Tang Dynasty

Chapter 95: Clear the country


After dividing the trophies on the Sun Valley field and dismissing the extra people, it is the next public trial that everyone likes to see.

Hundreds of people with disheveled hair were also kneeled on the ground with their mouths tied up one by one. Then, members of the Volunteer Task Force declared their guilt and the results of the sentence on the spot one by one. Although the time is relatively short, if you want to find a crime, you can find someone to offer a reward and tell you something.

After all, in this troubled world, it can be said that behind every piece of decent and glamorous for a long time, there are a lot of bones as a bedding. Nothing now does not mean that there was no in the past. Nothing in the past does not mean that there was no in the ancestors. Willing to face the discovery and take it seriously.

Although some people cried bitterly or screamed loudly, "Where did the scholarly family come here?" "Guan Ying has suffered from this misfortune for many generations"; or they wailed and lamented "the generations of civilized villages will not escape this calamity", "Fame The family fell into the dust”; or yelled: “I am useful to the king”, “These have nothing to do with me,” “I was only blinded to help below”, none of them can change their successive being hung on the wall. The only difference from the end of the pole is that the more guilty person directly beheaded and went to the wall, and the less guilty and not well-known is the more decent person who hangs the pole to save the whole body.

During this period, Zhou Huaian, who was sitting on the top of the ancestral hall with a Hu bed, was just gnawing on the roasted pig skin as a snack, watching their scenes before their death, and his heart would like from time to time. Or vote for an unqualified black vote or something.

As far as the Tang Dynasty is concerned, there are also two types of management organizations at the bottom of the rural society:

The first is the top-down state administrative organization, namely the township neighborhood protection system and the village system;

That is to say, the counties of the county have a hundred households as one li, and five li as a township, while the villages, markets, and towns in the east and west roads of Lingnan are all in the same township; in Lixia, there are five families as one guarantee and four as one neighbor. To manage those settlements with scattered hukou and few people.

The township officials and Lizheng appointed by the county were undoubtedly the first-level entity administrative units at the grassroots level in the Tang Dynasty. All court documents came from Shangshu Province and reached the prefecture, the prefecture was subordinate to the county, and the county subordinate to the township; and the declaration of land hukou tax and corvee also came from the hands of the chief. "Zhu Lizheng, the county secretary selects honour officials below the sixth rank, and Bai Ding Qingping is full of strong people." "Tong Dian. Township Party."

In the residential area and settlement system where the urban dweller is the square and the rural dweller is the village, there are separate village chiefs and square chiefs to manage the corresponding public security responsibilities;

The type of neighbor insurance that connects the two is a kind of bottom-level household registration group that supervises each other and sits together with five families as a unit to guarantee each other's tax and corvee payment obligations. Once someone dies, the remaining families have to share the burden. Relations and shares. At the same time, the village Zheng and Fangzheng are also responsible for sharing the public security order.

It can be said that these first-level subordinates in the township, on the one hand, are the minions of the government to control the countryside, on the other hand, they are the culprits and culprits who severely undermine and endanger the stability of the rural small peasant economic system. They are also one of the main targets of the rebels.

The other type is clan organizations with self-organizing functions, mainly located in remote and Yanbian areas where the influence of the regime is relatively weak. The same style is used in the names of villages, forts, docks, markets, towns, cities, and towns to perform generations. Collecting money, food, taxes, and assigning servitudes in the township level; even as a result, a large number of sheltered refugees, privately held slaves, purchased weapons to train the people, and eventually replaced the role of subordinates to further harm and exploit the township.

However, they are the government's best accomplices and aids in the unanimous attitude of maintaining the ruling dignity and inferiority against the peasant rebels; this is also another target that the rebels need to focus on and eliminate.

Of course, with the advent of turbulent times, refugees abound, the latter is gradually replacing the former, and gradually occupying more proportions in the countryside; while in Xunzhou, Chaozhou and other territories, these two are mainly mixed. There are complexities. Among them, the town official, Lizheng, who is still directly appointed by the government, is mainly concentrated in those close to the city.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, as long as these two are resolved, it is equivalent to cutting off the eyes, eyes and claws of the court at the grassroots level, cutting off their tentacles for sucking blood and mobilizing resources in the countryside, as well as the soil for potential supporters and partners. .

And this Tufengzhai was already the eleventh stronghold attacked by Zhou Huaian and the rear camp troops. Before that, there were ten villages, towns, and townships, large and small, that had initiated the defense of the Zhuang people and the township soldiers. Yap has been broken and smoothed one after another.

Among them, the village owner is the head of the village, the town chief, the Lizheng, and the chief evil and accomplices such as the subordinate staff and the grain management. The men in the family have almost hanged their poles or beheaded, and their wealth has also been confiscated. Or they were scattered on the spot, used for recruiting and helping the poor on the spot, and by the way, to publicize the reputation and simple ideas of the rebels. Those young and strong who participated in the resistance were taken away punitively and used as temporary labor under supervision for a period of time as basic atonement and compensation.

As for the women of the big family, they left their lives to avoid harm as much as possible. However, under the premise of not harming, some physical costs are inevitable; and after the rebels leave, they have lost their support. It is a potential attraction and foreshadowing for those poor people.

Although the more than a dozen wealthy families headed by the Cheng family of Tufengzhai are not as wicked as the owner of Zhaojiazhai, there is not much notoriety in the local place, or they are hidden in daily life; but As the government itself at the bottom of the rural society, a clear-cut natural supporter and partner is one of the objects that must be defeated and destroyed, and it is also a part of the old order that needs to be destroyed;

As he had declared before, this is the fundamental opposition between the position and the camp without any compromise, and it cannot tolerate any possibility of being soft-hearted and ruining the future.

Of course, before this, for these rural strongholds assigned to his duties, Zhou Huai'an certainly did not distinguish between specific circumstances and indiscriminate ones, and they all regarded them as potential enemies across the board;

For villages that are able to open the door to greet or dare not resist, he will not actively attack or indulge in nuisance, but will take away the necessary or short-term expropriation while parked and passed by. Some labor, leaving some goods or urgently needed items such as salt and iron as remuneration and price.

There are still some villages with no resistance or only slight resistance. Although the big and the rich have almost escaped, but the homes and properties they left behind, as long as they are willing to collect them carefully and carefully, there are still many gains. Yes; even if it is something that the rebels completely look down on, it can also be distributed to the poor people who are not picky at all, so as to win a wave of people's hearts and good feelings.

And in some villages that are obviously poor and unable to squeeze any oil and water, he will symbolically distribute some excess old grain for limited relief, or treat everyone to a full meal. Then the situation often opened up; at this time, the young and strong who were poor and could not survive would, under indirect induction, suggest whether they could join the rebels and get their food for a while.

Even if no one could join the rebels for a while, the few bags of food that went out with fanfare could easily settle their suspicion and guilt of thieves; taking advantage is of human nature regardless of good, low, noble, but This kind of cheapness is not so easy to account for;

After the public trial, reciting the names and amounts one by one, and then burning the various debts and land deeds from the big and powerful homes is another step to invite buyers to encourage them to join the army.

After all sorts of methods are used in a multi-pronged way, although it is not possible to immediately say that the masses are mobilized, or that they become loyal supporters of the rebels overnight; but it is also tantamount to a disguised creation in a short period of time, a relatively friendly or Potentially inclined regional environment.

This is because once the official army or the local forces can return, they must first liquidate and punish those who have benefited from the rebels, or those who have been exposed to the benefits of the rebels, or those who are cheap when the rebels eat large households.

He also assigned a few propositions to several teams, including the work team, so that they could perceive, comprehend, and explore in actual operations. Of course, the ultimate goal is to return to a starting point, how to use daily means to weaken the enemy and strengthen oneself.

For example, if the rebel army wants to continue to develop and grow, who are the people {the vast number of poor people} that can really rely on and help, and who are the groups that should be united and wooed {handicraftsmen and small and medium-sized businessmen}, and need to remain neutral And who is the kindness {poor scholars and small landlord groups}; who else needs to be directly targeted, attacked, and eliminated in the end {strong households and official families};

The ultimate goal is how to turn the enemy into only a small amount of money, while standing on his side or standing on the sidelines and watching to do more for the better. Well, in the end, this point seems a bit too reluctant for most of the opponents. Only a few people with vision and enlightenment can understand a little bit.

However, Zhou Huai’an also discovered and felt here, a rather interesting thing and regional characteristics; it is because of being the coast of Lingdong, the local area actually originated from the origin of immigrants from Fujian; and in these places The old and new immigrants and the rural neighborhoods of the Turks and the mountain barbarians have had some historical grievances due to generational disputes. This has led to many problems and unexpected situations when dealing with these specific villages;

There are pros and cons. The advantage is that the contradictions between them are just convenient for the rebels to concentrate their forces to defeat each, while other villages with grievances will even sit and watch the fire or even applaud them until the matter comes to their heads. On the downside, this inexplicable contradiction will also extend to the rebels along with Ding Zhuang who has thrown into the army.

For example, because there is no lack of order of joining, the latecomers are unwilling to live with the feud, and they get together to make trouble, fight, fight in groups, or are treated as unfair and flee again with anger.

It's true that the future generations of the province like fighting, and the gang origins rich in overseas Chinese, all the year-round conflicts between the locals and the tourists have been run through until the establishment of New China before they can be eliminated; Bummongli used sports to fight, claiming to be The corpse floated to the open sea; after the reopening, it was even for the huge benefit of the smuggling industry. Even the investigation team commissioned by the Chinese government dared to set fire, but was excluded from the magical location outside the special economic zone radiation circle for a long time.

There is no other way to deal with this trend. It can only be resolutely suppressed equally, using military laws that prohibit actions and orders; then use obedience and synchronization training in collective life to gradually wipe it out; as for local problems, as long as Clean up and solve the influential upper class of the clan, leaving ordinary people without guidance, and there will be no waves.

After all, the Rebels didn't come to solve the neighbor relationship problems for them, but had their own demands and goals; it was completely enough to be able to quickly cut through the mess and say that these problems are temporarily weakened and invalidated.

In other words, is it necessary for female characters to start to appear? I hope everyone can leave a message and vote, or reply in the group (end of this chapter)