Tang Dynasty

Chapter 75: at night


Zhou Huaian had a dream again, still in the Black Continent.

This time is under the majestic Kilimanjaro mountain, beside the boundless blue lake; as a member of the medical team, he is watching how the local indigenous Chaga tribe is giving birth to rods, hooks and chains. , Tame a hyena community.

In the middle of the night, Zhou Huaian was suddenly awakened from a strangely unfamiliar bed, and he saw a rapid announcement coming from outside the door.

"Guardian, the situation in the village under the mountain is nothing but the situation..."

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Huaian, who was hurriedly dressed and neatly dressed, was on the terrace of the mansion, and saw that the lower village, shrouded in the black night, had been illuminated by the continuous fire.

"Is this a runaway..."

Someone asked suspiciously.

"I'm afraid there is a chaos..."

Zhou Huaian judged with his strengthened eyesight, because he could see the figure of Chaoyue chasing and slashing in the flames.

"Keep the camp, ready to support the situation in Yamashita at any time..."

"At the same time, be prepared for chaos when someone responds..."

Although there are only more than 200 family servants and servants of the Zhao family left in this large mansion that is large enough to accommodate more than a thousand people, they are also confined in a few barns, but one cannot help but feel the movement under the mountain. And don't think about what you can do.

After a while, Zhou Huaian's order became:

"Only half of the people are left on duty, and the remaining half continue to sleep..."

"Fulfill the spirit to prepare for the day..."

As a result, they waited until the sky turned white, their preparations did not come in handy at all, and the people in the barns were also honest, except for the cry of fright. There was no movement; it was the friendly army who was stationed down the mountain. Don't Jiang, bring a dozen soldiers who can't hide their tiredness to the door, and openly express that they will borrow some manpower for use.

"It's just some thieves making trouble"

As for Zhou Huaian’s question, the other party, who was full of fireworks and blood, said lightly.

"Cleaned up that night..."

"Just borrow some hands and tools to clean up one or two."

I carefully observed the face of the other party, the expressions of disapproval and faint impatience, as well as the faint and fierce emotions that the dozens of soldiers behind him exchanged with their eyes; Zhou Huaian suddenly understood something, and He stopped talking but didn't reject the other party's request. He just told Gu Qisheng, the general team leader who led the team down the mountain to help, and explained something extra.

After some noisy concoction, there are at least more than 400 young people recruited in this Zhaojiazhai. Most of them are poor men who have been bullied by the owner's family for a long time and can't get ahead, and there are few tired and tired men; Or it may be bankrupted by exploitative methods, and thus become the tenants and servants of the Zhao family; there is also a small part, entirely foreigners who have been taken into slavery by the Zhao family for some time in recent years;

Most of them just took this opportunity to get rid of the master's control and go out, by the way, to eat a full meal, or to seek a way out that is not so bad.

In addition, there are dozens of craftsmen coerced by coercive means, from coopers, cobblers to coppersmiths, and even casters who can build simple weapons. Most of them are private personnel serving the Zhao family. ; And this ratio is a rare bumper harvest in the big stockade in this country.

According to the pre-agreed distribution and disposal plan, Zhou Huai'an only collected the grain, cloth and other goods and young adults in the Zhaojiazhai. Except for the concealed harvest in the Zhaojiazhai, what are the remaining goods and the site? It was handed over to these friendly forces for punishment.

Subsequently, according to Zhou Huaian’s account, the leader of the general-purpose team privately used the allocated copper coins and cloth to buy some trophies and military equipment from these friendly forces, including more than 100 sets of maintenance. A proper bow and eight thousand standard feather arrows.

Then it seemed that a problem came out in such a work. Only before the departure the next day, the Zhu Bie general who seemed to be aware of this, took the initiative to bring people to the door to make a question of crime. Shouted

"Monk Xu, you can't do anything like this anymore."

"You have to give me a rhetoric and reason..."

"Why did Zhu Bie say this..."

Zhou Huai'an pretended to be surprised and denied it.

"You make people do business with my subordinates..."

His expressionless

"But I never asked me, is this looking down on me?"

"how come"

Zhou Huaian felt that this was even more unacceptable.

"This must be the proposition of the people below..."

"Since there will be no words, then I will definitely restrain and deal with them..."

"It's still very much dealt with..."

Who knows that Zhu Bie will show even more dissatisfaction.

"I don't want to be like that."

"Then please don't enlighten me..."

Zhou Huaian was a little confused and vigilant. Does this guy want to take advantage of blackmail and blackmail? It's not that simple.

"You scholars are uneasy, so I just ask one sentence."

But he is a bit worried and dissatisfied

"This business is not done yet..."


Zhou Huaian understood it at this moment, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"What do you say..."

"Does my son Lang do it, I can't do it..."

He continued his dissatisfaction.

"Doing that piecemeal business with them, how many things can be exchanged..."

"Well, since it's don't have this thought"

Zhou Huaian unexpectedly thought of it as a false alarm. Are all your previous nonsense and laughter deceiving.

"Then I would like to hear the details..."

"You know, it's not too much for us to fight against the official dog."

Zhu Bie said in a gentle voice on his face.

"Brothers also saved some extra gains..."

"I haven't had time to hand over to the military mansion, so I can get some rewards or something."

Only then did Zhou Huaian fully understand. The other party meant that there was no need for such troublesome private contact, just exchange what he wanted, and he still had a batch of things that he might be interested in. It's just that when the rewards given by the army are generally not satisfied, they are willing to deal with it at an appropriate price.

Therefore, in the following bargaining with a fairly friendly atmosphere, more than one hundred were obtained for two and a half load of scattered copper coins, one hundred sections of thick and thin silk cloth, six hundred stones of white rice, and three hundred and fifty bags of fine noodles Pieces of old armor and more than 500 leather helmets, twenty-three official styles;

Just after finishing the business, feeling relaxed, the other party patted his chest again and said that if he wants more in the future, he will have to wait a while locally and find someone to send it to Changle County.

This kind of straightforward commercialization and the spirit of the follow-up "contract" also made Zhou Huaian a little speechless, and he couldn't help but think of a certain online joke about the "Osaka Division". Is it true that the peasant rebels of this era are all such utilitarian and philanthropic virtues, this is the old rebel forces that are at the forefront against the official army.

However, he immediately thought that the suggestions and ideas that he had previously given to Wang Pan were also based on modern thinking. It's just that he politely thanked him for keeping the follow-up transaction for the future, after all, after a short rest and expansion, it is the right thing to quickly rendezvous with Wang Pan's main line.

This time, the gains from Zhaojiazhai have far exceeded expectations. Therefore, the attacks and plundering of the remaining local army strongholds have become dispensable, and they can be handed over to these friendly forces for punishment.

However, the detective who was cruising outside the village brought back an unexpected news. (End of this chapter)