Tang Yun

Chapter 128: Bring the United States to Chang'an


Either don't do it, or do your best!

Li Kuan decides to promote the high-quality wine in Chang'an City, and he will devote himself to it. He will not feel relieved until his wine can be spread all over the city of Chang'an. Although Li Kuan was born in Chang'an City, he is not as familiar with it as Zhang Chong and others.

Although it has been more than a month since I came back, I don't really know much about it. The only thing I know is the two places in East and West Market. The east and west cities are well-known commercial areas in Chang'an City, and they are also commercial areas recognized by the government. The east and west cities can be said to be the epitome of the prosperous Chang'an City.

The East and West cities have a dazzling array of shops, such as wine shops, oil shops, cabinets, tea shops, etc. everywhere, Hu businessmen coming and going, hurried businessmen, leisurely people, wealthy businessmen, etc. gather in these two cities. Inside.

It can be said that the prosperity of the East and West Markets is beyond people's imagination, and even the modern pedestrian streets cannot be compared. In the east and west markets, you can really appreciate what is the prosperity of Datang. The east city is closer to the imperial city, so inspections are strict.

In comparison, the West Market is the core area of commerce. There are more Husbands, making the West Market the most hotels, and there are also more foreign merchants. Especially in recent years, the Tang Dynasty has a strong national power and many neighboring countries come to pay tribute. .

The good name is tribute. In fact, he learned the culture, knowledge and technology of the Tang Dynasty. Li Shimin was an enlightened emperor. Regardless of the national strength of the neighboring countries, anyone who is willing to trade with the Tang Dynasty would not refuse to come. This also made the West Market In addition to the prosperity of the country, there is a bit of political atmosphere.

In the West Market, there are more than two hundred business houses such as wine shops, clothing shops, cabinet shops, pharmacies, jewelry shops, iron shops, silk shops, and sensual geisha. Hushang is a unique scenery in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty. Although they are from the Western Regions, or even more distant small countries.

However, Datang adopts an open state policy, and foreigners who are willing to stay in Datang enjoy extremely preferential treatment, first of all, taxation and corvee. According to the order of military morality issued by Emperor Li Yuan of the Tang Dynasty: "Those who are attached to Fanhu will have ten texts for the tax on the upper family, and five texts for the second family.

In short, foreigners staying in Datang to live and live in Datang, except for living well and need to pay taxes, all others are pardoned, that is to say, even for corvee, etc., this is absolutely fatal for foreigners.

The prosperity of Datang made them linger, and some even fully integrated into the lives of local people, as if they were part of the people of Datang. Li Kuan has been making unannounced visits in the West City these days, looking for suitable shops to open a wine shop, specializing in selling wine for a living.

Because Li Kuan wore a golden mask that was too eye-catching, he had to remove it when he left the house, showing his true face, walking back and forth among the streets and alleys of West City, looking for the most suitable shop. After several days of observation, Li Kuan found that the West Market has the most wine shops, with more than 50 wine shops, and the prices of the wine shops in each shop are not the same. If it is some old brands or higher quality, the price will be higher.

Wu Jue was also picked up by Li Kuan these few days. His main focus was on the West Market. The shops in the West Market were too big. He had to observe slowly. The power of one person was always limited and he had to find someone. Help, the only person who thinks of is Wu Shuo.

As soon as the two can travel around the West Market, if they meet something they like, they can buy it as a gift and give it away, that is, both official and private matters are not missed. Wu Jue was also shocked by the prosperity of Chang'an City. She never got lost in Jiangling City, and she could find her way back even with her eyes closed.

However, she was actually lost in the West Market. If Li Kuan didn't remember the route, she would be really lost. The West Market occupies a full half square, and it is bustling with people. Although the East and West Markets have eight gates for people to enter and exit, there are too many people.

Wu Hui’s attention was all attracted by the prosperity here, and he was dumbfounded. Li Kuan looked at Wu Hui with a smile. He could understand the shock in Wu Hui’s heart. When Li Kuan came for the first time, he was also affected by the situation in front of him. Frightened.

"Is there a feeling of going back to the modern age?"

Wu Shuo nodded, she really had the illusion of returning to the past. Unfortunately, Chang'an had a curfew. She couldn't understand whether Chang'an was so prosperous at night, and then Wu Hui was like a child. , I wandered around here and around with excitement, and Li Kuan was there with a smile on his face.

Although there is no movie theater, no clothing store or electronic products, it still attracts Wu Shuo's attention. No matter what era he is in, Wu Hui's greatest hobby is shopping. Even if he doesn't buy anything, he is happy all day, as if he was beaten in blood.

Li Kuan was by his side, and went to the ceramic shop for a while, then went to the tea shop, and then went to the cakes and snack bars of the Tang Dynasty. He also bought some snacks during the period. While eating while continuing to stroll, Li Kuan followed him patiently like a stalker.

When they are tired from strolling around, there is a pavilion to enjoy the shade, and they can also go to the tea house to drink tea; when they are hungry, they eat directly at a nearby restaurant, this kind of life has been out of life for too long, and finally they have the opportunity to go shopping naturally. .

"Are you tired?" As the sun sets in the west, the evening is approaching, and the shops are closing one after another. Li Kuan looked at the reluctant Wu Jue and said softly: "If you don't leave again, it will be really late!"

"Not tired!"

Wu Hui has been shopping for a day, and when he is hungry, he buys some food mats to cushion his stomach. The stomach is bulging all day long, without the slightest feeling of hunger. Do you want to say you are tired? Wu Jue didn’t really feel it, but on the contrary, she wanted to go on shopping. If it weren’t for Li Kuan, then she reluctantly got into the carriage and went back home, but her eyes betrayed Wu Jue’s true thoughts. She still wants to continue!

Li Kuan hugged Wu Shuo and said, "Let's continue tomorrow!"

Suddenly, Wu Jue's spirit came, his eyes narrowed like a seam, and his mind was full of strange and funny gadgets. There was no shadow of Li Kuan in her eyes. The latter shook her head with a wry smile and thought to herself, "Women's favorite is shopping!"

Wu Shuo was about to arrive at the mansion before remembering the purpose of coming out today, blushing a little embarrassed, Li Kuan guessed what she was thinking, and said comfortingly: "Don't worry about this matter, wait until you have enough fun to talk about it!"

"Nice to have you!"

With a smile on Wu Jue's face, he quickly kissed Li Kuan on the cheek, and before the latter could react, he quickly got out of the carriage and headed back to the house. Li Kuan was stunned for a moment and followed, watching Wu Hui, who was lightly paced, returning home happily. Li Kuan smiled and shook his head until the door was closed and then he took the carriage back home.

Not to mention that Wu Hui had forgotten, even Li Kuan himself didn't think of it, but these were nothing compared to Wu Hui's smile. If it hadn't been for the curfew in Chang'an City, perhaps Li Kuan hadn't really planned to separate from Wu Hui so early. (End of this chapter)