Tang Dynasty

Chapter 94: Qingxiang (in


Chaozhou, Chengxiang County, Tufeng Village,

The origin of Chengxiang County is a county named in memory of Cheng Min {also known as Cheng Min}, a celebrity who moved to the south. And Tufengzhai, located on the Beibatou {platform} of this county, is the place where the descendants of the group are at the intersection of several roads. The Dazhai where they live and build is also one of the few big households in the area. .

Of course, with the pride and superiority of a certain family, as well as the natural contempt and hostility towards the mud legs, the leading figures headed by Cheng also unsurprisingly flatly refused. Regarding the opening of the gate of the village, they should be paid out according to the registered residence. Food, to assist the rebels and the needs of the surrounding refugees, and use the knives, guns and arrows that came out to meet as the basic response.

So, in the midst of the heavy beating of drums, the guards on the fixed carts and the long ladders were lifted, and they slowly advanced towards the opposite village; and accompanied by their relatively neatly advancing figure, there was also From the rear archer array, stub after stubble skimmed through the air, and according to observations from high places, the shooting angle and the falling point and range of the arrow rain were continuously corrected.

Behind them, dozens of prepared bamboo strip catapults, matching hot charcoal tanks, and poisonous tobacco balls soaked in horse urine and red arsenic {frost}, followed slowly behind the baffle. Within sufficient throwing range;

However, it was not the soldiers who had completed the formation or the garrison who were in the camp, but was a large group of roaring and thin-faced refugees. The only thing they had in common was that they all had a temporary weapon. , Are all the tatters handed over from the soil groups and township soldiers.

This is also the condition and prerequisite that they must experience if they want to join the rebels or share the benefits afterwards; that is, as the first to attack the walled city at least three times, and eventually survive, they can be used as alternate members of the rebels, and Enjoy the relatively full food supply.

Although this is cruel and cruel, but with relatively limited resources, this is also the most mature experience and tactics left by the rebels after they fought back and forth. Although out of a certain moral bottom line of modern people, Zhou Huaian received a certain psychological comfort and relief from the quite agreeable and meaningful statement from Xiaoqi who grew up in the rebel army since childhood.

Because he is completely standing in the modern Chinese with relatively affluent lives, and being cultivated by the government from the perspective of all kinds of moral values and superiority that are taken for granted, he looks at the results of these things. If you think about it from another angle, for example, look at it from the standpoint of being hungry and falling down;

At least before they met the rebels, most of them could only wait helplessly in the wild; but once they became the forerunners of the rebels, at least there were still a few full meals before they died; and they were crusading and liquidating the exploiting classes. In the process of making sacrifices for the sake of relative justice and cause, in a more dignified and heroic atmosphere, then it will undoubtedly be much more valuable.

And at least quite a few of them didn’t have the chance to survive and enjoy after they stormed through the city. In any case, it’s better than being driven out by those wealthy and powerful, they can only starve to death and die, or even change their lives. It’s the tragic ending that is much better because of eating dirt and being crushed alive.

Therefore, in the eyes of most people, including the Rebels themselves, it was the Rebels that Zhou Huaian belonged to, and gave them a chance to survive through competition and performance among the people who were destined to die. This is the right thing to do. A natural and simple act of kindness and kindness cannot be brought in by the modern social standards of great development of materials of later generations.

Therefore, after a burst of jagged call signs, they flowed quickly like a current, the gaps of the attacking array that stopped; among them, the person who ran at the foremost held up the wooden plank and the soil bag, and passed through the slope. The fences and uneven trenches filled and smoothed them to become temporary smooth paths; and eventually led the crowds waving weapons and flooded the relatively low heads and wooden walls of the village.

At this moment, the Zhaiding people on the wall also boiled, throwing stones and rolling logs, throwing guns, spears, and shooting arrows, using all means to resist fiercely. Suddenly, blood was splashed under the wall of the earth-wood-reinforced stockade, and the corpses were lying on their backs, falling like rain, and the villagers who were on the side of the high wall soon suffered casualties and were dragged from the wall one after another. Tumbled, overturned, and even stumbled in one place and rolled down all together.

At this moment, the projectors that have arrived within range are still intact; in a sense, this is just the first attempt of fire reconnaissance, so that the wall can resist the most intense place, which is more important. The characters and targets, as well as long-range killing methods such as bows and crossbows and guns, and the locations of potential other threats are revealed and exposed one by one.

Then, through the observers on the special watch car, a simple semaphore is passed to the alternate shooter array to make corrections to the long-range suppression method, and cause as many damage and weakening as possible.

Of course, in the initial impact of these refugees, the small villages and small villages that could easily be opened were those with inadequate heritage; and the Tufeng village, which occupies a large amount of land, was obviously not among the list. I only saw these and ate for a few days and was unable to change the nature of the body’s weakness. The number of people who piled up a bunch of mentally energetic refugees, once blocked for a while, quickly showed all kinds of physical weakness and morale. The sluggish state of falling.

Then, the drum beat was slammed again, and those refugees who were struggling under the wall, as if they had received some kind of stimulation and touch, hurriedly and desperately ran to the two sides, and reappeared. It is already close to the tight queue of many swordsmen and shields.

But the first shot was the dozen or so poisonous firework balls from behind the baffle of the array, and they shot out with a long trail of smoke. Although most of the people with lower hit rates were higher than the wall and fell inside, there were bursts of screams and screams. But just the few shots that hit the root and the side of the wall instantly caused a lot of damage in the crowd.

Although no one died directly at the place where they were directly hit; but the fireballs and poisonous smoke that burst out from this were scattered all over the head. In turn, these Zhaidings, who lacked armor and other protective means, were burned and burned to the sky, screaming and screaming, and rushed to flee, push and trample them;

Many people were panicking and were simply squeezed down from the wall, causing even more deadly secondary injuries; just at the place where they fell, they just cleared a space filled with fireworks.

It’s just that this kind of poisonous fireball with coal built in straw husks is very useful for hitting people or building arson and other fixed targets, but the poisonous smoke produced does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and it needs to be avoided on the attack route. .

"The wall is in chaos..."

"Fix the alignment and step up the shot of the smoke ball..."

"The shooting team is all moving..."

"Extend the shooting angle, go over the wall and continue to hit the back-ups that may gather..."

"The front team is on the wall..."

"The gate of the village is opened...it's opened..."

"Standing forward, the front row is replaced with knives and spears, to prevent the thieves from crossing the wall and opening the door to escape..."

The wooden watch car used to give orders was also shrouded in a rush of hustle and bustle. Zhou Huaian looked at the battle in front of him with a sigh. A large section of the wall has been occupied and emptied by the rebels with their mouths and noses covered with wet cloths, and more rebels surged along the gates that opened from the inside out. Into.

From this broke out "the one who descended from death", "kneel down and beg for mercy, don't kill." shouts, one after another, and even overwhelming the clamor of crying and shouting; instead of more fierce fighting and screaming Sound, this also means that after the stockade is broken, the opponent has already lost most of the will to fight.

Although the progress is pretty good, it is easier or easier to play than Zhaojiazhai, but Zhou Huaian always feels that there is something still unfinished; because the other side’s village is on a platform with a mountain back, it is placed on the mound. The observable angle of the elevated observation car above is still limited; if only there is a hot air balloon that can be further elevated for observation.

He suddenly moved in his heart and then gave up; it is not difficult for this thing to return to the technical conditions for realization. Whether it is used as a fuel for lift or as a leather and glue for a sphere seal, it is actually not difficult; but it is still Before he was born, it would be too wasteful to be placed in such a rural place.

By the next morning, Zhou Huai'an was already standing on the roof of the largest building in the village-Cheng's ancestral hall, condescendingly overlooking the gathered crowd.

After being simply classified and screened out, the floating wealth and household items that people copied overnight are piled up on the drying valley field in front of the ancestral hall, which makes people very greedy and hot.

The next step is to reward those refugees who have assisted in the attack and survived; although not everyone is willing to join the rebels and get a stable ration. They are almost willing to continue to follow the rebels to gain opportunities. Only one third

However, Zhou Huai'an was more generous in fulfilling and fulfilling the initial promise. He specifically allocated a portion of the trophies from the inventory, converted them into corresponding money, food and materials, and even gifted weapons and carts, and then let him go. .

Most of them took things contentedly and returned to the village spontaneously, carrying large and small bags; but a small number of people left in groups with weapons or something; as to whether they would just eat it. If you become a new bandit or a role like a thief, you shouldn't care about yourself for the time being. It should be the headaches and worries of the rich and powerful people in those places.

Uh, the spoken language in the last chapter is my mistake. How do you change the tone of ancient Cantonese? Can anyone give me a suggestion