Tang Dynasty

Chapter 91


At the end of September in the sixth year of Emperor Xi Zong Hui Sheng Gongding Xiao Emperor Qian Fu, and the third year of Huang Chao's dominion, the Lingdong war broke out again.

Just after Xunzhou’s newly acquired military order and organization belonged to the Stormrage Camp, the basic organizational system was roughly rectified and organized, and the last batch of materials collected and packaged in the place was gathered, it should continue to advance in accordance with the orders of the General’s Mansion. To crusade and pacify those places, the remnants of the army and the army that swarmed up in chaos.

And this time the rebels after a short rest from Xunzhou City, from their mental outlook to the lineup, seem to be completely different from the past, but it is hard to tell those differences. According to the decision of the military meeting, the first priority goal is to continue the eastward attack and take Chaozhou; that is, according to the prisoners' knowledge, the first place where the earth group changes and the sudden emergence of the army attacked and fell.

Of course, as the foundation of a veteran rebel army from Henan, the western area also learned the lessons of the unprovoked destruction of the rebels stationed in those places; Wang Pan and the others also knew that they had conducted enemy investigations and investigations before the enemy's battle; they gathered together again. Many of the refugees who fled from Chaozhou have asked for information and inquired about the situation. In addition, Zhou Huai'an has compiled various records and local historical records from the Jiage library of the nearby government. There was also a rough impression of the place, so that he didn't bump his head into it blankly.

In ancient times, the Chaoshan Plain, where Chaozhou was located, was considered to be one of the few essences and population-rich areas along the Lingnan Road; in later generations, it was also the second largest plain in Guangdong, which passed through the Longjiang River Basin and other river valleys and small coastal areas. The plains are connected together, and thus many states and counties have been formed.

Historically, it was successively under the jurisdiction of the Fuzhou Dudu Mansion of Jiangnan Province, the Dudu Mansion of Minzhou and the Economic Commissioner of Fujian. In the first year of Emperor Xuanzong's Tianbao {742}, the country was changed to a county, and Chaozhou was renamed Chaoyang county. In the tenth year of Tang Kaiyuan, in 751 AD, it was changed from being under the jurisdiction of Jiangnan Road to Lingnan Road. Now there are three counties under the territorial sea, Yang, Chaoyang, and Chengxiang: there are 4,420 households and 26,745 people. However, because the local area has developed through sea routes, there have always been a large number of overseas Chinese and immigrants living in residence, as well as a large number of hidden households and mailing households, so the actual population is definitely far more than the number on the books.

The soil tribute includes: banana, shark leather, Jiaxiang, anaconda, turtle, stone well, silver stone, water horse and so on.

And on this plain with many rivers bifurcated, although there is a lot of flat land area and arable land, because the coast is eroded by the high tide of sea water, the fineness of the local fields can also be divided into "water tank" and "water tank". Many types and different stages of fineness such as "caotan", "tide field", and "enclosed field".

"Enclosing fields" are relatively high, and the soil is completely desalinated, which is a high-yield farmland; "tidal fields" have a slightly lower terrain and are affected by tidal water. The yield is low and unstable. In addition, the tidal fields can also be turned into salt farms for drying salt; low-lying The "water tank" can be used to breed fish and shellfish; the "caotan" is exposed to the sea at low tide, and mat grass {ham grass} can be planted to develop handicraft industry. That is, firstly, the natural siltation of river sediments was used to form sartan, and then by planting salt-tolerant and leaching-resistant plants, the sedimentation rate was accelerated and the soil of sartan was improved, and finally the dyke was built to enclose sartan into a long land transformation process.

This is the local so-called "flat soil can be cultivated, high soil can be planted, soil can be fished, and brine can be salted". The benefits of fishery and salt are linked with the complementarity of agricultural production and irrigation systems, and the land and resources can be excavated to the greatest extent. Therefore, the locals eat more aquatic products: fish, turtles, snakes, mussels, clams

But also because it is fishing for food from salt water, the local sturdy and combative folk customs have also formed the local sturdy and combative folk customs from various groups fighting for water in the field, to venturing outside the sea to seek business and fishing;

Wubao and Weizi built everywhere have become a major feature and unique scenery that can be seen everywhere in the local area. Even a small village with dozens of households has low fences made of branches and trenches of different depths; then, use this As the center radiates a large area of fields and river network ditches.

After crossing the Xingning River at the junction of Xunzhou and Chaozhou, the first thing you encountered was a large green sugarcane field, but most of them were destroyed and ruined, and only some were left on the hills and mountain terraces. The sugarcane bushes were preserved,

Because the local area has been deserted and fled for another period of time, these unattended sugarcane fields that are still growing are also picked and harvested. They are a supplementary means to quench thirst and disappear during the march. It is only for Zhou Huai’an to come. Said that this locally grown sugarcane variety has obviously not undergone the improvement methods of later generations. It still looks slender and thin, with excess moisture but insufficient sweetness, more fiber and a very hard taste, and it is slightly pantothenic.

And Zhou Huai'an just remembered some of the records he had read. For example, the Lingnan area seemed to be the first place where sugarcane was planted and the corresponding stone honey {saccharide mussel} production method was introduced from Tianzhu; therefore, there are also indigenous bamboos. Sugarcane, culm cane from tropical species introduced into Southeast Asia by sea, as well as from land-based cane from Wang Xuance, and even wild-species cut hand honey {sweet root grass} and other varieties; adapted to local conditions, they are cultivated in fields, gardens and gardens. Mountains have become a major output resource of these coastal states.

After crossing Jieyang Mountain, there are a large variety of orchards and tree gardens scattered on both sides of the road. Bayberry, green plum, almonds and other green and ripe fruits have made some soldiers who can't control their mouths very much. It was a stomachache, so a new regulation was added to the rear camp, and several experimental recipes of candied fruit were added to Zhou Huaian's private collection.

After turning to the south of Jieyang Mountain to a land and water hub-Likeng Town, it has a different scenery and appearance; here is planted all over the mountains and "Yexi Ming" {大花Jasmine}, which is also a contemporary name One of the basic raw materials of "Toyexiang"; but these large-flowered jasmine imported from overseas, most of them fall and rot in the dust and mud, and make the air float with a special lingering smell.

During this march, Zhou Huaian once again felt the delays and frequent errors of military orders, and buried himself in his exclusive tool compartment, and came up with a simple timing tool and corresponding measurement methods; for example, in sunny places. At that time, you can use the corona carried in the barracks to make a rough judgment, but after encountering rainy weather, you can only use the original version of the water drop timer that has been improved and can be used on the car. Nevertheless, it has changed and improved the efficiency of communication and coordination on the move.

Then, he made persistent efforts to develop distance and azimuth measurement methods, such as the high and low pole method under the sun, and the distance and triangle method. With the current conditions and methods, he can still be more accurately restored, especially with With the help of an unknown system; therefore, he quickly made a few samples and calculation charts as reference templates, and then handed them to the four teams to learn and use.

On the third day of the Haohao **** march, a large piece of white flowers suddenly appeared in the distant field. (End of this chapter)