Tang Dynasty

Chapter 97: Chaoyang


But what surprised Zhou Huaian was that it took a lot of effort and setbacks on the road to clean up the post-branch camps at the end of the hand. It was actually not the latest way to arrive.

In the end, it was late in two days, but it was on the way of Zuotou Lin Ziquan, and everyone was injured and his armor was covered with mud and blood stains. The overall look was a bit of fatigue and loss; as for the damage they brought. Minfu is even more unbearable, most of them are unclothed only a few pieces of hemp draped on their bodies.

It forms a particularly sharp contrast with the temporary cut-out gowns and hats of the same color that the auxiliary civil servants of the latter division have.

Later, when receiving and treating the wounded, I realized that the Zuo sub-camp was in the Chaoshan area not long ago and encountered a relatively powerful Dazhai, which allowed them to besieged and attacked for several days. There were also natives from the mountains as a helping hand. Harass and destroy their rear;

In the end, many old brothers were damaged, and it took the boss's effort to be able to defeat them. Finally, they were burnt to ruins in a venting manner; therefore, there were a lot of damages to personnel and materials.

Although Zhou Huai’an has the least number of people in the rear camp, it is not even as good as the front camp with only 500 people; but in comparison, the amount of money and food obtained from the local area is more than the sum of the other roads. More or less; and this is still in the case of Zhou Huai'an deliberately reserved on some key numbers {mainly those bulky and heavy objects that take up volume and weight}.

Most of them were handed over to the public, and only a small part was left for self-use as a back camp, which is almost based on the headcount of one and a half months; if he opened this head and used it as a reference, other branches had to After all, one after another handed over most of the objects to confiscated.

For this reason, Wang Pan specifically scolded his mother and commended him in small-scale military discussions, especially emphasizing the principle that honest people should not be disadvantaged both overtly and secretly;

So after these materials were transferred one hand on the delivery account, they almost doubled back to Zhou Huaian's control. Who said his main ministry was the camp manager who had an overview of the general affairs of the rear.

Then his first order was to first calculate the old and new condition of various grains and the corresponding shelf life, and then formulate different treatment plans according to these classifications; for example, as new grains from the recent autumn harvest, there is basically no need to deal with them, but only After further drying and dehydration, it can be stored in the bag for at least half a year; if it is stored together with crushed charcoal and coarse salt, the time may be longer.

For the longer summer grains, they need to be further spread out and exposed to the sun to remove mold and dandruff, and then treat them in accordance with the former; . . And those old grains that are obviously the next year are also screened. The bad ones can only be fed with bran and soybean meal after being cooked, or combined with forage to make fodder cakes and straw bricks;

Those that are barely edible are ground and boiled on the spot, then mixed with salted vegetables, dried moss, and sauces to form dough cakes, and then baked into pieces on a special stove and iron mold. It is light, compact and easy to carry. Dead biscuits. Among them, they are divided into three categories secretly. The most common one is for ordinary soldiers, the size of the palm that has not been sent, and the hardened concentrated biscuit version that is very resistant to starvation. If it is not soaked in water to soften it, you can only use your teeth to chew a little bit. Come down.

Then it is for the little bosses, adding a small amount of soybean oil, gray sugar and coarse salt, and fermenting and puffing the taste improved version; finally a small amount of upgraded high-end versions for the bosses, including fish floss, dried meat, cured poultry and smoked Different ingredients such as meat and enema.

Secondly, all the new soldiers who are weaving are allotted the most basic outfits and equipment: a gray cloth gown {outer wear} and vest {inner lining}, a bamboo sackcloth covered with oiled paper and a three-foot head wrap. A pair of well-knitted mans shoes {straw shoes} and a pair of hard shoes with thick wood bottom pulp cloth edge, one thick and one thin legging strap; a bamboo water bottle and a bamboo shell bowl, and a cloth strap for hanging odds and ends , A set of grass ropes that can tie up everything.

Every fire also has public sewing kits, slabstones, hulu, fire bowls, rattan baskets, tents and other sundries, and each team has more items such as clothes, straw mats, felt cloth and panniers, carts, etc. ; Each brigade is further equipped with donkeys and oxen, as well as animal carts and domes on the carts, iron tools of various colors, and bamboo and wood materials.

In this way, about six or seven thousand heads are left. But when he stopped on the way to the army, he sent people from the nearby villages to collect and purchase civilian objects such as rice, wheat, cloth, salt and ba iron on the spot; although there are some deviations in the size and craftsmanship of shoes, hats and quilts. , But after centralized sorting and simple classification, those new pawns who are used to bald heads and bare feet will not temporarily dislike and complain.

The next step is to cooperate with these items, and synchronize personal duties and sanitation activities;

New recruits from other sub-battalions were pulled into temporary camps under the jurisdiction of the first brigade in accordance with the order of their respective qualifications. Under mutual supervision and assistance in the demarcated and intercepted river sections, collectively wash the whole body with a bristle brush and check the health condition, then remove the excess hair on the body, and treat the scabies and other skin diseases that may be transmitted on the body

Some people whose physical fitness is poor, or who need recuperation and treatment, are filtered and separated and dealt with separately; while the remaining talents are qualified to start eating soldiers and carry out designated activities. In this process, there will be doctors from the third team, who will take turns to inspect and inspect, and further screen and select some people who may have potential medical diseases or injuries, and do another kind of observation and treatment.

Therefore, it has come to the stage of personal duties and hygiene habits. From the position of the beds in the march, the location of the defecation utensils and wastes, to the use of a cloth and a little water, the process of personal washing and cleaning, the maintenance and maintenance of personal belongings are completed. Storage, cleaning before and after meals and preparations before going to bed. . . .

Finally, there is a simple process of preaching and recitation of military discipline and rules and passwords.

Under the mutual supervision method, those who cannot complete the corresponding basic indicators will have no food or sleep. They will be detained in the camp and rectified again and again until they meet the requirements. They will not be released until they meet the requirements. Confrontation, or private violation, will be handled by military law, from sticking to sticks, flailing, and platforms to losing their lives, to serve the future generations as an example, and they will not be merciless in the slightest.

Because this involves the principles of collective hygiene and a healthy environment, in such a densely packed environment, if there is a source of omission, it is likely to harm a large amount of collateral effects. Even if it's a little troublesome and people complain, it's better than lying down a large area afterwards and asking people to rush to remedy it.

Of course, this was his open-hearted explanation and rhetoric when he faced questions from the upper-level leaders of the rebel army such as Wang Pan on whether it would be too violent and waste resources.

From a personal point of view, although the rebels had used several multiple vaccines in Africa, the ghost knew what happened during the crossing and whether it would continue to be useful, so he simply supported the situation. Next, try to make the environment you are in as decent as possible to reduce some unnecessary probability. (End of this chapter)