Tang Yun

Chapter 131: Immortal in wine


Li Kuan in the palace didn't know that Li Shimin was once again upset about his own affairs, nor did he know that because of himself, the four of Yang's mother and daughter were given a brand-new mansion. At this moment, Li Kuan was immersed in his business plan.

Although Li Kuan, who has no financial resources, will not worry about money matters, he feels that living in the Tang Dynasty is not easy to have a chance to show off his skills, how can he waste his time in vain. Since the restaurant is temporarily unavailable, open a restaurant.

The wine shop has been opened for more than half a month, and the business has been decided after he and Wu Jue have discussed it. The opposite is true, and the wine with a price tag is placed outside the shop. As for whether it is worth the price, it is not what he said, but what the customer said.

After about ten days of implementation, the situation in the store has changed slightly, and it is limited to a little bit, basically at a break-even point. If you dig out the guy's wages, the wine shop will still lose money, and sooner or later it will face the crisis of closing.

Born in sorrow, die in happiness!

Li Kuan knows this truth well. He deliberately stays home for three days and has been thinking about how to cater to the customs of the people of the Tang Dynasty, especially drinking alcohol. Through the words of Wang Huai, Qian Wu, and Zhao Qian, Li Kuan knew that drinking at this time was very different from modern times.

In modern times, drinking is mostly for socializing, and it is not in a fair position, which makes drinking and drinking only business; in the Tang Dynasty, drinking is mostly when friends invite or drink alone, which is in line with modern habits. Very different.

In addition, the literati in the Tang Dynasty was a lover of wine. Anyone who has a little pen and ink can drink. The amount of alcohol is no worse than that of a general, and even better than that of a soldier of military background. Because drinking is not allowed in the military, this is also the most important rule in the Tang military law. You can only drink alcohol unless it is an extremely special situation. Every time you drink alcohol, you must be drunk.

Because it is rare to drink in the military, the literati are just the opposite. They control their time on their own. When they want to drink, they call a few friends to gather together. They have wine and food to feast on, so that the literati is not bad enough to drink. Moreover, in the Tang Dynasty, except for being alone, everyone likes to play "drinking orders" to make boring drinking become lively.

In response to this habit, Li Kuan decided to formulate a set of detailed game rules, which are simply competitions! New Bayi Chinese website first released https://https://

Literati is a scholar, but everyone will have impulsive desires in their hearts. It is better to meet friends with a drink, which not only enhances the reputation of your own wine shop, but also completely makes you famous, so that everyone knows that their wine is not a waste of name. .

On the fourth day, Li Kuan hurried out of the mansion, Leng Feng followed closely, and all the others stayed in the mansion on standby.

Leng Feng was named by Li Kuan to let him accompany him. Before this matter was relieved, he followed out of the house in a daze. Leng Feng didn't know why Li Kuan allowed himself to follow. Before they wanted to follow, they were rejected. Now Li Kuan unexpectedly mentioned it, but it made everyone feel that the sun was coming out from the west.

"You passed this to the shopkeeper, remember not to be found by anyone."

Leng Feng took the letter handed over by Li Kuan in surprise. Without saying anything or asking what it was, he quietly entered the wine shop, looking for an opportunity and finally handed over the letter. The shopkeeper saw that Leng Feng was a fresh face, and thought it was. The guest received him enthusiastically, but he didn’t expect that after entering the store, Leng Feng still had a cold face, without the slightest smile on his face. This made the shopkeeper bewildered: "Where is this great god? Is it the former enemy or something else? Annoyed him?"

The shopkeeper wondered about Leng Feng's intentions. While he lowered his head and meditated, Leng Feng looked around and saw that no one was coming, and then quietly took out the letter, stood up and left without explaining anything. The shopkeeper felt baffled, but when he saw the letters on the table and looked at Leng Feng's back, he quickly collected the letters, and then continued to sell the wine from his own restaurant as if there was nothing wrong with him.

Leng Feng left the shop, and then took a circle around and concluded that no one was following him before returning to the place where Li Kuan was. He said, "My son, the mission is complete!"

Li Kuan smiled and nodded and replied, "I will laugh more in the future. Don't be sullen all day like crying. It's better to laugh more!"

Leng Feng didn't know how to answer. In fact, Li Kuan didn't say anything in his eyes for Leng Feng's performance after entering the store. That's why he came out with Leng Feng, if he couldn't show up, he wouldn't have to be so troublesome, it would be better to direct himself.

That night, after the shopkeeper returned home, he couldn't wait to open the letter and saw the familiar handwriting on it. He looked at it carefully, and after memorizing all the contents over and over again, he burned the letter again, leaving no trace.

Until now, he didn't know who was behind the scenes, he only knew that a different person would send him a letter every time. Although he had never seen the owner, he knew that the identity of the owner was by no means an ordinary person, or how could it be so mysterious.

The next day, the shopkeeper returned to the store as soon as the curfew ended and started arranging activities. Because in the capital, some large-scale activities must be approved by the government, otherwise they will be arrested by the government officials and charged with disturbing order.

Li Kuan is not very familiar with capital matters, so naturally he is not clear about this rule. When he came to check it quietly, the shopkeeper of the wine shop was not there. Instead, the staff greeted the customers in the shop, which made him a little angry. Otherwise, Qian Wu explained that he was afraid that Li Kuan would ask the teacher.

The shopkeeper was busy working all morning before getting the official approval, which can be posted on the wall in an open manner so that more people can see it. If you don’t get the approval, the shopkeeper can only yell in your own store. It’s better if there are so many people. However, there are so many people coming and going at the door of the store, which is far from enough to expand the publicity.

Li Kuan praised the shopkeeper's changes in response to local conditions. Such a person's executive power need not be said. By looking at the results, you will know how many people came to the wine shop by the competition. Because Li Kuan has given this competition a resounding title, the winner can get the reputation of "Wine Fairy", and the rewards are also very rich. 30 jars of aged wines are given for free, and a reward of 100 taels can also be obtained.

It can be said that Li Kuan definitely made the blood in order to become famous, and such activities are fatal to those who are curious. Hundred taels is nothing to princes and nobles, but it is definitely a very high price for those who are literati and elegant.

The wine shop is the venue for this competition. What is unexpected is that there are too many people who signed up, far exceeding the scale of the wine shop. If all the people who signed up are gathered together, the land of the West City will not be able to accommodate this. But I was worried about the shopkeeper, secretly worried, thinking that the owner would solve it as soon as possible after knowing it, otherwise the event would be cancelled, not only did not make a name for it, on the contrary, it would make the wine shop notorious. 噺⒏⑴The full text of the article is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/ (End of this chapter)