Tang Dynasty

Chapter 61: Clouds 3


Changle County,

When the sky was gray again, the Wuxian Temple, which was not too large, was already a burnt ruin; and buried in it, there were a total of five workshop owners and more than 30 people and family members who gathered together. , Slaves, nursing homes or something.

It's just that the burnt war blades and other objects that are obviously not like good people's possessions revealed from the ruins, showing how innocent and wrong they are. Moreover, in the cellar that survived the house behind the ruins, many belongings with black blood stains were found, several hidden women and a skeleton of unknown origin.

Therefore, these whole groups of rebels who had just fought a night are going to the homes of these related people to copy them without stopping; this is also a disguised compensation for the hard work of these rebels, and it will be more convenient to drive and control them in the future; anyway; It is just the result of the generosity of others who have borrowed and returned to the Buddha.

Because it was a surprise attack at night, after encountering the enemy, he habitually threw a few large tanks of coal into it first, so these unidentified armed personnel who were alarmed hidden in it can be said to be in one place. The disheveled panic rushed out; then, it became the best target on the wall and the door to wait for the bow and crossbow to shoot. Even if some individual escaped the arrow rain and turned out the wall, they were also stabbed by various knives and spears. Chop down.

However, the fires that were ignited later became impossible to extinguish, and they burned all night until they were slowly extinguished before dawn, destroying most of the scene and evidence. In the end, apart from more than a dozen live burns of varying degrees, it can be said that there is no more income;

But for Zhou Huai'an, this is not a modern society that strictly pays attention to the chain of evidence and legal procedures. It is only enough to have these few people for the crime of deliberately plotting and conspiring. The rebels who fought in the battle had no other loss except for a stinky sweat, and an unclear fall in the air at night, sprained ankles of a few people.

It's just that Zhou Huaian couldn't help feeling that the group of people under his men had become more and more signs of getting closer to the attributes of arsonists. After all this time, the attribute of one's own camp or the lower limit of morality, it is estimated that from absolute neutrality to neutral order, it has shifted a little further in the direction of chaos and evil.

"Sure enough, the management plan was accurate..."

The team officer who was responsible for bringing the players into it, Cheng Dazhe, said with anger.

"This is a place where dirt is hidden..."

"The Hustle at the front door is still pretending..."

"When we slam the door in from behind here, it's like stabbing a long worm nest..."

"Suddenly there are a lot of gangsters with blades..."

Then, Zhou Huaian became a little more vigilant and introspective. Could it be that during this period of time he acted too smoothly, and briefly mastered his autonomy, he became a little self-conscious and relaxed and slack; forgot that he was still on the battlefield in the usual sense, and Let people make these tricks under their own eyes.

And if I really can’t think about it for a while, or if my curiosity sprouts and I go to a banquet at an appointment, I’m afraid that even if I can get out of it with the power of the auxiliary system, I will have to make this little armed with limited strength under his command painful. The price of it.

You must know that these unmasked owners, but after the rebels entered the city, they were quite obedient and cooperative. They even took the lead in handing over their servants for use by the rebels, and actively raised funds for various apportioned members. .


Thinking of this, Zhou Huaian suddenly realized that he had overlooked something, and hurriedly bit the team official who drove away.

"Wait a minute..."

"Do you have any other orders..."

Cheng Dayao couldn't help but turn around to ask for instructions.

"Take you to the lifesaving team, and detain all the slaves and maids who have been sent to them."

"Especially those related to the five families of Yuzhe. I will interrogate them one by one separately later..."

"Also, let Huo Chu and the pharmaceutical team quickly check the food and medicine they handed out that day..."


Although the other party was puzzled, he still didn't say anything and quickly took his orders.


After a while, Lao Guan also walked over and said with a certain expression of awe.

"After adding vinegar and salt according to your wishes"

"Most of those thieves have already confessed..."

Zhou Huai'an nodded slightly, expressing his satisfaction; at least, when it comes to his own safety, there is nothing kind of soft-hearted;

For example, if you put old vinegar on the burned skin of a captive, the sour taste is simply indescribable, while salt water can relieve one or two, but the evil situation brings deeper irritation and damage.

"They confessed to the people involved in the city, there are probably seven or eight."

Then Laoguan said again.

"Some of them provide cooperative cover for entry and exit, some have private weapons, and some specialize in food."

"After the rebels entered the city, they already started planning and acting..."

"After most of our army has gone out, we will gradually gather to the Wuxian Temple..."

"I was rationed to the sword and had a good meal, and also promised a woman as a pastime."

"Say things are ready to respond and do something big..."

Hearing this, Zhou Huaian couldn't help but sighed, this world is indeed dangerous everywhere, and if he accidentally holds a modern man with a wealth of knowledge, he will inevitably capsize in the gutter.

After a while, the sky became more and more bright, and the teams went to the city to search for homes and arrest the people involved, and they gradually gathered in return; generally it went smoothly. It seemed that it was because of the leader being knocked out all of a sudden, almost Without encountering any obstacles or resistance, he easily caught hundreds of men and women, and also copied a lot of belongings by the way.

However, because Zhou Huaian had also issued strict orders while promising benefits, nothing happened that could hurt human lives or insult a woman. After some searching, many weapons, flags and other prohibited items were also found in these houses, but it seemed that it was freezing three feet long and not a day's cold.

Just as Zhou Huaian was on the way back to the county government, he suddenly heard the loud sound of gongs from the head of the city, which made him a little stupefied.

"Is anyone here to knock this morning?"

After a while, Zhou Huaian stood on the head of the gong.

"The team in front is back..."

Someone on the top of the city said in a very happy voice.

The morning fog in the countryside outside the city has not completely dissipated, but a dew-covered team has appeared, and the blue flag with the word anger held high represents their identity.

And at this meeting, someone voluntarily ran down and couldn’t wait to open the inch-thick wooden gate.

"Wait a minute..."

A sense of impropriety and violation suddenly flashed in Zhou Huaian's heart, and instinctively shouted.

"Don't open the door right away..."

The soldiers who ran down didn't seem to hear them, and they continued to rush towards the door.

"Xu Si, stop them for me"

Zhou Huai'an couldn't help but shouted to the fire chief of the directly under the team waiting in the city.

"No one is allowed to act rashly..."

Next, Zhou Huaian finally determined what was wrong. The secret letter sent back by Wang Pan said seven or eight hundred unarmed pawns, but within his sight, hundreds of them were wearing knives and spears. , The orderly team is slowly approaching the wall in an orderly manner;

At this time, Xu Si, who led people to chase into the doorway, finally caught up with the soldiers who were eager to open the door, and dragged them back cursingly on the horizontal bolt that had been lifted from the loose.

"If you can breathe, pick up crossbows for me..."

Zhou Huaian yelled sharply.

"Notify the lifeguards in the city, and bring me all those who can walk and stand on the top of the city..."

"The fifth team started to send guys to the husband, ready to maintain the situation in the city..."

Because, once the suspicious team that appeared suddenly and the malicious behavior found in the city before, the result will make people shudder. We must know that the previous batch of garrisoned volunteers lost their garrison and most of their lives in this way;

Zhou Huai Anning can use more cross-examinations and investigations to prove that she is wrong, and she does not want to risk repeating the same mistakes again. (End of this chapter)