Tang Dynasty

Chapter 71: Ending


When the afterglow of the morning once again shrouded in the camp of the coalition troops outside the city,

"This won?..."

Zhou Huaian looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

There are messy armor and flags and dejected prisoners everywhere, and most of the corpses who died from trampling on each other, just like this with residual distortions and struggling gestures, laid out in twos and threes on the burnt ground and ashes. on. At a rough glance, I am afraid that there are not hundreds of people.

I thought it would be able to drag down the opponents by surprise overnight, to create opportunities for more wounded and sick teams to break through and transfer; but I did not expect that the effect was obviously a little too good, or that the performance of these Turkish regiments was really good. It was too unbearable; the Ying Xiao, who had frightened the other party, went up and down without fighting, and as a result, all those who could run after dawn were gone.

This result reminded him of the joke he had heard when he was in Africa; it was probably that a certain domestic aid construction unit had a project base in Africa, which was robbed by groups of local militias because of the turmoil and coup in the country. ; As a result, these black uncles who wielded assault rifles and rocket launchers were actually led by veterans among the construction workers and fled with hoes and shovels, and some firearms were also seized;

Since then, the Internet has become a temporary joke, and once again proved the correctness of the theory of the flock and the lion. Perhaps these Turkmen Army are the same level as the militia of the later generations of the African Uncle Black's militia.

Therefore, the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and the pre-prepared measures and methods are obviously ineffective; the next thing is to reorganize and drive more civilians and laborers out of the city to clean the battlefield and clean up all the materials that can be used. And carry it back.

After all, it is a camp with thousands of people. Even if the fire is over, there are still a lot of things left; there are more than a thousand long and short weapons such as swords, guns, swords, sticks, axes and hammers, and there is also a variegated armor at the bottom of the press box. There are more than one hundred collars; there are five or six hundred shi of hulled rice and nearly one thousand shi of dried beans, hundreds of thousands of catties of rice straw and hay bales, two hundred pieces of coarse cloth and dozens of spun yarn, twenty-three Bundles of new and old leathers, there are even dozens of catties of Tianzhu cotton {short-staple upland cotton} and 30 feet of white pile {the earliest earthen cotton cloth}. . .

For Zhou Huai'an, these two are really good things in the end. Having them means cotton coats, sleeping bags and other clothes that are more comfortable than linen and coarse silk that can keep warm and cold.

Other dried preserved vegetables, preserved vegetables, fruits, vegetables, and livestock in wine, soy sauce, fruits, vegetables, and livestock add up to the total amount of miscellaneous, which can be regarded as beneficial and supplementary to the rebel army in Changle County; and among the personal belongings of the leaders of the Tutuo group, they have also been found. Three full boxes of copper coins and a bag of poorly colored black and yellow small silver cakes, silver collars, dozens of fine cloth clothes, many fine jewellery and most of the small objects in the basket.

These properties were handed out by Zhou Huaian on the spot according to the level of credit and effort, and the vast majority of them were handed out; it was also considered a disguised purchase and win over the hearts of the people. Only a few supplies and the bag of variegated silver cakes and silver collars were left for him privately, and they were counted as portable travel expenses and household goods for a new living.

However, what is more sighing is that more than 30 people died last night, mainly because they were injured before going to the city to defend against the enemy, which caused their injuries to deteriorate and the treatment was not in time. On the contrary, none of the more than two hundred men who attacked overnight was killed, but only about one-tenth of the injuries occurred. Most of them were stumbled or tripped at night due to limited visibility. hurt.

Seven or eight people in the cavalry team were injured because they were scraped by obstacles in the chaos or caused by the spreading fire. The frontal battle was almost unscathed.

"It's really accurate to be fed by the tube head..."

Nonetheless, Liu Liumao still said with some joy.

"At night, these soil thieves became blind."

"After being startled, it's like a moth fighting a fire..."

"Where there is light, just get together there, it saves the effort we found..."

"It's so thrilling to hack and kill for a while..."

He can't help showing a slightly reverent expression here.

"It is said that the boss has the ability to pinch and count, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages,"

"He is also familiar with many techniques that have been lost in ancient times."

"It's true that you are not deceiving me..."

"Is it possible to pinch it?" "Ask for advantages and avoid disadvantages?" Zhou Huaian couldn't help but smiled in his heart. This is just a bit of living experience in the wild on the basis of later climatic phenomena and geographical knowledge. Maybe There is also a little bit of experience from historical battles.

However, this thing is really difficult to explain and clarify to them; he can only use excuses such as "This must be your mistake" and "It's all a coincidence", and there is an obvious unbelief in Zhou's eyes. Among them, making a haha is considered to be uncovered and not mentioned.

The next step is to continue to send chasers/horses, follow the trails of the defeated army, see if we can expand some of the results; and then escort these gains back to the city for a parade of majestic power to deter/stabilize Human heart

Next, re-convene/search those who fled, and justifiably give different levels of punishment and re-arrangement of labor. For those who did not escape in the first place and stayed behind, material rewards and encouragement were also given, and even priority was given to being armed.

After dismissing the initial management in the city, Zhou Huai'an decided to act cheaply and re-recruit more young people with the seized food, and provide simple arms, especially those who have participated in the joint defense of the city to be promoted limitedly. In this way, Zhou Huai'an's subordinates slowly recovered, and there were more than 700 armed personnel with uneven quality.

Although it is still unbearable to use for field battles outside the city, under the leadership of these novice soldiers and soldiers, it is obviously more than enough to maintain the order of the city and create a momentum for the outside world. Anyway, everyone is like this in this era. .

The next step is to reconnect with the Stormrage Camp headquarters that is now ahead to get in touch and restore traffic. However, Zhou Huaian’s current strength is still a bit weak. Except for the cavalry and direct teams that have been sent out to close, the remaining manpower can barely control the situation in Changle County with less control and more, even the surrounding areas. The countryside in the outskirts can't be taken care of.

However, there is actually no need to take care of it. The outskirts and villages that were able to do business with the city were almost all harmed by these soldiers; then, many people had to become refugees and run all the way. Came to Changle City to avoid disasters and find a new livelihood.

Therefore, among the newly recruited soldiers and labor service, a considerable part of it comes from these people who have deep pains with the Turkmen Army. Next, there is only a short transition time for trimming and waiting.

. . . . . . . . . . .

At the same time, under the city of Xunzhou,

"Have you taken it down yet..."

Wang Pan, who has not washed his face for several days and his eyes are flushed, only feels that his beard is going to be straight up.

"This is the first time I have been in town..."

"There is not much time and room left in the headquarters..."

"It's really that those official dogs are too treacherous..."

The school Wei Zhou Pang, who seemed to be bandaged half of his body, gasped and said in pain.

"I poured oil on the top of the city as much as possible, and laid a footstep with firewood..."

"My brothers were so easy to kill, and they burned up regardless of each other..."

"The two teams who attacked, returned a dozen injured..."

"Then let me personally lead the team to attack..."

Wang Pan couldn't help but said viciously.

"I don't believe what else can they use to resist after the city is burned out..."

There was fierce opposition from the left and right.

"Jiantou, don't do it"

"You are the last hope in the camp. Don't miss anything."

"Without you in the town camp, I am afraid that people's hearts will be unstable..."

It’s no wonder that Wang Pan was so worried. The stormy wind camp was limited in disguised form in the dilemma of this city. It was already the last day expected; these seemingly deadly defenders were still as tenacious as they used to be. , But in the short distance from the city break, private goods hang people's minds;

Although there is no problem in manpower replenishment for the time being because there are so many survivors in this way and the rear loses supply, the loss of grain, grass and equipment is real.

Once these things are cut off or their stamina is unsustainable, he can only abandon the brigade and turn in with the most basic old foundation; however, if he does so, I am afraid that the Stormrage Camp that he has grown up so easily will have He was beaten back to his original shape again, how could he be willing to do that

"The back road is rushing..."

At this time, the intrusion of a messenger made him calm down again, and then turned into a nervous color.

"Well, did anyone respond..."

After a while, after Wang Pan's expression of disbelief, he turned from worry to joy and laughed loudly.

"The Xu monk deserves to be the Xu monk..."

"This easily solves my worries..."

"Come and I step up to attack the city, don't worry about what is not enough" (end of this chapter)