Tang Dynasty

Chapter 63: Under the city


In the outskirts of Changle County’s North Gate, in a messy field that was trampled on, a piece of ground was leveled out and raised several feet with wooden boards, a pergola with a silk curtain was erected on the spot, and an arty Tea set and exquisite household items.

And Zhao Ziri, the owner of Zhaojiazhai, was looking at the movement on the top of the city.

He is a typical local tyrant and powerful gentry, and he is also the leader of this action; he was born with a descent of barbarians from his ancestors, and he was born with a peculiar appearance with a sunken nose, but the most obvious thing is that he is more prominent than others. Forehead

Therefore, when he was very young, he was ridiculed by people and disliked by his elders because of his appearance. However, when he grew up a little and started to take charge of the family business, no one dared to do that again. Secretly called him; because people who dared to talk and gossiping about him before, including his cousins or servants, servants, and tenants, had already left their homes without seeing people or corpses, and disappeared.

So everyone changed the name to "Zhao Ren {Suspect} Immortal". Because it is said that his face with a protruding forehead and a nose collapsed is very similar to that of the predecessor "Zheng Sanjue {Zheng Qian}" painted by the former master "Zheng Sanjue {Zheng Qian}" who had spent a lot of money. The different songs but the same work is the place where the blessings and immortal attitudes that make everyone unanimous.

Because there was a brother of the same family who worked as a prince in the dynasty and gave him the title of "langguan", and the Zhao family also occupied a large area of fertile fields and forests that were not on the tax books for generations. The subordinates at least raised More than a thousand dealers and tenants;

Among them, there are quite a few brave men, and desperadoes and lawless people have successively concealed among them. In daily life, taxation and total grain for the minions and eyes and ears are included in the township. They are also very much in the fighting between neighboring villages who are fighting for water and land. Is to play some fierce and stubborn reputation;

Later, he spent a lot of money to clear the relationship, and obtained a batch of weapons from the officers and soldiers who passed by, so that he began to become a powerful force in the ten miles and eight townships. A few years ago, the emperor ordered "all the villages in the world to set up bows, knives and drums to prepare for the thieves." He, like the powerful clans, has transformed into a native group soldier that "defends Sangzi and is brave."

Then, as the chaos of the Ban ** world also spread to Lingnan, he secretly hoped that the opportunity to get ahead soon came. When the grass thieves crossed the border, his Zhaojiazhai was farther away from the road, so he didn’t have much trouble. Suffering losses, on the contrary, because of those rich and powerful households who were more powerful than him, after they collapsed and broke their homes, they faintly became the leader of one of the few tyrants and rich families in the region.

Especially after annexing and accepting the remnants of the big family, and the female relatives who had gone down, completed the long-cherished aspirations of the beautiful women in Ribianquan Township, and became more ambitious and inflated. ; His next plan is to wait for the destruction of these grass thieves, go to the state city as the first man to recover, and taste the taste of the wives and daughters of the bureaucrats and eunuchs who have become subordinates.

Such a mere county lieutenant is no longer enough to repay him for his earth-breaking achievements. At least he is also a respected governor of Shi, Sima, and Biejia to satisfy him.

Originally, he wanted to come, whether it was the government or the cao thieves who had stolen money for a while, they had no direct relationship with him for the time being. He would neither provoke these thieves for the court’s righteousness, but would not let people easily offend his own interests. ; Therefore, most of the time, as long as it symbolizes a sum of money and food, and then buys and entertains the people sent by the county, you can deal with the past without using the personal wealth of the Zhao family at all. Instead, there is a source of wealth in the village. .

However, what I never expected was that these grass thieves occupied the government-run mines and wanted to profit from them; but they actually set up farming in the locality in a decent way, and by the way, they were still in the locality. It's a terrible thing to start clearing the land. But he still endured it for a while, and instructed the rogues in some places to make trouble and destroy them in private.

But what happened later made him unbearable, because in order to recruit labor, these grass thieves intercepted and conquered the refugees. They actually began to take in the villagers who fled under his control. Even the leader of the grass thief sheltered a widow he had been involved with, planning to take it to the city to live.

How can this be possible? You must know that every part of the family business of the Zhao family, but his grandfathers and grandfathers have been able to {capture, embezzle} them for generations, and these villages and villagers are also for generations. By his Zhao family, he was able to make a living and survive; how could he easily privately voted into an outsider without his permission, the village master.

This involves the Zhao family's ability to respond to each other in the four miles and eight townships, or to say that the face and existence of the same thing; there is really no room for concession and humiliation.

Therefore, after a banquet for the inside and outside, the grass thieves who didn't know good or bad were knocked down one after another, and then they were taken to feed the dogs. And the leader of the grass thief who dared to beat him, he was locked in the cellar slowly, howling for three days and three nights and still did not die, until he was taken away by the woman who was caught back in front of him After Zhao Ziri’s trilogy swallowed the last breath of the face of Zhao Ziri, he was bored and gave the other party a joy.

After doing this major event, he waited for a long time, but no grass thief came to investigate or inquire about his whereabouts. Instead, the county officials who had been familiar with each other came to the door with the so-called officers and soldiers. What's next It is natural.

Although those officers and soldiers have the righteous reputation, but after all, they are limited in manpower or foreigners. If they want to deal with these grass thieves, and even get enough credit, they are completely inseparable from the assistance and contributions of these householders. Support; therefore, one needs to borrow strength, and the other needs to borrow momentum. It just happens that the two phases hit it off to create the current momentum and situation.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at the sincerity and attitude of the officer and army. The cold-faced general who was sweeping the formation and commanding the camp was said to be the officer and army cavalry Zheng Zhao Yingong of his family's surname;

This person is said to have been with the famous Gao Linggong, who was born in the defense army of Bibian Annan, and he is well-planned and well-organized, but some of them are too stupid and straightforward, and they are somewhat uncomfortable with many things. , Became a disgusted and taboo person among his colleagues;

So until now, the official luck is unavailable but only a cavalry team. He is obviously the one who has the most effort to ask thieves, but he was rejected by those who occupied the county seat to the stone pit field to garrison. However, he escaped the Changle city. One defeat after another; this time he was assigned because there was no one available, and he led a remnant of the town defense army that was said to have been broken up to him, which was regarded as the staff of the army and the force of the army.

Although this servant has a lot of stinky problems, it is still worth relying on on the basic issues, and there has not been any basket; therefore, when Zhao Ziri wanted to come, he got drunk after the big deal, and was looking for some used girls. Sena became a real brother-in-law in the bed, and he didn't believe that he could continue to remain cold-faced and reserved indifferently. Then take the opportunity to win over and let him, who is desperate, turn his life to himself.

Anyway, once you become an official in the state in the future, you must have someone who can do it, right? In order to attack the grass thief's back road and Liangtai this time, he pulled out from the stockade nearly 1,300 Ding Zhuangs, of which 400 were fully-clothed camps for the children of the family, and another 700. It is also an experienced man who has seen blood in fighting and privateing, and the rest is that everyone has a weapon in his hand, not like other army soldiers, you need to use a flattened hoe and straighten it. Fork handle or threshing clamp to make up the number;

This also allowed him to firmly grasp the power of these Turkish coalition forces. It can be said that apart from the three hundred patchwork guards brought by the cavalry Zheng Zhao Yingong, there is basically nothing else that he can put in his eyes.

And this time, in order to attack the county, in addition to Zhao Ziri, who is the most powerful, he also promised benefits and conditions to draw on the other large and small army groups from Wuzhai Township of Shisan Township. There were also seventy or eighty people, although the outfits and clothes were motley, they also brought many looted packages, livestock and women, but when they stood together in chaos, the lineup was quite strong.

This is also another time they attacked the county town where the grass thieves were entrenched. It is said that it was filled with the goods and grains that the grass thieves looted from everywhere, and it was quite empty. Everyone was expecting a good view after they entered the city. And Xiaoyao.

The only thing that is not beautiful is that the inner respondent and helper agreed in the city, but there is no sign of mobilization, and they can only play this trick of the city under Zhao Yingong's suggestion, but the result is still a failure. However, this setback is not very irritating.

Next, it is time for these mud-legs from the north to appreciate the sturdiness and bravery of the Lingnan children. At least in the previous few encounters, he found that these grass thieves fight with a lot of personal power, and like to beat the pressure on the drum; it can be said that except for a few leaders who are excellent and sturdy, most of the soldiers are good. Shabby and shabby are just like beggars and flowers. Although the initial battle was a little bit decisive, he was neither strong nor resistant. It was not comparable to the soldiers under his command who were dedicated to protecting the countryside.

Therefore, as long as you fight for a long time, you will become weak without fighting. At this time, you can invest in the relatively savvy home battalion and the assisting officer army. Just like the grass thief reinforcements who had been ambushed and defeated by most of them before, and captured the half-hearted, this grass thief staying in the city would be much better than them.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

And outside the state city of Xunzhou, there was also a joint operation; I saw a group of ragged Rebel soldiers running and shutting down with their knives and guns. Although most of them are inevitably thin and weak, they seem to have good mental momentum, with a trace of the rules and rigor that have been experienced in the barracks between their words and actions, and there is still a little bit of fierceness.

"These dog things that turn up against people..."

Looking at those people's heads that were deliberately piled up in dozens of piles in front of the city gate, they rode their heads on the horse with murderous voices.

"It seems that I still haven't killed enough, and I still think that our knives are not good enough..."

"You guys work harder, I'm going to kill him upright..."

At this time, a messenger who hurried over brought a message that changed his expression suddenly.

"Damn, our back path was copied..." (End of this chapter)