Tang Yun

Chapter 10: Distress up the mountain


Just when Li Kuan was racking his brains and trying his best to get around Zhao Gonggong, Zhao Gonggong looked at the towering mountain, his legs were weak before he went up, and the whole person fell into a sluggish state. Li Kuan thought: "Good opportunity !" Without a second word, he quietly climbed towards the mountain.

Li Kuan was born in the imperial family, and he has not gone through such vulgar things as climbing mountains, but he is no longer Li Kuan in the past, but in his soul is the Jin Xiaoyun from later generations. Mountain climbing has been done since he was a child, and he did not climb himself when he was a child. The mountain behind the house is much higher than the mountain now.

The dress sleeves on his body were too wide and too long, which was really troublesome. Li Kuan quickly rolled up his sleeves, like a monkey returning to the forest. He was so fast that he turned around and found that Li Kuan had no idea when he recovered. Whereabouts, he was taken aback, and shouted: "King Chu, where are you?"

"Grandpa Zhao, I'm here!"

Li Kuan hurriedly replied when he heard the sound, but his small body shuttled through the mountains and forests and couldn't see where he was. Although Grandpa Zhao heard the sound but didn't see anyone, he was even more anxious. He suddenly remembered something and looked at it. The mountain peaks of the lofty mountains eagerly shouted: "King Chu, there is danger there, come back quickly!"

"Daddy Zhao, I'll be down in a while!" Li Kuan's forehead was full of sweat. He had climbed to a position halfway from the mountainside, and he was so exhausted that he was out of breath. He couldn't catch his breath and answered Father Zhao's words. : "There is still a gap between reality and imagination!"

I thought that the mountain did not look as high as my hometown, but it was really hard to climb up. Every step had to be done carefully. The withered yellow leaves on the mountain were piled up together, and there was rain a few days ago, which was somewhat damp, and it was a little careless. Will slip on the soles of the feet.

Every time you climb, you have to be cautious. Every time you take a step, you have to push your back foot hard, and you have to hold the trunk with your hands to move forward. Therefore, it takes more effort than usual. I wonder if I continue to go up. It's even more difficult, with the current physical strength and stamina.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, it is not Li Kuan's style. Everything is careful and knowingly not. It is not persistence but a fool. At this time, giving up is the wisest choice. Li Kuan was about to go down the mountain and found that the way down the mountain was more difficult than the way up the mountain.

If he slides down the mountain peak is the fastest, but he wears shoes that are not hiking shoes and does not have a strong grip. Besides, the withered leaves will move and move too much if they go down. If they walk down step by step, That's really a terrible thing.

When Li Kuan was hesitating how to go down the mountain, he suddenly heard a sound of sex from among the leaves. Suddenly, a bad premonition rose in his heart. Goose bumps all over his body rose up. He suddenly held his breath and paid full attention to his surroundings. He was impulsive but forgot the most common venomous snakes in the mountains and forests, especially now it’s not in the 21st century that farmers catch snakes and sell them for money. The chance of seeing snakes in the mountains and forests is almost insignificant. The chance of seeing snakes in this era is definitely More than ninety percent. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

If it was really a snake, he was on the mountain now, in a state of isolation and helplessness, and he hadn't heard Grandpa Zhao's cry. He was very scared but pretended to be calm and calm, watching the surrounding movement vigilantly. When he looked sideways, a snake head with a thick triangular mouth emerged, only three meters away from him.

Li Kuan saw the shape of the snake's head tightened. If it were a non-venomous snake, it would be a very poisonous viper. This is a common venomous snake in the hilly areas of Shaanxi. It is popularly called'flying on the grass'. He did not find a snake. Also because its body surface color is very close to that of withered yellow leaves, Li Kuan wanted to go but didn't dare to go, wanted to stay but didn't dare to stay.

In this day and age, being bitten by this venomous snake is almost always a fate. Li Kuan regretted that he shouldn't go up the mountain rashly in the first place. Although the venomous snake like Cao Shang Fei will not take the initiative to attack people, the current situation is not afraid of ten thousand just in case.

Cold sweat ran down from Li Kuan’s forehead. His back was soaked with sweat. I don’t know if it was the sweat from going up the mountain or he was frightened. His legs trembled and he didn’t dare to move. He could only silently pray that the snake would leave by himself, and the mouthful. His thick body makes his scalp numb, and his eyes are always watching its every move.

The snake raised his head and took a look, and then continued to slept sluggishly among the withered leaves, as if he hadn't seen Li Kuan, which made the latter secretly relieved, but his feet moved as if stuck. Can't move, if the snake doesn't go now, if it attacks, he will undoubtedly die.

If Li Kuan is on flat ground at a distance of three meters, he won’t have any thoughts, and he will run away. This is the distance on the mountain. This snake seems to have lived here for a long time, and he must be familiar with the environment. Li Kuan wants to slip away on its territory. That's idiotic dreams.

Seeing that Li Kuan was too late to come down, Mr. Zhao couldn't take care of other things, so he climbed up. This was a pain for Mr. Zhao. He hadn't climbed a mountain since he was a child, especially when he saw the unconscious trembling of his legs on the mountain peak, let alone He said that he was on the mountain. This time, because Li Kuan recklessly went on the mountain to worry about his safety, Grandpa Zhao had to follow him.

"King Chu, where are you?" Grandpa Zhao shouted Li Kuan as he climbed up. It wasn't that Li Kuan didn't want to answer but he didn't dare to move. The snake seemed to have not heard Grandpa Zhao's shouting, still deaf and sound. Sleeping.

Seeing it did not move, Li Kuan quietly moved down and moved away from each other. He had heard the voice of Grandpa Zhao, and the trance that was lost at that moment was also instantly pulled back, and he was slowly moving down, but The steps taken are extremely small.

Grandpa Zhao went up the mountain sweating profusely. He could not climb anymore, but he did not see Li Kuan and heard no sound. He was more worried that Li Kuan would be in danger. The more anxious he was, the easier he would slip off the mountain. , Fell several times and continued to climb the mountain.

Li Kuan slowly stepped back down step by step. He felt that this time was very long. A distance of just one meter was like one kilometer away. Every time he stepped back, he couldn't make a sound. This was not easy for him. .

There are piles of leaves everywhere, and when you step on it, you will make a sound. Ji Zhong Shengzhi recalled that when he went up the mountain, the snake was so big that the snake did not respond. Until he was very close to it, he raised his head and spit out the snake letter to explore the surroundings. The ground slid directly from the mountain along the leaves, and at that moment he pushed his heels hard on the ground, and the speed accelerated even more.

"Don't come up!"

Li Kuan slid down like a skating rink. The speed was extremely fast and he didn't take any protective measures. He just wanted to escape from here as soon as possible. He looked at the snake and saw that it had been alarmed. He chased him over, and quickly told Grandpa Zhao not to come up, and cursed secretly: "Damn!"

Li Kuan kicked back hard again, but the snake's speed was actually faster, which frightened Li Kuan. Because he really saw the whole picture of this snake. It was more than two meters long and had a thick bowl. No wonder it raised its head when it approached, and then chased after itself, because his tail was on itself. Below the position where you slid down, if you follow the original footprints down the mountain, it’s okay, but if you slide down, just stepping on the tail of the snake, it is a naked provocation for the snake, how can you not chase it for revenge? (End of this chapter)