Tang Dynasty

Chapter 50: Reverberation


When Zhou Huaian got out of bed after putting on his clothes, he made a little noise.


"Master is awake..."

Already waiting outside, squatting on the side like two guardian Shiba dogs and chatting, Xiaoqi and Liao Yuan, who were just entering the alley, quickly stepped forward in response, and one brought a washbasin with a facial towel according to the habit. For the washing utensils, the other brought in a simple breakfast that had already been prepared.

Inside the paper bag, there are still sesame sesame seed cakes with waste heat, as well as a bowl of sweet pulp heated on the stove, the light salty and bitter taste in the brown and crisp fragrance, and the sweet and sour pulp of chestnut rice fermentation, which makes people feel simple and refreshing. Enough.

After a while, Laoguan also brought people to greet and talk. After inquiring, I learned about some of the things that happened afterwards and the reaction from Stormrage Camp; after all, since such a major event has happened in the inner city, it has also caused many things. Had to stop there, the bans and interrogation of entry and exit have become a lot stricter.

Therefore, after the first batch of supplies was sent away under the protection of Cao Shixiong; the subsequent transportation was also stopped as the arsenal was closed, most of the people in the temporary transportation team had already returned first; now By his side, only Lao Guan and seven of his men remained, who had been dedicated to protect himself.

According to the message delivered by Wang Pan from the Stormrage Camp outside the city in the morning, Zhou Huaian kept Zhou Huai'an in the city for some relaxation and entertainment, without having to go back to deliver errands or something. Before the arsenal was reopened and the supplies were released, it was tantamount to giving him a short holiday in disguise.

However, fortunately, the really important things, such as the extra crossbows and armor sets, have been entrained in the first batch of transport teams and sent back, and the rest are just some step-by-step miscellaneous things. I really don't need to bother him anymore.

Therefore, after this unexpected holiday came, Zhou Huaian didn't know what to do instead;

He thought for a while before he came up with a preliminary idea. Suddenly he heard a large noise from under the inner courtyard. Looking out from the railing, it was Cao Shixiong and others who came back and followed them. There was also a group of volunteer soldiers carrying a few heavy boxes and baskets, and they were piercing through the door of the inner courtyard.

At least with Zhou Huaian's eyesight, judging from the facial expressions of specific people, Cao Shixiong's lean and black face was a little bit glamorous and complacent.

"Hanshe is humble, Brother Xu can still sleep properly,"

Afterwards, I saw that Cao Shixiong took the initiative to greet and greet him.

"Last night we got an urgent order to lead the team out..."

"It's actually responsible for ransacking homes and taking people overnight..."

"We have broken several non-stop, it can be said that the gains are quite rich."

"After all, it's the benefit brought by Brother Xu"

"Brother gave it a special confession..."

At this point, Cao Shixiong couldn't help showing a simple and sincere smile.

"Let me send a batch of these thank you gifts"

"It's a kind of disrespectful heart..."

Then, hearing the sound of Lao Guan next to them suddenly smacking and gasping, Xiao Qi's eyes straightened, and she couldn't help but make a sound:


In the several cages that were opened, there were neat piles of things, and most of them, silk, silk, and other expensive goods that were common in this era, were also directly used as substitutes for currency in most places.

And in the last opened carrying box, there are layers of exquisite clothing and gowns. On the top are a bunch of yellow copper coins commonly known as Dazi, densely packed in small piles on the clothes, for fear of not being good. Dozens of strings.

According to his magnified eyesight, most of these copper coins are mainly Kaiyuan Tongbao with the star and moon pattern of the middle Tang Dynasty. According to the habits of this era, eight or nine hundred characters are worn into one piece. So many strings add up. In this era, most people are also the boss of a lot of money. As the material used in the Zhongtang Kaiyuan Tongbao was more than that in other periods, the price for use and exchange was even higher.

"These are my personal feelings"

Then Cao Shixiong waved his hand, and another large box was brought over and opened to reveal a set of shiny cups, cups, and chopsticks in eight-color silverware.

"The little gadget just copied from the home of a big sea merchant in Donglinfang,"

"It can be regarded as offering a Buddha with flowers...not in vain to call brothers' affection."

These things seem to be dazzling and have some good value, but for a modern person, that's the case;

"The so-called "reactive merit is not rewarded"

Zhou Huaian turned his thoughts and declined.

"This etiquette is too heavy, I really can't stand it..."

"This thing, what's the matter?"

Cao Shixiong's face changed slightly involuntarily

"Compared to breaking the relationship between the spies and assassins hidden in the arsenal, it's really a drop in the bucket."

"Brother Xu, do you look down on my old Cao this time?"

"It's really not the truth,"

Zhou Huaian also tried his best to push away.

"I just coincided with the meeting and was able to do a little bit of the smallest thing."

"The main front-line effort is yours."

"How can Brother Xu say that..."

Cao Shixiong was also a little anxious, and his dark skin turned red.

"Without your thoughts and ideas, we would have hurt a lot more Erlang last night..."

"It must be known that those merchants are in large houses, but they hide a lot of wrong and wrong activities."

"There are also unidentified desperadoes and criminals who will suffer a big loss if they are not careful."

"It's only my brother who still remembered your points, and was able to take all the beards with minimal damage."

"You said that this friendship and benefits, you should not be thankful..."


In the end, after some deliberation, Zhou Huaian reluctantly picked out a few soft-textured inner clothes in the last box, and asked Xiao Qi to carry a thick and dense plain cloth roll. He took a small part of the copper coins placed on the spot, and personally distributed it to Laoguan and other seven people on the spot; it was a symbolic acceptance of the other party's "heart".

"In other words, what's the next place for Brother Xu?"

Then Cao Shixiong, whose complexion turned cloudy again to clear, also asked Zhou Huaian about his next plan.

"Well, I plan to turn around nearby."

Zhou Huaian said without concealment.

"By the way, I bought some personal items..."

"If you have time, just take a look at the scenery and scenery"

"Then how about letting me be a guide..."

Cao Shixiong actually recommended himself.

"All the necessary expenses will be on my body..."

"By the way, I can also help Brother Xu to have some fun..."

"Then please for the time being..."

Zhou Huaian thought about it and agreed.

"Cao Biejiang"

"Old Cao..."

"Brother Cao..."

Only not long after leaving the house, I saw that many people on the street would take the initiative to stop and greet Cao Shixiong one after another. It seemed that he was very popular with him, and he was quite familiar and informed.

"By the way, yesterday, there were also many women who were relatives of criminals."

"If you have a fancy, please tell me about it."

At this time, Cao Shixiong turned his head to say with feeling.

"My brother also asked, with his face and origins, he can still be useful in this..."

"After all, our rebels can't help but get married and funeral,"

"Anyway, Brother Xu is no longer in Buddhism..."

"Even if you don't have this kind of thought, it's okay to put in the daily bed and quilt, and to take care of the people in daily life."

"Don't worry, most of them here are the dependents of dog officials and big households..."

He seemed to feel Zhou Huaian's mental activity and hesitation again.

"Some of them were released from Jiaofang and Xingyuan..."

"In fact, there is no shortage of women who are innocent and good people."

This kind of painting style that suddenly jumped to a disguised pimp style suddenly made Zhou Huai'an a little confused and a headache. This this. . What the hell is this, but his heart still feels a little bit angry

It’s so easy to meet women who can choose. It’s a pity that when he thinks of the rebel family members he saw, according to the aesthetics of the later ages, they are still a little different, and only those who are hungry and not choosing food can barely get the bird. Level.

"I'm really ashamed of it..."

In the end, Zhou Huaian still waved his hand hurriedly.

"Caibo's children and so on, please forgive them."

"On the one hand, it really hinders my way of self-cultivation..."

"On the other hand, when most people in the camp were short of food and clothing."

"How can I be exclusively beautiful before, if I have the heart to forge this kindness,"

"Then please give some extra armor in the camp as well..."

"My first generation of Wang Duwei thanked Lang Jiang for his love and helping hand..." (End of this chapter)