Tang Dynasty

Chapter 96: idea


When the long and winding procession drove out of Tufengzhai again, only a piece of torn apart was left, and the house was shrouded in the wind and rain.

And among the large mess of the extra team, the rebel veteran Li Guoer, who carried a big gourd and lived with a short spear, was nagging at the half-sized boy who was carrying the boss's package behind him.

"My child, we and you Jiang Na, others don't dare to blow water..."

"Since I became a rebel, there is nothing wrong with getting enough food every day..."

"There are also rice noodles and oily meat..."

"If the stockade is broken, there will still be meat..."

"Although something has to be done with strength and life..."

"But it’s more promising than waiting to die from hunger.

Speaking of this, he is even more persuasive.

"Furthermore, your family master, from top to bottom, hangs on the wall and stiffens..."

"Even the cattle and sheep are not confiscated, they are slaughtered and eaten..."

"You have been sent under the fence for a long time. If you don't follow the rebels, how can you survive..."

"Should you learn from those women, sell all the jewelry, and lie down on the bed of a poor man..."

"So, you should give me your last name, and let me push you to the junior team in charge"

"If I have a bite to eat like this, I won't be hungry anymore."

After solving the Tufeng Village, with the team and materials that continue to grow, continue to move towards the next goal.

Then, Zhou Huaian also had new ideas and ideas from this, and began to select some young people recruited from the local area with a lively mind and a better voice, and let them compile some local slang and dialects on the spot. The song came, mainly for some objects to complain about the suffering in the world, resist oppression and expose the ugly content; as a front-stop propaganda practice and an attempt by public opinion to build momentum.

Because the transportation and communication conditions are quite backward, which leads to the corresponding geographical and regional closure, only these slang songs that are easy to circulate are relatively convenient means of dissemination and diffusion;

The rich and powerful households who have long held the mainstream of public opinion and language rights in the village can easily use the reason of holding groups to fight against external intrusions and guarding the country. They threaten and lure, instigate and coerce many ordinary people, resources or involuntarily join the fight against the rebels. Sequence and potential population.

In this case, if you use the identity and perspective of a local to complain and expose it, and call for not being deceived by these parasites and vampires, but acting as a tiger and its corresponding effects, it is a different situation and Development

Although it is impossible to expect to really awaken and mobilize the general public, most of whom have been tortured into dull and numb life in this age, by generations of life hardships, as long as one out of a hundred people is tempted by this, they will get close. The idea of the rebels is to make a complete profit.

And in the long run, even if there is no response to and the existence of the rebels for the time being, the songs spread through these lower classes of people like to hear and see can also have a weakening and differentiated impact on the potential resistance and the soil under the brewing of time. . For example, when facing the soldiers of the rebels, they would be suspicious and even unwilling to do their best, even shaken and compared. This is another result.

Anyway, all this is an active attempt by Chuan Xiaohao to turn around, and the main force of the rebels headed by Huang Chao really encountered major setbacks and began to go downhill, at least until the next year or even the next year; there should be some time. , To let him complete his own rebel army, social practice in disguised form.

For example, use the census team to collect the general situation of the local soil condition and resource output, as well as the corresponding agricultural technology and experience during the temporary suspension of the rebels. There are also some local characteristic species, such as grass rice that can be grown in seawater immersion; low upland rice that can grow in red soil sloping terraces, and can improve the sweet roots of sugarcane in saline-alkali soil. . .

If you want to ask Zhou Huai'an what he can do when he has a stable ground where he can speak freely among the rebels, he can consider opening up a large experimental field, and also try to plant something.

To say that the common hobbies and leisure programs of most Chinese compatriots in Africa are undoubtedly the vegetable borders and greenhouses where they go to grow; whether it is the peacekeeping force from China, the workers of the aid unit, or Resident industrial and mining enterprises and social organizations like to plant some wasteland on the edge of their residences to adjust and improve their daily lives.

No matter how barren and barren the land is in the eyes of the locals, they can use their spare time to replace and improve the soil over and over again, and make the simplest drip irrigation system with perforated beverage bottles, and make the original drip irrigation system broken. Seasonal fruits and vegetables grow from the rocky beach; there are even examples of winning prizes in the newspapers.

And in this turbulent era of precariousness, what is most useful and easiest to see results is not the coking steel, cement, chemical glass mirror or something that has been used as a big killer for the traverser, but various advanced agricultural technologies from later generations. And farming experience. Although the cycle is a little longer, what grows out of the ground is something that can be used to save lives and emergencies.

On the other hand, he has actually watched a lot of CCTV's seven sets nicknamed the "Cultivation Channel" by military history enthusiasts; it just happened to slowly recollect and remember to see if there is any. Use as a practice partner.

For example, the so-called composite joint venture system of rice, fish, biogas, fruit, wood, and livestock, which was successfully implemented in the Pearl River Delta in later generations, is to raise fish in rice fields, raise livestock under fruit trees, and use livestock to eliminate pests in rice fields and fruit trees. It can also live water and fertilize the field, and then collect livestock manure to compost and produce biogas, and use biogas sediments to raise fish and the by-products of fruit tree harvesting to feed poultry and livestock; form "agriculture to promote grazing, grazing to promote marsh, and marsh to promote fish to promote rice" Three-dimensional ecological agriculture model.

However, in this respect, Zhou Huaian is just a layman with no theory but no specific operation details;

Therefore, here is an important historical figure. Liu Xun, who once served as Guangzhou Sima in the late Tang Dynasty, and his three volumes of "Ling Biao Lu Yi" have a very detailed description of the local and cultural resources of the Lingnan region. Description, among them:

"Shintaki and other prefectures, in Yamada, are open in the countryside with a hoe and shovel. They wait for the spring rain, and store water in the mound. They buy Anhui fish roe and scatter them in the paddy field. After a year or two, the fish will grow up, and the grassy roots will be exhausted. It is not only for cropping the fields, but also for harvesting fish. It is for growing rice without barnyard grass, which is the key skill of the Qi people.” It is the first detailed record of the use of integrated rice-fish agricultural management in the history of Chinese agriculture.

And this person seems to be living in this era, and he also lived in Guangzhou for the rest of his life. He is one of the few strange bureaucrats in this era who can understand technology and production.

The lower-tech Sangji fish ponds have an earlier history in Lingnan, and similar prototypes have been recorded in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The landform of Lingnan has many twists and turns and cross-sections. Mountains, hills, platforms, and plains are interlaced, and there are more mountains, different rock properties, and complex and diverse landforms. There are many rivers in Lingnan, which have the characteristics of large flow, low sand content, long flood season, and rich runoff. Therefore, the foundation of agricultural production is much more fragile and thin than the southeast region, which is full of watery plains.

The mulberry fish pond, which is popular in the local market, mainly adopts the ecological cycle system of "mulberry leaf sericulture, silkworm sand fish culture, and pond mud mulberry cultivation" to achieve "fish fertilizer" on the basis of saving land, fertilizer and feed. , Sangmao, cocoon and solid" simultaneously and mutually additive production effect;

However, no matter how many ideas he has, in the final analysis, a stable site and sufficient land area need to be compared and practiced with multiple samples and models to find the most cost-effective solution to local conditions.

In this way, Zhou Huaian held the endless thoughts and ideas all the way, all the way to the northeast of Guocun Chauzhai and hit the seashore.

Riding the low tide to pave the road with straw bales and branches, breaking the local control and control of more than a dozen fishing villages, the old nest of big fishes—the return forest surrounded by hills, bays and large ebb tidal flats. Dock; hundreds of thousands of catties of fresh and dried fish were picked up at once, dozens of large and small ships near shores and inland rivers, and hundreds of rocks of coarse salt; finally, hundreds of fishermen who would maneuver the boat joined.

Under the leadership of them as guides, they slowly descended along the coastline, and invincible one after another captured several villages in Zhaiwu; finally they encountered the outposts and horses from another rebel army;

. . . . .

After more than half a month, the weather was slowly turning cooler. Zhou Huaian, the team that had traveled in a large circle, finally reached the bottom of Chaoyang City, the state city. .

Just under the town of Chaoyang County, which has been trapped for some days, there are already many people and horses gathered, and the lineup is at its peak; especially the central division battalion led by Wang Pan has grown a lot and reached three or four. Thousands of people, together with the other groups of people and horses who came together, suddenly became a noisy scene full of voices.

It is said that before arriving at Chaoyang City, the main force of Wang Pan had already come out to fight against the Heguan Army and Tutuo. They had fought with each other several times. However, the victory was more than the defeat and the opponent was repeatedly defeated and defeated. With the remaining retreat, he retreated to the state city to protect himself.

In contrast, because Zhou Huaian’s personal insistence on Ningquewu’s request only increased most of the combatants and dragged down a lot of cumbersome sub-battalions, it seemed a bit unremarkable; however, whether it was the king of the middle camp. Pan, or Lu Duan of Zuoying, or Zhou Ang of Qianying, didn't take it for granted. (End of this chapter)