Tang Dynasty

Chapter 5: Still alive II


In the abandoned Drum Tower in the southwest of the city, in a huge dumped drum, on the rags and meadows of the right as a bed, Zhou Huaian, who was awakened by the loud noise, could only work hard to rub his face and complain secretly. .

"What is meant by killing Hu'er, I almost killed it."

Immediately he climbed up to the height of the nearby Drum Tower, and then the morning sun pierced the bright sky of the harbour fog, carefully observing the surrounding environment and continuing to listen to the movement in the distance. After confirming that the surrounding noise and noise were heading in a certain direction, he fell down and picked up his luggage.

After only two days and one night, the face, neck, and exposed legs and feet were already stained with a lot of dirt, and the head was also covered with traces of cobwebs and dust. Therefore, in the mirror filled with the watch case, there is already another person with a disheveled appearance.

Although in Africa, he often encounters the lack of water and electricity or the inability to wash for several days, or even temporary isolation from the world for a short time, but the contrast and loss of this era environment still makes him uncomfortable. It took a while before he came back to God.

Then, he touched a few thick dust from the wall, moistened the mirror with water and carefully wiped it on his face and head, avoiding running into the eyes, nose and mouth, and then applied forcefully to the cover cloth on his body. Obvious stains appeared; looking at the figures walking by scattered on the street, the difference was not very different, and then slowly climbed down the wooden ladder that had been broken at the bottom;

Then, carrying the belongings that were simply wrapped up, along the narrow alleys and the undulating earth walls, watching carefully from side to side and looking forward to the side, walked unhurriedly to the street outside, and followed dullly. After a few pedestrians, they came to the more spacious and crowded Fangwai Street.

The coconut trees and kapok trees, white magnolias, mulberry and jasmine trees that used to be green barriers, as well as the banyan trees with all kinds of fibrous roots to make up for them, have been felled in pieces, and the stumps and broken branches are covered with various pieces. Fragmentary objects, even colorful things.

When Zhou Huai'an mixed in the crowd and walked across the street, one could still see the so-called rebel soldiers swimming in groups of three or five on the street, or standing or sitting under the wall or in the shop; most people were not unified. The color and armor of the soldiers are basically knives, guns, sticks, axes, hammers, forks, and forks. They basically use whatever they have, and they rely on the old and new flags inserted in the corners and walls to distinguish their belonging;

And beside them, all kinds of objects that were obviously copied were filled with carts after carts, but couldn't fit them, and quickly piled up on the ground into tall hills; there were also some women with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes sitting on the ground. Among them, they showed a numb or indifferent expression despite playing the show.

Occasionally there are large patches of blood splashed on the walls and the ground, and gradually dried up because no one has cleaned it up. Some blood stains dragged long and extended to the houses and courtyards, representing what happened here before. Tragic events and encounters.

Just like what happened to every city that was broken in this era, whether it was the peasant rebels that were praised and lamented by later generations, or the officers and soldiers of the same era, it seemed that there was no difference.

Of course, after seeing what happened on the fringe areas under the war on the African road, Zhou Huaian could basically have the psychological tolerance for this and the corresponding calm mentality of temporarily suppressing unwarranted emotions.

After all, compared to those black uncles who had various excuses and weird "talents" in the battle, they did not let these ancients be more beautiful than the former in terms of the slaughter and cruel methods of the same kind after the war; also It is those in the Middle East that are supported by European and American countries who spare no effort in fighting against humanity. The Si-systems beast army, which is more blue than blue on the road to anti-humanity, can be slightly better.

For the group of people including Zhou Huai'an, these rebels who were resting on the street coldly took a few glances, but there were no more actions and strangeness; it was like a kind of laziness who couldn’t afford it after being fed. Interesting cats are general, although there is no lack of deterrence and tension, but there is no too direct danger.

Afterwards, what made him more relieved and comforted was that he found that his senses, including his vision and hearing, had improved to varying degrees. Although his body was still aching and unbearable, he also had problems in the conditioned reflex and explosive power of the motor nerves. Known improvement.

For example, he can actually be mixed in the tumultuous noise of the flow of people, and he can clearly hear the whispers of the rebel soldiers on the street, and even some indescribable words or relatively private topics. You can also hear the over-depressive quarrels and crying from people from far away; and there is not much confusion and confusion between these voices, as if an invisible synchronous translator has been sorted out.

Then, he found that he could even clearly see the text posted on the posters and notices scattered along the street. Among them, the new and the old were mostly posted by the local Guangzhou governor, and one or two of them belonged to the rebel army.

It is conceivable that in the old days, these rumors and announcements were crowded with people vying to see;

Some of them are the names of "Dharma-rectified thieves" with a vaguely red circle painted with a red brush; some are warnings and warnings that warn Ermin's small surname not to hide the gangsters, otherwise they are guilty of the same crime as theft; others It is the holdings and rewards of those year-round robbers and sea bandits, which are continuously attached layer by layer from new to old;

But no matter what the content is, there will always be a thick and heavy penny sentence "Salty to hear it, and do not violate it if you follow it."

Among them, the most conspicuous and freshest Announcements and Posts are undoubtedly all kinds of proclamations about the "Yellow Throne Yellow Nest"; the age, hometown, and guilt of the "Yellow Thief" are cracked on it. "In one item, it used a description method full of fantasy pictographic style such as "yellow face and red beard, eyes with fierce light, sound like pheasant cry, treacherous, bloody food".

Among them, according to the degree of new and old, from the earliest "If you capture this thief, you can see money of 100,000" to the latest and most recent "You can see money of 200,000 yuan, white body plus third-ranking internal selection, Yin Yizi county lieutenant..."

And the biggest piece of Lubu, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty told the world "there is something in the southern suburbs" the year before, and "the prisoners were dealt with by drought, amnesty, and the death penalty." However, these Lupus have disappeared one after another, along the street. The smoke from the food raised by the rebels who were stranded in droves and the embers still filled the city.

Just focusing on this direction can achieve a clear effect of focusing and magnification; however, after a while, he feels obvious fatigue and dizziness discomfort;

Okay, his stomach turned and grunted severely. He remembered that he was still in constant hunger, like an invisible shrinking black hole. He was in desperate need to find something to eat. You must know that he was eating from yesterday to this morning. Some dried and sliced Pueraria lobata, Polygonatum, etc.

And at this time, the faintly knocking gongs and shouting in the distance continued to return to the fallen huge city.

"According to the general order..."

"Quickly go outside the gates to receive..."

"Overdue... not with..."

Fortunately, on the street, Zhou Huaian no longer needs to deliberately search for directions and paths. As long as more and more people gather with various dishes or thin-faced people, they can keep walking in the crowd.

This may also mean the opportunity to get out of town. . (End of this chapter)