Tang Yun

Chapter 117: Unshirkable responsibility


"reply ASAP!"

Li Dale cautiously drove the carriage, the curtain behind it opened, and Li Kuan's abrupt voice came into his ears. Li Dale turned his face suspiciously to look at a heavy face, not like a joke, and quickly nodded in agreement, and the horse whip in his hand quickly beat the horse back.

As the horse whip waved, the horse was frightened, and after a roar, the horse's hoof stepped on the ground vigorously, speeding up. The speed of running at that moment made Qian Wu and Li Zhen stare at each other. Before they understood what was going on, they saw the carriage quickly leave.

The two immediately glared at their horses, their speed also increased, and they followed!

Before the carriage was not fast, it was a little faster than walking. This was also the time for Qian Wu to signal Li Dale to slow down and give Li Kuan consideration. Under Wu Shuo's consolation and persuasion, Li Kuan had figured it out, and his speed increased.

Qian Wu who came back to his senses followed behind and smiled. He was afraid that Li Kuan would enter Beijing reluctantly. If he didn't go to Chang'an voluntarily, Li Kuan's temperament would surely cause trouble. Now that Qian Wu saw his determination, he would be less worried.

"It's the old Wang who understands people's hearts better! The key to this really lies in her!"

Qian Wu’s speculation on Wang Huai and Wu Hui’s position in Li Kuan’s heart, Wang Huai’s prediction was correct. Qian Wu admired Qian Wu very much. What surprised him most was that Wu Hui made Li Kuan willing to accept and take on it. This responsibility. In fact, Li Shimin ordered Li Kuan to return to Beijing for the crowning ceremony, but there is another inside story, but Qian Wu didn't tell the truth! New Bayi Chinese website debut

After all, Li Kuan's ambitions are well known to all of them, and there are some things that don't need to be explained, as long as they know each other's hearts. Qian Wu mentioned that the current emperor Li Shimin issued an edict to let Li Kuan return to Beijing for the crowning ceremony. He did not explain the whole truth.

Empress Changsun did help a lot, but what really did was the secret letter written by Wang Huai, which he passed back to Beijing in a very special way. If it weren't for this secret letter, Li Shimin was still considering it, but Qian Wu didn't say it clearly, and deliberately concealed it.

Even though Li Kuan's ambition was like this, the three of them had the same idea, and they all hoped that Li Kuan would follow the path arranged by the first emperor Li Yuan. The three of them didn't want Li Kuan to be really willing to be ordinary. If that's the case, wouldn't it be a waste of the first emperor's painstaking arrangements.

The three of them are very loyal to Li Kuan and are very fond of them, as if they treat him as a junior. However, the three of them were even the former officials of the former emperor Li Yuan. Following Li Yuan's decades of master and servant relationship, and several years of courtesy of monarchs and ministers, they were more inclined to Li Yuan's decision!

Since Li Yuan had made arrangements in front of him, and the three of them knew very well about it, naturally they would not let Li Kuan let his own temper. If his wish is fulfilled, the three dozen years of hard work will not be wasted, and Li Yuan's arrangement will be wiped out.

Therefore, the three of them secretly arranged everything under the premise that Li Kuan was no longer in the mansion. Regarding the messenger's arrival, Li Kuan was not known by the emperor in the mansion, including the emperor's anger. These three people were calculated, but they miscalculated the time when Li Kuan and Wu Hui went out to play.

Originally the three of them expected Li Kuan to return when he was in a good mood, the emperor's emissary would also come, so that the time would be just right. Backfired, Li Kuan actually went out to play for two months without any news, which made the three of them a little worried. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

But what worries them most is Li Kuan’s refusal. Qian Wu was arranged to meet with Li Kuan in advance to soothe his emotions and explore his style. Sure enough, things were as expected by Wang Huai, including Wu Hui’s presence in Li Kuan. Position in the mind.

Now Qian Wu knows everything, and he also sees that Wu Jue is very important to Li Kuan. In this case, the three of them will naturally fully support Li Kuan's decision. Since he chose Wu Hui as his wife, the three of them will do everything possible to help make it happen.

Because after Li Kuan performed the crowning ceremony, it was equivalent to the recognition of his prince status, which meant that his marriage could not be the master of his own, and the emperor would definitely find him a marriage at that time. If that is the case, unpleasant things will happen.

Qian Wu secretly calculated that this matter must be discussed again with Wang Huai and Zhao Qian, and the current emperor must also be aware of Li Kuan's decision, and even the marriage was decided by the first emperor. The three of them also knew something about Wu Hui's temperament, and they were definitely not ordinary women.

Although there were some twists and turns in the development of the matter, it did not go wrong in general, and went according to the arrangements of the first emperor Li Yuan. As long as Li Kuan returns to Beijing for the crowning ceremony, the things arranged by Li Yuan will proceed step by step. Perhaps there are things that cannot be controlled and the general direction remains the same.

Because Li Yuan was looking forward to Li Kuan going to the court and expecting him to make contributions, the three of them tried their best to make Li Kuan return to the capital. Only when he returned can there be hope. If he stays in Jingzhou, even if Li Kuan develops well, he will not be able to meet Li Yuan's requirements.

The speed of returning home accelerated, making it possible to arrive at Gangneung City that night.

When the group of them arrived, the city gate was not closed and at the same time torches were lit on the city wall, and there were torches burning in the two rows of the city gate to illuminate everything in front of the city gate, like a dark night. A bright light pointed the way back.

When the carriage stopped, Li Kuan was a little surprised. When he lifted the driving curtain, he saw a crowd of officials waiting for him and the people in his house not far in front. He was also shocked. Wu Jue looked out from the side of the car curtain, also speechless in shock.

At this time, it was not convenient for Wu Jue to get out of the carriage as a woman, and Wu Jue knew that the object of these people was Li Kuan, not himself. Therefore, she did not get out of the carriage, and Li Kuan had to tidy up her clothes, wearing a mask on her face, and get out of the carriage calmly.

When Gavinda and other officials saw Li Kuan really coming back, their frowned brows stretched out, with a relaxed look on their faces; Wang Huai and Zhao Qian breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Li Kuan coming back, and looked at Qian Wu again. The latter winked and nodded at them, and smiles appeared on Wang Huai and Zhao Qian's faces.

"It’s my fault, Li Kuan, who waited here for a long time. I’m sorry to you!" Li Kuan didn’t choose to escape, but faced his own mistakes bravely. He decided to take this responsibility. He bowed and apologized to Gavinda and other officials. Wherever the officials could bear it, they had to hurriedly replied.

Even though Li Kuan, the chief executive officer, is a false name, his identity as a prince is real. Even if the imperial power is not as concentrated as the Ming and Qing dynasties, Li Kuan is still a royal clan, and the king of the word must be treated with courtesy. .

"It's getting late in the world, you guys go back to rest soon, and I will hold a banquet tomorrow to make me apologize to you!"

Li Kuan was ashamed that the mistake he committed involved the entire Jingzhou officials, so he had to host a banquet to entertain them, as if he was apologizing, everyone’s mind instantly thought of the world’s delicious food and wine, no one refused for a while, even Gavinda, Quan Wentan and others also hesitated for a long time and did not refuse. That is to say, Li Kuan hosted a banquet for them, and everyone agreed to it. The matter came to an end when Li Kuan returned. (End of this chapter)