Tang Dynasty

Chapter 73: Break in



Team deputy Xu Si shouted loudly, and then turned into a password to be conveyed backwards in sequence.



As a result, his leading team, in the squeezing and contraction of some sort of irregular transformation, can be stopped under the wall. Then the flag bearer behind Xu Si put a small red flag on the spear, and shook it back and forth several times in the air.

As the rear slowly separated and gave way to the queue, more than a dozen specially made flatbed carts were pulled over. There were not only a whole cylinder of smoking charcoal fire and hemp bundles of smoke balls, but also bamboo pieces operated by two people. Catapult.

"The fire-throwing team lit..."

"Ten steps forward..."


I saw a dozen or so poisonous fireballs thrown at close range suddenly from these carts, disappearing behind the wall in a high and high arc; suddenly the door behind that room was like a bomb exploded. Yes, piercing exclaims and mixed screams erupted, as well as burning smells and thick smoke slowly rising from behind the gate.

"Move forward..."

Xu Si shouted again.

"Ready to chisel the door..."

And the other small flag that was raised with this order, the big ram, which was escorted by Xu Si’s rear team and fixed to another big car in the middle, was also shouting with bare arms. Slowly pushed by the horn, he ran over the field and Caiqi approached and aimed at the gate of the village;

This ram was roughly cut from a whole tree trunk, with a large piece of polished round-pointed bluestone on its head; it was also an object captured from the coalition forces of the soil regiment that attacked Changle County, and now it has turned its head. It was used on Zhaojiazhai itself.

Following the loudly shouting shirtless soldiers, under the combined acceleration of the last few steps; the stone hammer on the simple rushing car with a horrible inertia, it slammed against the door panel. On the door, and amidst the dull shock of splashing earth and rocks falling and the sloshing gray wood chips all around, he went straight to the door of the big log nailed to create an obvious big depression in the bowl;

And in this series of reciprocating impacts, the rebel soldiers behind Xu Si also replaced their spears and hand cards with something more appropriate, such as axe, chisel, saw, etc., and stared at the obvious cracks that began to appear. And the Zhaimen of Broken Hole, only waiting for the moment of rushing in.

. . . . . .

After more than half an hour,

When Zhou Huaian rode a horse and came to Dazhai, surrounded by the apprentice team, he saw that the gate that was originally high had been opened, but the fragments were left to stom on the ground; it was blocked in front of the gate and the gate. Many wooden fences inside were also overturned and skewed. The corpses on the ground are covered in four cloths, and they are piled up everywhere;

When he walked through the filled shallow trenches and temporary "antlers" made of leafy tree branches, and walked into the range of the wall, he immediately asked a pungent burnt smell and stench. There was a miserable and dilapidated scene everywhere, only to hear faint anger, crying, pleading, and building collapse in the distance.

"You take people to the street"

He couldn't help frowning slightly, biting at Cheng Da who was following him.

"Try to keep your hands together..."

"Don't let them rob and burn houses casually..."

"It's going to be useful next."

In a sense, this process of tackling fortifications and breaking through is also a kind of trial and test in disguise; or it is a potential opportunity to unleash some inner natures that are suppressed by daily heavy labor and rules. . So Zhou Huaian continued:

"If you don't listen to advice or won't stop, you are allowed to deal with it on the spot,"

"In addition, put those rubbish who flinched or dared not rush forward, but robbed things and ran faster than anyone else."

"Give me a separate list and send it to the reform team of the labor service team afterwards..."

"Even if we are in the army rather than indiscriminately, we can't leave these omnipotent scourges..."

Temporary greed of life and fear of death actually does not matter, you can get used to and change after many times of battle; greed and good fortune are not too big a problem, you can guide and correct it through appropriate rewards and punishments;

But once both have not been dealt with in time, staying behind to become a potential negative role model, that is the real source of trouble and the rat shit that has broken a pot of porridge.

Next, a few freshly baked bloody heads were hung on the gate of the stockade, and a dozen wailing people were placed on the yoke beside the gate. The main streets of Zhaojiazhai were basically restored. A certain kind of temporary order of coldness was created. But the battle did not end because of this,

After breaking through the largest main gate, there was no decent strength to resist in the huge Zhaojiazhai. The first escort team rushed up the mountain almost all the way, until it was in front of the Zhao family mansion before it encountered a more determined confrontation again, and was blocked.

This Zhao family mansion, covering a large area of about a few acres, is surrounded by rammed earth walls, but obviously in terms of building materials and structure, it is far from comparable to the earthen walls of those grass sheds and thatched huts under the mountain; because bows and arrows are shot on it It couldn't be nailed at all, even if it was a sword slashing and chiseling on it, it would fall off a little bit of white ash.

Zhou Huai'an specially squeezed a piece of caving wall, and found that it is really hard and it takes a lot of effort to squeeze it into powder. The composition of it is obviously similar to the building materials of the later Yongding Tulou or Kaiyuan Diaolou; its composition should be used. The sieved red clay, lime, silt, and rice slurry are blended into a clay plate. After air drying, it is hard as iron and stone and will last for years. In addition to being not resistant to rain and requiring repairs, it can almost withstand most of the firearms, earthen and guns of later generations. It is a means of attack.

Therefore, those Tu Tuan and Jia Ding standing high above can keep throwing arrows and throwing rocks outside to knock down the rebel soldiers who are trying to climb the wall or smash the main entrance. Just during the time Zhou Huaian had caught up, he had already caused these blood-blooded soldiers to hit the red-eyed soldiers, causing at least dozens of casualties one after another.

"Get down, it won't work..."

Zhou Huaian ordered loudly.

"Let be more professional..."

Immediately, more of the collected firewood and grease-filled bottles and cans were loaded on large trucks and slowly pushed uphill to the mountain.

Then a few soldiers from the Orion family volunteered to try to follow the mountain, slowly climbing to the mountain behind the mansion, watching the enemy for the brigade.

After putting more grease on these wheelbarrows full of firewood, they rushed forward under the cover of the players to block the gate and burned them. After adding the bundles of wood and oil cans one after another for more than an hour, you can slowly Hearing the screams and screams coming from behind the faint gate, it seemed that the main wooden door panel had been completely burned.

At the same time, the small group of people who had struggled to climb to the edge of the back mountain of the mansion also began to throw and arson attack the back of the mansion with the poisonous pyrotechnic ball adorned with the basket.

After a short while, under the abdomen and back of the enemy, the remnant enemies trapped in the mansion finally made some desperate decision. They suddenly smashed open the burnt gate, and rushed out amidst soot and sparks. Another head slammed into a simple array composed of several transport carts and long swords and spears bows and crossbows.

Then, there is nothing then. .

With the loud surrenders and begging of the remaining people, as well as the knives, spears, bows and arrows thrown out one after another, as the last stronghold of resistance, the mansion that occupied the highest point of Zhaojiazhai also announced its change of hands. Then, it was time for the crew headed by Zhou Huaian to count and search for the trophies.

At this time, shouts and shouts came from the mountain, but the rebel archers who stayed outside had begun to rush into Zhao’s village and began to search and looting; this is not Zhou Huaian’s control and Things that affect it.

I saw that these newly joined rebels were scattered in groups and shouted loudly, claiming to hunt and kill the Zhao clan and its driving minions. Naturally, it also included the scattered and hiding. The native soldiers, and the strong men who tried to fight the rebels before.

In this case, the dividing line between the strong men and the ordinary people in the village is too blurred, so many tutu and strong men pretend to be ordinary people trying to abscond, and many ordinary people are killed as tutu while resisting.

The village cried loudly again for a while, and was filled with terrifying chaos; it seems that because of the long-term fierce fighting and bloody experience, it also revealed the spirit of resistance and rudeness of these peasant soldiers regardless of each other. Out. (End of this chapter)