Tang Dynasty

Chapter 48: Follow-up 3


"How dare you cling to it..."

Zhou Huaian couldn't help but repeated his voice.

"It's just a mere operation under the control..."

"Although the monk brothers have not seen me for a long time."

Cao Shixiong, who is drunk, has a sincere expression on his face

"But it's the same at first sight, and I have a lot of admiration..."

"I just feel that if you can, it would be nice to have you wake up in your ears from time to time..."

"Please don't hesitate to enlighten me on one or two..."

"Since it's the same thing as before, then just explain it to you if you have something..."

Zhou Huai said in peace, how could this be possible, and quickly declined to say

"Why stay in the name of a brother?"

"It is already my blessing to be able to make this friend"

"For a while, I really dare not ask for too much..."

After all, he is going to run away in the future, so how can he be a brother or something? It's only a lot of fetters and involvement; and in this era, he will worship his brother.

The younger brother is not a matter of leisure, but is similar to a pledge that is generally morally and ethically binding. Although there are many examples of betrayal, but

Have to pay the corresponding price and loss,

"Brother Cao, you are a little drunk,"

At this time, Xiaowei Chai finally spoke.

"If you just want to get close, you will have a lot of time in the future."

"But why bother at this moment..."

Of course, when he said this, he naturally had a different feeling in his heart; but it was uncertain and faintly felt that it seemed that he was fancy and concerned about something.

In the West, there is the possibility of being cut off by others.

"It's me Menglang."

Cao Shixiong also reacted at this meeting, and immediately poured a large bowl of wine into his mouth again.

"The wine was overwhelmed for a while..."

"Hope the monk brothers don't take it to heart..."

"how come.."

Zhou Huaian couldn't help but fought haha.

"Brother Cao's open-minded and straightforward remarks are true temperaments."

"But it makes me feel deeply and sweaty..."

Then finally the harmonious atmosphere was re-circulated, and then Cao Shixiong greeted loudly again, letting people serve sober dishes and tea soup.

Along with several stacks of sour and salty vinegar ginger, celery and sour bamboo shoots, and a large pot of fish soup with cornel and rattan pepper, they were distributed to their respective tables.

, With the slightly fishy and spicy taste of Ma Dun, can not help but refresh people's spirits and make the ears and eyes clear a lot.

Zhou Huaian felt that the auxiliary system in the body actually gave a hint. This is a food material rich in protein and other nutrients, although it is not

Knowing what kind of fish it is, it is also lacking in handling the fishy smell, but he still can't help but scoop a few bowls of meat and soup to eat.

I just feel that my style of painting has started to change from the "big drunk cat" approach to the "Tang Dynasty on the tip of the tongue".

At this time, I could hear the noise of greetings and salutes from downstairs.

"Brother, I'm sorry for being late..."

In a kind of hearty voice that he heard first, Zhou Huaian saw a violent figure walking upstairs swiftly from downstairs.

"At the end of the military mansion, there are some hand-tails to explain..."

That person is afraid that he is not in his early forties, he is born with a wide mouth and big eyebrows, only the loose Chu robe and Baotou who do not identify his identity, the cheeks and the forehead

A few old scars filled him with the taste of vicissitudes of life; Zhou Huaian couldn't help but move in his heart, I am afraid that this person is the master of the wine and entertainment today.

Er put.

"A certain family, Wang Chongyin, temporarily picks up everything in the back..."

He introduced himself first.

"Are you the monk who is good at discerning people and things?"

"I've been admiring a big name for a long time, but I was stingy to see it..."

"I heard that your insights are like electricity. At first, you could not only see the details of the people, but you could even identify the spies who were mixed up."

"Sure enough, I have made contributions again... and it gave my brother a great opportunity..."

"I have to offer you a big glass here..."

After saying so much in one breath, he took his big wrist and drank it all, then wiped the residual wine from his beard and looked at Zhou Huaian with scorching eyes.

"General Lang is really too good..."

Zhou Huaian responded with a half-qin and half-wry smile.

"If I really want to have the magic and skills that are rumored, why should I get here..."

"I have already taken these benefits that are enough to enter the hall and enjoy the glory and wealth."

"It's half a coincidence, and half is natural."

"It's nothing more than the carelessness raised since childhood, and I am used to observing more often..."

"I don't know it at all, it has been rumored to the point of ruining the city..."

"It's the same reason"

The other party nodded slightly, which was regarded as accepting this statement.

"However, being able to have such subtle skills and thoughts is also a rare talent in our volunteer army."

"It's also the blessing of King Huang Daye..."

"I'm really ashamed of it, but it's because of chance."

This compliment? To kill? When the soldier's big hat was buckled, Zhou Huaian really didn't dare to take it.

"Done some trivial things, not worthy of these praise..."

Then, he made a sincere way

"Today, the achievements of King Huang Daye depend mainly on countless soldiers and soldiers headed by General Wang, General Cao Bie, and Xiaowei Chai."

"For the poor to survive, the bloodshed and sacrifices will bear fruit."

"I just used some of the legacy of the rebels, and then I took advantage of the trend to give back and thank you..."

"well said.."

Wang Chongyin suddenly stood in awe, and picked up the filled wine bowl.

"Let us pay respects to those soldiers who came here to fight for a way to survive..."

Then others responded.

"Respect the brothers who died..."

"Respect Huang Wang's great cause..."

"Respect this damn world that makes people have to rebel..."

"Respect that the dog thieves of the imperial court can't die..."


Rao is that Zhou Huaian has the ability to chronically degrade alcohol in the body, but after this round of training, he still feels a little cocooned and self-confident.

Some kind of dizziness and shaking ghosting.

"Dare to ask the monk brothers' lay surname geometry, and how to call the font size"

This rearman, Wang Chongyin, took advantage of the situation and said again.

"In the future, it will be good to get close to one or two..."

"The last name is Xu, please call me my trip everyday, the word is a Yuanxuan..."

Zhou Huaian had no time to think.

"There used to be a warrior with another name of love... Um, no, a layman of love."

Well, this can be regarded as a whole generation of readers who used to be anticlimactic, and has spawned a certain residual resentment for the "Datang Shuang Chong Biography", which was the work of countless doujin.

, And the spitting mood of writing "Zhiyu" for a certain so-called "healing system", on the other hand, it is also to avoid a certain FLag.

"The font size of Brother Xu is really unique..."

Wang Chongyin couldn't help but laughed in surprise. .

"Then, for the time being, with my seniority, how can I brazenly call you a small voice..."

"Then, thank you for your kindness..."

Well, Zhou Huaian could only hold his nose to endure the other party's ardent feelings. At least this is just a verbal convenience, and letting the other party shout for a few times will not lose a piece of meat.

However, you are not called "Suna Mushroom" or "Takao Takeuchi" or something. How can you say that you dare to call the "Warrior of Love" a brother, and you are not afraid that San is worthless. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel the boundless mind and vomit.

Then, I got the order from the store, and delivered freshly cooked light dishes, as well as warm new wine, so under Wang Chongyin’s greetings and introductions, several new faces joined in. This has already happened. Most of the banquet also restarted.

"I was able to meet Brother Xiaoxu today,"

Wang Chongyin also quickly grasped the dominance of the atmosphere and emotions, and said openly.

"This time I also brought the wine and delicacies from the General's Mansion..."

"Let's drink this cup and indulge in our hearts..." (End of this chapter)