Tang Dynasty

Chapter 55: Suddenly


"You come to live well with me in total,"

Wang Pan couldn't help calling out loudly.

"What should be offered as a negotiation next step."

"Our Junzi should raise some on the spot."

Only when Zhou Huaian habitually used his farsighted eyesight to look at the rebels stationed in the city, he inevitably frowned slightly.

Those rebels stationed on the city’s head are too healthy and strong; you must know that besides the basic old troops near the city of Guangzhou, all kinds of refugees and poor people who have been entrapped and recruited along the way are this. The normality and part of a large number of rebels.

At least after seeing the new soldiers in his camp and the uninspired soldiers along the way, he knew at least one of the most basic things; after a long period of hunger, cold, and displacement, the physical weakness and weight loss caused by it is not simply eating. You can make up for it in a few days.

But it’s not in those YY novels that if you are infected and moved by the protagonist’s arrogance or mouth-fire, you can turn the wind and hunger into the brave warriors who are not afraid of death; nor are they later generations Relying on the great ideals and beliefs of saving the nation to survive and liberating the laboring masses as the spiritual pillar, in the incomparably cruel ordeal and test, relying on the weak and weak feet to complete the 25,000-mile Red Army.

And it is rare that there are rebels in such a good physical condition, even in the Stormrage Camp, they are a minority of core foundations, only seen in the old men of Henan origin, but here they are only used to guard the city and stand guard.

Then Zhou Huaian's face suddenly changed slightly, because he saw that the people behind the battlements seemed to have faint blood-stained mottles, and coupled with the news that there had been nothing in the vicinity before, he couldn't help becoming extra suspicious.

"Wait a minute..."

He couldn't help but patted the horse, and found Wang Pan, who was leading his subordinates to enter the city, grabbed his horse's head and turned around.

"Wang general, I think something is a bit wrong..."

"Let's go back and talk a little bit..."

At this time, Zhou Huaian's amplified hearing suddenly flashed a strange whistling sound, and then he caught a glimpse of the light from the corner of his eye, the sky is shining slightly; I can't help but jump off the horse in a reflexive manner. According to the instinctive reaction and experience developed in Africa when avoiding conflicts, he flew to hide to the other side of the saddle, which is a shelter that can be found nearby.

However, other people did not have such good luck and opportunities. In that instant, they saw the glittering bright spots that had become trembling tail feathers and splashes of blood on the nearby soldiers. The screams and cry of pain exploded in the air.

And Wang Pan, who was riding on the horse, suddenly disappeared. When Zhou Huaian found his figure and voice again in the midst of a horse-turning, he saw that his helmet was gone, and with the loosening of his hair. The bun was scattered on his shoulders; his mount fell to the ground with a few arrow shafts and hesitated and struggled to get up, but it also pressed one of his legs, and caused half of his body to fall down. The dusty Wang Cheng looked particularly embarrassed.

Zhou Huaian stepped forward with unthinking strides, and drew a knife and slashed upwards on the dumped horse. The dying struggling mount was in pain in the blood and spattered, and it could not help but twitch and jump for a few times, and Wang Pan took the opportunity to get out of his body The crushed legs and feet have only become limping and unsatisfactory.

"Monk Niangdi, you saved my life..."

And before he could finish speaking, he heard the screaming voice from the opening of the city gate, and howled out a cavalry with a helmet and armor. And those people holding banners waiting in front of the door dropped these covers and drew out their shining weapons, rushing viciously, and approaching not far away.

"Good Thief"

"It's an official dog..."

"Quickly escort your head back..."

The last sentence was called out by Zhou Huaian with all his strength. At the same time, he kept pushing Wang Pan onto his little green horse. Although he also shot an arrow, he shot the hardwood foreskin. On the saddle.

So, amidst the panicked screams from the left and right, someone who was still able to stand finally reacted and hurriedly dragged the injured Wang Pan and the others, together with Zhou Huaian, who was holding the horse, pulling their legs and fleeing to the side. Away.

The assailants who came out of the city also chased after them in the smoke and dust, and finally slammed into the first batch of rebel soldiers who came to rescue and intercept.

Zhou Huaian also turned his head to the corner of his eyes before he saw the tragic scene of the rebel soldiers who had no surplus of courage but were scattered in a disorganized formation. They were washed away and knocked down and trampled on the past.

At this moment, the team behind was obviously slow and slow to react, because most of the soldiers felt that the county seat was in sight, and could not wait to rush forward, causing the originally elongated team to scatter a little.

The first to be attacked was the front left branch. Although the school Wei Lin Ziquan took the card knife team as the backbone, he fought and blocked for a while; but there are more new pawns who have never seen the battlefield. After facing the enemy for a while, he was dispersed and fled, and rushed into the chaos of the pawns who were behind, trying to maintain the order.

As a result, they only supported this point for a moment, and they were re-rushed and dispersed and fell into the dust. However, the time they had won before the collapse finally allowed the second team to catch up. The most powerful mid-branch battalion that came up was able to react and countermeasures partly in haste;

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound of a heavy or light hand being knocked over, and the crackling sound of a spear being smashed and broken in a hastily raised; it was like a rampant torrent encountered a heavy cardboard. , Although the rushed faltering and continued to collapse in, some enemy riders were finally blocked and intercepted, and the momentum of the opponent's impact was slowed down.

At this time, the enemy from walking under the city also approached, straight along the gaps opened by the cavalry, and tore apart the group of soldiers fighting in the center battalion, and turned into a situation of melee.

Suddenly, blood was splashed and there were people falling down while fighting, and there were people who were involuntarily pushed up and congested by forces from the front, back, left, and right, like a large group of smudged and infiltrated irregular blood colors. , Who stirred and stirred in the crowd, kept harvesting lives and leaving piles of corpses.

At this time, the group of people guarding the head Wang Pan, together with Zhou Huaian, who was desperately rushing, finally bypassed the side of the middle camp during the melee, and joined the Zuofen camp led by Xiaowei Lu to make a place. , Began to restore part of the command function.

And Zhou Huai'an was able to slowly stabilize and recover, and his body was overworked because of the sudden eruption. At this time, he found that there seemed to be one more option in his invisible vision;

It can consume the energy that is usually accumulated to gradually eliminate the body’s excessive use of accumulated lactic acid and other negative effects, or use this energy to temporarily stimulate the body and organs to achieve the proliferation of hemoglobin and adrenaline. The relative effect of explosive force speed response in a short time.

Well, he couldn't help but sighed that he was able to get a special ability that is useful for running in the future because of a blessing in disguise while escaping from the battlefield.

However, the sound of violent fighting in front of him brought his attention back to reality; because of the fact that the central battalion headquartered in a battle with the enemy was weak and unable to support it. Signs of retreat began.

I saw that the cold weapon groups where the sword saw the blood but the sword reached the flesh were fighting, compared to Zhou Huai'an who saw the lively firearms shooting at each other, but it has another simple and solemn cruel meaning; being rolled* * And the people who are trapped in the battlefield, like a leaf of Piaoping, involuntarily become a digital symbol that has been crushed.

He rejoiced once again, that he had chosen the logistics way anyway, and was temporarily able to stay away from this dangerous and cruel hustle and bustle. Of course, he couldn't do anything in this chaotic situation.

At the same time, when he returned to the left sub-battalion of the third battalion, Wang Pan, who had initially regained his commanding ability, finally began to perform his functions and roles as the commander of the first battalion; he continued to deploy troops and generals. In order to issue orders, sonic soldiers occupied most of the left battalion, and began to split out several teams to intercept enemy cavalry and skirmishers that bypassed the frontal melee.

Using the remaining archers while shouting loudly, they concentrated all their shots to support and respond. The battle of the central battalion was already faltering and was about to fall apart. However, Zhou Huaian noticed one thing when he secretly let go of his scanning ability;

As a very veteran Rebel general, he always seems to be able to quickly discover the weaknesses and protruding points of the enemy in the melee, and in the bursts and blows of the division of troops again and again, he has continuously restored the decline of his side in the fight , Or restrain the momentum of those rushing enemy forces.

It's just that this kind of adventurous battlefield sense of smell and empirical judgment, but I don't know what price and sacrifice it will have to achieve results. Then, to Zhou Huaian’s surprise, after he stabilized his position with the support of the left branch, the set of simple slogans he wrote began to be broken up and separated by the soldiers in the middle branch. It comes in handy.

As the orders were communicated more and more skillfully, after pressing from the left, the enemy that had not been able to fight for a long time began to show a certain decline and weakness, and gradually tried to shrink the range of engagement. The enemy riders who had fallen into the crowd began to try to turn around. . .

"Everyone is here, kill the thief."

Another group of shouts familiar to Zhou Huaian finally sounded behind them.

Then I saw a banner waving like a forest, fluttering in the dust that covered the sky not far away. (End of this chapter)