Tang Yun

Chapter 1: Resurrected from the dead


"If life can be repeated again, if I meet you, I will never give up. No matter how much you pay, I will let you stay by my side. No matter how many years, you will never leave in my heart. It is a pity that this world has no if!... "

Looking at the smoke from the front of the car, Jin Xiaoyun was paralyzed in the seat and unable to move. It was not that he didn't want to move, but that his whole body was stuck, and his consciousness gradually became blurred. He knew that he was about to pass away. The unforgettable memories buried deep in my heart emerged.

The good years have been turned into memories and are always hidden in my heart. The 35-year-old is considered a gold-collar, owns a house, a car, and has millions of deposits under his name, and his life is more than that of shortcomings. . From the original young man with great ambition but unable to support, after ten years of hard work, he had suffered too much and finally reached his position today.

There are only a handful of people in the countryside who have yet to get married at the age of thirty-five, and he is also dubbed "a bachelor" by his neighbors. It used to be that the material conditions were not enough to make a family, but now there is no need to worry about these but there is no idea of getting a family anymore. Instead of finding someone you don't love to stay with you for a lifetime, it's better to choose to be alone.

The person he loves most in his heart is still her, the one who has been with him for five years. For five years, the relationship between the two gradually changed. She started from the grassroots step by step with a monthly salary of tens of thousands; he stayed in place for five years, and he always dreamed of getting rich overnight. The concept of the two became essentially different. gap.

"I will give you happiness, trust me!"

"I believe you can, but your happiness is not what I want!" She was silent for a moment, with tiredness on her face, "I have been with you for five years, you can afford to wait but I can't wait. You want Knowing that I am four years older than you, I want to have a home and I don’t want to live like this again."

She left that day, and there has been no intersection between the two ever since. For three whole years, Jin Xiaoyun didn't know how many jobs he changed. No job was long-term. He was turned away from interviews every time. His education was only a junior college, and he didn't have strong skills and abilities. New Bayi Chinese website debut

Having experienced countless setbacks, he finally realized that he was unable to settle down without the ability, and meditated in his heart: "Perhaps her leaving was right!" In order to prove himself, Jin Xiaoyun could only choose to re-study and obtain the qualification certificate and start step by step. Until this year he was promoted to general manager of the department, and his salary rose again.

When he owns a house, a car, and a deposit, she has disappeared from his world. After that year, the two had no contact, and she didn't know how she was doing. As he grows older, his parents are urging marriage every day, but the one he always loves in his heart finally froze his relationship with his parents. He rarely goes home and only pays back every year.

Since the relationship with my family has become stalemate, I will choose to travel during the annual vacation every year to learn about the different customs in different places. This year he chose Shaanxi, because there are the Ming Tombs of the Tang Dynasty here, and it is also a long-awaited tourist attraction.

Driving a car on the highway, Jin Xiaoyun suddenly felt dizzy with the vehicles coming and going, and his whole person suddenly lost consciousness. When he woke up, the whole body had been completely knocked into the sunken body, and he was stuck in the seat, unable to move, finally looked down and found that the clothes were full of blood, and gave a helpless smile.

Smoke billowed, and the fire grew stronger and stronger. His body was wrapped in flames. He recalled that he had never returned home to visit his parents in these years. He regretted it from the bottom of his heart. Fortunately, there was still a younger brother at home to do his filial piety. As for her, Jin Xiaoyun has no chance to think about anything.

"Ten years of life and death are boundless, unforgettable without thinking about it. There is nowhere to say a lonely grave for thousands of miles. Even if they meet each other without knowing it, the dust is covered with frost on the temples."

Jin Xiaoyun was ruthlessly swallowed by the fire. He knew that he was doomed to escape. He had already seen life and death. He was fearless, his consciousness completely disappeared and his eyes were closed. After a while, Jin Xiaoyun clearly felt a biting chill.


Jin Xiaoyun murmured silently, he was clearly burning by flames, and the pain was personally experienced. This biting chill seemed to be in the ice and snow. He tried to breathe two streams of water in his nose, and the sweet water made him all over his body. He opened his eyes tremblingly, and what caught his eyes was pitch black with no light, and he was in the cold lake.

Living in the south, he knew how to swim since he was a child. It was commonplace to go to the river to fish and catch shrimps. However, the development of society later made the river in his hometown contaminated and he could no longer enter the water. However, his swimming skills have become instinct, and he can’t help but kick back Swim hard to the top.

Since the water was choked just now, there was not much air left, so he had to go all out to go upstream. However, he used the strength to feed the milk, but he always felt that he could not get it out, and his hands were like The water flapped like fish fins. Suddenly, he was dumbfounded. It was not himself at all, or it was not his original body, it was entirely a child’s arm, and it was extremely thin and skinny, but the clothes on his body were a bit bigger, and the sleeves were on him again. When going upstream, it becomes resistance, which makes him consume a lot of physical strength.

Although he didn't understand what was happening, he finally did it again, how could he just admit his fate like this, he had to take his last breath, his face flushed, and he resolutely moved upstream. At this time, he must breathe fresh air, otherwise his life I really explained it.

"Alright, fast!" Jin Xiaoyun shouted in his heart, seeing hope is coming, but his consciousness became blurred again, he panicked, really panicked, if he doesn't surface, he will really be finished playing , It was not the result that he wanted to end before it started, but the breath in his mouth could not be spit out. If he spit it out, his body would sink again, and everything he had done before was wasted. A genius remembers Chinese in one second 8/1/z/o/m/

At the very moment of his death, Jin Xiaoyun felt as if someone was jumping down next to him. He no longer had the strength to pay attention. The little bit of oxygen in his mouth had already been vomited out, and his consciousness became blurred again. Suddenly he felt 10,000 The horse is galloping.

I was inexplicably involved in a car accident that had been burned by fire, and this time I was inexplicably submerged by cold water. The worst disaster in nature is water and fire, and he was fortunate enough to have encountered it. This made him want to swear, and he had never won a lottery ticket. Such a good thing was actually hit by himself, even if he was unwilling to accept it. Unacceptable, Jin Xiaoyun's heart was broken.

After experiencing a death, he has seen through life and death, and he is not afraid of death, but he does not want to die again without understanding what happened. He resisted this result from the bottom of his heart.

Even if I am dying, it is not now, my fate is my fate! (End of this chapter)

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