Tang Yun

Chapter 103: I am eager to try


The last eight teams played for seven days before it was declared over. There was no rest time in the middle. Li Kuan never failed in every game. Except for the first day of the game, Wu Hui came with him. The following games It didn't come.

Until the result of the final victory was announced, Li Kuan publicly announced the team that challenged the winner, which made everyone stunned and looked at each other in disbelief. Then, Li Kuan gave them three days of rest to play at the same place at the same time.

If the opponent wins, he will be rewarded, and he will personally cover the third floor of Tianxialou to invite them to eat and drink, and Li Kuan will pay for all the expenses. Li Kuan is really rich now, and he doesn't need to worry about money, he has real financial freedom.

At the same time, Li Kuan went back to the mansion to inform Wu Jue of the news after he finished the battle. The latter was really taken aback when he heard it. She thought that Li Kuan was just talking and would not actually play football. In fact, she was wrong. Li Kuan not only played but also challenged the strongest team. This was definitely not the person she knew before.

"Are you really sure?" Li Kuan smiled and asked, "Don't you have confidence in me?"

Suddenly, Wu Hui became a little anxious: "This is not a question of confidence. Cuju is not a child's play. Although Cuju is a form of activity, there are really many masters. If you compete with them, physical confrontation is inevitable, I am afraid. You will get hurt."

Li Kuan hugged Wu Suo, smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, I am not the weak fat guy I used to be. My physical fitness is definitely better than before. If I win, will we get a reward?"

"I knew you weren't at ease!" Wu Jue didn't fight anymore. She was worried about Li Kuan. She didn't expect that the other party would not care. Instead, she wanted to take advantage. This made Wu Jue turn around and be too lazy to take care of him, so Li Kuan had to say something bad. Only then did Wu Shuo's anger calm down.

The former Li Kuan was really small and fat, but he was 1.75 meters tall but weighed 180 kilograms, which was definitely an excess weight. Today, Li Kuanjing is 1.8 meters tall, but his weight is only 140. He is really thin when he wears clothes, and has flesh when he takes off his clothes.

Of course, this kind of figure is also obtained by Li Kuan's persistence in martial arts all year round. His physical fitness has been greatly improved through martial arts training, even if it is physical confrontation, it is not necessarily on the same level as himself. Because he still has a hundred kilograms of weight on his body, not to mention physical confrontation, even if it is head-on, he can stay still. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Cuju is always Cuju, not rugby. It is completely won by hand-to-hand strength, and even serious injuries may occur. Small injuries are commonplace. Cuju’s physical confrontation is nothing more than wrestling with each other. The competition is each other's strength, the form of head-to-head confrontation, and will never use violent means.

If that were the case, Li Kuan stopped the game and the team was eliminated directly. Since it can last until the end, it must be a bright approach, but the opponent is still a little behind. Li Kuan did not intend to bring Zhang Chong, Leng Feng, Li She and others, but to fight against the entire team by himself.

Li Kuan, the king of Chu, has the highest degree of identity recognition, because he wears a golden mask when he goes out, so he will attract attention wherever he goes. Therefore, news that Li Kuan challenged the winning team quickly spread throughout Jiangling City, and even Jingzhou heard the news.

Gavinda learned that Li Kuan had personally end the contest, and hurried to the Metropolitan Government for the first time, and eagerly persuaded him not to participate. Since ancient times, I haven't heard of the prince and the folks to learn about skills. If you win, it's easy to say something, and you lose it would be too embarrassing. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

Li Kuan smiled calmly and said: “You don’t need to filter for the ambassadors. This is a Cuju competition. It is a competitive activity. Winning or losing is only the skill level, and it will not affect the others. If it does, it’s me. Li Kuan is alone and has nothing to do with anyone else."

Gavinda took care of the royal face, so he hurried over. He didn't have much friendship with Li Kuan. Besides, he was a great Confucian scholar and his thoughts were not at the same level as Li Kuan. Naturally, he didn't understand why Li Kuan insisted on doing this.

Li Kuan knew Gavinda's intentions. His words were extremely vague. On the face of it, he was persuading him to give up, but on the face of it he was reminding him that his identity was different. If it were ordinary people, Gavinda would not take care of it at all, even the king of the county would not care. However, Li Kuan was the king of the word, or the king of Chu. This identity was as low as Mount Tai, leaving Gavinda out of breath. .

Regardless of the persuasion of Gavinda and others, Li Kuan was consistent and did not take their persuasion to heart. In his mind, Cuju is like the forefront of modern football. It is an honor for him to experience Cuju in person.

Even if he loses, his skills are not as good as others, and it will not affect anything. When the three of Zhao Qian learned about it, only Zhao Qian frowned slightly. He was also a poem-reader, and his ideas naturally coincided with Gavinda, but Li Kuan insisted on pursuing it, and he was not good at persuading him. .

In addition, the three of them have never seen Li Kuan play Cuju, but the three of his skills are still clear, so the three of them believe that Li Kuan will not lose. Even if it is an outnumbered enemy, it is by no means a problem. After all, despite the large number of winning teams, it was not a master of martial arts for many years, but just superb Cuju skills.

After the servants of the mansion and others came out of the mansion, they knew they were members of the Metropolitan Government, so they would rush to find out the news. The servants also took the trouble, but they had no choice but to shook their heads with a wry smile and said that they didn't know it. Say what.

Without getting any useful information, it still can't stop the thunder of this Cuju contest!

Without Li Kuan's intervention, there would naturally not be many topics, and naturally there would be less attention. These are all within Li Kuan's plan. He hadn't planned to show his fist in the end, but if it weren't for Wu Jue's reminder, he would have forgotten it himself.

This opportunity is rare, and Li Kuan naturally does not want to miss it!

Perhaps Gavinda, Zhao Qian and others are thinking more about face issues. Only Li Kuan knows that this is just a sport. If the sport is mixed with political factors, it will lose the characteristics of the original sport, and it will become more and more unfavorable for the sport over time.

Sports events are sports events. No matter how you change, you can't deviate from the original intention. The reason why Li Kuan sticks to the end is also uphold this idea. It doesn't matter what others think of him, he just wants to end the contest himself.

Three days passed in a flash, and Li Kuan didn't practice hard at all. He just did his own thing after mastering the basic movements. On the contrary, the winning team is working hard, and even the cooperation between the players is constantly increasing.

Li Kuan's unhurried attitude made Wu Jue and the others quite anxious, but Li Kuan himself was still full of confidence, which made others impatient, and there was really no way he could, and finally let him go. (End of this chapter)