Tang Dynasty

Chapter 93: Qingxiang


In addition to the 3,500 soldiers, the remaining garrisons are also assigned to each of the six thousand troops this time.

Among them, Zhou Huai'an was assigned 600 people in the garrison, and together with the original post-branch, it was almost one thousand and two hundred armed. In addition, there were specially selected elite and strong personnel from the five major teams. , Even the so-called two thousand soldiers is not a problem at all.

Because of the previous experience of attacking in Changle County and changing to a copy of the Tuban stronghold, after full action, they will go faster than the other sub-campus; they are rushing like a clear current, rushing past. Villages, townships and market towns on the Chaoshan Plain;

Only when encountering obstacles and resistance, will it be like throwing into a torrent of rocks, arousing long or short blood splashes and musical notes.

A few days later, in a sudden battle.

"Come on, don't be afraid,"

Standing on the edge of the jagged queue, the former blacksmith king, whose legs and feet were slightly soft and heavy, held up a wooden sign vigorously, and looked at the crowd of people who were holding flat hoes and forks, while trying to tremble by his side. The trembling apprentice cheered up.

"Put the pole on my shoulder and poke it when you see it..."

"Poke a few times, they won't be able to get close, and they will retreat..."

He was originally a rural blacksmith who relied on craftsmanship in Changle County. Because he was so powerful since he was a child, he was sold to the master blacksmith early by his parents and became an apprentice. It was not until the master died that he inherited this meager possession. In addition to the trouble of being cheap, there is nothing bad about it; on the contrary, because of the reputation of accepting disciples, he has helped and accommodated several homeless children.

Therefore, although he has a skill to make him feel free to eat, he has not been able to marry so far, and his life is very tight; because he has been reluctant to pick up these disciples, like other masters who are forced by the world’s hardships. In general, find a mistake and get rid of it again to reduce the number of people eating plain rice. In his words, "If there were no masters left, I would have fled like home."

However, in the end, it was a pitfall for my peers because of this love-taking problem, which directly missed the time for building weapons in the village, and annoyed the local Zhang Dahu who was recruiting a soil group. He was regarded as the object of killing chickens and monkeys, and he was almost beaten to death. He didn't lose his life; even after barely survived, he couldn't rely on craftsmanship to eat in the village. Therefore, with the help of his apprentice, he ran out overnight, and then he was thrown into the rebel army by mistake, becoming a guide and lead person for the fight back to his hometown.

Using the torture instrument made by his own hands to Zhang Dahu and his accomplices, they all raised their eyebrows, and after using the other's fleshy wife, he could only become a desperate person for the time being. This one is known as the poor. A member of the rebel army who is begging for life;

Originally, even if he couldn't do the fine work, but his previous experience and origins, it was not a problem to mix his stomach in the first brigade known as the Craftsman Team; however, he actively asked to become a new recruit. A member of it. In what he said to his apprentice, "I can't afford to lose that person, even if the craft is gone for the time being, he can still eat with strength" Yunyun.


"Stay steady..."

In the moment he recollected in a dazed moment, the bamboo and iron tips of their players have been poking at the figures brandishing the axe, hatchet, and iron scythe one after another, and the room was pierced in an instant. The thin linen and brown shirt, while pushing and stirring under the skin and flesh of the human body, bursts of brightly colored blood;

Those opponents who were huddled together were like seedlings that had been smashed. Amidst the screams of one after another, they overturned the boss. Then, from the opposite side lifted high from the rear, the longer flattened pitchfork and polished hoe tip, also with a heavy cast-off and fiercely pounding, hit the face of the card he was holding, and the sound Dullly splashed out little pits and white debris.

"It's too slow...too bad"

Wang Dali couldn't help thinking like this in his heart.

"It can last a long time..."

Then he heard the apprentice's tearing shouts behind him, an axe thrown obliquely from his hand, almost scratching his face, and a cry of pain aroused from the crowd falling behind.

It was just this moment of distraction that caused the apprentice to stand on him and slide out before the pole was released. Suddenly, he created a temporary flaw and gap in front of him. Suddenly there was a famous dirt thief who was taller than others. Waving a thick-backed machete, leaped and slashed face to face;

"Master, be careful..."

Suddenly, the apprentice who could not dodge as far as Wang Dali's back was already softly crying. But at the moment of life and death, Wang Dali thought, "Is this no way to hide, I have just tasted the taste of a woman", but suddenly he made a ruthless whole body and pushed his force forward;

Suddenly, the blade that missed the ear cut a hole, and slashed straight down and landed on his back for a chill and pain; and the face of the card in Wang Dali's hand suddenly slammed into the opponent; Only a heavy muffled sound was heard, and the knife-holding wrist arm was loosened, and it was lifted up and thrown back;

And the opponent’s chin was also knocked open by the card, the red and white screamed with the pain that penetrated into the bone, and they all splashed out on their backs, and hit the face where Wang Dali was close at hand, suddenly fell to the ground. The account is closed.

After a while, Wang Dali wiped the vision that had been half-red by the bloody water, resisting the prostration and weakness of the whole body, and turned around, half-rebuked and half-comforted his apprentice.

"Cry...cry...cry so much..."

"I'm not dead yet, and you cry to death..."

"I said you have to be steady, next time I can count on you not..."

And when it was Zhou Huaian’s eyes of a cock-and-pecking battle, these village soldiers and Minzhuang left hundreds of corpses and wounded, and dozens of prisoners who were too late to escape, the others all fled. After crossing a shallow river, it was scattered among the fields and bushes on the opposite bank;

However, the injuries of the Rebels themselves were minimal, and apart from the two dozen people who were injured by various spears, spears, and hunting bows at the beginning, there were no more losses.

And these two dozen wounded, because they are standing in the front row with the combined protection of hemp {bamboo} armor and paper armor, most of them are minor injuries that can be described as returning to the team after dressing and recuperation. Only three were penetrated through the thighs and Because of the fracture, it takes a long time to cultivate and treat.

On this relatively flat terrain with a wide view of the river, although there is no blocking, it is not conducive to defense; but the bonus to the salvo of bows and arrows and crossbows after the formation is completed is quite obvious; basically When he played against Minzhuang, who had gathered in the countryside, he won the upper hand so easily.

The crossbows arranged on the periphery of the garrison have become a weapon to deal with sneak attacks and harassment in a sense; although this range and penetration are limited, it is difficult to cause fatal damage to targets with protection and cover. ; But used in such a relatively open environment, for those unarmored targets in the countryside who only have common clothes or are shirtless, the fast-winding crossbow has a considerable degree of advantage;

Basically, after they were killed from the hiding place, they had no chance to rush to the front. They were already shot down and overturned by arrows like a rain of rain, and rushed to flee. Therefore, these people under Zhou Huaian also formed a kind of Simple field tactics.

That is to say, the soldiers in the division are listed in the front with the sword cards, and the spears are separated on the left and right flanks, used to attract and contain the enemies encountered; then the remaining crossbowmen and the same equipment stationed together, just go to the other side Just gather the fire and shoot again and again in a crowded place.

As for the direct team composed of riding infantry, it is responsible for holding down the formation and acting as a mobile reserve team. The responsibilities of the guards and supervising the formation that were left by Zhou Huaian during the march were handed over to the apprentices who had expanded again on the spot. team.

After the enemy in the battle appears to be unable to support, even the young and strong in the auxiliary equipment team will be ordered to pick up weapons and follow the direct team to fight a wave of downwind battles in the usual sense to practice the courage to see blood. And confidence.

And the summary meeting held temporarily after the war

"Do you want me to say it again?"

Zhou Huaian still shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Let you learn to form a hard line and fight a dull fight,"

"It's not that you are expecting you to just head-on and brute-force past..."

"What does it mean to meet on a narrow road and the brave wins... That is usually when the enemy suddenly encounters a surprise attack and ambush..."

"Don't ask you to be on the flat ground that extends in all directions, as long as you see people, you will pass by indiscriminately..."

"Is it possible that people have laid pits and ambushes, do you have to step on them with your brain..."

Having said that, he once again explained and emphasized that he hated iron but not steel.

"Learning to form a strong formation is the foundation for us to be invincible first..."

"The dull fight style is to quickly run in your coordination, so as not to make too much basket and miss..."

"As long as our mistakes and flaws are minimized..."

"Then the advantage and victory against the enemy will naturally accumulate..."

"It's not for you to jump over with your head and leave the command of the brigade behind you."

"If it weren't for the garrison itself to be able to deal with it a little bit, wouldn't it be necessary to add unnecessary losses..."

"When you encounter the enemy again, don't be so eager and so anxious."

"We can first give support to the staff and run freely..."

"If there is a chance in the future, it will be possible to get a better future and position..."

"Don't you just want to be a little boss who takes the lead in this life..."

Then, he waved his hand to stop the excuses and grumbles among his subordinates.

"Don't tell me anything that doesn't care about personal gains or losses..."

"Even if you want to seek revenge from the official dog, or do more for the people, or something like that..."

"As long as you can reach a higher position and have more available manpower..."

"Isn't the utility and result that it exerts bigger and more..."

"Even if you want to clean up this filthy world, you still need a chance to do better, isn't it?"

"You are my staff, I hope that my vision and pattern can be higher..."

"Don't just think about the future and make progress just for the present situation and benefits..."

"What the head {camper} said is exactly..."

At this moment, a dozen or so people, including Laoguan, couldn't help but replied in unison, no matter how they felt or how they felt.

Thank you: Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the fat man who got into the book, windbreaker 4000, catching insects (end of this chapter)