings. .

Because the seasoning and auxiliary materials are lackluster, it is the same in terms of taste, but the specific oil, water and heat are still sufficient, and the fire is more in place than the big buckets of meals that are unavoidable for the Stormrage Camp. Many. . .

At least the taste of chestnut rice soup is much better than expected. It seems to be because of the addition of kelp, seaweed and shell vegetables and other soups that have been boiled. It is a bit of the flavor of the whole grain soup that is the selling point of health and health in later generations. . .

Because Zhou Huaian said in advance that he was not good at drinking, Cao Biejiang Cao Shixiong was also very considerate. In addition, the store brought a large jar of glutinous rice {unsettled and separated fermented rice} as his exclusive drink. And putting a few bottles of clear wine in front of him is considered as an accompaniment.

Although this kind of impurity is still a little sour in the mouth, but after it was boiled, a few raw chickens were beaten in the heat, and the taste became much better after stirring into egg flower.

As for the details of the opening of the seats, Zhou Huaian couldn't help but sigh; after all, it was one of the main rebel troops stationed in the inner city. As a special general, the resources and enjoyment that Cao Shixiong can master are also far away. It's not that the days before, and Xinjin has solved the daily warmth problem comparable to the storm camp.

Fortunately, all the people here are the extensive people who came out of the rebels, and they don’t have as many rituals as ordinary people’s banquets. They directly use the things that happened in the arsenal today as the reason, and talk about some causes and consequences that will soon be discussed. , And gradually weakened the sense of life and distance, and became a little warm

Although Cao Shixiong was born black and lean, but it caused the drink to come like a good drink like the eyes of the sea, and there is a kind of good wine country but not annoying, with all kinds of words and thanks. The reason is to persuade you to drink one cup after another, and one cup after another makes people have no time to parry;

In the end, he simply took the initiative to replace the wine vessel in front of him with a large bowl of porcelain noodles on the grounds that he was not neat and hearty. The bowl poured over his throat, and the wine dripping on his beard and neck, let Zhou Huaian see. I couldn't help the twitching corners of my eyes and the faint liver pain.

But I can’t help but recall that at a reception at a resident consulate in Africa, I met those teddy bears who claimed to directly put the whole bucket of 52% Red Star Erguotou up as water, and stole 75% medical alcohol to relieve gluttons. When he was an engineer, he was given a tragic scene one by one by an inconspicuous military attaché stationed abroad.

Although Cao Shixiong drank obviously a low-degree grain wine, the amount of wine that was poured in was not a joke, but he only got up to go to the toilet twice, and he was sweating profusely all over his body. Even if he didn't stand tall, even his stomach didn't deform much; Zhou Huaian couldn't help but sigh. Did the ancients also have this kind of degradation of alcoholic ingredients, and a physique with a particularly fast metabolism or talent.

In contrast, Xiaowei Chai is more stable and determined. Although it seems to be a little and not a lot of persuasion to drink and drink, whether it is his body shape or his arms, it is steady without the slightest sway and chaos. Speaking is also organized and tangible, faintly guiding the topic and maintaining the atmosphere; it also forms two sharp contrasts with Cao Shixiong, who is a little loose and drunk.

On the contrary, after drinking a few cups, Zhou Huai'an already felt a little top-heavy and flushed ears. He seemed to be the most invincible; however, on the three-dimensional view of the human body in the inner body, Zhou Huaian could feel that he was being dispelled. Among the alcohol content.

However, he also discovered a rather unexpected thing from this. The unknown auxiliary system in his body can actually supplement energy through drinking; it is just too insignificant and not obvious when it is drunk. ; Then, after tasting a filter after it failed, there was a noticeable change, and even the upper limit of energy was increased by a little bit.

This is really surprising, and in accordance with the prompts of the auxiliary functions in his body, he must collect/take as many special samples as possible to trigger and improve the recovery degree of the halftoning system; Someone in history, a predecessor who reads as "the fairy of poetry" and writes "the big drunk cat" learns, and then embarks on the road of no return to taste the world's fine wines and delicacies {false}

However, after this accidental discovery that you can't always get drunk, through these two people slowly letting go of their minds and speaking, and some middle-level rebels who know everything they can say, Zhou Huaian was finally in the collection of only a few words of information. All the impressions and outlines of most of the rebel army structure.

For example, although the army of Huangchao originated from the hungry people in the severe drought in Henan, it was more standardized and tidy because of the experience and lessons of repeated battles during the southward process, and because the military system absorbed a considerable degree of defeated officers and soldiers. Of the establishment.

Nowadays, although the peasant uprising armies vary in size, once they are put under Huang Chao, they are all organized and used in accordance with the old system of "battalion, regiment, brigade, brigade, and fire" of the official army of the Tang Dynasty; no matter how large or small it is Several battalions are grouped into one army order, and several army orders are grouped into one wing.

Therefore, the rebels used to be known as the Seven Wings to the Eleven Wings when they were the most vigorous, and they were full of responders who rose up all over the place. They were called "the rebels of the domestic rebels" and "the rebels of a million rebels"; but after passing from the north, After the loss and defection and splitting of the southern road, it can be said that the power attenuation and replacement are severe.

Especially in the battle of Dayuling, which suffered heavy losses, dozens of rebel generals saw that the situation was not good, and they led their troops to contribute to the Zhenhai Jeddu envoy Gao Pian; in fact, only the ones who were able to follow Huang Chao to go south to seize Guangzhou were left. The left, middle, and rear wings are just a dozen or so banners.

The more elite part is specially set as "xx capital" according to the old rules of the feudal town. The quota varies but is between the camp and the group. It does not give Ziliang armor or even extra rewards; usually it is unified under the so-called so-called It is dispatched under the name of the Grand General's Mansion, and in wartime, it needs to be directly assigned by the military leaders and Yili.

It is precisely because of this set of military systems that are gradually taking shape in the battle that Huang Chao is able to maintain his reputation under the repeated encirclement and suppression/release of the Central Plains officers and armies; of course, another reason. An important reason is that the common attitudes of the feudal vassals and towns to protect themselves and support their own self-respect are similar to those of the warlords along the route of the Red Army's Long March.

In addition, Zhou Huaian also learned that the current cupola general mansion is actually imitating the old wisdom of the former Kaifuyi Tong Sansi, with a relatively crude official system.

However, only under the name of "Great General of the Sky" and "Tong Tong of Millions of Rebels", according to the gourd paintings imitating the various vassal towns, some others were set up, such as Changshi, Sima, Biejia, Secretary of the Hand, Support, Judge, Titles such as push officer and inspector, but the position and jurisdiction are quite confusing and ambiguous;

Among them, there are both temporarily appointed local officials and specialized areas. In fact, there are many overlapping and ambiguous areas in the scope of powers. Even under the same title, there are different jurisdictions, or they are simply empty-headed. It's just a name and level; it's just that no one cares about it in a situation where you are going to fight.

Although hundreds of officials have been appointed before and after, the more useful ones are probably the dozens of people who gathered around Huang Chao as an aide; and the highest-ranking one is the secretary of the hand, planning for Huang Chao. Huang Ye, his family’s brother, and Zhang Junru, Zuo Changshi of the marching army, represented the old relationship;

At the same time, they were also one of the targets and targets of the assassination in this city's chaos; therefore, they were regarded as some kind of incidental secrets and internal information, and they were mentioned to Zhou Huaian.

"Ping, I have said enough..."

"But I don't know the monk brother..."

Cao Shixiong, who looked a little drunk and sound, suddenly patted his open chest.

"Willing to bow down with me?"


Zhou Huaian, who was pretending to be drunk under the influence of alcohol, couldn't help being taken aback. (End of this chapter)