Tang Yun

Chapter 114: Chaos


"There is news from Jingzhou City that the son has entered the city and will arrive in Jiangling City soon!" Li She anxiously reported the news that he had just received. Wang Huai, Zhao Qian, and Qian Wu suddenly stood up when they heard the words, joyful. Madly asked: "Any other news?"

Li She shook his head with a wry smile. He also wanted more news, but he was not in Jingzhou City and could not ask Li Kuan face to face. As for the news of returning from Jingzhou City, it must have been news from Jingzhou Governor's Mansion one after another at this time.

"Old Qian, you and Lao Zhao left for Jingzhou City immediately, and you must tell the son to return to the mansion as soon as possible!" Wang Huai pondered for a moment, and immediately ordered Qian Wu and Zhao Qian to go to Jingzhou together. This shows that this time How much confusion did Li Kuan's disappearance cause

Qian Wu Zheng said: "Old Zhao is not a martial artist. I am afraid that he can't endure his running around the clock. It's better to let Li She, Shi Rui, Li Zhen, and Li Dale go with him. If you encounter something, you can also take care of it and be more timely. Send the news back to Jiangling, and it’s safer to have us by your side."

Zhao Qian didn't argue with Qian Wu this time, because the matter was of great importance, and it was inconvenient for him to take advantage of Qian Wu. Besides, Qian Wu was right. He was very old, and the long-distance running around the clock would not be able to hold down without seeing Li Kuan, and it would affect major events. It would be better to let a few of them go.

Wang Huai thought for a while and nodded in agreement. That night, Qian Wu rode out with the four from the mansion to Jingzhou City.

At the same time, Li Kuan continued to drive back in the carriage, both of them were a little confused, even if they were not in Jingzhou, the impact would not be significant. Originally, Li Kuan was still a little guilty. He thought it was caused by his disappearance for two months. After calming down and thinking about it, something was wrong.

If he had real power in his hands, it would naturally not work if he disappeared for two months. Even if he did not show up for a few days, it would affect the entire Jingzhou. But he didn't have anything, except for the vacant position, which made Li Kuan puzzled.

"Why is this something weird?" Li Kuan truthfully confided in his heart. After Wu Hui heard it, he felt that there were some things that didn't make sense, and even led her to be confused. If you want to know the truth, I am afraid that you will have to return to Jiangling to know everything.

Right now Li Kuan had to hurry up, and the speed of the carriage had also increased a lot. Since there was no hired driver, Li Kuan had to drive the car himself, and he was driving the car on the road, which is a trivial matter.

There is still some distance between Jingzhou City and Jiangling City, but Li Kuan and his party ran into Qian Wu and others on Xiaoban Road. After all, Li Kuan is now wearing a golden mask. It’s easy to get the news. It’s easy to find out. Li She, Li Dal and others feel a little relieved when they see Li Kuan’s safe and sound. Qian Wu shows joy when he sees Li Kuan. And a little annoyed.

As the master of the Metropolitan Governor’s Mansion, he disappeared for two months without telling him, and returned without hurriedly. This made Qian Wu a little bit embarrassed into anger. He immediately screamed at Li Kuan, and Li Kuan did not refute either. Let him scold himself to vent his anger.

Qian Wu scolded for a long time, but Li Kuan didn't say a word, and he accompanied the smiley face the whole time. This made Qian Wu want to continue yelling and couldn't bear to sigh helplessly: "Do you know that the whole Jingzhou was looking for you both during this time? It's all messed up."

Li Kuan smiled and said: "Master, I just went to play for two months. I have left a note to inform in advance. Besides, it is not the first time for this kind of thing. What does it matter? Besides, I am not coming back. That's it!"

Qian Wu was trembling with anger, pointed at Li Kuan's nose, and froze for a long time with nothing to say. Seeing that Qian Wu's anger was almost gone, Li Kuan hurriedly rummaged in the carriage for a long time, and stuffed the prepared gift into Qian Wu's hand. Qian Wu glanced at it and it turned out to be a bug, and was so angry that he almost yelled and gave himself a bug. As a gift, this made Qian Wu depressed even thinking about it.

Seeing Qian Wu's full face of disgust, Li Kuan explained: "Master, don't underestimate these insects, they are precious herbs. The annual output is limited and it is very rare to get them."

"This thing is so magical?" Qian Wu grasped it in his hand and looked left and right, but still couldn't see anything special. It's not just a small bug. How could it be so precious as Li Kuan said. In short, Qian Wu is I don't believe this bug is a herb. New Bayi Chinese website first launches www.(x81zw).comm./x81zw/.com

Wu Jue secretly smirked, she understood why Li Kuan was so magical, and she was forced to helplessly. After all, Qian Wu was his teacher, and it was also caused by the disappearance of the two of them. If it is not magical, Qian Wu will get to the bottom of it, and then they will still be embarrassed.

Li She, Li Dal and others turned their heads, holding back a smile in their hearts, they blushed because they didn't believe that the worm could be a herbal medicine. However, when Qian Wu faced Li Kuan, no matter what Li Kuan did to appear in the cabinet, Li Kuan had a way to resolve it. At the end of the day, Qian Wu would forget what was going on. Instead, he would ask about Li Kuan’s question. What happened in the past two months.

No one knows what kind of temper Qian Wu is. Li Kuan has a way to keep him from getting angry!

Although there are not many herbs such as Cordyceps and Saussurea, they are prepared for Qian Wu, Wang Huai, Zhao Qian, Mrs. Rongguo, including Li She's mother Ai Nur. After all, they are older and really need to make up for themselves.

This was also arranged by Li Kuan on the road. Since the amount was not sufficient, only a part was allocated, and all the rest were put into the warehouse. The preservation conditions of these cordyceps are very harsh, and the climate of Fuzhou is far from that of Jingzhou, so it has to be used as soon as possible to prevent the efficacy of the medicine from disappearing, and prepare more when conditions are available. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

"Old Qian, do you want to send the news back to the mansion?" Li She hesitated for a long time. He didn't want to disturb the conversation between Qian Wu and Li Kuan. Why did you come here in a hurry, and said solemnly: "You and Shi Rui will immediately return to Jiangling and inform Lao Wang and Gai Shijun, saying that the son will arrive in Jiangling soon, so Gai Shijun can relax."

Li She and Shi Rui naturally followed orders and rushed to Jiangling on a fast horse to relay the news.

Li Kuan was a little surprised when he heard this: "Master, what does this matter have to do with Gai Shijun?"

"If it wasn't for you, how could Ambassador Gai be punished by the emperor, and he almost lost his officialdom!" Qian Wu thought of this, but he didn't get angry. He looked at Li Kuan with a little bit of resentment. It's not that he disappeared for so long for no reason and won't make the city full of storms, but if he had something to say at other times, it would be this critical moment.

"It's not that serious!"

Li Kuan smiled awkwardly, Wu Jue was also worried and bowed her head guiltily. She was not as cheeky as Li Kuan. This happened because of them, and the person involved was actually Jingzhou provincial governor. Unexpected. (End of this chapter)