Tang Yun

Chapter 108: Play things and lose one's ambitions


Gavinda and other officials ate with other thoughts, but they have heard that the food in the world is very good. Looking at the dishes on the table, they have never seen some colorful dishes in their lives, let alone eat them.

After Li Kuan took the lead in setting the chopsticks, everyone started to use the chopsticks one after another, and officials such as Gavinda couldn't stand the food. In addition, stimulated by the fine wine in the world, they also moved their chopsticks. When the food was eaten, the wonderful feeling made them forget the restraint and ate them happily than anyone else. A genius remembers Chinese in one second 8/1/z/o/m/

After eating and drinking enough, everyone naturally dispersed. Some people who claim to be well drunk lie down directly, while others are flushed, and the whole person is in a state of excitement. In short, they went back to their homes and rested in various forms, only the chief governor. The people in the palace are still sitting on the Tianxialou.

Wang Huai and others were not on the third floor. They were all members of the Metropolitan Government’s mansion. They were all arranged on the second floor. After everyone had dispersed, he came up with Zhao Qian, Qian Wu, and Wu Jue and waited for Wang Huai to sit down. After getting down, his face solemnly said: "My son, the method of banqueting everyone today is a bit improper!"

Li Kuan poured a bowl of wine and smiled and said, "Wang Lao, are you referring to officials such as Gavinda and Quan Wentan?"

"Since the son knows why he has to entertain them?"

Wang Huai asked Li Kuan why he did this. The three of them were members of the officialdom. Although Li Kuan was the chief executive, he was nothing but famous. Zhao Qian and Qian Wu had the same knowledge as Wang Huai. Too many officials, the three of them are indeed a little unhappy about Li Kuan's actions this time, but more worried.

Gavinda is the governor of Jingzhou with real power, and he decides all matters large and small. Although Quan Wentan is the spokesperson of the Metropolitan Government, he is not part of the forces of the Metropolitan Government, and Gavinda is still the leader. If Gavinda reports today's matter to the emperor, then Li Kuan will be questioned and even convicted.

Because the consumption of the world’s lower floors is beyond people’s reach, Li Kuan covers the third floor, and even on the second floor, people from the Metropolitan Government are arranged. Such consumption cannot be afforded by Li Kuan, who has a fixed salary every year, let alone a hundred. One hundred percent sure, at least 60% sure that Li Kuan is embezzling and taking bribes.

The most hated by the saints today are officials who satiate their own pockets and take bribes. Regardless of the size of the official position, as long as the evidence is conclusive, they will absolutely be punished in accordance with the law. If they report to the court, then Li Kuan's political career will be stained, and it can even be said to be directly rejected by the current saint Li Shimin.

Li Kuan smiled confidently and said: "Wang, don’t worry, they don’t dare to mention things about the world even if they are in the memorial. Even if they say it, I don’t have to care. This little money is still available. You forgot what the emperor gave me when I left Beijing?"

Wang Huai and the three of them were silent for a moment. Zhao Qian is in charge of the treasury in the mansion, and everything in the treasury is in his mind. Li Kuan only remembered this when he mentioned it. When Li Kuan left Beijing, the property bestowed by the emperor, including the rewards for curing the queen, was still there. If someone really asked him, he could take this opportunity to stop him.

"Have you been prepared?" Zhao Qian asked in surprise.

"It's not intentional!" Li Kuan smiled slightly, "This is also a coincidence. I have to count what I said when I was in the war. There was no such arrangement before, and later Gavinda and the others were there. It happened to take this opportunity to bring them together. Even if they reported to Emperor Ming, I mentioned Cuju the most. As for the affairs of Tianxialou, I also mentioned it in one stroke."

"Or some officials are reluctant to mention it at all. I am doing something right, but they are still here, still eating and drinking. Even if the emperor blames it, I will criticize at most two sentences, but they all have real power. Officials of the United States, they may be punished more severely in the end."

When Wang Huai and the others saw Li Kuan's foresight, they thought very far-reaching, so they were naturally relieved!

Just as Li Kuan guessed, Gavinda and other officials didn't think much about it that night. They didn't think of yesterday until they woke up the next day. If they report it according to the facts, then they can't get rid of the relationship. Quan Wentan and others came to Gavinda's house to discuss what should be said about the matter.

Gavinda smiled bitterly. It was the first time he encountered such a difficult thing. After a long time of contemplation, he gritted his teeth and reported the truth. However, the memorial emphatically mentioned Li Kuan's fight with people in Cuju, and there was indeed a slight mention about Tianxialou.

Today, going downstairs is very famous in the Jingzhou area, but it is unknown in Chang'an. Many officials in the DPRK and China have heard of this restaurant and have been admired for a long time. Although Gavinda mentioned it a little, it is still unavoidable from other people's speculations.

Therefore, Gavinda decided to report in advance, and the official documents on weekdays were submitted to Shangshu Province every month, and then submitted to the emperor after cumbersome procedures. Now that Gavinda deliberately reported in advance, it was naturally about Chu Wang Li Kuan.

This kind of memorial report will not be sent directly to the Taiji Hall to be submitted to Li Shimin for review through Shangshu Province and other departments. When Li Shimin saw Gavinda mentioned what Li Kuan did in Jingzhou, a trace of melancholy appeared in his eyes, and a look of disappointment appeared on his face.

Gavinda will report all the things Li Kuan did in Jiangling, Jingzhou. It can be said that Li Shimin knows all the things on the surface except for the things he did secretly. From the initial ignorance, to later when Li Kuan cured the queen's stubborn illness, Li Shimin turned his attention to Li Kuan, who had been ignored by him.

I thought that Li Kuan would give him hope, but he didn’t expect that in addition to traveling with the United States and Jingzhou in Jiangling City, Li Kuan would eat and drink in the world, and also bring people from the Metropolitan Governor’s Mansion. Now it is even more outrageous. Gamble with people.

Gavinda portrayed the Cuju game very vividly. Li Shimin formed a picture in his mind, thinking of gambling appointments. Li Shimin guessed that Li Kuanzu must have had fun during the period when he was not going out, and sighed with disappointment. Said: "Playing with people loses virtue, playing with things loses ambition!"

"What is the cause of the emperor's trouble?" It coincided with the time when Empress Changsun came to the Tai Chi Hall, she just saw Li Shimin's disappointed face, and couldn't help but asked in confusion: "There is no war at the moment, and the country is peaceful. What makes the emperor so upset?"

Seeing Empress Changsun coming, Li Shimin's eyes were full of love, and he motioned Empress Changsun to sit next to him, and then reported the memorial about Li Kuan to Empress Changsun. Although the harem does not interfere with the affairs of the court, Empress Changsun is no one else. After she saw it, she felt different from Li Shimin's sadness and disappointment, but she felt deep pity and affection. New Bayi Chinese website first launches www.(x81zw).comm./x81zw/.com

"His Royal Highness Chu is at the age of playfulness. Moreover, he left Beijing early and went alone. It is inevitable that he will be abandoned due to foreign objects. The emperor need not worry. If the emperor is disappointed with him, it is better to let him return to Beijing and let the emperor return to Beijing. How about doing it in person?"

Empress Changsun’s words reminded Li Shimin that Li Kuan would be twenty years old in a few months, and he promised that the emperor’s things must be done. If Li Kuan is a talented person, Li Shimin would naturally confess that he is his son with joy. However, Li Kuan is a plaything and loser. Such a son, Li Shimin, is really unwilling to admit it, or even repels him. (End of this chapter)