Tang Dynasty

Chapter 98: Chaoyang (in


"This is Chaoyang, the city of Chaozhou,"

Zhou Huaian was standing on the surrounding wall of Lingzhaoguan on Xiaobei Mountain outside the city, looking out.

"It still looks a little dangerous..."

This irregularly shaped city, which is particularly protruding from the east end of Beiyuan, looks smaller and more compact than Xunzhou City, but the city wall is much higher, reaching more than two feet; and The city itself was built on the mound named Linkunshan {also known as Gushan or Gonggushan, the southern foot of Xiaobeishan at the junction of Tongyu and Heping towns today}, and it has a natural superiority bonus that is condescending;

Moreover, the north and northwest of Chaoyang City are large areas of mountainous areas that are difficult to pass and trek, and there are no gates. The east and northeast corners are surrounded by the north branch of the Longjiang River flowing through the Chaoshan Plain. Several ferry crossings and pontoon bridges near the city gate connect the two banks; therefore, the rebels that can finally throw in most of their troops to attack are actually the south facing open plains, and the southwest and southeast corners where the city extends.

This requires re-creating a sufficient number of long ladders of suitable size and belonging to the watch cars and rushing cars, and then a little bit of clearing and filling up the obstacles and obstructions on the terrain, and then slowly advancing to the Chaoyang city, in order to form a full effort to concentrate a little bit. The trend of breakthrough.

Fortunately, since Zhou Huai'an has already arrived, there is no need to rush to use human lives just like in the past, just relying on some crude equipment. As the general manager of the general affairs at the rear, he also has the responsibility of leading people to explore suitable locations, raising materials and arranging manpower on the spot, and creating corresponding siege equipment.

Of course, for Zhou Huaian, this is also a kind of disguised relaxation and pastime to get out of many busy affairs temporarily and take a leisurely time. Most of the time, as long as he gives a general idea and direction, he can look at the scenery with thinking about problems and let his mood or something while he is busy.

For example, here you can see that there are many groves of citrus, sycamore, bayberry, banana and olives on the hillsides outside the city. It is now approaching the olive harvest season, so many green and yellowed olives bear fruit. Tired on the tree.

In the corners between the hilly orchard orchards, they were planted in stitches, such as large-leaf taro and yam, and small seedlings of coix, barnyardgrass and other miscellaneous crops.

On the outskirts of the city, large tracts of flat fields opened up by fire cultivation and hydroponics are mainly planted with low and low ratooning rice plants; that is, on the two-thirds of the crops left after the harvest of early indica rice. Use top-dressing water irrigation and other methods to give birth to the second crop of ears.

Moreover, according to the soldiers from the local farmers, there is also a dwarf rice variety that was passed from the Champa country by sea, called "Cicada Singing Rice"; the first is "drought-tolerant." The second is strong adaptability and "birth wherever possible." The third is the short growth period. It only takes more than 50 days from planting to harvesting, which means that the cicada can be harvested as soon as it is called.

It's just that the output is not high and the taste is poor and it is not easy to store for a long time. It is basically only used as an analogy for taro yam and the like, as a last resort choice and supplement for emergency rescue.

However, the most local farmers grow the so-called salty rice and upland rice, that is, the tidal flat rice that is tolerant to salt and soaking and the xerophyte that is tolerant to mountain and barren; because of years of land mergers, there are better fields in the region, such as Almost all those located on the flat ground that saves time and trouble, or on the banks of rivers that are easy to irrigate, are in the hands of the powerful and powerful;

Even if the ordinary villagers have worked so hard for several generations to open up a little good land from the desolate remoteness, most of them can't keep it for long, and they will be taken away by these opposing forces.

If the methods are euphemistic or decent, they will use all kinds of obscure lending methods to set up a set, and create opportunities in daily life to make farmers have to owe debts, such as illnesses and injuries, home fires and land disasters. He even used gambling and the relationship between men and women as a source of violence; then when the debt-collection sentiment was raging and persecuted, he came forward to solve it as a good emergency rescuer, and it was justified to take advantage of the fire and robbery by taking advantage of the fire and robbery.

Doing so can indeed confuse and deceive most people, and the formation of the parties in the local public opinion is only because of bad luck, or unfortunately there are sons and prodigals, non-subjective general perception and atmosphere, and the masters are always anxious. He was righteous and helped the danger and rescued the impoverished. Out of desperation, he accepted the other party’s land, and also accepted the other party as tenants and servants as compensation.

Many so-called "big good people", "big landowners", and "good gentry" who rely on the world to make good fortune are just such deceptive and concealed routines, which are slowly spawned and created for generations.

And there are those who are not so particular, they will directly collude with the subordinates sent by the government, weave all kinds of crimes and wrongs to the victims, and then threaten them to sell their worth and come out to make money and fix them; if the other party is more stubborn, then just use In the name of fighting taxes and donations, they went to tortured the station yells until the family took out the property to redeem them;

If you encounter a relatively tough and somewhat basic family, such as a farmer with more brothers, and then spend money to buy a public official and come directly to the door, you will obviously lose more than the gains. At this time, another method came in handy; first of all, the door-to-door nuisance of the city fox stove rat, the rogue and the like, the constant disgusting people, and even the follow-up around the clock to disturb and intimidate his family.

Once the victim takes action out of his anger, he will naturally fall into the lawsuit and begin to toss and consume his wealth; but if the victim still refuses to take this set, in turn, he will be tough. Then it's the last resort.

In these big households, Wangwang keeps desperate minions, and at the same time has ties and contacts with the thieves and bandits who stray in the mountains, and even the savages in the deep mountains; therefore, the bad guys don’t know what Sudden misfortune happened overnight; either he or his family members were robbed, killed or kidnapped on the way out, or his family was wiped out by gangsters.

In this way, even if some of the dead species survived, they would not be able to compete with the wealthy people who had mastered most of the social resources, connections and public opinion. No accidents are still a problem.

Therefore, many middle-class people who are still wealthy or barely able to survive the disaster year have gone bankrupt and become slaves to others in this kind of merger game of big fish eating small fish. After the Rebels destroyed these big families and ensured that they could never stand up again in a short period of time, they dared to stand up and speak out one by one.

Then some people voted for the rebels because of the hatred of family destruction. On the one hand, they seek justice for more people who have suffered the same thing. On the other hand, they can also be regarded as a way to stay away from this sad place; but, knowing these methods and insider Zhou Huaian It seems that this is another desperate and suffocating reality and situation.

But it made him inevitably give birth to a sense of dislocation and sense of immediate vision. Isn't this just the half-gray demolition companies and debt collection companies in the demolition projects in the urban-rural fringe of later generations, and the social capital is laundering? What is the role played under remote control and captivity? It’s just that after more than a thousand years, there are still similar routines and techniques of changing the soup without changing the medicine.

It's just that under the red flag and signboard of socialism, those capitals temporarily don't have the official means of daring to openly collude with them; therefore, they can only desperately buy off all kinds of unscrupulous literati, public knowledge, and experts, and everywhere advocating the return to the "Xiangzhizhi" "Governance" to replace the authority and purpose of grassroots party organizations; then, in cities, promote the benefits of small government of "the state retreats and the people advance," so as to make room and leeway for "viable civil forces" to allow them to bear more "Social Responsibility" and "Value Orientation".

Therefore, in this desperate and numb social reality, ordinary people basically did not continue to improve the planting methods, or the motivation, extra energy and conditions to adopt improved varieties; even if they can’t fill their stomachs, just talk about it. No more liberating the productive forces and developing the productive forces;

Therefore, only those rich and powerful people sitting on large tracts of land have the conditions and leeway to decide the specific types, diversity, and abundance of crops more freely; and on this basis, maintain colorful eating habits and daily enjoyment levels. But they are often also conservative and solidified leaders and beneficiaries, and they can't wait for all this in front of generations to continue forever.

Apart from intensified squeezing methods, naturally there are not many basic motivations and desires to break the familiar status quo and improve the level of agricultural production technology.

Therefore, the fields in the large fields outside Chaoyang City are almost concentrated in the name of a small poking upper class in the city; although they worked hard to prepare for the clearing of the strong walls, they actually did not arrive before Wang Pan’s main formation. , And only destroyed the crops within more than a mile of the lower half of the city wall.

Therefore, after the labor force brought by Zhou Huai'an joined the brigade, they began to harvest and pick them on a large scale. These semi-ripe and immature products outside the city, as well as the trees and other firewood materials on the hills that are suitable for use, will be better. The felling is ready for use.

Of course, in front of the wall of Chaoyang City, the bamboo strip catapult that was originally used to hit Tuweizi and Muzhai is not very effective. After all, the stress strength of bamboo is limited; although the siege methods and techniques are Last, Zhou Huai'an was also a metaphysical network theory school, but he still had extraordinary vision and knowledge, right? With sufficient time and resources at present, he can try one by one.

For example, in history, as the pinnacle of China's cold weapon war, the return artillery {gravity lever sparger}, the whirlwind artillery {centrifugal spinning sparger}, and even the foreign Eastern Roman Empire have used mature torsion catapults and scorpion crossbows. Thanks to the video sites where a large number of military enthusiasts and antique enthusiasts gather, such as station a and station b, it can be said that there are quite detailed descriptions of the methods and procedures for the restoration of various ancient weapons.

Using this as a reference, Zhou Huaian only needs to make some main components according to the general shape of the gourd painting scoop; for example, the wood is cooked and bent, and as much as possible, weave and collect some coarse hemp used for twisting the city. Rope, made of moth-proof and anti-drying paint, high-hardness and elastic round material as a lever, used to fix the base and door-shaped frame edges of the cast iron and sheath, etc.

Finally, assemble them one by one to debug and find the problems, and finally achieve the most basic functions and effects. Anyway, do not force the service life as many times as you want, as long as you can accumulate the corresponding experience and craftsmanship, you can still recreate it next time. . (End of this chapter)