Tang Yun

Chapter 113: Eat your own fruit


The two stayed in the village for another three days before leaving for their home. When they told their neighbors that they were leaving, almost everyone went out to see them off. Before leaving, they also gave the two very precious Chinese herbal medicines, including snow lotus, cordyceps, and gastrodia elata.

Li Kuan originally wanted to refuse, but the local folk customs were simple and honest, and they had to take it back with the people's enthusiasm. During this time, the two of them also ate a lot of snow lotus and cordyceps, Wu Jue's skin became fairer, and the spirit of the whole person was much better. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Li Kuan also benefited a lot, especially since Cordyceps sinensis is called Yaer Zagengbu in Tibetan. The magical effect of Cordyceps sinensis in the Tang Dynasty has not reached the point where everyone is not well-known, but the Tibetan people are very familiar with the value of this herb.

At this time, they didn't know that this herb could be exchanged for money on the market, and almost every household kept some. They live in this place, and everything is circulated, so the amount of Cordyceps they dig each year is also controlled.

When Li Kuan and Wu Hui walked together, many people would put a few cordyceps in their dishes. Both of them knew something about this kind of tonic therapy. After all, the price of Cordyceps in modern times is comparable to gold, and fake and inferior Cordyceps are also more common, so they don't know the taste of authentic Cordyceps.

The two came empty-handed and returned full of loads, which made both of them feel a little bit sad. Because there were so many things, the two had to give up riding to ride a horse-drawn carriage and return to their home. Wu Yu snuggled in Li Kuan's arms, reluctantly waved goodbye to everyone, and said in a low voice with red eyes, "Will we come again next time?"

"As long as you want to come, you can come anytime!" Li Kuan nodded comfortingly. He also liked this place and lived an uncontested life. The folklore was simple, and everyone was very hospitable. After getting acquainted with them, he was more like Like home, going from home to home is commonplace.

This time Li Kuan looked at a pile of things beside the carriage. Among them, the cordyceps weighed more than ten catties, not to mention the snow lotus, not to mention the gastrodia elata. Li Kuan looked at these things and felt uncomfortable. If only he brought some gifts back to them when he came next time.

Due to the long journey back to Jingzhou in a horse-drawn carriage and the inability to rush back as soon as possible, the two people were delayed on the road for a long time. In addition to the more than one month they had stayed in the village before, two months passed. When they arrived at the Jingzhou boundary, they felt something was wrong.

"Lao Zhang, has something happened in Jingzhou?" When Li Kuan and Wu Jue were traveling, they never wore masks and naturally showed their true colors, so everyone didn't know their identities, especially the clothes on them. Very ordinary, at most it is the outsiders passing by here, and the accent is not local.

Li Kuan got out of the carriage, stopped a citizen, and inquired about the news in Jingzhou City. The fellow saw that Li Kuan was gentle and well-mannered, and he did not cover up, and said bluntly: "Surely Mr. Lang is from a foreign country. !"

"The lady and I have long heard of the beautiful name of Jingzhou Tianxialou, and I have been admired for a long time and are preparing to go to see the style!" Li Kuan nodded and said yes, looking for a reasonable reason to deceive Lao Zhang, the latter sighed: "Although Tianxialou has a good reputation, but the wine and food are too expensive, old man, I am afraid I will have no chance in this life!"

Li Kuan smiled and did not speak, and the old Zhang continued: "Originally, Jingzhou was not so strict. It was easy to get in and out of the city. It's just that the governor of Jingzhou disappeared for two months for no reason. This is anxious to the envoy and the long history of Jingzhou. Waiting for people, even the people from the Metropolitan Governor’s Mansion were sent out to look for it. At the moment, I am afraid that Jiangling City is making a pot of porridge. If Lang Jun goes to Tianxialou, it will be delayed for a while."


Li Kuan asked curiously, secretly embarrassed, he didn't expect it to be because of himself. However, what made him most strange was that even if he disappeared for two months, the entire Jingzhou would not be under martial law! Besides, the people who were sent out to find him were nowhere to be found, which made him a little confused.

"Because Lang Jun and Xiao Niangzi's husband and wife are both foreigners, if they enter Jingzhou the first time they will be taken by the government for questioning, they say they are inquiring about the general governor to see if they have met him." I complained, "We, the chief governor of Jingzhou, is really different. We don't enjoy the glory and wealth in Jingzhou, but we prefer to visit the mountains and water!"

Li Kuan smiled awkwardly. He can't say that traveling around the mountains and rivers is to cultivate sentiment, and to see different customs in different places is also a good experience in life. It is better than staying behind closed doors in Jingzhou. .

"Are you clear?" The first thing Li Kuan got in the car, Wu Jue asked what happened in Jingzhou, and Li Kuan said with tears and tears: "This is all because of the disappearance of me, the chief governor of Jingzhou. It was caused by two months, but this kind of martial law is not necessarily a good thing for the people. It caused people to panic, and it also affected the people’s suspicion. Now the whole Jingzhou knows that I am a superintendent who resigns without permission and loves leisurely traveling. The name of the prince!"

Wu Suo covered her mouth and snickered. Li Kuan was to blame for this. She was forced, and she was definitely not willing to disappear for so long without showing up. However, after learning the ins and outs of this matter, Wu Jue also felt that he was a little excited. Even if Gavinda was the chief executive of Jingzhou, the forces he could mobilize were limited, and the forces of Jingzhou City were far beyond his scope of authority. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

These people have three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry. Everyone has a killing intent on their faces, which is the indifference of people who have truly experienced personally on the battlefield. There were too many casualties on the battlefield. They had long ignored life and death, and their only requirement was to obey military orders.

"Then what about this?"

Li Kuan frowned and smiled bitterly: "Cold!"

This is the end of the matter. As the initiator of this matter, he will naturally solve it by himself, otherwise the matter really has no way to end. Li Kuan clearly arranged the affairs of the mansion properly, and the chief governor himself was just suspended from office and had no real power. He disappeared for two months. Li Kuan seemed to be nothing.

After making up his mind, Li Kuan took out the golden mask and put it on. He hadn't worn it for two months, and he was a little uncomfortable for a while. After putting on the golden mask, the whole person became much silent, as if he had changed himself.

Immediately afterwards, Li Kuan drove the carriage to the gate of the city, slowly raised the curtains, and said solemnly, "Tell Gai Shijun and the others that I will arrive in Jiangling City soon, checkpoints and inquiries in various places Let's all withdraw!"

Li Kuan was wearing a golden mask and those people naturally recognized his identity. Even the old man was a little shocked. He rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was right. The man in the carriage was the man who spoke to him before, thinking : "He is the chief governor? I just said he was ill-informed. How can this be good?"

Lao Zhang looked at Li Kuan with some worry, and saw that he didn't intend to pursue his own meaning, so he felt a little relieved. As Li Kuan, as the master, had already appeared, the martial law was naturally lifted, and the news of his return was soon passed to Gavinda and others, and even the Metropolitan Government also received the news. (End of this chapter)