Tang Dynasty

Chapter 8: Still alive


"Where is my brother... It's been a day and a night..."

Somewhere in the camp of the rebels, a great man with a beard and hair was roaring loudly to the left and right.

"Have you come back yet... let someone find it again..."

"Even if you search every inch of the city, you must find it..."

"General Chao Shi, please feel relieved. The third team leader just left the team privately this time."

An old subordinate persuaded him.

"Maybe it's just hanging around somewhere in the city, and missed the return date..."

"Besides, there are still so many people following, all of them are old and old.. Nothing can happen..."

"Furthermore, the city has been designated as the station of various troops."

"Rushing into the search with a big fanfare, I'm afraid it's a little hindering..."

"Then try to find a way, whether it is to transfer love, or take money from my private savings to buy them..."

"Yes Yes..."

Quietly from left and right, hurriedly rushed.

Only shortly after, under the full operation of his power and contacts, he quickly received news and responses, but it was unstoppable bad news.

"All dead, no corpses? This is my brother."

His eyes were red all at once.

"A bran pancake left me most of my brothers"

"After the whole family starved to death, my only brother is left."

"Following me all the way without losing my life..."

"It was established in Guangzhou, which has fallen, and died so miserably."

"How can I swallow this breath..."

. . . . . .

At the same time, Zhou Huaian, who was squeezing around among the crowds near the rather magnificent city gate, hadn’t waited for a long time, couldn’t help being hungry and sleepy, leaning against the wall. After a nap, I was awakened.

"Son... your name is Zhou Huaian"

The vague words of childhood seem to be still in my ears.

This name originated from his old man and was used to commemorate Zhou Gong, the founding prime minister who was born in Huai'an, Jiangsu; although his father this week and that week is just the same surname in the same city, he is a real Shaoxing native;

But it does not prevent the old man who still admires his family from chasing the tail of the remnant era characteristics such as "Weiguo", "Patriotic", "Weihong", "Weidong" and "Aid Korea". The loopholes in the household registration gave him such a name that seems quite commonplace.

Then, when he was a little sensible, with a popular Hong Kong and Taiwan martial arts film in the recording hall, "New Dragon Inn" spread, he could not help but suffer from the troubles and helplessness caused by this name; In the process of entering a higher school, the clan club will inevitably come across, and the newly met classmates use this name to laugh and make a topic.

There was even a little ruffian from a foreign school who came here admiringly, blocking the door of the classroom like a zoo to watch one or two; until he made up his mind to enter the infirmary for everyone, and after a few fights, things stopped. Go down.

However, the faint influence brought by his name was that he accompanied him to college more or less; there were even more narrow and funny professors and lecturers who deliberately asked him "Where is your golden jade?" "Where is the confidante Mo Yan."

It wasn't until another literary middle-aged/wretched uncle who had the same name as the heroine Mo Yan, who wrote the local Xiaohuang essay, began to flourish in the literary world, that this faint topic gradually disappeared.

Arriving outside Guangzhou, Zhou Huaian found that he had miscalculated again. Although he had the experience of walking on the African continent and facing the wilderness, he obviously seriously underestimated the danger of walking and activities alone in this era.

Because the little news he unintentionally got from the people around him is that in the surrounding cities and suburbs of this era, there are still records of ferocious beasts such as tigers, wolfs, bears and leopards, and there are many examples of attacks on various humans and animals.

Especially in this relatively less civilized Lingnan region. Since ancient times, it has been a bad place to exile political prisoners; although it has been developed through generations, ghosts know how many natural surprises are waiting for mankind. For example, half a month before the arrival of the peasant uprising, in the countryside within Guangzhou, there were rumors that vendors were taken away by beasts.

Moreover, you must know that even for later generations who lived in Zhou Huai'an, until a long time after liberation, in order to solve the problem of wild beasts in wild production and life, the state has organized militias and troops on many occasions and carried out corresponding measures. It took almost many years to turn all the wild beasts into endangered species that can only be seen later in zoos and protected areas.

Secondly, on all roads in this dynamic world, there is also no shortage of all kinds of robbers and robberies, or the news of the wave of starvation transformed by the hungry refugees; whether it is the former or the latter, there is no shortage of lack of information. For pedestrians and business travelers with sufficient force and no scale, it is simply a fatal threat and hindrance;

In fact, even in the ancient governance of the world known as Wenjing, Zhenguan, Tianbao, and Hongwu, it is inevitable that there are records of various bandits and chaos. Of course, in this case, it is usually not a simple natural disaster and man-made disaster; there are some. The folk customs of poor rural areas and "thinking about change" are relieved, and there are also those powerful clans and powerful households who dominate the places, acting as the driving force and using factors behind them.

Moreover, in the words of the locals, the officers and soldiers of the Tang Dynasty stationed on the roads are even more dangerous and terrifying than these beasts and bandits; in their eyes, perhaps no one lacks identity certification or Outsiders who have no way to go, the fat sheep and the better ones are the targets of robbery and money-gathering.

As a result, the cities and the surrounding areas where their influence can radiate have become relatively safer islands in this turbulent era. Therefore, almost no one wants to leave Guangzhou. On the contrary, there are still some people after the city gates are reopened. A steady stream of fleeing back.

Especially after the rebels of Huang Chao took down Guangzhou and the news spread that the relief was started, the hungry people and displaced people who emerged from the Four Mile and Eight Townships almost filled every major road. In this case, Zhou Huaian thought. The possibility of getting out of this situation is very slim.

Although he can also look for relatively remote mountain trails and small roads to try to bypass the official roads with checkpoints; however, there is neither Beidou satellite positioning system that can provide navigation, nor corresponding camping tools and material guarantees. Under the circumstance of, this is undoubtedly a probability of taking one's life to win in a certain sense; after all, those hiding in the mountains and forests of poisonous insects and beasts will not specifically distinguish the difference between the traverser and the indigenous.

Moreover, even in the modern society with highly advanced technology and prosperous information in later generations, every year there are all kinds of travel friends who feel good about themselves or simply blind novices who go missing and lose contact in some ancient mountainous areas or remote areas. ; While wasting the country’s manpower and material resources for search and rescue, it has made continuous contributions to the shortlist of Darwin’s Evolution Award and the improvement of the average IQ of the people across the country.

Zhou Huaian didn't realize that he could not degenerate to the point of being with this; so for a while, he discovered that after leaving the city, most of the experience and skills he had acquired in the first half of his life were basically useless.

Therefore, after a while, he stood in line among a group of refugees and waited for the so-called rebel's porridge; no way, the basic order has been re-established, and it would be more abrupt and conspicuous if it continues to flow around, and it is dangerous. And the probability of accident.

The whole scene is full of messy people, but the basic order under the surveillance and maintenance of a sufficient number of armed personnel is okay, but all kinds of cursing and yelling continue to be heard from beginning to end; and the strongholds where the porridge is placed are still visible. It seems messy and unreasonable, but the victory is that the number of arrangements is enough, and there are people pushing the carts to bring all kinds of firewood, rice, and other materials.

Therefore, Zhou Huaian did not wait long this time before he got his own share, which was placed in an irregular bowl-shaped container made of a small half-shaped jar with edging, and he was forced to push and rush to the side. . The so-called porridge is gray-brown, and it is full of impurities that do not know whether the whole wild vegetable rhizomes or other dark impurities, or sink or float mixed with rather rare grain particles, no matter what container is used, there is only one per person. Wooden spoon

And here, people who seemed too thin or small were driven aside from the team, and some people were sobbing and begging not to leave, and then they were kicked and punched by the soldiers who maintained order. Or dragging his arm to throw it out.

Zhou Huaian couldn't help but squeaked in his heart. This looked like he was about to recruit or pull a strong man. He could not help holding this bowl of things as a cover, but the crowd was firmly and slowly staggering forward and backward, and What happened next made him too late to look back.

Afterwards, he saw several people suddenly turned around and pushed aside the crowd, screaming and knocking down and stepping on them all the way, seeming to want to leave the team here; then four suddenly burst into "spies" yelling In the sound and sharp chants, along with passers-by who were too late to escape and stumbled and smashed together, they were shot on the spot by the guards standing on the outpost and the fence with bows and arrows like a candied haw;

The reaction and agility in it were not comparable to those of Zhou Huaian who had been killed in the middle of the city. Then, the corpse after the knife was quickly dragged down and hung on the wooden fence outside, and more people surged and stepped on fresh blood to fill it up, as if nothing happened just now. The general.

As people who are diverted, they will also get a small and half fist-sized ash dumpling, which smells free and smells sour and nauseous. Many people gobble it up and eat it with relish, wishing to stick it on the front of the clothes. The residue in the fingers was licked clean.

Some people did not start eating immediately, but immediately relied on their physical strength to snatch the people around them; among them, several small gangs were formed. One of them also looked at Huai'an around the eye, but in the end he still made something based on his height and appearance. A comparative judgment, and angrily turned to another person beside him who seemed to be thinner, shouting and threatening fiercely;

However, this small-scale riot did not last long, and the rebel soldiers who were far out to watch and maintain order rushed over, knocked to the ground in threes and twos, and dragged them out amidst screams and screams. So after the twists and turns, these frightened people can finally taste some hard-won food.

Zhou Huai'an almost didn't vomit it after only taking a sip of thin gray porridge. The indescribable taste directly reminded him of being tricked by someone in a tribe in Africa for the first time, tricked into tasting colorful caterpillars. The indigenous dipping sauce is made, but the scenes and memories are unforgettable and unbearable.

In the end, he still failed to make up his mind to try the other thing; after thinking about it, he handed it to a man who was kneeling on the ground and looking for it with a crying face. His share was snatched and knocked on the ground with the porridge. The one who has been completely trampled back and forth can't be found.

Well, at least he still has some temporary rations in his pocket, so he can only find a chance to leave here. But the kneeling man who received the gift with his head and brain covered his head, his eyes were so red and swollen that he burst into tears, and then rolled down, turning around and crying as a urn who wanted to worship.

"Thank you..."

At this time, a loud voice exploded in the crowd behind him.

"Monk Wu Na!!!" (End of this chapter)