Tang Dynasty

Chapter 52: On the road, semaphore and paper armor


"Che Bibi, Ma Xiaoxiao, pedestrians have their bows and arrows at their waists."

Looking at the gray and whistling team winding back and forth between the green fields of the Cangshan Mountains, Zhou Huaian couldn't help thinking of Du Fu's "Song of Chariots" in a low voice; it was just that he shut himself up quickly because of the following. The verse is a bit unlucky, it's just to live up the rhythm of FLog;

What "grandmother and wife walked to see each other, but Xianyang Bridge was not seen in the dust."

What? "Carrying the clothes and stopping the feet to stop crying, the crying went straight to the sky."

That's okay, it only reflects the worry about the fierce warfare, but the next thing is:

"The Bian Pavilion bleeds into sea water, and Emperor Wu has been willing to open the side."

"If you have a daughter, you have to marry Proxima, and if you have a boy, you can bury it with Baicao."

"You don't see it, Qinghaitou, no one has collected bones since ancient times."

"The new ghost is annoying the old ghost and cry, the sky is overcast, rainy and wet and tweeting."

It’s just as bad luck as you want, because this describes the battle of Shibao City against Tubo’s main thrust. As a result, the Anshi Rebellion, together with the land and the main attack at a cost of innumerable prices, are like this together with Hexi Longyou. All are cheaper by the Tubo people.

Then, he refocused his radiating attention to his side, and now he has replaced the cyan pony of the original mule, and the original color nailed leather armor that he wore on his upper body, it can be said All of them were the so-called "gifts of Zhuangxing" sent by Cao Shixiong in his own name before the expedition;

Although as a materialist and materialized social atmosphere, the new era cyber military history house nurtured out of it, he always feels that the enthusiasm of the other party is a bit overdone and uncomfortable, but he will not be hypocritical about this matter of personal safety. What. A collar of armor may be able to block the deadly flow arrow, and a full-year-old little green horse represents the faster and more load when the chance is bad.

This semi-new and durable nail armor has become quite fit after being adjusted and modified by the tailors and cobblers in the camp; not only the nail iron on the outer edge has been polished and tightened, but the inner lining is also riveted with thinner wrought iron pieces. ; And the saddles and chewing heads on Xiaoqingma's body have also been arranged according to the height and weight. The rigging, leather protection, saddle bag, quiver, bow sleeve and gun holder are all ready-made;

According to observations, this little green horse is only two to three years old. After a certain degree of domestication, it has not been left with excessive riding and weight bearing marks. Obviously there is still room for further development and exercise. It takes more time to control, but it also has to be more brisk and flexible; therefore, the mule that was originally dedicated to transportation has abdicated and became a candidate for special carrying personal items.

This gave Zhou Huai'an a sense of novelty for a while, and at the same time, he couldn't help but spit out a few words secretly. These things made him feel like a jewel in secret. Could it be that he was expecting himself to be a pioneer in the charge? If something is wrong or at a dangerous moment, it is enough to be able to run faster than others.

In contrast, more of the others came from the kindness of the rear soldier Cao Shixiong or Wang Chongyin, and they were also unexpectedly sent to the Stormrage Camp as scheduled; although only some second-hand weapons and used tents and blankets were used. Class, but also the right thing. In the words of Wang Pan's teasing, "We are all caught up in the monks' light this time."

Because Stormrage Camp can only be regarded as one of the partial teachers who set off later, and is not eligible to participate in the flag-sacrificing ceremony held in the north of the city by the main brigade before; therefore, the process of swearing off the camp in private is also quite simple and shabby.

Just before the departure, everyone gathered in a line, and then used three pigs, cattle, and sheep on a temporary wooden platform to enshrine the Chiyou flag, which represents the so-called military god, with a cow head pattern, and shouted a few words of congratulations and Even the slogan is a problem.

This time, the Stormrage Camp, which has just been expanded to more than 3,000, has deployed a full four-fifths of its forces. It can be said that except for the old, weak and sick residual camps that are really inconvenient to travel, all the youths that can be used under the banner are in battle. In Wang Pan's words, whether the rebuilt Stormrage Camp can raise its eyebrows and regain the ranks of the rebels depends on it. The performance of this dynasty.

Among them, there are about two thousand and one hundred soldiers in theory. They are specifically organized into three small sub-battalions on the left, middle and right. Among them, the center battalion is fully filled with 1,000 people, which is controlled by the general head Wang Pan; The two new soldiers accounted for a large proportion of the sub-battalions, respectively, led by Lin Ziquan, a newly promoted school captain from the card knife team, and Lv deputy, who was promoted to a school captain;

As for the remaining more than 500 non-combatants, they were not unexpectedly returned to Zhou Huai'an, the new battalion manager, who was responsible for maintaining and caring for most of the heavy livestock and carts. Of course, as a strengthened guard force for the rear team, in addition to the number 30 who already existed, Wang Pan somehow drew a dissatisfied team from the left, middle and right three sub-campus. The right is in Zhou Huaian. He ordered the orders for a while.

Among them, there are 57 people in the first team from the Central Branch, and the team officer is also an acquaintance. Cheng Dajiao and his dozens of spear-bearers are the most basic core strength; while the only one from the Zuo Branch is In less than half of the teams, only eleven of the 41 players are licensed pawns, and the others are new pawns converted into spearmen;

In the end, it is obvious that the proportion of posts from the acquaintance Lu Xiaoli is the highest. A total of 78 are all archers. Among them, in addition to 60 wooden bows, there are 18 veterans who use modified wooden crossbows. Obviously, it is full of favor and sincerity.

In addition to a fire directly under the name of Laoguan, everyone has a leather armor cover and a burr, plus half of the iron single crossbow and half of the modified crossbow machine, as well as multiple equipment such as knives and spears for melee rotation. In total, Zhou Huai'an had about two hundred combat power under Zhou Huaian's men, but the specific performance and combat effectiveness were not easy to say; obviously, further actual combat and training were needed.

Well, even two hundred pigs are a valuable asset, let alone two hundred soldiers who are initially armed and simply trained.

Because of the limited time before going out, many preparations were still a bit hasty; but Zhou Huaian still used this time as much as possible and took some countermeasures and changes within the scope of his position.

For example, in the case of fire cooks, in addition to the instant rations such as fried rice, dried noodles and dried cakes and collected wind wax products, he also pointed out that people spent a lot of firewood and carbon to cultivate a lot of dried vegetables day and night; mainly because Seaweed, kelp, carrageenan and other marine products available everywhere, as well as radishes, bean sprouts, shepherd's purse, mushrooms, amaranth, cress, Kunlun melon {eggplant}, squash, courgettes, etc., and vegetables collected from nearby miscellaneous goods as raw materials , Concentrated product made by adding salt and sauce to drying and dehydrating.

Those young people who were assigned to "learn some crafts and skills" under him were also assigned to various teams by the semaphore team that had been formed in a few days as an auxiliary means of passing orders. Of course, because of the experimental nature, priority is given to those teams with better relationships or connections.

Such a short period of time is only enough to use the rewards and punishments of hunger plus physical punishment, so that they can remember the most basic "advance and retreat", "fast and slow", "walk and run", "gather and disperse", and "turn left and right". "Squat and stand", "far and near" are just a dozen simple flag color changes and corresponding passwords.

Of course, the specific response and delay effect will definitely vary from person to person, and even various problems and accidents will appear, but it is better to have this thing than nothing. Therefore, after Wang Pan just gave a rough demonstration, he decided to apply it first in the pole team composed of pawns.

As for the "sentinel team" composed of old soldiers, they are under direct command because of their small number, and they also have established tactical cooperation and tacit understanding. It is not easy to make too many changes and adjustments for the time being, because it affects morale and causes rebound. .

On the contrary, the Laoguan team, under his strict supervision and setting an example, memorized this simple set of semaphores and supporting actions to Haosheng as a model for others;

In addition, because I accidentally found a whole warehouse of paper, mainly mulberry paper and jute paper; some of them were decayed and moth-eaten because of the long storage time; however, this also caused Zhou Zhou. A bold idea and creativity was born in Huai'an, which is to try to make some paper armors;

The principle of paper armor is very simple, as long as the bone is mounted with hard cloth and then stuffed with paper bars. The actual operation is to soak large sheets of paper with paste, and stack them up and hammer them to thinness. Historically, they were mainly used for infantry in southern China. Because of their light weight, they were also used by warships and sailors.

For example, in the Song Dynasty, because of the relative simplicity and low cost of this thing, it often appears in the official records of the production and allocation of documents.

Although after wasting a lot of rice milk and soup, the appearance of the final product is a bit unflattering. After these different colored paper heads are superimposed, people look like a beggar with a beggar. In front of the protective force that could possibly save a life at the critical moment, all the expressions of disgust and criticism quickly disappeared.

Although the initial craftsmanship is not good enough or there is a lack of relevant experience, the paper armor vests that were first produced did not have the effect of "the arrow of strength cannot be holed" as recorded in the "Xin Tang Shu" in history; but the arrow shot with full force within 20 steps is only embedded In the upper half, only a little bit of the inner lining is cut; and under the strong one-handed slashing, the paper armor will still be broken and cracked, but to cause damage to the inner lining, several parts of the same part are needed. The result can only be achieved under the circumstances.

This is undoubtedly an excellent choice and source of equipment for the rebels who were originally in poor conditions; after all, as a long-term export commodity of the big port of Guangzhou, a huge amount of paper is included.

In this way, in addition to the simple mahjong mats made of bamboo and wooden blocks, Kato, the new pawns who were not on the wheel will temporarily have a batch of supplementary and replacement armors.

Then Zhou Huaian made improvements and corrections, because the pulped paper is obviously very good in shaping, so it can be shaped according to the shape of the human body, and molded into various protective parts such as coats, hoods, knees, shoulder pads, etc. , Another layer of tung oil is pasted to achieve a limited waterproof effect;

It takes a little more time to use the soot water collected at the bottom of the pot to uniformly color it. At least if you don't look at it closely, it will be black and gray and you can't see the original appearance, but initially have a relatively consistent tone; Then use a mold to beat and forge a pattern similar to a piece of armor, and it will have the fuzzy appearance of the original regular armor.

Only after leaving the boundaries of Guangzhou to the north, a new messenger made the face of Jiangtou Wang Pan not look so good, and then he was temporarily anxious for small-scale discussions, and Zhou Huaian was able to know.

The original order to merge with the former brigade was cancelled; then this time it was different from the direction of most of the rebels. After they were ordered, they followed the official road all the way to the east and went to the southeast outside of Guangzhou. In the coastal areas, pacifying and suppressing local conflicts and disturbances can theoretically be regarded as a relatively low-intensity task and goal;

After all, most of the places in this direction had been along the attack route of Huangchao's southward entrapment. The established officers and resistance forces were almost completely wiped out, and the place became quite dilapidated and withered. But it also means that there is a lack of opportunities and credit for performance.

However, for Zhou Huaian, who is mindful and has long-term development here, it is also a good choice for green city and experience to be able to take a relatively safe armed march.

. . . . . .

At the same time, they have already driven out of the city of Guangzhou and are ready to go.

"It turned out to be in the direction of Xunzhou"

Wang Chongyin also asked slightly surprised.

"Wang Pan's sibling was probably targeted by someone, right?"

"But it's no wonder that his subordinates have not only been in the limelight in the past few days. They have also gained a lot of extra benefits."

A minister made no secret of the way.

"I'm afraid some people are jealous and angry. This time it's just a means to take advantage of the trend"

"It's just that, it's a bit contrary to the headquarter's plan."

But Cao Shixiong was a little worried.

"It's okay, you continue to make friends with you privately."

Wang Chongyin was disapproving.

"I will deal with official matters..."

Of course, Wang Chongyin still has something to say about it, or it is inconvenient to speak out;

For example, under the great appeal and prestige of King Huang, in addition to the closest brothers and members of the Yan Party, as well as Chang Heng Jianer included in the old department of General Wang, there are actually several different factions and mountain tops. , To control the rights and resources of the middle and lower ranks in this rebel army.

They often use the relationship between township parties and clans of different geographical origins as a link, and among the core forces of the rebel forces known as "hundreds of thousands", they have formed large and small interest groups from top to bottom; Wang Chongyin is the back-wing soldier, It can be regarded as one of them; at least in some details and unimportant matters, even King Huang has to consider their attitudes and opinions.

Only after the defeat from Fujian to Dayuling all the way, there were many rebel generals who saw the situation unfavorably. They led their men to surrender to the officers and soldiers, and turned around and raised their butcher swords to their colleagues; just after the defeat of Guangzhou, there was a preliminary situation. The King Huang, who was a breathing space for training and cultivation, also began to learn from the pain and wanted to change and reorganize; this obvious and firm attitude has also been gradually revealed through recent personnel changes and military rewards and punishments. come out.

The Stormrage Camp, which has been marginalized and recently rebuilt, may be just a pawn for throwing stones and asking the way to test the waters; and in this case, the attitude and position of their rear men need to be reconsidered and considered. (End of this chapter)