Tang Dynasty

Chapter 64: Under the city (middle)


"It was Lu Liuzi who escorted the new pawn into an ambush, and only one of them fleeed desperately to report the letter..."


Then, Wang Pan patted his knee hard again. .

"The monk and the Liangtai are also in danger..."

As the saying goes, the army will disperse if there is no food, and it will die if there is no committee. This is a thing that can seriously shake the morale and the morale of the army. It was simple because of the shame, and it was very hard to mix up with each other.

It’s okay to say that the old pawns in the army who have endured a lot of hunger and have suffered a lot, and those who are right pawns can be confident that he can come forward and be able to resist; but the large number of mixed soldiers in the army recruits new pawns along the way, it is basically hard to say. I can control it.

And once people's hearts begin to fall apart, it will react to the spreading effect of one piece, which will affect the entire group. The huge advantages accumulated by Stormrage Camp along the way like snowballs, have also become a bubble or a complete joke. Thinking of this, he shouted louder and more anxiously

"Come to blow the trumpet, prepare to be with me..."

"Jiantou, never..."

The school lieutenant Zhang Wan who was next to him hurriedly dissuaded him.

"What do you mean.."

Wang Pan couldn't help but stared at the other side fiercely.

"Is it possible for me to abandon the rear team and fail to save my life?"

"Only in this situation, let alone an order to return to the teacher..."

But he straightened his chest without evasiveness and sincerely

"The strength and momentum of the army gathered together and dispersed, I'm afraid we won't be able to go far..."

"The official dogs and local thieves in the city will not sit back and watch easily."

"There may be some thieves waiting for our army along the way in the rear..."

"If you really want to mobilize in a hurry, I'm afraid it will be the situation in Dayuling again..."

Hearing the word Dayu Ling, Wang Pan's brain finally calmed down, but the fire in his chest burned more and more.

"Then we carry enough grain and grass to last for a few days..."

After thinking about all these things, but a little anxious, but compellingly calm, Wang Pan asked seriously.

"If it is restricted to eat, there will probably be half a month left."

Another subordinate responsible for supervising the transportation.

"And the further you go, the more days will be extended."

"Take them all out and let the whole camp eat for three days..."

After a change in the face of psychological struggle, Wang Pan finally made up some determination.

"In these three days, we have to step up our attack on Zhoucheng..."

"But no matter whether it is defeated or not, we have to divide the troops and return it..."

Then, he was worried about calling the leader of his own soldiers, and he gave a very solemn account of the matter.

. . . . .

Changle County,

There were already many broken long ladders and improvised hammers scattered under the city. Several corners of the rammed-earth city wall had also collapsed to expose the white wall inside, but it had not had any impact on the overall structure.

Cen’s uneven low crenellations are even more splattered with black blood, with fragments of swordsmen and sparse arrow shafts inserted.

The vicissitudes and exhaustion of the team official bite, and he only felt that his whole body was soaked in soreness and fatigue everywhere, and almost all the sore and numb arms that danced too hard were no longer on his body; his iron helmet was already on his body. It's gone, and there is an extra gap on the brow that opens up like a baby's mouth, but the bloody water that flows through half of the left eye and sticks to the dust has already solidified into a block, and it will dry up and fall down when it moves.

Although for him, compared with the officers and soldiers who have fought and fought before, the attack strength of these thieves is not very strong, but the frequency of continuous attacks is very tiring. Therefore, as a result of running back and forth as a firefighting team to meet the enemy back and forth, under the exhausting battle, he inevitably missed his hand and was injured.

In addition to the most conspicuous wound on his face, there were a few cut arrow clusters inserted on his shoulder and lower abdomen, but it was because when he leaned out to kill the enemy, he was thrown by a dirt archer close to the city. ; But fortunately, the opponent is against the trend and does not have many strong bows and crossbows. These arrows are only capable of penetrating his cooked leather jacket and the double protection of the paper visor; and the strength is only a bit of damage to the flesh, and Because it was too late to handle and bandage, I just stayed there.

Fortunately, after he paid these prices, those unsuccessful soil thieves finally left behind all kinds of objects and fled from the messy city without any reason.

It’s just that most people on the city don’t even have the strength to cheer, or the desire to waste arrows toward their backs; in a quiet and low-spirited atmosphere that slowly relaxes, seize the time as much as possible to take turns drinking water and Eat, and then clean up the tattered battlements inside and outside. The civilians who came up from behind used a solid nailed wooden baffle to re-block those gaps.

Cheng Da Bite also took out a handful of refined rock honey specially rationed for the boss, stuffed it into his mouth and squeaked it into pieces. As the thick sweet and greasy taste flowed down, some of the cold and stiff body seemed to be heated. Pan came alive again; then he had to admit that all these things made with the monk’s whimsical ideas were all good things, but unfortunately they were still less in number, and could only be allocated to a limited number of manpower. Use medium and small deductions.

Just as the big bite pushed away a corpse clinging to the battlement, the seemingly dead corpse suddenly struggling to bounce, and firmly grasped his arm, only between pushing and shoving. After hearing this, he tore half of his sleeve and fell unwillingly; Cheng Da breathed a sigh of relief, he was so tired that even a dying person couldn't get rid of it;

Suddenly his gaze shook, but he stepped on the muddy blood plasma and slipped under his feet. He saw that he was walking forward and grasping the battlements, but he was so weak that he couldn't hold it at all, and he moved straight from the crevice. Falling down, I could not help but secretly say "My life is over";

At this moment, many things in this life flashed like an electric light and flint, "I just want to avenge you." At this moment, he said the last moment before he fell.

However, suddenly there was some force that pulled him heavily, and his fall was flicked like a shrimp and stopped abruptly. When he just leaned down on the wall and tried to support his body in the air, he felt that the inverted field of vision began to retreat a little bit and returned to the crenel;

After a cold sweaty Cheng Dabite was lying on the solid ground again, he couldn't help but breathe greedily with a lingering fear. The bloody and scent of firework air, and he felt that there had never been such a beautiful thing. At this time, those who had reacted gathered around him, calling out his name loudly.

Then a large slice of vinegar and ginger was stuffed into his mouth. The pungent and sour taste stimulus finally made his dull spirit a little more invigorated, and then fed some more, and then sat down slowly with his body. When I got up, I heard a burst of exclamation and admiration from the side of Zhou.

"Campaign management is really a great strength"

"Even to hold the person with one hand..."

"The camp officer is really a supernatural power..."

"It's no wonder that the crossbow is released quickly and accurately..."

Only then did Cheng Dajiao understand that he was actually saved by the monk Xu, only to feel that his heart was drowning and I didn't know what it was like.

This is the second time, he said this to himself in his heart; and then to his self-proclaimed mission and task, he once again had a certain sense of suspicion and vacillation, is it like saying where the head is. , Is he really too suspicious and thinking too much? (End of this chapter)