Tang Yun

Chapter 13: Teach students in accordance with their aptitude


"King Chu, you are wrong again! The next sentence is'The vastness of Han, you can't think about swimming; the Yongzhi of Jiang, you can't think about it.'" Grandpa Zhao took the next sentence without thinking, and continued: "These two The sentence just followed the sentence, “There are arbor in the south, so you can’t stop thinking; in Han, there is a wandering girl, so you can’t think about it.'”

Li Kuanmune nodded his head. These ancient poems were troublesome. The first day I recited was the Zhounan chapter of "The Book of Songs", and what Zhao Gongxin said was the "Hanguang" in this chapter. , Reciting books is not what he is best at, but his grandfather Li Yuan has a handwritten instruction, and Li Kuan has to follow it.

The whole "Book of Songs" is written in regular script, so it can be read out in a catchy manner. If some characters are not known, Mr. Zhao will also give pointers in time. It will be no problem to read it out. It will be a big problem for him to recite the last sentence. Beginning with the next sentence, remembering the middle but not remembering the end, in short, it takes a day to memorize each chapter to fully memorize it.

"The Book of Songs" is only one of the thirteen sutras. Thinking that there are twelve similar difficulties waiting for him in the future, Li Kuan wants to give up and not recite it. Grandpa Zhao is very humble and polite to anyone, and he doesn't care about anything, except that he is very strict in reading. As long as Li Kuan is wrong, he will repeat it aloud a hundred times.

If it is to play the board, Li Kuan has long been accustomed to being rough and thick, but Zhao Gonggong does not like this method of teaching, and uses elegant means to let Li Kuan learn. In the last resort, he can only obediently do it, and he can't be stubborn. The stubborn father-in-law Zhao.

Now that I have been studying for half a month, I just have not finished memorizing the "Book of Songs·Guofeng·Zhou Nan". Li Kuan is embarrassed at such a speed. Grandpa Zhao is indeed a good teacher. Not only did he not beat and scold, but he was Continuously encourage and follow Li Kuan's rhythm to teach.

Grandpa Zhao explained each article with his own unique insights. Li Kuan listened with great gusto, but he remembered all the insights verbatim, but the article was memorable in a mess, and he had to remind him to make it smooth every time. Recite it.

For half a month, Li Yuan has never set foot in the Hall of Renzheng. Li Kuan has all his daily work and rest in this Hall, and even deprived him of playing time. He has dealt with books almost every day. In doing this, Li Yuan also made a lot of determination. He hoped that Li Kuan could become a useful talent in the future and how to participate in national affairs if he does not study.

Zhao Gonggong's love for books has reached an obsessive state, and he does not release the scrolls all the time. On the contrary, Li Kuan's scalp numb as he watched the pile of books, and he felt a little tired before he knew it. Every time he had to study until late at night, sometimes he fell asleep directly on the bookcase when he was tired, and father-in-law Zhao would carefully cover him with a thin silk quilt every time.

"Lao Zhao, the Supreme Emperor wants you to come over!" The prince came late at night and saw that Li Kuan had fallen asleep. He had to lower his voice if he couldn't speak loudly. He also saw that Father Zhao had no reaction, he was fascinated by the book while still holding a book in his hand. He didn't pat lightly to make Grandpa Zhao come back to his senses, so he had to repeat what he said before. The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https:// www.@x81zw @@.com/

Seeing that the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan summoned him, he even forgot to put down the book. He hurriedly followed the Prince to go out, glanced at the sleeping Li Kuan, and gently closed the door. The two passed through the east gate and walked quickly towards the Da'an Temple where Li Yuan lived.

In accordance with the rules of the palace, the prince enters the Da'an Hall first, and reports: "The Emperor, the old Zhao is waiting outside the hall!"

"Now there are only a few of us here, and there are no outsiders. There is no need to be so restrained. From now on, these etiquettes will be exempted!"

Li Yuan saw that the prince still acted in accordance with the rules in the palace, his face was a little unpleasant, and he directly decided that he would not be polite in the future, just like ordinary people. The prince nodded and said yes and let Zhao Gonggong enter the hall. Li Yuan saw him hurriedly coming Before he could put down the book in his hand, he laughed blankly: "Old Zhao is still the same as before, no change at all!"

Duke Zhao embarrassedly hid the book in his arms, and Duke Wang also agreed with a smile: "This kind of old Zhao is the one I knew before."

"Does the Taishang summon the old slave want to ask about the situation of King Chu?" Gonggong Zhao stared at the prince who had fallen into the pit, saw Li Yuan nodding, and then said: "The king of Chu is talented and smart, but the old slave thinks it is a little bit to endorse him Embarrassed!"

"How do you say this?" Li Yuan asked curiously.

"I have been studying the "Book of Songs" during this period, except for a few words that the king of Chu didn't know, but others."

I didn’t say anything later, Li Yuan also naturally understood what Zhao Gonggong meant. Reading a literacy book is normal, but Li Kuan is only eight years old at his age. Reading the Book of Songs is not a problem. This is definitely due to talent. You must know that royal descendants read One or two years earlier than ordinary people, he started reading and literacy at the age of four. When Li Kuan drowned and fell the root of his illness when he was six years old, Li Yuan allowed him not to go to school to study. After that, he stayed with him and never taught him. He, the only thing that counts is that Sun Simiao taught some pharmacological knowledge and left him medical skills and golden needles, and no one else could teach him.

Even the prince Li Chengqian and Han Wang Li Ke did not do it, but Li Kuan could do it, and Zhao Gonggong also mentioned that he knew the characters in other books. As long as it was not in scripts such as official script and Xiaozhuan, Li Yuan was even more surprised. , I remembered that I saw the article written by Li Kuan yesterday. The character was not literate at all, and I didn't say it crookedly. The more I looked behind him, the more I saw Li Yuan's anger.

"No one is perfect!" Grandpa Zhao smiled awkwardly. He also knew that Li Kuan's words really couldn't be read. If it was really embarrassing to say it, but Li Kuan couldn't correct it for a while, and Grandpa Zhao had to follow along. Gradually teach, let it correct a little bit.

The more Li Yuan thought that Li Kuan's writing could not be ugly anymore, he was inexplicably angry, and finally calmed down, and continued to ask: "Lao Zhao, you said that Kuan'er was embarrassed to endorse just now, so what's the explanation? "

Grandpa Zhao bit his head to answer truthfully, and gave a few examples. Li Yuan was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that his grandson was such a wonderful work. He remembered his opinions clearly, but the text was memorized intermittently, which made him dumbfounded.

"Then what do you say?"

"Based on the old slave's suggestion, it would be more appropriate not to let King Chu endorse!" Duke Zhao thought for a moment, and said: "Since King Chu can understand the meaning, it is more important than endorsement. It is better to change it and let him understand the meaning. Explain clearly, on the one hand, it can reduce the time wasted in endorsement, and on the other hand, it can also reduce the pressure on the king of Chu."

Li Yuan hesitated. His original intention was to let Li Kuanduo study to be a useful talent. Reading the book was to endorse the book. If he gave up, it would mean putting the cart before the horse. He really had trouble making a decision. At this time, the prince said: "The old slave just went to the Hall of Renzheng and saw that the king of Chu fell asleep directly on the book table with exhaustion. It seemed that he was really tired, and I am afraid that the body of the king of Chu will not be able to bear it in the long run! "

"Then do as you said!"

Li Yuan, who was still hesitating, made the decision immediately. The Prince knew his thoughts well. These days, if you don’t look at Li Kuan, you know that if he sees it, he will not bear it. Therefore, the Prince interrupted to make Li Yuan feel at ease. . (End of this chapter)