Tang Yun

Chapter 127: Resolutely


"you sure?"

Qian Wu looked at the plan Li Kuan gave him. Although he did not know how to manage a company, if he implemented it according to the content written above, Tianxialou would face the most direct impact, and the interests involved would be huge. consider carefully.

Qian Wu was sure to believe that this was really Li Kuan's approach. In his opinion, rectifying the branch without doing business was like breaking his arm. Such a bold act, looking at the whole world, I am afraid that no one would dare to do it.

The first step of Li Kuan's plan was to suspend the operation of the Jiangling main store. The shopkeeper, the buddies and the eight major chefs personally went to the Tianxialou branch to inspect the business situation, check the accounts on the books, and arrange the staff of the branches in various places.

Step 2: The location of the branch is not in line with the actual local conditions. It is closed and closed immediately. The new address is immediately changed to obtain the largest floating population market. With the help of the previous reputation, it is truly known to everyone, making the branch business to a higher level. .

Step 3: If the shopkeeper of the branch is not doing well or is unwilling to rectify, and the business is poor due to his own reasons, he will directly close the business and stop the cooperation agreement. I would rather break my arm and preserve the reputation of the world. This is a long-term plan.

At first, these people opened a restaurant in the name of Tianxialou. Li Kuan directly signed an agreement with them instead of selecting people from Jiangling Tianxialou stores, so sometimes the actual situation was not ascertained in detail. Over time, some people neglected the operation of the restaurant.

Today, Tianxialou in Jiangling City can make a profit of 100 gold a month. If the business is good, or even a year, it will earn nearly 100,000 gold. It can be seen that Tianxialou's business is booming. Even the government’s restaurant is not as good as Tianxialou. .

The income of the fragrance oil workshop is counted among them. Even if Li Kuan does nothing, he lays at home every day and earns money. Even so, Li Kuan still dare not spend extravagantly, or lead a luxurious life, because he really doesn't have much money to spend.

"A strong man can only develop better if he breaks his wrist. This will not change the deep-rooted thinking. The only way to go is to shut down all the restaurants and leave only one to operate properly. Even if the money is less, at least the reputation will not be bad."

Li Kuan solemnly said, "The most taboo thing in doing business is reputation. The gap between reputation and notoriety is wide. If you can't get the recognition of the local people, how can you go out and let more people know? For example, the store in Chang'an City clearly occupies the right time, the place and the people, but the opposite is true. Choosing a place so close to the imperial city is definitely the most stupid thing to do."

After listening to Li Kuan’s analysis, Qian Wu had to suspect that the head of the shopkeeper of this restaurant was not working well. If the business of other shops would not be too bad, it would be a wine shop. What is needed most is the flow of people, people who come to Kaihuafang. How many are here to eat and drink

What can be guessed by thinking about it with your toes, the shopkeeper of the shop is actually unaware, especially the third floor has been turned into a warehouse for sundries. How can people come in such an environment? If a restaurant wants to operate well, it really cannot be done in a few words, and it must be managed properly.

The plan made by Li Kuan was to solve the current situation as quickly as possible. He had been in Jingzhou before and never noticed this. Now I have time to think about it in my spare time. I only thought about expansion but ignored some important points. In addition, Li Kuan did not move the headquarters of Tianxialou to Chang'an.

There are many inconveniences in Chang'an City, and it takes a lot of effort to take care of it up and down, even the imperial city at the feet of the emperor must always pay attention. Li Kuan's principle is to spread the name of the restaurant even if it does not make money in the branch operation, so that more people will know it.

What he doesn't want is a branch that corrupts the reputation of the restaurant. How can he attract customers to come and consume if the reputation is bad? Qian Wu's doubts are justified. If he does this, the entire world's business will be completely stopped, and Fuzhong's income will be greatly reduced.

"Really sure?" Qian Wu asked for the last time, and Li Kuan replied decisively: "Yes, it must be done!"

Seeing that Li Kuan had made his decision, Qian Wu had to let go of his doubts. He watched Li Kuan walk along the way. The reason why the business of the world is good is because Li Kuan's decision is correct. Therefore, Qian Wu chose to continue to support Li Kuan's decision. In his eyes, Li Kuan was different, and he took a different path from them. Maybe it would really get better by doing this.

With Li Kuan's affirmative answer, Qian Wu immediately left the palace and went straight to Jiangling from the imperial city. The shopkeeper is a little confused. Qian Wu is his boss. He just left a few days ago. Why did he come back suddenly? The shopkeeper Gui, full of doubts, hurriedly met Qian Wu privately, but the latter said nothing, and said straightforwardly what he meant for this visit.

The shopkeeper was also taken aback when he learned that he was a businessman, so he naturally knew what the consequences would be, and he calculated how much money he would lose. I don’t know, I was shocked, I really did not do it in three to five months, which means that there is no source of income for three to five months, and the entire world’s business will be completely stagnated. This is still smooth. Under the circumstances, the unsatisfactory situation has to start at least half a year, and it is indeed a heavy loss. The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese network update: https://ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~Chinese network ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Qian Wu is Li Kuan's spokesperson, and the shopkeeper knows it well, so this decision proves that it was Li Kuan's decision. The shopkeeper naturally complied with this, and immediately suspended the business of Tianxialou, and hurriedly took the eight major chefs to various branches to verify the situation.

Due to the business promotion of the world, the animal husbandry of Xu Laohan has developed very well. This sudden suspension of business also cut off their source of livelihood. However, after the old man Xu and his son got the guarantee from the shopkeeper, both of them were very relieved. This was something Li Kuan specifically explained.

After all, there can be no faults in the source of supply. If you re-search for the source of supply, it will be a delay. However, the brewery is still open. According to Li Kuan's instructions, the brewery's branches have been opened one after another. Fang, other wineries are just for sale.

As Li Kuan left Jingzhou and returned to the capital, the wineries in Chang'an City allowed winemaking. Although Li Kuan doesn't like drinking very much, Chang'an City has the most literati and elegant, and the restaurant's business is not good, so it is better to sell wine for a living instead of sitting in the sky.

Tianxialou is a place of high consumption. Princes, nobles, major officials, etc. dare not blatantly come to consume. Only a few past Huren merchants and other merchants will patronize it. However, the wine shop is completely different. Even ordinary people can buy wine at will. This is already necessary for ordinary people.

This was also decided during Li Kuan's drastic reforms. Although his time in the capital was short, most of the time he spent hanging out outside and saw the most people who were drinking. In this way, the wine shop is more suitable for Chang'an city than the restaurant. (End of this chapter)